Will Republicans end social security?

Will Republicans end social security?

  • Yes, at least try

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 71.8%

  • Total voters
Begging the question. You're just assuming the truth of your own position.

States are democracies. The Federal government isn't. At least it wasn't supposed to be. State governments are elected by the citizens, they aren't appointed as you seem to believe

Ostrich up! Did you even read my post? Or did you just dig in your heels reflexively?

Winston Churchill: I can explain it to you. I cannot comprehend it for you.

My post directly addressed yours

Your post was your usual combative nonsense. Engaging with you, on pretty much anything, is just kind of like stepping in shit.

Try reading the discussion again on who was getting combative unless you just believe that to debate you is to be "combative"

You don't debate. That's the problem. I doesn't seem like you even read the posts you respond to. You look for a few key words, and then hurl insults.

Actually, if you read the thread, you started the insults, Holmes.

And I can't help your poor reading comprehension that you don't understand my direct response to your posts.

If you feel that to disagree with you is to be combative and insulting, maybe message boards aren't the place for you. I'm just saying. But obviously leftists realize you're ultimately supporting them since they don't insult you while libertarians and conservatives do.

You're not fooling anyone other than yourself. If you're a leftist, fine, admit it. If you're a libertarian, stop arguing on behalf of leftists. There is no overlap between libertarian and leftism. Leftism is a totalitarian, authoritarian ideology. I don't care, but stop whining when you're called on your solutions not matching your libertarian rhetoric
Social Security will end itself or the Country. With over 9 Trillion in unfunded liabilities it is the largest ponzi scheme in history.
A lot of younger people who think SS wont be there for them, or that they could have invested what SS takes from there pay checks & made more money, are not looking at the whole picture. if you had invested your retirement money before 201 most would have lost big time in the crash, if there was no SS many would been having to fully support an ageing parent or family member. all or nothing thinking not the wise choice.
It wasn't discussed during the elections but does any one doubt SS is going to be put on the chopping block?

No way one usmb Republican will say they like and want to keep SS.

And if they want to at least tell us in 2019 so we can vote on it.

I do not LIKE SS, as it is budgetary Armageddon, that may very well destroy US.

But is has also made hundreds of millions of people dependent on the government, just as planned.

There may not be an answer other than to try to prepare for the crash and burn.

Ideally I would like to plan a retirement that does NOT depend on SS, being there. But unfortunately they are taxing me so much that it is hard.

I am willing to bet Correll you are dependent on social security. And don't blame social security for you being dependent on social security. If you are so broke you didn't save additional money, trust me, even if they stopped taking SS out of your paycheck, you wouldn't have saved shit.

You would lose that bet.

My retirement fund is not where i want it to be, but it is nothing to sneeze at, and I have a rental property that is very well located, that will be paid off, about the time I do retire, thus becoming a nice source of monthly income.

And I was not just talking about soc security tax. Overall taxes are painful. Just paid them. Very painful.
But if we nationalize health care, Trump will be in charge of taking care of grandma. Comforting thought, eh?
I don't want government to control healthcare at all. It was affordable before they got involved.
My comment was meant to give some pause to the liberals who are so eager to put government in charge of health care. They seem to have this vision of an omni-benevolent force in society. They have very good blinders I s'pose.
What’s your solution?

Depends on which problem we're solving. Lack of clarity on that has been the biggest impediment to making things better. What do you see as the problem?
The American people aren’t that bright? Canadians, brits, Germans, Australians all love their socialized medicine.

Rich people can still buy better insurance but no Canadian families have to host fundraisers to pay for their cancer cure.
It wasn't discussed during the elections but does any one doubt SS is going to be put on the chopping block?

No way one usmb Republican will say they like and want to keep SS.

And if they want to at least tell us in 2019 so we can vote on it.

I do not LIKE SS, as it is budgetary Armageddon, that may very well destroy US.

But is has also made hundreds of millions of people dependent on the government, just as planned.

There may not be an answer other than to try to prepare for the crash and burn.

Ideally I would like to plan a retirement that does NOT depend on SS, being there. But unfortunately they are taxing me so much that it is hard.

I am willing to bet Correll you are dependent on social security. And don't blame social security for you being dependent on social security. If you are so broke you didn't save additional money, trust me, even if they stopped taking SS out of your paycheck, you wouldn't have saved shit.

You would lose that bet.

My retirement fund is not where i want it to be, but it is nothing to sneeze at, and I have a rental property that is very well located, that will be paid off, about the time I do retire, thus becoming a nice source of monthly income.

And I was not just talking about soc security tax. Overall taxes are painful. Just paid them. Very painful.
I’m back and I’m much more conservative now
I don't want government to control healthcare at all. It was affordable before they got involved.
My comment was meant to give some pause to the liberals who are so eager to put government in charge of health care. They seem to have this vision of an omni-benevolent force in society. They have very good blinders I s'pose.
What’s your solution?

