Will Republicans end social security?

Will Republicans end social security?

  • Yes, at least try

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 71.8%

  • Total voters

Either you are a rich liar or a broke ass fool. Liberals haven't done anything. In fact we warned you that Republican policies do nothing but make the rich richer and the poor poorer.

You are a confused Moon Bat.

Under Obama the spread between the rich and the poor grew. Just like poverty grew and we had dismal economic growth for eight years. Those are the facts. Liberals in general and Democrats and RINOs in particular don't have a clue on how to create real jobs. Liberals know how to create poverty and redistribute wealth that was already made but not how to create prosperity. Liberals pretty much suck at everything including economics. Obama's failed administration is a great example.

Your filthy ass Democrat Presidential candidate spent most of her time on fundraisers from Wall Street and Hollywood Limousine Liberals. She was own by the rich in this country like Soros and Steyer. She no more represented the working people of this country than the Man in the Moon and that is why she lost to heartland America. You must not have got the memo.

Either you are a rich liar or a broke ass fool. Liberals haven't done anything. In fact we warned you that Republican policies do nothing but make the rich richer and the poor poorer.

You are a confused Moon Bat.

Under Obama the spread between the rich and the poor grew. Just like poverty grew and we had dismal economic growth for eight years. Those are the facts. Liberals in general and Democrats and RINOs in particular don't have a clue on how to create real jobs. Liberals know how to create poverty and redistribute wealth that was already made but not how to create prosperity. Liberals pretty much suck at everything including economics. Obama's failed administration is a great example.

Your filthy ass Democrat Presidential candidate spent most of her time on fundraisers from Wall Street and Hollywood Limousine Liberals. She was own by the rich in this country like Soros and Steyer. She no more represented the working people of this country than the Man in the Moon and that is why she lost to heartland America. You must not have got the memo.

Yes we all understand the fallout from the Bush years.

Who do you think the GOP takes their orders from? Rich men think tanks stupid! You think they care about your broke ass?

ALEC Exposed

Special interests? You mean like the man heading the Trump transition team’s Social Security effort? Michael Korbey, a former lobbyist who has spent much of his career advocating for cutting and privatizing the program?

Yes we all understand the fallout from the Bush years.

Who do you think the GOP takes their orders from? Rich men think tanks stupid! You think they care about your broke ass?

ALEC Exposed

Special interests? You mean like the man heading the Trump transition team’s Social Security effort? Michael Korbey, a former lobbyist who has spent much of his career advocating for cutting and privatizing the program?

I am sorry Moon Bat but after eight years you stupid Libtards look like fools blaming Obama's failures on somebody else.

Besides, the economy was doing fine until that 2006 elected Democrat Congress took over with Barney Queerboy, Tits Peloski, Dirty Harry and that asshole Hussein Obama. The damage the Democrats did with the CRA came home to roost, didn't it?

Here is a list of some of the rich people that owned Crooked Hillary. People that have nothing in common with the tens of millions of working men and women from the heartland that voted against the bitch. Many of them use to be Democrats but understand now that the Democrats don't represent them.

-Tom Steyr
- Michael Bloomberg
- Bill Gates
- Paul Allen
- James Sinegal
- Annenberg Foundation - Peter Lewis (Progressive Insurance)
- George and Jonathan Soros
- Peter and Jonathan Lewis
- Herb and Marion Sandler
- Steve Bing
- John Sperling
- Michael Vachon

Those are just some of the names and doesn't include the tens of millions raised by the bitch from Wall Street or foreign countries through her money laundering scam foundation. Crooked Hillary is whore that will sell herself to anybody willing to giver $600K for a stupid speech.

Democrats are a coalition of the filthy rich that have benefited from progressive globalization and the greedy worthless welfare queens. The scum of America pretty much.

Yes we all understand the fallout from the Bush years.

Who do you think the GOP takes their orders from? Rich men think tanks stupid! You think they care about your broke ass?

ALEC Exposed

Special interests? You mean like the man heading the Trump transition team’s Social Security effort? Michael Korbey, a former lobbyist who has spent much of his career advocating for cutting and privatizing the program?

I am sorry Moon Bat but after eight years you stupid Libtards look like fools blaming Obama's failures on somebody else.

