Will Republicans end social security?

Will Republicans end social security?

  • Yes, at least try

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 71.8%

  • Total voters
It wasn't discussed during the elections but does any one doubt SS is going to be put on the chopping block?

No way one usmb Republican will say they like and want to keep SS.

And if they want to at least tell us in 2019 so we can vote on it.
What a stupid fucking post. Both parties screwed up Social Security. They returned "surplus" funds back to the general account when times were good, instead they should have been using those funds to fortify Social Security. When a viable solution was offered by W liberals cried like little bitches.
Both parties. BOTH PARTIES!!!

I notice Republicans always blame one of two things for every wrong in this world

Democrats and


Well I can tell you there is only one party that hates social security. Guess which one?
You are a fucking idiot. Curious why you lazy fuckers didn't do a damn thing to fix the coming issues? Liberals, such as yourself, cry like bitches anytime any reform is attempted to make it viable for the long term. Lazy greedy fucking libs. Shove you smug bullshit right back up where it came from.

We've been warning Americans that you guys want to kill social security and medicare

You've been admitting you want to kill social security and medicare for years. You don't like the socialist stuff remember?

You've robbed the fund. Have Democrats robbed the funds too? Sure but they aren't going to try to kill the program. You guys however have given the rich and corporations tax breaks and now are going to say we are broke and have to make cuts.

You probably aren't rich and you are going to need social security. How old are you? If you are as old as me, Republicans just fucked you. They just raised your retirement age two years.

You guys always cry about how Democrats raise your taxes. Think about what the GOP did to you. They took away 2 of your retirement years.

And we already hear what Republicans say if the GOP ended the program. You all would bend over and take it. They can't take your fucking guns but they can take your social security away? Are you rich or stupid?
More stupid crap u made up. The Republican party doesn't want to end social security. It's one of the problems with them

They won't admit it because it's not popular. That's why they slowly chip away at it.

I don't recall the day they raised the age to 67. Why? Because they did that shit secretly.
Yes. If I didn't, I'd save more. I wouldn't ask for welfare like you do
Wish I had a nickel for every conservative I met who said that but then found themselves in line to collect their welfare the fucking minute they found themselves in need.

They justify it by saying, "well I've paid in to the system so you're damn right I'm going to take out when I need it".

They don't realize that's what the program is there for. But if it were up to them, that welfare wouldn't even be available to them.

So you can say you wouldn't take welfare but we all know you guys are hypocrites and liars.

Everyone else is taking advantage of the system except for when it's you who needs help then you are the exception.

Most of us will never need welfare. That doesn't mean it's a bad thing.

And so stop talking shit about people on welfare. They just so happen to have found themselves in a situation you've never found yourself in. But I can promise you that if you were in that situation, you'll be the first fucker in line with your handout.

Don't be embarrassed. Only be embarrassed because you were such a hypocrite and because you lack empathy. That's your shame.
What a load of crap

I can't tell you how many times Republicans I know have been

1. Against welfare then ended up on welfare
2. Against Bill Clinton cheating but then voted for Trump
3. Against social security and medicare but then they are broke and need both programs
4. Against the ACA then they have to have a fund raiser to pay for their spouses or kids cancer treatments
5. Against unemployment benefits but then when the 5 months were up they went in for an extension. This after saying they would work at McDonalds before they collected unemployment benefits.
I'm a libertarian, stupid fuck. I dont give a shit about your Republican crap
You've robbed the fund. Have Democrats robbed the funds too? Sure but they aren't going to try to kill the program.

That's some funny shit right there.

If the fund is empty, find the money to fill it just like you found the money to fight the Iraq war.

How 'bout neither? How about corrupt politicians stop pilfering money from social security, and we defund the war machine? Win/win.
What a stupid fucking post. Both parties screwed up Social Security. They returned "surplus" funds back to the general account when times were good, instead they should have been using those funds to fortify Social Security. When a viable solution was offered by W liberals cried like little bitches.
Both parties. BOTH PARTIES!!!

I notice Republicans always blame one of two things for every wrong in this world

Democrats and


Well I can tell you there is only one party that hates social security. Guess which one?
You are a fucking idiot. Curious why you lazy fuckers didn't do a damn thing to fix the coming issues? Liberals, such as yourself, cry like bitches anytime any reform is attempted to make it viable for the long term. Lazy greedy fucking libs. Shove you smug bullshit right back up where it came from.

