Will president Trump's jackbooted thugs go door to door searching for illegals?

No most companies, i.e. corporations, are not responsible for the actions of its employees on the job. I'm beginning to think you have no experience in business let alone economics or immigration matters.

Lol. YES they are. You cannot be serious! :lol:
NO, Corporations are not responsible for the actions of their employees. IFCO senior managers plead guilty to unlawful employment of illegal aliens
Tyson Foods Acquitted Of Illegal Hiring

IF the personnel goes AGAINST a company policy, then perhaps, but that is very "iffy" ground and an entirely different situation. The company is still responsible for safeguarding.
Safeguarding is different all together, the employer, corporation or whatever is responsible if the employee were to be in an accident or cause damage, etc. If the HR department goes outside the guidelines then how can you hold the company itself responsible?

This is like saying that if your company does drug testing, and you do drugs and kill somebody while on the job, the company is not going to be sued. That is incorrect. Those CEOs of Tyson were LUCKY or they knew someone with clout, which wouldn't be surprising with a HUGE company like Tyson.
Tyson did exactly what I said, collected the required I-9 information from the employee, they did what the law mandates them to do, the IRS screwed the pooch on that, not Tyson. Again, if E-verify were mandated a large corporation like this wouldn't have been in this predicament, as the forged documents wouldn't pass, immediately being rejected by the system.
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Lol. YES they are. You cannot be serious! :lol:
NO, Corporations are not responsible for the actions of their employees. IFCO senior managers plead guilty to unlawful employment of illegal aliens
Tyson Foods Acquitted Of Illegal Hiring

IF the personnel goes AGAINST a company policy, then perhaps, but that is very "iffy" ground and an entirely different situation. The company is still responsible for safeguarding.
Safeguarding is different all together, the employer, corporation or whatever is responsible if the employee were to be in an accident or cause damage, etc. If the HR department goes outside the guidelines then how can you hold the company itself responsible?

This is like saying that if your company does drug testing, and you do drugs and kill somebody while on the job, the company is not going to be sued. That is incorrect. Those CEOs of Tyson were LUCKY or they knew someone with clout, which wouldn't be surprising with a HUGE company like Tyson.
Tyson did exactly what I said, collected the required I-9 information from the employee, they did what the law mandates them to do, the IRS screwed the pooch on that, not Tyson. Again, if E-verify were mandated a large corporation like this wouldn't have been in this predicament, as the forged documents wouldn't pass immediately being rejected by the system.

Okay, I agree with that, but we were talking about companies that knowingly hire illegals and how the punishments are not harsh enough to deter them from doing so.
Temp agency would ALSO get in trouble, but so would the hiring company.
Nope, neither would unless they knowingly hire illegals. If the illegal presents the required I-9 documentation, then the company is off the hook, unless the company fails to send in the I-9 documentation within 30 days, which could take up to 9 months to receive back from the IRS to determine the eligibility of the worker. E-verify makes it immediate during the hiring process and if the documents come back as fraudulent or stolen then the person should be denied the job.

You are completely missing the point. We were talking about employers who knowingly hire illegals under the table to boost their profit margin, weren't we? E Verify is going to do nothing in that situation, right? Those employees are NOT on the books. Construction and landscape companies are infamous for this.
They were brought up, and yes the Construction Industry and Green Industry are infamous for hiring off the books, which is why I stated IRS needed to audit more companies, previously.

They need to make it so that it is not worth it for the company to hire illegals. Currently, obviously, the penalties against employers for doing so are not harsh enough.
I agree, provided they are shown to have knowingly hired the illegals. E-verify would stop the hiring via large companies such as Tyson, the issue then becomes the small owner operator companies and employment agencies.
No most companies, i.e. corporations, are not responsible for the actions of its employees on the job. I'm beginning to think you have no experience in business let alone economics or immigration matters.

Lol. YES they are. You cannot be serious! :lol:
NO, Corporations are not responsible for the actions of their employees. IFCO senior managers plead guilty to unlawful employment of illegal aliens
Tyson Foods Acquitted Of Illegal Hiring

IF the personnel goes AGAINST a company policy, then perhaps, but that is very "iffy" ground and an entirely different situation. The company is still responsible for safeguarding.
Safeguarding is different all together, the employer, corporation or whatever is responsible if the employee were to be in an accident or cause damage, etc. If the HR department goes outside the guidelines then how can you hold the company itself responsible?