Depends on which problem we're solving. Lack of clarity on that has been the biggest impediment to making things better. What do you see as the problem?

Government "solving" problems is what got us into the mess that is our medical system. Free markets solve problems. Government creates problems

Government can and should solve problems that it helped create.
In some ways it is. Their making it tougher to get government assistance. Making them work for the help or drug testing. Basically getting poor people off the government tit. There are many who need and deserve based on circumstances but when it’s just here’s your $200 a month foodstamps and no accountability people will continue to take advantage regardless of deserve, need or ability to work

I know this drunk gambling loser in his 50s. He does not deserve $200 a month in free food. He qualifies though based on his income. Some social worker needs to examine his lifestyle.

And too many people who can work a computer and talk on the phone are on disability. That’s bs.
The stupid Moon Bats have nothing to worry about.

The Republicans don't have the courage to do the right thing and end this filthy ass Ponzi Scheme monstrosity.
I hope y'all are not relying on social security income for your retirement. It will not be there. The math does not add up. You might get a check, but then it will be taxed.

Plan on it now.
I hope y'all are not relying on social security income for your retirement. It will not be there. The math does not add up. You might get a check, but then it will be taxed.

Plan on it now.
If you believe and want that to be true vote republican.
I hope y'all are not relying on social security income for your retirement. It will not be there. The math does not add up. You might get a check, but then it will be taxed.

Plan on it now.
If you believe and want that to be true vote republican.

Because what are the Democrats doing again to make SS solvent?
Oh you’ll blame us for why you have to kill the programs we already know
I hope y'all are not relying on social security income for your retirement. It will not be there. The math does not add up. You might get a check, but then it will be taxed.

Plan on it now.
If you believe and want that to be true vote republican.

Because what are the Democrats doing again to make SS solvent?
Oh you’ll blame us for why you have to kill the programs we already know


I want to kill Social Security. One of the reasons I'm not a Republican.

You claim you are a Republican, moron.

Social Security is a welfare program. Not a dime is saved. Of course a libertarian would want to kill that
But if we nationalize health care, Trump will be in charge of taking care of grandma. Comforting thought, eh?
I don't want government to control healthcare at all. It was affordable before they got involved.
My comment was meant to give some pause to the liberals who are so eager to put government in charge of health care. They seem to have this vision of an omni-benevolent force in society. They have very good blinders I s'pose.
What’s your solution?

Depends on which problem we're solving. Lack of clarity on that has been the biggest impediment to making things better. What do you see as the problem?
The American people aren’t that bright? Canadians, brits, Germans, Australians all love their socialized medicine.

Rich people can still buy better insurance but no Canadian families have to host fundraisers to pay for their cancer cure.

You didn't answer the question. What problem are you asking for a solution for? If we keep equivocating on this, we'll never get anywhere. Do you want a solution for overpriced health care? Or do you want to deal with people who are too poor to afford health care? Or is the problem the fact that we have to pay for health care at all?

The thing is, those problems require different solutions.
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It wasn't discussed during the elections but does any one doubt SS is going to be put on the chopping block?

No way one usmb Republican will say they like and want to keep SS.

And if they want to at least tell us in 2019 so we can vote on it.

I do not LIKE SS, as it is budgetary Armageddon, that may very well destroy US.

But is has also made hundreds of millions of people dependent on the government, just as planned.

There may not be an answer other than to try to prepare for the crash and burn.

Ideally I would like to plan a retirement that does NOT depend on SS, being there. But unfortunately they are taxing me so much that it is hard.

I am willing to bet Correll you are dependent on social security. And don't blame social security for you being dependent on social security. If you are so broke you didn't save additional money, trust me, even if they stopped taking SS out of your paycheck, you wouldn't have saved shit.

You would lose that bet.

My retirement fund is not where i want it to be, but it is nothing to sneeze at, and I have a rental property that is very well located, that will be paid off, about the time I do retire, thus becoming a nice source of monthly income.

And I was not just talking about soc security tax. Overall taxes are painful. Just paid them. Very painful.
I’m back and I’m much more conservative now

I miss the good old days when we were constantly warned that Social Security was Communism and if we cashed our checks, McCarthy would hunt us down like the scum we were. The new battle cry is now: "it's out of money, They spent all that time and money on the communism thing and now "it's out of money."
I suspect the battle to scare people about SS will go on for at least another century, and when Republicans feel secure they might even try it?
The real problems facing us like the long-term viability of Medicare and SS are the ones that no one will touch because it means they won't get voted back in. We'll have Social Security as-is right up until it drives itself off a cliff.

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