We've been warning Americans that you guys want to kill social security and medicare

You've been admitting you want to kill social security and medicare for years. You don't like the socialist stuff remember?

You've robbed the fund. Have Democrats robbed the funds too? Sure but they aren't going to try to kill the program. You guys however have given the rich and corporations tax breaks and now are going to say we are broke and have to make cuts.

You probably aren't rich and you are going to need social security. How old are you? If you are as old as me, Republicans just fucked you. They just raised your retirement age two years.

You guys always cry about how Democrats raise your taxes. Think about what the GOP did to you. They took away 2 of your retirement years.

And we already hear what Republicans say if the GOP ended the program. You all would bend over and take it. They can't take your fucking guns but they can take your social security away? Are you rich or stupid?
More stupid crap u made up. The Republican party doesn't want to end social security. It's one of the problems with them

They won't admit it because it's not popular. That's why they slowly chip away at it.

I don't recall the day they raised the age to 67. Why? Because they did that shit secretly.
So what you are saying is gimme gimme gimme
Yes. If I didn't, I'd save more. I wouldn't ask for welfare like you do
Wish I had a nickel for every conservative I met who said that but then found themselves in line to collect their welfare the fucking minute they found themselves in need.

They justify it by saying, "well I've paid in to the system so you're damn right I'm going to take out when I need it".

They don't realize that's what the program is there for. But if it were up to them, that welfare wouldn't even be available to them.

So you can say you wouldn't take welfare but we all know you guys are hypocrites and liars.

Everyone else is taking advantage of the system except for when it's you who needs help then you are the exception.

Most of us will never need welfare. That doesn't mean it's a bad thing.

And so stop talking shit about people on welfare. They just so happen to have found themselves in a situation you've never found yourself in. But I can promise you that if you were in that situation, you'll be the first fucker in line with your handout.

Don't be embarrassed. Only be embarrassed because you were such a hypocrite and because you lack empathy. That's your shame.
What a load of crap

I can't tell you how many times Republicans I know have been

1. Against welfare then ended up on welfare
2. Against Bill Clinton cheating but then voted for Trump
3. Against social security and medicare but then they are broke and need both programs
4. Against the ACA then they have to have a fund raiser to pay for their spouses or kids cancer treatments
5. Against unemployment benefits but then when the 5 months were up they went in for an extension. This after saying they would work at McDonalds before they collected unemployment benefits.
I'm a libertarian, stupid fuck. I dont give a shit about your Republican crap

Libertarians are Republicans you dumb fuck.

Ron Paul, Rand Paul are both Republicans really.

Trump could very well be a Libertarian with his deregulations and lowering taxes.

  • Individual freedom. ... Who isn't for this?
  • Social liberals. ... Really you like gays and common sense guns laws and unions?
  • Economic conservatives. ...
  • Abortion. ... What are you pro choice?
  • Non-interventionist foreign policy. Until we need to intervene then you become interventionists.
It's easy to say you are non interventionist until you realize there are reprocussions to your decisions. That's why Trump lied to you and said he'd be a non interventionist, until he got behind the wheel and realized that's just a pipe dream. If America doesn't intervene then someone else will, like China or Russia.
Both parties. BOTH PARTIES!!!

I notice Republicans always blame one of two things for every wrong in this world

Democrats and


Well I can tell you there is only one party that hates social security. Guess which one?
You are a fucking idiot. Curious why you lazy fuckers didn't do a damn thing to fix the coming issues? Liberals, such as yourself, cry like bitches anytime any reform is attempted to make it viable for the long term. Lazy greedy fucking libs. Shove you smug bullshit right back up where it came from.

We've been warning Americans that you guys want to kill social security and medicare

You've been admitting you want to kill social security and medicare for years. You don't like the socialist stuff remember?

You've robbed the fund. Have Democrats robbed the funds too? Sure but they aren't going to try to kill the program. You guys however have given the rich and corporations tax breaks and now are going to say we are broke and have to make cuts.

You probably aren't rich and you are going to need social security. How old are you? If you are as old as me, Republicans just fucked you. They just raised your retirement age two years.

You guys always cry about how Democrats raise your taxes. Think about what the GOP did to you. They took away 2 of your retirement years.