Besides, the economy was doing fine until that 2006 elected Democrat Congress took over with Barney Queerboy, Tits Peloski, Dirty Harry and that asshole Hussein Obama. The damage the Democrats did with the CRA came home to roost, didn't it?

Here is a list of some of the rich people that owned Crooked Hillary. People that have nothing in common with the tens of millions of working men and women from the heartland that voted against the bitch. Many of them use to be Democrats but understand now that the Democrats don't represent them.

-Tom Steyr
- Michael Bloomberg
- Bill Gates
- Paul Allen
- James Sinegal
- Annenberg Foundation - Peter Lewis (Progressive Insurance)
- George and Jonathan Soros
- Peter and Jonathan Lewis
- Herb and Marion Sandler
- Steve Bing
- John Sperling
- Michael Vachon

Those are just some of the names and doesn't include the tens of millions raised by the bitch from Wall Street or foreign countries through her money laundering scam foundation. Crooked Hillary is whore that will sell herself to anybody willing to giver $600K for a stupid speech.

Democrats are a coalition of the filthy rich that have benefited from progressive globalization and the greedy worthless welfare queens. The scum of America pretty much.

As soon as you blamed Pelosi Reed 2006 election I stopped reading. So intellectually dishonest.

And if you are right, why didn't Jeb or Kasich win the nomination? Because you are not right. In fact you are down right stupid. But hey you won so good luck getting poorer and poorer because honestly the American people have been taking a step back since Reagan. Maybe the free fall slowed under Clinton & Obama enough that you forgot how bad the GOP were fucking you. Don't worry they will remind you soon.

Yes we all understand the fallout from the Bush years.

Who do you think the GOP takes their orders from? Rich men think tanks stupid! You think they care about your broke ass?

ALEC Exposed

Special interests? You mean like the man heading the Trump transition team’s Social Security effort? Michael Korbey, a former lobbyist who has spent much of his career advocating for cutting and privatizing the program?

I am sorry Moon Bat but after eight years you stupid Libtards look like fools blaming Obama's failures on somebody else.

Besides, the economy was doing fine until that 2006 elected Democrat Congress took over with Barney Queerboy, Tits Peloski, Dirty Harry and that asshole Hussein Obama. The damage the Democrats did with the CRA came home to roost, didn't it?

Here is a list of some of the rich people that owned Crooked Hillary. People that have nothing in common with the tens of millions of working men and women from the heartland that voted against the bitch. Many of them use to be Democrats but understand now that the Democrats don't represent them.

-Tom Steyr
- Michael Bloomberg
- Bill Gates
- Paul Allen
- James Sinegal
- Annenberg Foundation - Peter Lewis (Progressive Insurance)
- George and Jonathan Soros
- Peter and Jonathan Lewis
- Herb and Marion Sandler
- Steve Bing
- John Sperling
- Michael Vachon

Those are just some of the names and doesn't include the tens of millions raised by the bitch from Wall Street or foreign countries through her money laundering scam foundation. Crooked Hillary is whore that will sell herself to anybody willing to giver $600K for a stupid speech.

Democrats are a coalition of the filthy rich that have benefited from progressive globalization and the greedy worthless welfare queens. The scum of America pretty much.

Here are just a few of the hundreds of bills Senate Republicans have filibustered since President Obama took office — just a few:

  • Infrastructure bills
The following headlines are from last week’s “Full Employment Is More Than Possible. It Is Essential.

· Equal Pay for Women

· Minimum wage increase

· Creating American Jobs and Ending Offshoring Act

· Bring Jobs Home Act – stop tax breaks for moving jobs and production facilities out of the country

· Teachers and First Responders Back to Work Act of 2011 – rehire 400,000 teachers, firefighters, paramedics and police officers.

· Student loan reform – ease the crushing burden of student loan debt by at least allowing refinancing to lower interest rates

· Extended unemployment benefits – for the long-term unemployed

· Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) — let working people join unions – filibustered in 2007, killed by threat of filibuster 2009

· Public Safety Employer-Employee Cooperation Act – let public safety officers join unions

· The Buffett rule – ensure millionaires pay a comparable tax rate to middle-class Americans

· Repeal Big Oil Tax Subsidies Act

What would it have meant for the economy and jobs to launch a post-stimulus effort to maintain and modernize our infrastructure? How about reversing the tax structure that pays companies to move jobs out of the country? How about relief from crushing student loan debt?

