Will people regain their sanity after Trump leaves office?

If only Ted Cruz's dad hadn't killed Kennedy...(*sigh*)
Did people regain their sanity once Obama left office?

There's your answer.
Are you implying that Obama had the same hysterical level of resistance and hatred that Trump has dealt with since his very first day in office? Is that what you are saying?
Go find what the AH McConnell said about Obama and find me one dem saying they were going to make trump a 1 term president Now of course since his paling up with russia and saudis some can't wait till he slithers out
I've actually had several parroting rubes try to claim in recent days that Obama had it easier at the beginning of his presidency than Trump has.

I kid you not.

Some propagandist is feeding these tards this shit, and they parrot it without ever engaging a single brain cell in critical thinking.

I remember the beginning of Obama's term in office. I remember his Immaculation, and the great jubilation of millions of Americans who thought their ship had come in. I remember how fawning the media was over him, asking him how enchanted he was with the Presidency.

I remember how he moved his atrocities through Congress easily, with no push back from the Media at all for the Porkulus, for Obamacare, etc.
Did people regain their sanity once Obama left office?

There's your answer.
Are you implying that Obama had the same hysterical level of resistance and hatred that Trump has dealt with since his very first day in office? Is that what you are saying?
Go find what the AH McConnell said about Obama and find me one dem saying they were going to make trump a 1 term president Now of course since his paling up with russia and saudis some can't wait till he slithers out

I've heard numerous democrats call for President Trump to be impeached before he even took the oath of office, ed.

Maxine Fucking Waters, example given.
WE never acted like the dems after Obama was elected...they are laying new ground...their behavior will be written about....their lack of maturity will be considered epic....

No, not at all......

"Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya with a fake birth certificate and his wife is a tranny!!!"

You guys were totally sane.
I've actually had several parroting rubes try to claim in recent days that Obama had it easier at the beginning of his presidency than Trump has.

I kid you not.

Some propagandist is feeding these tards this shit, and they parrot it without ever engaging a single brain cell in critical thinking.

I remember the beginning of Obama's term in office. I remember his Immaculation, and the great jubilation of millions of Americans who thought their ship had come in. I remember how fawning the media was over him, asking him how enchanted he was with the Presidency.

I remember how he moved his atrocities through Congress easily, with no push back from the Media at all for the Porkulus, for Obamacare, etc.

I also remember how Obie surrounded the stage with Roman columns...imagine if Trump had done that. Sheesh..
The anti-Trump hysteria experienced by so many people in this country is reminiscent of the panic caused by Orson Welles' Halloween radio broadcast of The War of the Worlds in 1938. After it became evident that Martians has not actually landed on Earth, those affected seemed able to resume their daily lives without permanent psychiatric damage (other than embarrassment).

My question is, once President Trump leaves office (and the sky hasn't fallen), will those suffering from TDS be able to recover from their emotional dysphoria, or will it become a permanent condition?
Don't like this President wait for the next one in 6 years.
Well we didn't sick Mueller on Obama to try and get him removed....
The alt-left will never accept anything short of Communism. For them, the fight will never end until all are subjugated.

I raised the premise of a two tier healthcare system with more than one person in Canada and I sensed they wanted to shoot me or have me thrown from an airplane. This is the evolution of a dependent state, few intelligent enough (or unconcerned) with what such an outcome would mean for individuals, few willing to entertain differing views, they figure they have it sorted out, or at least the government has as they meekly go about their existence.

The GOP will demand more of their leaders going forward once Trump completes his second term, the left will demand more "progressives" to offset the American First logic that the GOP will be forced to bring, even post Trump.
I strongly suggest that the GOP brings in another ball buster I will vote and send money...A CEO type will do.
Democrats won't stop until the United States is completely destroyed or they are.

Robert Heinlein called these the crazy years. He was right.
WE never acted like the dems after Obama was elected...they are laying new ground...their behavior will be written about....their lack of maturity will be considered epic....

No, not at all......

"Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya with a fake birth certificate and his wife is a tranny!!!"

You guys were totally sane.

Obama's putative father, B Hussein O Sr. , was a Devout Muslim. According to Sharia Law,that makes Obama a Muslim. In Indonesia, he attended a madrassa and his official school records at Catholic school listed him as a muslim.