And we already hear what Republicans say if the GOP ended the program. You all would bend over and take it. They can't take your fucking guns but they can take your social security away? Are you rich or stupid?
More stupid crap u made up. The Republican party doesn't want to end social security. It's one of the problems with them

They won't admit it because it's not popular. That's why they slowly chip away at it.

I don't recall the day they raised the age to 67. Why? Because they did that shit secretly.
So what you are saying is gimme gimme gimme

And what you are saying is "go ahead and take away my social security. I'm stupid and will get over it."
Yes. If I didn't, I'd save more. I wouldn't ask for welfare like you do
Wish I had a nickel for every conservative I met who said that but then found themselves in line to collect their welfare the fucking minute they found themselves in need.

They justify it by saying, "well I've paid in to the system so you're damn right I'm going to take out when I need it".

They don't realize that's what the program is there for. But if it were up to them, that welfare wouldn't even be available to them.

So you can say you wouldn't take welfare but we all know you guys are hypocrites and liars.

Everyone else is taking advantage of the system except for when it's you who needs help then you are the exception.

Most of us will never need welfare. That doesn't mean it's a bad thing.

And so stop talking shit about people on welfare. They just so happen to have found themselves in a situation you've never found yourself in. But I can promise you that if you were in that situation, you'll be the first fucker in line with your handout.

Don't be embarrassed. Only be embarrassed because you were such a hypocrite and because you lack empathy. That's your shame.
What a load of crap

I can't tell you how many times Republicans I know have been

1. Against welfare then ended up on welfare
2. Against Bill Clinton cheating but then voted for Trump
3. Against social security and medicare but then they are broke and need both programs
4. Against the ACA then they have to have a fund raiser to pay for their spouses or kids cancer treatments
5. Against unemployment benefits but then when the 5 months were up they went in for an extension. This after saying they would work at McDonalds before they collected unemployment benefits.
I'm a libertarian, stupid fuck. I dont give a shit about your Republican crap

Libertarians are Republicans you dumb fuck.

Ron Paul, Rand Paul are both Republicans really.

Trump could very well be a Libertarian with his deregulations and lowering taxes.

  • Individual freedom. ... Who isn't for this?
  • Social liberals. ... Really you like gays and common sense guns laws and unions?
  • Economic conservatives. ...
  • Abortion. ... What are you pro choice?
  • Non-interventionist foreign policy. Until we need to intervene then you become interventionists.
It's easy to say you are non interventionist until you realize there are reprocussions to your decisions. That's why Trump lied to you and said he'd be a non interventionist, until he got behind the wheel and realized that's just a pipe dream. If America doesn't intervene then someone else will, like China or Russia.
You are stupid as shit:321:
You are a fucking idiot. Curious why you lazy fuckers didn't do a damn thing to fix the coming issues? Liberals, such as yourself, cry like bitches anytime any reform is attempted to make it viable for the long term. Lazy greedy fucking libs. Shove you smug bullshit right back up where it came from.

We've been warning Americans that you guys want to kill social security and medicare

You've been admitting you want to kill social security and medicare for years. You don't like the socialist stuff remember?

You've robbed the fund. Have Democrats robbed the funds too? Sure but they aren't going to try to kill the program. You guys however have given the rich and corporations tax breaks and now are going to say we are broke and have to make cuts.

You probably aren't rich and you are going to need social security. How old are you? If you are as old as me, Republicans just fucked you. They just raised your retirement age two years.

You guys always cry about how Democrats raise your taxes. Think about what the GOP did to you. They took away 2 of your retirement years.

And we already hear what Republicans say if the GOP ended the program. You all would bend over and take it. They can't take your fucking guns but they can take your social security away? Are you rich or stupid?
More stupid crap u made up. The Republican party doesn't want to end social security. It's one of the problems with them

They won't admit it because it's not popular. That's why they slowly chip away at it.

I don't recall the day they raised the age to 67. Why? Because they did that shit secretly.
So what you are saying is gimme gimme gimme

And what you are saying is "go ahead and take away my social security. I'm stupid and will get over it."

People who dont want welfare are stupid. Got it

No such thing would ever happen, period.

They should raise the retirement age to 70, though. And index the eligibility age to 9 percent of the population going forward.

They should lower the retirement age if anything.
Don't laugh, it is not only feasible but would be beneficial.
Wish I had a nickel for every conservative I met who said that but then found themselves in line to collect their welfare the fucking minute they found themselves in need.