All of those things blocked, and people wonder what the economy is just slogging along…
In the House Republican leadership has been following what is called the “Hastert Rule” to obstruct bills that would win with a majority vote. This is not a real “rule”; it is a partisan method of limiting what Democrats and moderate Republicans can accomplish. Republican leadership will not bring a bill up for a vote unless a majority of Republicans are for it. In other words, even if a bill would pass with most Democrats and some Republicans voting in favor, it can’t even get a vote unless it fits with Republican doctrine. (Actually that would be Republican funder doctrine, which is basically oil companies, Wall Street and a few ultra-billionaires.)

Yes we all understand the fallout from the Bush years.

Who do you think the GOP takes their orders from? Rich men think tanks stupid! You think they care about your broke ass?

ALEC Exposed

Special interests? You mean like the man heading the Trump transition team’s Social Security effort? Michael Korbey, a former lobbyist who has spent much of his career advocating for cutting and privatizing the program?

I am sorry Moon Bat but after eight years you stupid Libtards look like fools blaming Obama's failures on somebody else.

Besides, the economy was doing fine until that 2006 elected Democrat Congress took over with Barney Queerboy, Tits Peloski, Dirty Harry and that asshole Hussein Obama. The damage the Democrats did with the CRA came home to roost, didn't it?

Here is a list of some of the rich people that owned Crooked Hillary. People that have nothing in common with the tens of millions of working men and women from the heartland that voted against the bitch. Many of them use to be Democrats but understand now that the Democrats don't represent them.

-Tom Steyr
- Michael Bloomberg
- Bill Gates
- Paul Allen
- James Sinegal
- Annenberg Foundation - Peter Lewis (Progressive Insurance)
- George and Jonathan Soros
- Peter and Jonathan Lewis
- Herb and Marion Sandler
- Steve Bing
- John Sperling
- Michael Vachon

Those are just some of the names and doesn't include the tens of millions raised by the bitch from Wall Street or foreign countries through her money laundering scam foundation. Crooked Hillary is whore that will sell herself to anybody willing to giver $600K for a stupid speech.

Democrats are a coalition of the filthy rich that have benefited from progressive globalization and the greedy worthless welfare queens. The scum of America pretty much.

Here are just a few of the hundreds of bills Senate Republicans have filibustered since President Obama took office — just a few:

  • Infrastructure bills
The following headlines are from last week’s “Full Employment Is More Than Possible. It Is Essential.

· Equal Pay for Women

· Minimum wage increase

· Creating American Jobs and Ending Offshoring Act

· Bring Jobs Home Act – stop tax breaks for moving jobs and production facilities out of the country

· Teachers and First Responders Back to Work Act of 2011 – rehire 400,000 teachers, firefighters, paramedics and police officers.

· Student loan reform – ease the crushing burden of student loan debt by at least allowing refinancing to lower interest rates

· Extended unemployment benefits – for the long-term unemployed

· Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) — let working people join unions – filibustered in 2007, killed by threat of filibuster 2009

· Public Safety Employer-Employee Cooperation Act – let public safety officers join unions

· The Buffett rule – ensure millionaires pay a comparable tax rate to middle-class Americans

· Repeal Big Oil Tax Subsidies Act

What would it have meant for the economy and jobs to launch a post-stimulus effort to maintain and modernize our infrastructure? How about reversing the tax structure that pays companies to move jobs out of the country? How about relief from crushing student loan debt?

All of those things blocked, and people wonder what the economy is just slogging along…

Good! Most of those things are good to oppose.

The filthy ass government spends far too much our our money and tries to control our lives. Good for anybody that opposes the oppression and destruction of the Federal government.

However, you are way off base with your stupid uneducated partisan hatefest. The Republicans have given that asshole Obama almost everything he wanted including tax and debt increases and and has not opposed him very much.

The economy failed under that shithead Obama because he was fixated on redistribution of income and wealth instead of stimulating capitalism that would have created jobs. Because of his stupidity poverty increased, family income decreased, the economy was dismal, debt skyrocketed and the divide between rich and poor widened.