Because employees are representatives of the company. The company is responsible for making sure these things are NOT going on. If you have employees working for you that do not speak or understand English???? You know damn well the chances are good that they are illegal. Pleading "ignorance" is only going to get you so far unless you are a well connected company, which Tyson probably is.
There are many legal immigrants that come here and don't speak English, how do you determine if they are legal or illegal without stereotyping? Which is why it is usually those of their own ethnicity that hire the illegals under the table or forge documents for them as was the case of another HR department of a large corporation, to which those in the HR were held accountable for and not the company itself.
If Tyson HAD gotten into a lot of trouble, you can bet they would make SURE it doesn't happen again!
I'm pretty sure they are already making sure it doesn't happen again, the publicity wasn't good for them the first time.

Look to the Swift Raids, the largest workplace immigration raid in U.S. history.
Swift raids - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The good thing out of it was all the job openings that came about, where there was a very long line of people willing to take the place of the illegals no longer there. Legal employees going back to work, which is what they/we need.
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The thugs are from the left, per usual.

You're a trumpster??? I must say, I'm quite surprised by that! Lol.
No. Will president Trump's jackbooted thugs go door to door searching for illegals?
Cruz has stated pretty much the same thing. Rubio wants to still give them amnesty once it is "proven" to the public that illegal entry and visa overstays are under control.
I'll vote for whichever of Trump or Cruz is the nominee. At this point in time it doesn't look good for Cruz.
The thugs are from the left, per usual.

You're a trumpster??? I must say, I'm quite surprised by that! Lol.
No. Will president Trump's jackbooted thugs go door to door searching for illegals?
Cruz has stated pretty much the same thing. Rubio wants to still give them amnesty once it is "proven" to the public that illegal entry and visa overstays are under control.
I'll vote for whichever of Trump or Cruz is the nominee. At this point in time it doesn't look good for Cruz.

I was asking Unkotare. :)
this op should seek some help. they are losing it. go look at their other threads.

this thread title is disgusting from someone who claims to be an American.
Why would he overcome it? It is what Bush did and what Obama does.

You may have overlooked the fact that every one of these people has to be found guilty in a court of law, and the system is totally maxed out.
They don't have to be found guilty in a court of law, they can be given waivers. Those caught at the border can be fingerprinted, photographed, and then returned back across with no court appearance required.

Don't give up your day job to become a lawyer. Nobody can be deported unles:
1. They are convicted in a court of law of being in the country illegally, or
2. They VOLUNTARILY give up that right and agree to be deported without a trial, which means that they are not guilty of any prior offenses the next time they do it.
Why would he overcome it? It is what Bush did and what Obama does.

You may have overlooked the fact that every one of these people has to be found guilty in a court of law, and the system is totally maxed out.
They don't have to be found guilty in a court of law, they can be given waivers. Those caught at the border can be fingerprinted, photographed, and then returned back across with no court appearance required.

Don't give up your day job to become a lawyer. Nobody can be deported unles:
1. They are convicted in a court of law of being in the country illegally, or
2. They VOLUNTARILY give up that right and agree to be deported without a trial, which means that they are not guilty of any prior offenses the next time they do it.
Love the snide insults from people that think they know what they are talking about, when the reality of it is they only know half of what they think they know. SMFH

Those caught at the border can be returned with a simple fingerprint, photograph and/or a waiver. Those charged with EWI at the border (which is what Obama is doing at the border to increase his appearance of deporting more illegals than any other President in History) can be given a court appearance (see your own link for Operation Streamline) or offered the waiver which is an admission of guilt to which if they cross the border again they can be charged with a felony instead of the misdemeanor.

Visa overstays with order of deportation against them have already had their day in court and were denied, that's why they were ordered removed.

Again, illegals are limited in their constitutional protections, they have very, very few.
Why would he overcome it? It is what Bush did and what Obama does.

You may have overlooked the fact that every one of these people has to be found guilty in a court of law, and the system is totally maxed out.
They don't have to be found guilty in a court of law, they can be given waivers. Those caught at the border can be fingerprinted, photographed, and then returned back across with no court appearance required.

Don't give up your day job to become a lawyer. Nobody can be deported unles:
1. They are convicted in a court of law of being in the country illegally, or
2. They VOLUNTARILY give up that right and agree to be deported without a trial, which means that they are not guilty of any prior offenses the next time they do it.
Love the snide insults from people that think they know what they are talking about, when the reality of it is they only know half of what they think they know. SMFH

Those caught at the border can be returned with a simple fingerprint, photograph and/or a waiver. Those charged with EWI at the border (which is what Obama is doing at the border to increase his appearance of deporting more illegals than any other President in History) can be given a court appearance (see your own link for Operation Streamline) or offered the waiver which is an admission of guilt to which if they cross the border again they can be charged with a felony instead of the misdemeanor.

