Will Republicans end social security?

Will Republicans end social security?

  • Yes, at least try

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 71.8%

  • Total voters
Do you know the difference between the deficit and debt?

So you don't think the debt will double in 4 to 8 years?

If you have a balanced budget, you have no additional debt. The more you can control the deficit, the slower the growth of the debt.

The whole war between DumBama and the Republican Congress is that Congress wanted to spend less and DumBama spend more. The Congress now has some control over the deficit but did so by telling DumBama no more spending unless you find cuts in other places.

I don't foresee they will change their strategy with Trump either. Now you may not like where he will cut, but he will have to cut some things in order to spend on what he wants to spend on such as the military, veterans and the wall.
INFRASTRUCTURE. Anything to save the rich from paying their fair share. I'm just praying Donald has a secret plan arrrgghh....
Well he did say he would raise taxes on people like him, Warren buffet, mark Cuban and Soros so the answer ray is our government decides what your fair share is.

Let's see if trumps fair

200 billion is a drop in the bucket after 30 years of Reaganism ignoring infrastructure...

How the hell did bs propaganda and 8 years of obstruction give us another GOP president? Answer- it didn't, it gave us the Trump Party. BARELY. The hope is he drops you chumps now. lol. So far so good...

This country has spent and is spending more money on infrastructure than any other country on earth.

However, much of it is wasted with the corruption and inefficiency of our filthy ass government with stupid procurement requirements like Davis Bacon. The Big Dig in Boston is a great example of wasteful infrastructure spending. The unions and politicians got rich and the American taxpayer paid ten times what it should have cost.

The stupid Libtards want to waste even more to make sure their union buddies are paid off.
Well he did say he would raise taxes on people like him, Warren buffet, mark Cuban and Soros so the answer ray is our government decides what your fair share is.

Let's see if trumps fair

I guess this is true. But funny you know.......when Republicans are in charge and say what the fair share is, you leftists just don't accept it.
Exactly! He'll stop spending on the poor and start spending on military and double the debt. Bet. No difference just Republicans spend on different things.

And if they spend on infrastructure they'll raise your taxes and give bs haloburton type contracts to trump CO. Omg I see it coming

Yes, that's it exactly. Republicans spend on different things, you know, like what the US Constitution says federal government should spending money on. I don't recall anything in the Constitution that says federal government should be spending on the poor........do you????

“I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents.”
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794
Welfare was a state responsibility until the states could no longer handle cost and the federal government assumed the responsibility. It was that or let people starve.
Exactly! He'll stop spending on the poor and start spending on military and double the debt. Bet. No difference just Republicans spend on different things.

And if they spend on infrastructure they'll raise your taxes and give bs haloburton type contracts to trump CO. Omg I see it coming

Yes, that's it exactly. Republicans spend on different things, you know, like what the US Constitution says federal government should spending money on. I don't recall anything in the Constitution that says federal government should be spending on the poor........do you????

“I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents.”
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794
There was this thing called communism that smart people were worried about. I guess you want to bring that back...
It wasn't discussed during the elections but does any one doubt SS is going to be put on the chopping block?

No way one usmb Republican will say they like and want to keep SS.

And if they want to at least tell us in 2019 so we can vote on it.
I don't see how that could be politically feasible.

People have been paying money into the SS fund for a long time.

Wanna see a real life Night of the Living dead????
Welfare was a state responsibility until the states could no longer handle cost and the federal government assumed the responsibility. It was that or let people starve.

Today they are not starving, they are 75 lbs overweight and have five kids.
It would be bigly, epic fun to watch a bunch of Trump's Chumps who bleev everything they are told to bleev take out all their money from SS and invest in Trump's deregulated Wall Street and watch them get completely fleeced.

"I just invested in a bridge and some waterfront property!"
Stop blaming others for your own incompetence.
Welfare was a state responsibility until the states could no longer handle cost and the federal government assumed the responsibility. It was that or let people starve.

Since poverty has increased under this progressive Libtard Obama then that argument pretty well falls apart, doesn't it? In fact since the filthy ass government started the stupid war on poverty 50 years ago and the associated welfare state the poverty numbers have also increased.

The combined cost of government here in the US is about 40% of the GDP. Taking that tremendous amount of money out of the productive economy has greatly decreased the opportunity for real economic growth and that is what is causing poverty, people to starve, dismal economic growth and the demand for welfare .

The enemy of prosperity is big bloated out of control oppressive debt ridden government and the US has it in spades.

If you don't want to starve then don't vote for Liberals then there will be a real job for you. Then if you chose not to work and go hungry then that is your problem.
There was this thing called communism that smart people were worried about. I guess you want to bring that back...

WTF does Communism have to do with my post?????

Yes, Communists, you mean the same ones that endorsed your candidate?