Good thing the American voted for a change or else we would have got Crooked Hillary, which would have been more of the same.

This thread is about social security and not Obama's failures so if you need to be further educated on what a dumbass you are for being a stupid Liberal that is destroying this country then start another thread.

Yes we all understand the fallout from the Bush years.

Who do you think the GOP takes their orders from? Rich men think tanks stupid! You think they care about your broke ass?

ALEC Exposed

Special interests? You mean like the man heading the Trump transition team’s Social Security effort? Michael Korbey, a former lobbyist who has spent much of his career advocating for cutting and privatizing the program?

I am sorry Moon Bat but after eight years you stupid Libtards look like fools blaming Obama's failures on somebody else.

Besides, the economy was doing fine until that 2006 elected Democrat Congress took over with Barney Queerboy, Tits Peloski, Dirty Harry and that asshole Hussein Obama. The damage the Democrats did with the CRA came home to roost, didn't it?

Here is a list of some of the rich people that owned Crooked Hillary. People that have nothing in common with the tens of millions of working men and women from the heartland that voted against the bitch. Many of them use to be Democrats but understand now that the Democrats don't represent them.

-Tom Steyr
- Michael Bloomberg
- Bill Gates
- Paul Allen
- James Sinegal
- Annenberg Foundation - Peter Lewis (Progressive Insurance)
- George and Jonathan Soros
- Peter and Jonathan Lewis
- Herb and Marion Sandler
- Steve Bing
- John Sperling
- Michael Vachon

Those are just some of the names and doesn't include the tens of millions raised by the bitch from Wall Street or foreign countries through her money laundering scam foundation. Crooked Hillary is whore that will sell herself to anybody willing to giver $600K for a stupid speech.

Democrats are a coalition of the filthy rich that have benefited from progressive globalization and the greedy worthless welfare queens. The scum of America pretty much.

Here are just a few of the hundreds of bills Senate Republicans have filibustered since President Obama took office — just a few:

  • Infrastructure bills
The following headlines are from last week’s “Full Employment Is More Than Possible. It Is Essential.

· Equal Pay for Women

· Minimum wage increase

· Creating American Jobs and Ending Offshoring Act

· Bring Jobs Home Act – stop tax breaks for moving jobs and production facilities out of the country

· Teachers and First Responders Back to Work Act of 2011 – rehire 400,000 teachers, firefighters, paramedics and police officers.

· Student loan reform – ease the crushing burden of student loan debt by at least allowing refinancing to lower interest rates

· Extended unemployment benefits – for the long-term unemployed

· Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) — let working people join unions – filibustered in 2007, killed by threat of filibuster 2009

· Public Safety Employer-Employee Cooperation Act – let public safety officers join unions

· The Buffett rule – ensure millionaires pay a comparable tax rate to middle-class Americans

· Repeal Big Oil Tax Subsidies Act

What would it have meant for the economy and jobs to launch a post-stimulus effort to maintain and modernize our infrastructure? How about reversing the tax structure that pays companies to move jobs out of the country? How about relief from crushing student loan debt?

All of those things blocked, and people wonder what the economy is just slogging along…

Good! Most of those things are good to oppose.

The filthy ass government spends far too much our our money and tries to control our lives. Good for anybody that opposes the oppression and destruction of the Federal government.

However, you are way off base with your stupid uneducated partisan hatefest. The Republicans have given that asshole Obama almost everything he wanted including tax and debt increases and and has not opposed him very much.

The economy failed under that shithead Obama because he was fixated on redistribution of income and wealth instead of stimulating capitalism that would have created jobs. Because of his stupidity poverty increased, family income decreased, the economy was dismal, debt skyrocketed and the divide between rich and poor widened.

Good thing the American voted for a change or else we would have got Crooked Hillary, which would have been more of the same.

This thread is about social security and not Obama's failures so if you need to be further educated on what a dumbass you are for being a stupid Liberal that is destroying this country then start another thread.
Meanwhile the rich got richer. So how did the GOP give Obama what he wanted if he wanted redistribution?