They justify it by saying, "well I've paid in to the system so you're damn right I'm going to take out when I need it".

They don't realize that's what the program is there for. But if it were up to them, that welfare wouldn't even be available to them.

So you can say you wouldn't take welfare but we all know you guys are hypocrites and liars.

Everyone else is taking advantage of the system except for when it's you who needs help then you are the exception.

Most of us will never need welfare. That doesn't mean it's a bad thing.

And so stop talking shit about people on welfare. They just so happen to have found themselves in a situation you've never found yourself in. But I can promise you that if you were in that situation, you'll be the first fucker in line with your handout.

Don't be embarrassed. Only be embarrassed because you were such a hypocrite and because you lack empathy. That's your shame.
What a load of crap

I can't tell you how many times Republicans I know have been

1. Against welfare then ended up on welfare
2. Against Bill Clinton cheating but then voted for Trump
3. Against social security and medicare but then they are broke and need both programs
4. Against the ACA then they have to have a fund raiser to pay for their spouses or kids cancer treatments
5. Against unemployment benefits but then when the 5 months were up they went in for an extension. This after saying they would work at McDonalds before they collected unemployment benefits.
I'm a libertarian, stupid fuck. I dont give a shit about your Republican crap

Libertarians are Republicans you dumb fuck.

Ron Paul, Rand Paul are both Republicans really.

Trump could very well be a Libertarian with his deregulations and lowering taxes.

  • Individual freedom. ... Who isn't for this?
  • Social liberals. ... Really you like gays and common sense guns laws and unions?
  • Economic conservatives. ...
  • Abortion. ... What are you pro choice?
  • Non-interventionist foreign policy. Until we need to intervene then you become interventionists.
It's easy to say you are non interventionist until you realize there are reprocussions to your decisions. That's why Trump lied to you and said he'd be a non interventionist, until he got behind the wheel and realized that's just a pipe dream. If America doesn't intervene then someone else will, like China or Russia.
You are stupid as shit:321:

Trump won over union workers, blue collar and yes, he won over Libertarians by sounding like a Republican for working class people. What those idiots don't realize is Republican policies are for the rich not middle class. Trump lied to you too sucker

Trump lays out non-interventionist U.S. military policy
What a load of crap

I can't tell you how many times Republicans I know have been

1. Against welfare then ended up on welfare
2. Against Bill Clinton cheating but then voted for Trump
3. Against social security and medicare but then they are broke and need both programs
4. Against the ACA then they have to have a fund raiser to pay for their spouses or kids cancer treatments
5. Against unemployment benefits but then when the 5 months were up they went in for an extension. This after saying they would work at McDonalds before they collected unemployment benefits.
I'm a libertarian, stupid fuck. I dont give a shit about your Republican crap

Libertarians are Republicans you dumb fuck.

Ron Paul, Rand Paul are both Republicans really.

Trump could very well be a Libertarian with his deregulations and lowering taxes.

  • Individual freedom. ... Who isn't for this?
  • Social liberals. ... Really you like gays and common sense guns laws and unions?
  • Economic conservatives. ...
  • Abortion. ... What are you pro choice?
  • Non-interventionist foreign policy. Until we need to intervene then you become interventionists.
It's easy to say you are non interventionist until you realize there are reprocussions to your decisions. That's why Trump lied to you and said he'd be a non interventionist, until he got behind the wheel and realized that's just a pipe dream. If America doesn't intervene then someone else will, like China or Russia.
You are stupid as shit:321:

Trump won over union workers, blue collar and yes, he won over Libertarians by sounding like a Republican for working class people. What those idiots don't realize is Republican policies are for the rich not middle class. Trump lied to you too sucker

Trump lays out non-interventionist U.S. military policy

You have been living under a rock if you think any politician regardless of party affiliation gives two shits about working people.
You're lying to yourself.
We've been warning Americans that you guys want to kill social security and medicare

You've been admitting you want to kill social security and medicare for years. You don't like the socialist stuff remember?

You've robbed the fund. Have Democrats robbed the funds too? Sure but they aren't going to try to kill the program. You guys however have given the rich and corporations tax breaks and now are going to say we are broke and have to make cuts.

You probably aren't rich and you are going to need social security. How old are you? If you are as old as me, Republicans just fucked you. They just raised your retirement age two years.

You guys always cry about how Democrats raise your taxes. Think about what the GOP did to you. They took away 2 of your retirement years.

