Will Republicans end social security?

Will Republicans end social security?

  • Yes, at least try

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 71.8%

  • Total voters
All I know is when people are freaking out 2 or 5 or 8 years from now don't say I didn't warn you.

Or if going after SS isn't the reason Republicans lose power. They will push to far eventually.

We may go back to the days before unions, social security and Medicare. When America was "great"

Well.......we are 20 trillion in debt. How great is America now?
At least then the County poor houses were truly gardens of Eden. Add to that, the poor farms allowed its inhabitants to learn an occupation and even help work about the town. Kids were encouraged to work in factories and all was great, ah, if we could only go back, maybe Trump?

I remember when Newt was running for President and they mocked him for suggesting that kids be allowed to work at school instead of study for those that didn't have the ability to go to college. Liberals brought up all this child labor nonsense and slavery, but the truth of the matter is Newt's idea was not original. We had the same thing when I was in school back in the 70's. It was called the work/study program and I participated.

I used to wake up early to go to work at the school. As a young teen, I was so excited to get my first paycheck with my name on it. It gave me the drive to earn even more and look forward to when I became an adult and work full-time at a real job.
Didn't Bush try to privatize SS, guess it d
At least then the County poor houses were truly gardens of Eden. Add to that, the poor farms allowed its inhabitants to learn an occupation and even help work about the town. Kids were encouraged to work in factories and all was great, ah, if we could only go back, maybe Trump?

I remember when Newt was running for President and they mocked him for suggesting that kids be allowed to work at school instead of study for those that didn't have the ability to go to college. Liberals brought up all this child labor nonsense and slavery, but the truth of the matter is Newt's idea was not original. We had the same thing when I was in school back in the 70's. It was called the work/study program and I participated.

I used to wake up early to go to work at the school. As a young teen, I was so excited to get my first paycheck with my name on it. It gave me the drive to earn even more and look forward to when I became an adult and work full-time at a real job.

A work-study program at school may be a little different than going to a factory every morning when you're fifteen years old.
The only Politician / President who ever wanted to end SS was the man who signed it into law. He warned it was meant to be temporary and 'MUST NOT' be allowed to continue to exist long-term...because politicians would turn it into the Ponzi scheme / piggy bank from which to draw from that it has become.
The only Politician / President who ever wanted to end SS was the man who signed it into law. He warned it was meant to be temporary and 'MUST NOT' be allowed to continue to exist long-term...because politicians would turn it into the Ponzi scheme / piggy bank from which to draw from that it has become.
FDR made a comment after the SS bill was completed, in that the way it was written and passed, the Republicans would have an impossible time killing the program.
All I know is when people are freaking out 2 or 5 or 8 years from now don't say I didn't warn you.

Or if going after SS isn't the reason Republicans lose power. They will push to far eventually.

We may go back to the days before unions, social security and Medicare. When America was "great"

Well.......we are 20 trillion in debt. How great is America now?
What do you think the debt will be 4-8 years from now? If it's $40 trillion will you have a problem with that? Because trump will double the debt.
It wasn't discussed during the elections but does any one doubt SS is going to be put on the chopping block?

No way one usmb Republican will say they like and want to keep SS.

And if they want to at least tell us in 2019 so we can vote on it.
Let's hope so.....
It wasn't discussed during the elections but does any one doubt SS is going to be put on the chopping block?

No way one usmb Republican will say they like and want to keep SS.

And if they want to at least tell us in 2019 so we can vote on it.
Let's hope so.....
Thank you for admitting your stupidity. Like you have any savings. Lol
It wasn't discussed during the elections but does any one doubt SS is going to be put on the chopping block?

No way one usmb Republican will say they like and want to keep SS.

And if they want to at least tell us in 2019 so we can vote on it.
Of course the Rs are going to end social security...I thought everyone knew this...

by everyone I mean brain dead Americans.
It wasn't discussed during the elections but does any one doubt SS is going to be put on the chopping block?

No way one usmb Republican will say they like and want to keep SS.

And if they want to at least tell us in 2019 so we can vote on it.
Let's hope so.....
Thank you for admitting your stupidity. Like you have any savings. Lol
No, I have no savings you can get your taker hands on....:lol:
It wasn't discussed during the elections but does any one doubt SS is going to be put on the chopping block?

No way one usmb Republican will say they like and want to keep SS.

And if they want to at least tell us in 2019 so we can vote on it.
Let's hope so.....
Thank you for admitting your stupidity. Like you have any savings. Lol
No, I have no savings you can get your taker hands on....:lol:
You thanked my post...too funny.

And any baby boomer receiving a pension shouldn't be getting social security too

What about the couple of hundred thousands dollars (plus interest) most successful baby boomers were forced by the filthy ass government to pay into SS?. Are they just to give up that money and the interest so the welfare queens can live a little higher on the hog?

