Will President Donald Trump nominate Judge Judy?



One reality star nominating another reality star? Seems as likely as Trump becoming president.

Republicans have already said they will do everything they can to work against this president in selecting a judge. Just like they did before he was sworn in the first time. I would guess they hate him more than they love America.

So let's recap. The GOP's approval rating is around 30%.
The House and Senate GOP's approval rating is around 9%.
President Obama's approval rating is around 49%.

With Republicans giving Obama an approval rating close to single digits, everyone else must be giving him stellar ratings for him to be at 49%.

So once again, Republicans poke minority Americans in the eye.
Voter Suppression.
Calling different minorities unfavorable names, the most recent being Hispanics who, apparently are rapists.
Scalia called gays "flag poll sitters". Wow, how unbiased.
And of course, blacks live on a plantation and were better off as.....well.....you know. We heard it under that patriotic right wing American hero, Bundy.

So how do you think the American electorate will take those new announcement from the GOP?
It would be ridiculous to expect anything else from the reprehensible partisan right.

And it would be refreshing to hear a republican acknowledge the fact that the president is authorized to appoint a new Supreme Court justice, that Senate republicans blocking the nomination for purely partisan reasons is unwarranted and without merit, and that the people expect both the president and Senate to do their respective jobs and not leave vacant a Supreme Court appointment for such a long period of time.
Judge Judy would probably do a better job than the liberal half of the judges currently on the surpreme court.
One reality star nominating another reality star? Seems as likely as Trump becoming president.

Republicans have already said they will do everything they can to work against this president in selecting a judge. Just like they did before he was sworn in the first time. I would guess they hate him more than they love America.

So let's recap. The GOP's approval rating is around 30%.
The House and Senate GOP's approval rating is around 9%.
President Obama's approval rating is around 49%.

With Republicans giving Obama an approval rating close to single digits, everyone else must be giving him stellar ratings for him to be at 49%.

So once again, Republicans poke minority Americans in the eye.
Voter Suppression.
Calling different minorities unfavorable names, the most recent being Hispanics who, apparently are rapists.
Scalia called gays "flag poll sitters". Wow, how unbiased.
And of course, blacks live on a plantation and were better off as.....well.....you know. We heard it under that patriotic right wing American hero, Bundy.

So how do you think the American electorate will take those new announcement from the GOP?

According to most liberal educated college kids she is already a Supreme court judge

Judge Judy Is a Supreme Court Justice, According to Some College Grads

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