Don't answer that it'll just make me laugh. Youre so duped it's sick. Either that or you are rich and you duped the middle class. You'll see. I predict no golden age of America during or after trump. But you'll fudge that too

Yes we all understand the fallout from the Bush years.

Who do you think the GOP takes their orders from? Rich men think tanks stupid! You think they care about your broke ass?

ALEC Exposed

Special interests? You mean like the man heading the Trump transition team’s Social Security effort? Michael Korbey, a former lobbyist who has spent much of his career advocating for cutting and privatizing the program?

I am sorry Moon Bat but after eight years you stupid Libtards look like fools blaming Obama's failures on somebody else.

Besides, the economy was doing fine until that 2006 elected Democrat Congress took over with Barney Queerboy, Tits Peloski, Dirty Harry and that asshole Hussein Obama. The damage the Democrats did with the CRA came home to roost, didn't it?

Here is a list of some of the rich people that owned Crooked Hillary. People that have nothing in common with the tens of millions of working men and women from the heartland that voted against the bitch. Many of them use to be Democrats but understand now that the Democrats don't represent them.

-Tom Steyr
- Michael Bloomberg
- Bill Gates
- Paul Allen
- James Sinegal
- Annenberg Foundation - Peter Lewis (Progressive Insurance)
- George and Jonathan Soros
- Peter and Jonathan Lewis
- Herb and Marion Sandler
- Steve Bing
- John Sperling
- Michael Vachon

Those are just some of the names and doesn't include the tens of millions raised by the bitch from Wall Street or foreign countries through her money laundering scam foundation. Crooked Hillary is whore that will sell herself to anybody willing to giver $600K for a stupid speech.

Democrats are a coalition of the filthy rich that have benefited from progressive globalization and the greedy worthless welfare queens. The scum of America pretty much.

Here are just a few of the hundreds of bills Senate Republicans have filibustered since President Obama took office — just a few:

  • Infrastructure bills
The following headlines are from last week’s “Full Employment Is More Than Possible. It Is Essential.

· Equal Pay for Women

· Minimum wage increase

· Creating American Jobs and Ending Offshoring Act

· Bring Jobs Home Act – stop tax breaks for moving jobs and production facilities out of the country

· Teachers and First Responders Back to Work Act of 2011 – rehire 400,000 teachers, firefighters, paramedics and police officers.

· Student loan reform – ease the crushing burden of student loan debt by at least allowing refinancing to lower interest rates

· Extended unemployment benefits – for the long-term unemployed

· Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) — let working people join unions – filibustered in 2007, killed by threat of filibuster 2009

· Public Safety Employer-Employee Cooperation Act – let public safety officers join unions

· The Buffett rule – ensure millionaires pay a comparable tax rate to middle-class Americans

· Repeal Big Oil Tax Subsidies Act

What would it have meant for the economy and jobs to launch a post-stimulus effort to maintain and modernize our infrastructure? How about reversing the tax structure that pays companies to move jobs out of the country? How about relief from crushing student loan debt?

All of those things blocked, and people wonder what the economy is just slogging along…

You and your list are so FOS it's not even funny.

Oil companies don't get any more subsidies than most any other company in the US.

There are no tax breaks for moving your company overseas. More liberals BS.

Let safety officers join unions? WTF does that help besides unions who contribute their money to the Democrats come election time?

Extended unemployment? I guess two years isn't enough time to find a job, huh?

Student loans? Who took over that in the first place????

Equal pay for women? Already passed..... IN 1963!!!!!!
Either you are a rich liar or a broke ass fool. Liberals haven't done anything. In fact we warned you that Republican policies do nothing but make the rich richer and the poor poorer.

But I don't have to tell you that's what happens. You'll see.

the Fed keeps making America's uber rich ever richer, when in the first quarter thanks mostly to yet another $1.1 trilion increase in the value of financial assets (read stock market), the asset holdings of US households (or at least a very small subsection of them) rose by $1.6 trillion to a record $99 trillion, which net of $14.2 trillion in debt, means US household net worth is also a record $84.9 billion.

Very Rich Get Very Richer: Wealthiest 20% Hold 94.5% of World’s Money

And these are the people telling you liberal programs are bankrupting the country and meanwhile they've never been richer. The poor and middle class are so stupid. And not just Americans. This has happened all over the world. Greece, France, EVERYWHERE. The middle class and poor of the world are doomed!!!

