Will removing statues and flags solve these problems in the black community?

Illiteracy rate?
Basic math proficiency?
Fatherless households?
Gang violence?
Police brutality?
Overwhelming drug abuse?
Under performing schools?
Black drop out rate?
Inner city crime rates?
Black on black murders?
Cultural degradation?

If not, what is the point?
All of the things on your list are directly or indirectly influenced by racism, so the answer is yes.
Can you explain your position that a statue of Columbus somehow affects anything on the list above and how its removal will change it?

Columbus was a very bad guy.

Columbus and Genocide
The discoverer of the New World was responsible for the annihilation of the peaceful Arawak Indians

I'm curious, have you called for spanish missions and conquistador statues to be torn down? Why or why not?
Those Spaniards were some raping murderous motherF’ers.
They were some slave owning crazies and they destroyed the Aztec empire.

Another fake news whitey assessment of the black community.

Here's a highly educated black man's assessment of the black community:

The guy says it's not systemic racism

Then blames "democratic" systemic racism? lol

That guy is a fucking dumbass partisan. The problem is the poor black communities culture. Blaming anything else is blaming systemic racism

Just retarded. He's peddling the same bullshit everyone else is.

A small child could see through that bullshit.

So if he is peddling your bullshit, it’s all good, if he is peddling his bullshit then he is wrong and shouldn’t be taken seriously.

You are a big part of the problem, the time is for discussion and working to see both sides of an issue, discuss and see where we can agree and gain understanding. That was the goal of the protests. I’m just seeing people digging into their views and no one listening or discussing.
On the contrary.....
Most of the right admit there are big problems that need to be fixed. It is the left who are unwilling to dive deep to the places where the problems stem from.
Racism and the right did not put a gun in Floyds hand to hold on a pregnant woman. The right & racism didn't fill his system with drugs. The right & racism didn't put fake 20's in his hands.
The things that caused all that to happen which led to his lifestyle and ultimate death go MUCH MUCH deeper.
Ripping down a statue won't change those choices for anyone like him.
We can legislate a "soft" police force but that too will have no affect on the real problems.

The left refuses to go to the root of the problem because of their fear of losing a voting block.
Don't much care about the morons.
Yet you identify like a radical leftist.

Now I know you'll call me a Trumpbot or some other stupid shit to avoid looking within but just this week I have created 2 threads blasting Trump for mismanagement of this fucking mess. From inflammatory Tweets to photo ops to sitting on his hands while cities burn.
If you EVER exercised that kind of judgment against your own ideology when you know it's wrong i could respect your opinions. But i have never seen that from you.
Don't much care about the morons.
Yet you identify like a radical leftist.

Now I know you'll call me a Trumpbot or some other stupid shit to avoid looking within but just this week I have created 2 threads blasting Trump for mismanagement of this fucking mess. From inflammatory Tweets to photo ops to sitting on his hands while cities burn.
If you EVER exercised that kind of judgment against your own ideology when you know it's wrong i could respect your opinions. But i have never seen that from you.
It was the statues knocking up all those teens and leaving them fatherless.
Illiteracy rate?
Basic math proficiency?
Fatherless households?
Gang violence?
Police brutality?
Overwhelming drug abuse?
Under performing schools?
Black drop out rate?
Inner city crime rates?
Black on black murders?
Cultural degradation?

If not, what is the point?
All of the things on your list are directly or indirectly influenced by racism, so the answer is yes.
Can you explain your position that a statue of Columbus somehow affects anything on the list above and how its removal will change it?

Columbus was a very bad guy.

Columbus and Genocide
The discoverer of the New World was responsible for the annihilation of the peaceful Arawak Indians

Not surprised you would believe all of that propaganda....
All of the things on your list are directly or indirectly influenced by racism, so the answer is yes.

Will it solve them? No.

Will it make a difference? Absolutely.

A man going to pay his taxes will no longer have to walk past a statue in front of the court house honoring someone that fought to keep his ancestors in slavery.

That will most certainly help.
How long do you expect it to take before they start improving themselves? It seems like they’ve become more violent (based on crime levels in dark cities) since the statues were torn down and since King Floyd liberated them.
Illiteracy rate?
Basic math proficiency?
Fatherless households?
Gang violence?
Police brutality?
Overwhelming drug abuse?
Under performing schools?
Black drop out rate?
Inner city crime rates?
Black on black murders?
Cultural degradation?

If not, what is the point?
They need to leave the demofk kkk
All of the things on your list are directly or indirectly influenced by racism, so the answer is yes.


If racism effects black people then what about blacks like bill Cosby, Oprah, Thomas sowell, Obama, all the fire chiefs, doctors, lawyers, congressman and so on that succeeded allover the country? The days of true widespread racism has been over for a very long time.

How does American racism explain why throughout the worlds history all across the world there are no 1st world black countries? Or even really 2nd world countries? Why have almost all of the world's advancements in say science, engineering, medicine, architecture, aerospace, manufacturing, electrical, physics and so on been due to whites and Asians for the most with very very little contributed by blacks? Not all blacks are savages, but the worlds history has shown them in general as being as such. Even when the Spaniards were building ships and sailing to setup trade routes blacks were in huts envlasing their own people to sell as slaves.

Almost all of the blacks that have been very successful, had a higher education, made an impact on the world did so in a country created by white people.

You're going to need a new form of payment because I don't accept race cards and yours is maxed out.

If racism effects black people then what about blacks like bill Cosby, Oprah, Thomas sowell, Obama, all the fire chiefs, doctors, lawyers, congressman and so on that succeeded allover the country? The days of true widespread racism has been over for a very long time.

How does American racism explain why throughout the worlds history all across the world there are no 1st world black countries? Or even really 2nd world countries? Why have almost all of the world's advancements in say science, engineering, medicine, architecture, aerospace, manufacturing, electrical, physics and so on been due to whites and Asians for the most with very very little contributed by blacks? Not all blacks are savages, but the worlds history has shown them in general as being as such. Even when the Spaniards were building ships and sailing to setup trade routes blacks were in huts envlasing their own people to sell as slaves.

Almost all of the blacks that have been very successful, had a higher education, made an impact on the world did so in a country created by white people.

You're going to need a new form of payment because I don't accept race cards and yours is maxed out.
No, he is right. Besides whites invented the race card and have used it in Amerocan for what soon will be 247 years.

There are 47.8 million blacks, stop repeating the names of 4 or 5.

The days of true widespread racism are right now. They never ended. Look at this forum. Apparently, you have a mental disorder whereby you can spend years posting racist opinions while claiming racism is gone. It's like this:

The model T is gone, but people still build cars. The cars are different now than the Model T, but they are still cars. Jim Crow style overt racism is gone, but racism today is done differently.

And all of you wannabe "experts" on what blacks need to do know this because you're the ones practicing the modern form of racism.

You ask why there are no first world black countries. I have to laugh at your ignorance. If I lived in Africa and all I saw were pictures of rural America and Appalachia, I would wonder why people say America is so great.


This is Tinubu Square in Lagos Nigeria. And while you see pictures of blacks in rural Africa, you are never shown scenes like this.

This is Dakar Senegal.

Again, if all people saw of America was this:




They'd ask why do white Americans brag about how great they are?

And you ask the question pretending to be ignorant of the wealth white nations have stolen.

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