Visa overstays with order of deportation against them have already had their day in court and were denied, that's why they were ordered removed.

Again, illegals are limited in their constitutional protections, they have very, very few.

Liquid, for Christ sake, you are saying exactly the same thing that I am saying except that I call it pleading "guilty" in a court of law, and you call it "offered a waiver". The fact is that it is a guilty plea, and the court has to find him guilty for him to be deported.

On the other hand, those crossing the border are often given the option of being driven back over the border with no trial, in which case, they also have no record of having done anything illegal..

I don't know what I am talking about? I live 30 miles from the Mexican border, and have attended Operation Streamline court sessions twice, personally.
Will Trump send jackbooted thugs into every neighborhood searching for illegals and anyone else deemed anti-American?
This hyperbole only shows ignorance. Trump has stated when illegals come into contact with law enforcement they will get deported, some may have to wait until they serve out their sentence. He has also stated he will institute E-verify, which will limit their ability to work, forcing some to simply return back home. Hopefully he institutes Employer checks again like Bush did, and he wants to do away with Sanctuary Cities like SF.

Cruz has stated pretty much the same thing. Rubio wants to still give them amnesty once it is "proven" to the public that illegal entry and visa overstays are under control.

Trump said those things? Well, then. It must have been Trump's evil twin who said that he would deport 12 million illegal immigrants in the first two years of his office. Does the REAL Trump think that all 12 million illegal immigrants are going to "come in contact with law enforcement" in the first 2 years of his presidency, or is that his evil twin talking again? Unless he plans on unreasonable search and seizures, which is prohibited under constitutional law, he must assume that all 12 million illegal immigrants are going to be arrested while in the act of some criminal activity (and being "undocumented" is not a criminal activity).

As I said, neither Trump, nor his followers give a rat's ass about the constitution.
If the laws on the books are enforced 12 million in 2 years is doable. The great thing about illegals is their constitutional protections are limited. Being in violation of orders of deportation (40%) is an infraction, EWI (60%) is a Federal Misdemeanor/felony dependent on prior EWI convictions.

And how does Donald propose we pay for this? Do you realize the back log of cases there would be? Our court system is already clogged up! Is he going to raise taxes? What's the plan?

There are many ways you could cover the costs.
Stop giving mexico money,start taxing monies sent back to mexico.
Really the cheapest route would be to eliminate all types of gov assistance and make hiring an illegal to expensive with huge fines levied on business owners.
Will Trump send jackbooted thugs into every neighborhood searching for illegals and anyone else deemed anti-American?
This hyperbole only shows ignorance. Trump has stated when illegals come into contact with law enforcement they will get deported, some may have to wait until they serve out their sentence. He has also stated he will institute E-verify, which will limit their ability to work, forcing some to simply return back home. Hopefully he institutes Employer checks again like Bush did, and he wants to do away with Sanctuary Cities like SF.

Cruz has stated pretty much the same thing. Rubio wants to still give them amnesty once it is "proven" to the public that illegal entry and visa overstays are under control.

Trump said those things? Well, then. It must have been Trump's evil twin who said that he would deport 12 million illegal immigrants in the first two years of his office. Does the REAL Trump think that all 12 million illegal immigrants are going to "come in contact with law enforcement" in the first 2 years of his presidency, or is that his evil twin talking again? Unless he plans on unreasonable search and seizures, which is prohibited under constitutional law, he must assume that all 12 million illegal immigrants are going to be arrested while in the act of some criminal activity (and being "undocumented" is not a criminal activity).

As I said, neither Trump, nor his followers give a rat's ass about the constitution.
If the laws on the books are enforced 12 million in 2 years is doable. The great thing about illegals is their constitutional protections are limited. Being in violation of orders of deportation (40%) is an infraction, EWI (60%) is a Federal Misdemeanor/felony dependent on prior EWI convictions.

And how does Donald propose we pay for this? Do you realize the back log of cases there would be? Our court system is already clogged up! Is he going to raise taxes? What's the plan?

There are many ways you could cover the costs.
Stop giving mexico money,start taxing monies sent back to mexico.
Really the cheapest route would be to eliminate all types of gov assistance and make hiring an illegal to expensive with huge fines levied on business owners.

Here we go again. Another Trump supporter who thinks that the president has the authority to create a tax, regardless of the fact that the constitution says that only the House of Representatives can do that...not to mention that it would shut down trade with Mexico and cost American businesses billions of dollars.

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