So what made the rich even richer? it's called Quantitive easing. That's right, the feds (Under DumBama) pumped trillions of dollars into the stock market. The rich took real advantage of that. It's as phony as a three dollar bill, but when you are making millions off of it, who cares?
What do you think the debt will be 4-8 years from now? If it's $40 trillion will you have a problem with that? Because trump will double the debt.

He may want to increase it, but the Republican Congress will never let him get away with it. They will compromise like they tried to do with DumBama. Find some cuts to pay for X program, and they will pass it as long as it doesn't add to the deficit.
Didn't Bush try to privatize SS, guess it d
At least then the County poor houses were truly gardens of Eden. Add to that, the poor farms allowed its inhabitants to learn an occupation and even help work about the town. Kids were encouraged to work in factories and all was great, ah, if we could only go back, maybe Trump?

I remember when Newt was running for President and they mocked him for suggesting that kids be allowed to work at school instead of study for those that didn't have the ability to go to college. Liberals brought up all this child labor nonsense and slavery, but the truth of the matter is Newt's idea was not original. We had the same thing when I was in school back in the 70's. It was called the work/study program and I participated.

I used to wake up early to go to work at the school. As a young teen, I was so excited to get my first paycheck with my name on it. It gave me the drive to earn even more and look forward to when I became an adult and work full-time at a real job.

A work-study program at school may be a little different than going to a factory every morning when you're fifteen years old.

Didn't Bush try to privatize SS, guess it d

Yep, and it was shot down mainly by the Democrats, but some Republicans as well. It was a great idea too. It's just that government doesn't want to relinquish that control they have over us now.

A work-study program at school may be a little different than going to a factory every morning when you're fifteen years old.

Newt never said that. He said that kids can do work around the school. When I was in the program, we even had private business that participated. But mostly it was helping out the custodian with emptying baskets, moping and sweeping the floors, cleaning up the litter outside of the school, raising the flag in the morning, things like that.
All banter matters not. The fact is this country is reserved for the uber wealthy. They ate above the law, get legislation passdefd for them, and control our political process. Meanwhile, the working guy can work till he drps, and won't get ahead. Neither trump nor Clinton nor anybody else is going to do a dang thing about it. Meanwhile, the working poor will continue to take it right on the chin....right like the ruling class has it designed. The uber wealthy must laugh like crazy at the millions of hard working Americans. That's america in a nutshell. Its so eadsy to see.
It wasn't discussed during the elections but does any one doubt SS is going to be put on the chopping block?

No way one usmb Republican will say they like and want to keep SS.

And if they want to at least tell us in 2019 so we can vote on it.

I do not LIKE SS, as it is budgetary Armageddon, that may very well destroy US.

But is has also made hundreds of millions of people dependent on the government, just as planned.

There may not be an answer other than to try to prepare for the crash and burn.

Ideally I would like to plan a retirement that does NOT depend on SS, being there. But unfortunately they are taxing me so much that it is hard.

Your response is typical of someone ignorant of history and easily led by Wall Street.
It wasn't discussed during the elections but does any one doubt SS is going to be put on the chopping block? No way one usmb Republican will say they like and want to keep SS. And if they want to at least tell us in 2019 so we can vote on it.
They should but I highly doubt they will. We've still get some more work to do getting real conservatives elected instead of RINO's before we can get to that point.

For now - lets just hope that we get the right Supreme Court justices elected and that Obamacare gets repealed. If we can get that much, it's been a great success.
All banter matters not. The fact is this country is reserved for the uber wealthy. They ate above the law, get legislation passdefd for them, and control our political process. Meanwhile, the working guy can work till he drps, and won't get ahead. Neither trump nor Clinton nor anybody else is going to do a dang thing about it. Meanwhile, the working poor will continue to take it right on the chin....right like the ruling class has it designed. The uber wealthy must laugh like crazy at the millions of hard working Americans. That's america in a nutshell. Its so eadsy to see.
Spoken like a true "woe is me" progressive. Always playing the victim. Always acting helpless. Yawn.

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