And we already hear what Republicans say if the GOP ended the program. You all would bend over and take it. They can't take your fucking guns but they can take your social security away? Are you rich or stupid?
More stupid crap u made up. The Republican party doesn't want to end social security. It's one of the problems with them

They won't admit it because it's not popular. That's why they slowly chip away at it.

I don't recall the day they raised the age to 67. Why? Because they did that shit secretly.
So what you are saying is gimme gimme gimme

And what you are saying is "go ahead and take away my social security. I'm stupid and will get over it."

People who dont want welfare are stupid. Got it


No, people who are anti welfare because they think they'll never need it, but then you find them first in line when they need it, and they justify their being in that line.

I don't mind them being in that line. I mind them being anti welfare and lacking empathy and them wanting to get rid of safety nets that they THINK they'll never need.
I can't tell you how many times Republicans I know have been

1. Against welfare then ended up on welfare
2. Against Bill Clinton cheating but then voted for Trump
3. Against social security and medicare but then they are broke and need both programs
4. Against the ACA then they have to have a fund raiser to pay for their spouses or kids cancer treatments
5. Against unemployment benefits but then when the 5 months were up they went in for an extension. This after saying they would work at McDonalds before they collected unemployment benefits.
I'm a libertarian, stupid fuck. I dont give a shit about your Republican crap

Libertarians are Republicans you dumb fuck.

Ron Paul, Rand Paul are both Republicans really.

Trump could very well be a Libertarian with his deregulations and lowering taxes.

  • Individual freedom. ... Who isn't for this?
  • Social liberals. ... Really you like gays and common sense guns laws and unions?
  • Economic conservatives. ...
  • Abortion. ... What are you pro choice?
  • Non-interventionist foreign policy. Until we need to intervene then you become interventionists.
It's easy to say you are non interventionist until you realize there are reprocussions to your decisions. That's why Trump lied to you and said he'd be a non interventionist, until he got behind the wheel and realized that's just a pipe dream. If America doesn't intervene then someone else will, like China or Russia.
You are stupid as shit:321:

Trump won over union workers, blue collar and yes, he won over Libertarians by sounding like a Republican for working class people. What those idiots don't realize is Republican policies are for the rich not middle class. Trump lied to you too sucker

Trump lays out non-interventionist U.S. military policy

You have been living under a rock if you think any politician regardless of party affiliation gives two shits about working people.
You're lying to yourself.
FDR created a middle class the world has ever seen. Liberals created the middle class we enjoyed for decades and Republicans and the rich have slowly chipped away at the middle class I'd say starting just about in the 70's.

Bill Clinton signed NAFTA but put worker protections in it. Chaney removed those protections.

Obama got rid of pre existing conditions so insurance companies can't deny us working folks healthcare.

This is the problem with Republicans.

"You Can't Govern if You Don't Believe in Government"

And I'm so sick of hearing Republicans say all politicians are bad. No they aren't. BUT, I will agree with you 100% that all Republican politicians are bad.

You can't even argue with me because you just admitted that NOT ONE Republican politician cares about working people.
I'm a libertarian, stupid fuck. I dont give a shit about your Republican crap

Libertarians are Republicans you dumb fuck.

Ron Paul, Rand Paul are both Republicans really.

Trump could very well be a Libertarian with his deregulations and lowering taxes.

  • Individual freedom. ... Who isn't for this?
  • Social liberals. ... Really you like gays and common sense guns laws and unions?
  • Economic conservatives. ...
  • Abortion. ... What are you pro choice?
  • Non-interventionist foreign policy. Until we need to intervene then you become interventionists.
It's easy to say you are non interventionist until you realize there are reprocussions to your decisions. That's why Trump lied to you and said he'd be a non interventionist, until he got behind the wheel and realized that's just a pipe dream. If America doesn't intervene then someone else will, like China or Russia.
You are stupid as shit:321:

Trump won over union workers, blue collar and yes, he won over Libertarians by sounding like a Republican for working class people. What those idiots don't realize is Republican policies are for the rich not middle class. Trump lied to you too sucker

Trump lays out non-interventionist U.S. military policy

You have been living under a rock if you think any politician regardless of party affiliation gives two shits about working people.
You're lying to yourself.
FDR created a middle class the world has ever seen. Liberals created the middle class we enjoyed for decades and Republicans and the rich have slowly chipped away at the middle class I'd say starting just about in the 70's.

