Will Republicans end social security?

Will Republicans end social security?

  • Yes, at least try

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 71.8%

  • Total voters
Given I've paid into SS my whole life, I'd be robbed massively if it was removed.
Well anyone who isn't a nitwit progressive realizes that both sides are adamant about the fact that no matter what is done with Social Security, who ever paid into it will get the benefits they earned and were promised. You're either one hell of a drama queen or incredibly uninformed about the state of your federal government. Something tells me it is both.
Why should I consider you Trump-thug robbers any different than a thug who would openly rob me at gunpoint? After all, the thug would take far less of my money. And at least the gun-wielding thug would be honest about it, which puts him in a moral class above the Trump-thugs.
What do you know - another day - another progressive projecting their own sins on conservatives. The Dumbocrats have been robbing all of us for over 100 years now. Taking my money to pay for the retirement of the generation before me - even though it's unconstitutional and I didn't agree to that. Taking my money to pay for the healthcare of the generation before me - even though it's unconstitutional and I didn't agree to that. Taking my money to pay for the healthcare of those that can't (or won't) pay for their own - even though it's unconstitutional and I didn't agree to that.

You people have been robbing the American people blind for over 100 years. Listening to all of you whine at the realization that the American people are waking up and rejecting your bat-shit crazy ideology is music to my ears. Whine away liberals, whine away!

You and your list are so FOS it's not even funny.

Oil companies don't get any more subsidies than most any other company in the US.

There are no tax breaks for moving your company overseas. More liberals BS.

Let safety officers join unions? WTF does that help besides unions who contribute their money to the Democrats come election time?

Extended unemployment? I guess two years isn't enough time to find a job, huh?

Student loans? Who took over that in the first place????

Equal pay for women? Already passed..... IN 1963!!!!!!

These Libtards are so confused about everything it is ridiculous. The other thing is that because they are so confused that they can't be educated even when present with undeniable facts. You can tell them things like you just did and it is like talking to a brick wall.

They are to be ridiculed as much as possible because they are not exactly the best and brightest.
Your country is based on selfishness and greed. Buy me a traitor t shirt I will wear it.
Flash, I owned my own business for 27 years. I was so happy to have been able to walk off of 2_jobs with no notice back in the 80s. No two weeks, no nothing. And I found a job quickly. Best two days of my life after the birth of my 3 kids. It's you who's been duped.
Your country is based on selfishness and greed. Buy me a traitor t shirt I will wear it.
Wow...the "I'm rubber, your glue" defense. Dip shit...you're the selfish and greedy one. You're the one who would rather see an entire nation collapse than have to go without something. I just pointed that out and you can't even deny it. Instead, you just copy what I said.
Flash, I owned my own business for 27 years. I was so happy to have been able to walk off of 2_jobs with no notice back in the 80s. No two weeks, no nothing. And I found a job quickly. Best two days of my life after the birth of my 3 kids. It's you who's been duped.
So you're proud of being an unreliable prick who walks off the job without giving your employer a 2-week notice? You're proud that you don't do the decent thing? Shocking. Sounds like a typical lazy progressive.
Yup. I walked off 2 jobs...not one...I feel blessed. I was always looking for better....something an intelligent human being does. I didn't owe those companies anything....not even 2 weeks. Screw them. They too cheap? Move on. God youy and you loyalty bs.
Flash, I owned my own business for 27 years. I was so happy to have been able to walk off of 2_jobs with no notice back in the 80s. No two weeks, no nothing. And I found a job quickly. Best two days of my life after the birth of my 3 kids. It's you who's been duped.

Can't figure it out? See, for workers, its family first....any worker with a brain cell knows this.
It's obvious that the left's historic perspective goes back about a week or a month or in some cases a day. The fact is that (mostly) democrat administrations have been stealing FICA taxes since Social Security was passed into law. It was a democrat, LBJ, who finally made it "legal" when he signed an order that put FICA tax revenue in the "general fund". The democrat party has been lying to Americans since FDR was president. There is no locked box and never was one but all of a sudden it becomes a political issue when republicans are in charge. No surprises here.
I sure hope so. I thought repealing Obamacare would be the one good thing about Trump winning, but that looks like it's a no-go. Maybe ending Social Security will be my silver lining. My plan calls for a five year phase out, ending in a lump payout to everyone who has paid SS taxes, based on to-date lifetime earnings. I think that is perfectly reasonable. Really, I'd like to see it on a 1 year timeline.

That would be a total ripoff because people would be getting no interest money back, and if you're older like I am, it would be too late to invest that money into the market to make enough to live off of when you soon retire.

The way to end SS is the way Bush introduced it: allow people to take some of their SS contributions and invest that money themselves. Eventually most people will opt out of the system and use that money to invest for their retirement instead. However that money must be taken from people by force otherwise they will not take that money for investment themselves. But if we start allowing people to invest say 20% of their money, and keep increasing that percentage they are allowed to invest as time goes on, SS will die out on it's own and nobody gets hurt.

I'd agree with allowing some of the payroll tax paid by the employee to be invested, if and only if the investment goes to a no load fund and or management fees which are at or below 0.01%.
These Libtards are so confused about everything it is ridiculous. The other thing is that because they are so confused that they can't be educated even when present with undeniable facts. You can tell them things like you just did and it is like talking to a brick wall.

They are to be ridiculed as much as possible because they are not exactly the best and brightest.

Well this is an old liberal blog trick: present a list of items because most opponents won't address them; too time consuming.

I don't think they're confused, I think they just read left-wing anything and get filled up with so much BS.
It wasn't discussed during the elections but does any one doubt SS is going to be put on the chopping block?

No way one usmb Republican will say they like and want to keep SS.

And if they want to at least tell us in 2019 so we can vote on it.

I do not LIKE SS, as it is budgetary Armageddon, that may very well destroy US.

But is has also made hundreds of millions of people dependent on the government, just as planned.

There may not be an answer other than to try to prepare for the crash and burn.

Ideally I would like to plan a retirement that does NOT depend on SS, being there. But unfortunately they are taxing me so much that it is hard.

Your response is typical of someone ignorant of history and easily led by Wall Street.

YOU are the one that was led by Wall Street, Hillary supporter. THEY told you want they wanted you to believe and you believed it without question.

I spent months on here while smug self assured jerks like you gloated and went on about how smart you were and how stupid anyone that disagreed with you must be.

I'm the one that pointed out over and over again that Trump's message had the potential to win the Rust Belt. That was my personal analysis.

YOur spewed the same garbage out that your media poured in, without any doubts what so ever.
Ahhh patriot...flag waving blinded by patriotic mumbo jumbo. Poor fella.

Liberals. They ridicule the very concept of patriotism and then act shocked, shocked I tell you, when we question their patriotism.

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