And any baby boomer receiving a pension shouldn't be getting social security too

What about the couple of hundred thousands dollars (plus interest) most successful baby boomers were forced by the filthy ass government to pay into SS?. Are they just to give up that money and the interest so the welfare queens can live a little higher on the hog?
What about workers who were promised pensions? Sorry we're broke.

What about workers who were promised pensions? Sorry we're broke.

The baby boomers that also had company pensions were also promised SS pensions, weren't they?

SS was never a welfare program funded by a despicable tax. It was a typical stupid government program for the government to manage your money for you and give it back in the form of a pension. It is failing because the stupid government always fails at everything it does but that doesn't mean the people that was forced to pay the money should be cheated out of it.

However, having said all that you are correct. Somebody has to get screwed because the program was never viable in the first place.

I think the first thing we need to do is stop with that scam disability payment. That is nothing but pure welfare for millions of scam artists and the program was never designed to do that. That would free up some cash for those that did pay into the system.

What about workers who were promised pensions? Sorry we're broke.

The baby boomers that also had company pensions were also promised SS pensions, weren't they?

SS was never a welfare program funded by a despicable tax. It was a typical stupid government program for the government to manage your money for you and give it back in the form of a pension. It is failing because the stupid government always fails at everything it does but that doesn't mean the people that was forced to pay the money should be cheated out of it.

However, having said all that you are correct. Somebody has to get screwed because the program was never viable in the first place.

I think the first thing we need to do is stop with that scam disability payment. That is nothing but pure welfare for millions of scam artists and the program was never designed to do that. That would free up some cash for those that did pay into the system.

The idea that people who make $15 hr. are going to save for retirement is laughable.

Three Ways Trump, GOP May Cut Social Security, Medicare

The idea that people who make $15 hr. are going to save for retirement is laughable.

Three Ways Trump, GOP May Cut Social Security, Medicare

If a person doesn't make enough money to live well then they should get another job or work harder or work smarter. I have no sympathy for people that are so unproductive as to live their lives making a minimal wage. I certainly should not have to pay their bills, should you?

However, the best way for anybody in poverty to get out of it is to stop voting for Democrats and Liberals that screw up the economy with big government. Then there would be more higher paying jobs.

As an example since this jackass Obama has been President poverty has increased, welfare increased and family income decreased. Good paying jobs are fleeing overseas and our manufacturing base has been decimated. Thanks to Obama's economic policies the only jobs left are flipping burgers. The dumbass couldn't even achieve a dismal 3% GDP growth in eight years of being President. He thinks redistribution of income and wealth somehow magically creates prosperity and he has been wrong.

If the filthy ass government would get out of the business of telling people how to run their lives and stop taking money out of the productive economy for the welfare state there would be plenty of high paying jobs for anybody willing to work because the economy would be booming.

Liberalism screws up everything.

The idea that people who make $15 hr. are going to save for retirement is laughable.

Three Ways Trump, GOP May Cut Social Security, Medicare

If a person doesn't make enough money to live well then they should get another job or work harder or work smarter. I have no sympathy for people that are so unproductive as to live their lives making a minimal wage. I certainly should not have to pay their bills, should you?

However, the best way for anybody in poverty to get out of it is to stop voting for Democrats and Liberals that screw up the economy with big government. Then there would be more higher paying jobs.

As an example since this jackass Obama has been President poverty has increased, welfare increased and family income decreased. Good paying jobs are fleeing overseas and our manufacturing base has been decimated. Thanks to Obama's economic policies the only jobs left are flipping burgers. The dumbass couldn't even achieve a dismal 3% GDP growth in eight years of being President. He thinks redistribution of income and wealth somehow magically creates prosperity and he has been wrong.

If the filthy ass government would get out of the business of telling people how to run their lives and stop taking money out of the productive economy for the welfare state there would be plenty of high paying jobs for anybody willing to work because the economy would be booming.

Liberalism screws up everything.

Blablabla. I was going to reply but someone so intellectually dishonest and stupid doesn't deserve one.

We will see if Republicans can lower poverty or if their policies will increase poverty. We already know they increase poverty by your admission that Bush's policies increased poverty.

Bush Supports Shift of Jobs Overseas
The loss of work to other countries, while painful in the short term, will enrich the economy eventually, his report to Congress says.
February 10, 2004

You are a fucking moron.

The idea that people who make $15 hr. are going to save for retirement is laughable.

Three Ways Trump, GOP May Cut Social Security, Medicare

If a person doesn't make enough money to live well then they should get another job or work harder or work smarter. I have no sympathy for people that are so unproductive as to live their lives making a minimal wage. I certainly should not have to pay their bills, should you?

However, the best way for anybody in poverty to get out of it is to stop voting for Democrats and Liberals that screw up the economy with big government. Then there would be more higher paying jobs.