LOL! I wonder if these stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats even know that the Communist Party USA endorsed Crooked Hillary?
Do you know the difference between the deficit and debt?

So you don't think the debt will double in 4 to 8 years?

If you have a balanced budget, you have no additional debt. The more you can control the deficit, the slower the growth of the debt.

The whole war between DumBama and the Republican Congress is that Congress wanted to spend less and DumBama spend more. The Congress now has some control over the deficit but did so by telling DumBama no more spending unless you find cuts in other places.

I don't foresee they will change their strategy with Trump either. Now you may not like where he will cut, but he will have to cut some things in order to spend on what he wants to spend on such as the military, veterans and the wall.

Trumps articulated plans were nothing more than demagoguery, and reality will blockade most of his promises. You were duped, he told you want you wanted to hear.

What you likely don't know is a budget is a plan. That's all, and plans change by events beyond the control of those who write budgets. Thus a balanced budget law is at best impractical and at worst stupid.

Using hate and fear, Trump convinced his followers that we need to rebuild the most powerful military force the world has ever seen. Two things you ought to know, 1) the military industrial Complex is alive and well and consorts with members of The Congress who want jobs in their state; and 2) giving Trump, a psychologically unfit personality, command and control of awesome power was a dumb thing to do.
Welfare was a state responsibility until the states could no longer handle cost and the federal government assumed the responsibility. It was that or let people starve.

Since poverty has increased under this progressive Libtard Obama then that argument pretty well falls apart, doesn't it? In fact since the filthy ass government started the stupid war on poverty 50 years ago and the associated welfare state the poverty numbers have also increased.

The combined cost of government here in the US is about 40% of the GDP. Taking that tremendous amount of money out of the productive economy has greatly decreased the opportunity for real economic growth and that is what is causing poverty, people to starve, dismal economic growth and the demand for welfare .

The enemy of prosperity is big bloated out of control oppressive debt ridden government and the US has it in spades.

If you don't want to starve then don't vote for Liberals then there will be a real job for you. Then if you chose not to work and go hungry then that is your problem.

Why don't you get the hell out of the United States, you hate its leadership and its people - go somewhere else, though it's likely somewhere else would never take someone like you.
There was this thing called communism that smart people were worried about. I guess you want to bring that back...

WTF does Communism have to do with my post?????

Yes, Communists, you mean the same ones that endorsed your candidate?

LOL! I wonder if these stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats even know that the Communist Party USA endorsed Crooked Hillary?

No, but educated and intelligent voters know that Trump was supported by your pals in the KKK. I wonder if you're too off the wall that they stripped you of your robe and flour sack hat and burned it on a pitchfork.

Why don't you get the hell out of the United States, you hate its leadership and its people - go somewhere else, though it's likely somewhere else would never take someone like you.

Why should I leave? It is you greedy confused Libtards that have fucked everything up.

At least now your ability to further fuck up this country has been diminished.

The economy will boom with Trump's lower taxes and less regulations and once again you Moon Bats will be made to look like fools for supporting destructive Left policies that have really hurt this country.
There was this thing called communism that smart people were worried about. I guess you want to bring that back...

WTF does Communism have to do with my post?????

Yes, Communists, you mean the same ones that endorsed your candidate?

LOL! I wonder if these stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats even know that the Communist Party USA endorsed Crooked Hillary?
It's 4 people and a website, dupe. Until the New BS GOP gets it way and turns us into an oligarchy and banana republic. Great job.

Why don't you get the hell out of the United States, you hate its leadership and its people - go somewhere else, though it's likely somewhere else would never take someone like you.

Why should I leave? It is you greedy confused Libtards that have fucked everything up.

At least now your ability to further fuck up this country has been diminished.

The economy will boom with Trump's lower taxes and less regulations and once again you Moon Bats will be made to look like fools for supporting destructive Left policies that have really hurt this country.
Double down on W then. Worked great. lol.

Why don't you get the hell out of the United States, you hate its leadership and its people - go somewhere else, though it's likely somewhere else would never take someone like you.

Why should I leave? It is you greedy confused Libtards that have fucked everything up.

At least now your ability to further fuck up this country has been diminished.

The economy will boom with Trump's lower taxes and less regulations and once again you Moon Bats will be made to look like fools for supporting destructive Left policies that have really hurt this country.

If things get better they will claim they are worse... look at the last years of fucked up shit they claim has been a boom.
Well anyone who isn't a nitwit progressive realizes that both sides are adamant about the fact that no matter what is done with Social Security, who ever paid into it will get the benefits they earned and were promised.

Don't try to pass off that bullshit on people who know better. SS was just fine, indefinitely, with only the minor adjustments (raising the contribution cap) planned by the Democrats.

S, do you understand that you've spreading misinformation, or are you just too dim to see past your party's propaganda? Either way, you're still trying to steal many thousands of dollars from me, so don't expect hugs and kisses in return.

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