Obama's literary agents said he was born in Kenya- apparently to sell books- but certainly a claim worth exploring.

There is NOTHING WRONG with transgendered individuals. I have no idea if Michelle was born as a male or a female. Why is this important to transphobic libs.
People still bring up Bill Clinton in about 20 threads a day
Only because he and his fat wife can't stay off the stage....have them go home and bake cookies and we will stop talking about them....

In every Trump topic, one of you blubbers, "B-b-b-b-b-b-but Hillary!" or "B-b-b-b-b-but Obama!"

You can't stop yourselves.

As I said at the top of this topic. Did people regain their sanity after Obama left office?

Tell them to go home and we will stop talking about them....
We both know they could be dead five years, and you'll still be blubbering, "B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Obama" or "B-b-b-b-b-b-but Clinton!" in every topic about a Republican behaving badly.

You can't help yourself. That's the nature of your insanity.
You've forgotten about the 8 years of "B-b-b-b-b-but Bush!"?
Ed, your team will be no better. With you it's always the repubs...repubs.....repubs.
Look at your own stable.
Never really cared for any politician Maybe JFK but when I see crap like gwb {yeah I voted for him in 2000,} and this low life trump, it turns my stomach , and comparing him with obama is a joke Obama had empathy humility a sense of humor a great way of speaking all things trump is missing
Cool story, but, there are about half of Americans that would disagree with you on your assessment of Obama.

Cool story, but, there are about half of Americans that would disagree with you on your assessment of Obama.
I think if republicans really used their heads and realized he was handed a great recession ,a great job losing situation ,AND was bashed by the republican leader McConnell , they might have a better opinion of a great man, a great husband, a great father, and a very fine president
I've actually had several parroting rubes try to claim in recent days that Obama had it easier at the beginning of his presidency than Trump has.

I kid you not.

Some propagandist is feeding these tards this shit, and they parrot it without ever engaging a single brain cell in critical thinking.
There also are some "tards" who would never give Trump any credit whatsoever, g? Are you one of them?
Did people regain their sanity once Obama left office?

There's your answer.
Republicans won't regain their sanity They like supporting the lowest pos in town ,so they'll look for another piece of crap
Ed, your team will be no better. With you it's always the repubs...repubs.....repubs.
Look at your own stable.
Never really cared for any politician Maybe JFK but when I see crap like gwb {yeah I voted for him in 2000,} and this low life trump, it turns my stomach , and comparing him with obama is a joke Obama had empathy humility a sense of humor a great way of speaking all things trump is missing
Cool story, but, there are about half of Americans that would disagree with you on your assessment of Obama.
I think a little less than half and what % of them just didn't like a black man running their gov't? 5% 10% ? imho Obama was a good man with a good head on his shoulders while trump throughout his life was and is a con man
Racism runs both ways, Ed.
Again, with you, it's always repubs, repubs, repubs
Ed, your team will be no better. With you it's always the repubs...repubs.....repubs.
Look at your own stable.
Never really cared for any politician Maybe JFK but when I see crap like gwb {yeah I voted for him in 2000,} and this low life trump, it turns my stomach , and comparing him with obama is a joke Obama had empathy humility a sense of humor a great way of speaking all things trump is missing
Cool story, but, there are about half of Americans that would disagree with you on your assessment of Obama.

Cool story, but, there are about half of Americans that would disagree with you on your assessment of Obama.
I think if republicans really used their heads and realized he was handed a great recession ,a great job losing situation ,AND was bashed by the republican leader McConnell , they might have a better opinion of a great man, a great husband, a great father, and a very fine president
I've actually had several parroting rubes try to claim in recent days that Obama had it easier at the beginning of his presidency than Trump has.

I kid you not.

Some propagandist is feeding these tards this shit, and they parrot it without ever engaging a single brain cell in critical thinking.

As usual, you dodge the direct question with the usual deflections and "TrumpTards are stooopid". Let me help you out. Obama had an 8 year honeymoon Presidency even though he and his administration engaged in multiple corrupt and anti-American activities. There was no "Obama resistance". Just a very justified rejection of his pro-Muslim anti-American policies.

I realize you can't come to grips with the fact that people every bit as intelligent as you despise Obama and support Trump all for the right reasons. So by all means keep stroking your "TrumpTards are stooopid" security blankeee. :sleep:

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