Bill Clinton signed NAFTA but put worker protections in it. Chaney removed those protections.

Obama got rid of pre existing conditions so insurance companies can't deny us working folks healthcare.

This is the problem with Republicans.

"You Can't Govern if You Don't Believe in Government"

And I'm so sick of hearing Republicans say all politicians are bad. No they aren't. BUT, I will agree with you 100% that all Republican politicians are bad.

You can't even argue with me because you just admitted that NOT ONE Republican politician cares about working people.

Wow...you never go full retard dude.
You've gone full retard.
I can't tell you how many times Republicans I know have been

1. Against welfare then ended up on welfare
2. Against Bill Clinton cheating but then voted for Trump
3. Against social security and medicare but then they are broke and need both programs
4. Against the ACA then they have to have a fund raiser to pay for their spouses or kids cancer treatments
5. Against unemployment benefits but then when the 5 months were up they went in for an extension. This after saying they would work at McDonalds before they collected unemployment benefits.
I'm a libertarian, stupid fuck. I dont give a shit about your Republican crap

Libertarians are Republicans you dumb fuck.

Ron Paul, Rand Paul are both Republicans really.

Trump could very well be a Libertarian with his deregulations and lowering taxes.

  • Individual freedom. ... Who isn't for this?
  • Social liberals. ... Really you like gays and common sense guns laws and unions?
  • Economic conservatives. ...
  • Abortion. ... What are you pro choice?
  • Non-interventionist foreign policy. Until we need to intervene then you become interventionists.
It's easy to say you are non interventionist until you realize there are reprocussions to your decisions. That's why Trump lied to you and said he'd be a non interventionist, until he got behind the wheel and realized that's just a pipe dream. If America doesn't intervene then someone else will, like China or Russia.
You are stupid as shit:321:

Trump won over union workers, blue collar and yes, he won over Libertarians by sounding like a Republican for working class people. What those idiots don't realize is Republican policies are for the rich not middle class. Trump lied to you too sucker

Trump lays out non-interventionist U.S. military policy

You have been living under a rock if you think any politician regardless of party affiliation gives two shits about working people.
You're lying to yourself.

So you admit Republicans don't give 2 shits about working people. Thank you. That's all I needed to hear.
I'm a libertarian, stupid fuck. I dont give a shit about your Republican crap

Libertarians are Republicans you dumb fuck.

Ron Paul, Rand Paul are both Republicans really.

Trump could very well be a Libertarian with his deregulations and lowering taxes.

  • Individual freedom. ... Who isn't for this?
  • Social liberals. ... Really you like gays and common sense guns laws and unions?
  • Economic conservatives. ...
  • Abortion. ... What are you pro choice?
  • Non-interventionist foreign policy. Until we need to intervene then you become interventionists.
It's easy to say you are non interventionist until you realize there are reprocussions to your decisions. That's why Trump lied to you and said he'd be a non interventionist, until he got behind the wheel and realized that's just a pipe dream. If America doesn't intervene then someone else will, like China or Russia.
You are stupid as shit:321:

Trump won over union workers, blue collar and yes, he won over Libertarians by sounding like a Republican for working class people. What those idiots don't realize is Republican policies are for the rich not middle class. Trump lied to you too sucker

Trump lays out non-interventionist U.S. military policy

You have been living under a rock if you think any politician regardless of party affiliation gives two shits about working people.
You're lying to yourself.

So you admit Republicans don't give 2 shits about working people. Thank you. That's all I needed to hear.

And that is all you will ever hear.
You are gone, you are a part of the problem. The sheep who do nothing but follow the instructions you are given by "your side".
And that, is what is really wrong with America.
More stupid crap u made up. The Republican party doesn't want to end social security. It's one of the problems with them

They won't admit it because it's not popular. That's why they slowly chip away at it.

I don't recall the day they raised the age to 67. Why? Because they did that shit secretly.
So what you are saying is gimme gimme gimme

And what you are saying is "go ahead and take away my social security. I'm stupid and will get over it."

People who dont want welfare are stupid. Got it


No, people who are anti welfare because they think they'll never need it, but then you find them first in line when they need it, and they justify their being in that line.

I don't mind them being in that line. I mind them being anti welfare and lacking empathy and them wanting to get rid of safety nets that they THINK they'll never need.
You're just making up your crap as you go

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