As an example since this jackass Obama has been President poverty has increased, welfare increased and family income decreased. Good paying jobs are fleeing overseas and our manufacturing base has been decimated. Thanks to Obama's economic policies the only jobs left are flipping burgers. The dumbass couldn't even achieve a dismal 3% GDP growth in eight years of being President. He thinks redistribution of income and wealth somehow magically creates prosperity and he has been wrong.

If the filthy ass government would get out of the business of telling people how to run their lives and stop taking money out of the productive economy for the welfare state there would be plenty of high paying jobs for anybody willing to work because the economy would be booming.

Liberalism screws up everything.

Blablabla. I was going to reply but someone so intellectually dishonest and stupid doesn't deserve one.

We will see if Republicans can lower poverty or if their policies will increase poverty. We already know they increase poverty by your admission that Bush's policies increased poverty.

Bush Supports Shift of Jobs Overseas
The loss of work to other countries, while painful in the short term, will enrich the economy eventually, his report to Congress says.
February 10, 2004

You are a fucking moron.

I am not a Republican so your partisan pig hatefest is wasted on me.

I said Democrats and Liberals and Bush was certainly a Liberal by any measurement.

The Liberals of both parties have screwed up this economy big time and straddled it with debt and that is the reason why poverty is rising and the only jobs are minimal wage. The Democrats are the primary villains but the Republicans have mostly been enablers and at times just as villainous.

The best way to make this country more prosperous is stop to electing these dumbass Liberals to office who are so stupid as to think this country will proper by taking money away from somebody that earned and giving it to somebody that didn't earn it. How stupid is that?

The way to create high paying jobs is to have low taxation and minimal government interference in the private sector where the jobs are created. Jobs are not created in government buildings.

The idea that people who make $15 hr. are going to save for retirement is laughable.

Three Ways Trump, GOP May Cut Social Security, Medicare

If a person doesn't make enough money to live well then they should get another job or work harder or work smarter. I have no sympathy for people that are so unproductive as to live their lives making a minimal wage. I certainly should not have to pay their bills, should you?

However, the best way for anybody in poverty to get out of it is to stop voting for Democrats and Liberals that screw up the economy with big government. Then there would be more higher paying jobs.

As an example since this jackass Obama has been President poverty has increased, welfare increased and family income decreased. Good paying jobs are fleeing overseas and our manufacturing base has been decimated. Thanks to Obama's economic policies the only jobs left are flipping burgers. The dumbass couldn't even achieve a dismal 3% GDP growth in eight years of being President. He thinks redistribution of income and wealth somehow magically creates prosperity and he has been wrong.

If the filthy ass government would get out of the business of telling people how to run their lives and stop taking money out of the productive economy for the welfare state there would be plenty of high paying jobs for anybody willing to work because the economy would be booming.

Liberalism screws up everything.

Blablabla. I was going to reply but someone so intellectually dishonest and stupid doesn't deserve one.

We will see if Republicans can lower poverty or if their policies will increase poverty. We already know they increase poverty by your admission that Bush's policies increased poverty.

Bush Supports Shift of Jobs Overseas
The loss of work to other countries, while painful in the short term, will enrich the economy eventually, his report to Congress says.
February 10, 2004

You are a fucking moron.

I am not a Republican so your partisan pig hatefest is wasted on me.

I said Democrats and Liberals and Bush was certainly a Liberal by any measurement.

The Liberals of both parties have screwed up this economy big time and straddled it with debt and that is the reason why poverty is rising and the only jobs are minimal wage. The Democrats are the primary villains but the Republicans have mostly been enablers and at times just as villainous.

The best way to make this country more prosperous is stop to electing these dumbass Liberals to office who are so stupid as to think this country will proper by taking money away from somebody that earned and giving it to somebody that didn't earn it. How stupid is that?

The way to create high paying jobs is to have low taxation and minimal government interference in the private sector where the jobs are created. Jobs are not created in government buildings.

Either you are a rich liar or a broke ass fool. Liberals haven't done anything. In fact we warned you that Republican policies do nothing but make the rich richer and the poor poorer.

But I don't have to tell you that's what happens. You'll see.

the Fed keeps making America's uber rich ever richer, when in the first quarter thanks mostly to yet another $1.1 trilion increase in the value of financial assets (read stock market), the asset holdings of US households (or at least a very small subsection of them) rose by $1.6 trillion to a record $99 trillion, which net of $14.2 trillion in debt, means US household net worth is also a record $84.9 billion.

Very Rich Get Very Richer: Wealthiest 20% Hold 94.5% of World’s Money

And these are the people telling you liberal programs are bankrupting the country and meanwhile they've never been richer. The poor and middle class are so stupid. And not just Americans. This has happened all over the world. Greece, France, EVERYWHERE. The middle class and poor of the world are doomed!!!

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