Will Republicans end social security?

Will Republicans end social security?

  • Yes, at least try

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 71.8%

  • Total voters
Will Republicans end social security?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Another urban myth created by ignorant Democrats.
View attachment 195112

Is it a myth or are you dumb?

Trump Budget Proposes Cuts From Safety Net He Promised to Protect

Social Security or Social Security Disability Benefits?

He doesn't seem to know the difference, and as usual, doesn't respond to factual replies...only more rhetoric...it is what sealybobo does in the Political forums.

If you think you can count on Social Security to prop up your retirement than the joke may be on you. The news media’s been so busy covering President Trump 24/7 that a really big story slipped through the cracks this summer: Social Security will begin paying out more than it takes in by 2021 — just three years from now, and come 2034 or so — just 16 years away — payouts could be slashed by about 23%, unless tough steps are taken to bolster the rickety program.

Warning: Social Security faces a 23% cut

That's right retard. That means when I'm just about ready to retire, my payout may be cut by 23%. Will yours? The only difference between me and you is that you cheered for it to happen. You CHEERED when Trump gave the rich tax breaks they didn't need while cutting your retirement benefits. Why? Because for 40 years they've been telling you not to expect it. It won't be there. Sort of softening the blow. Not that you mind being mule kicked in the face by Republicans. When they do it you blame Democrats.

It's not Soc Sec cuts.... it's Soc Sec DISABILITY cuts....two completely different things.
And again, the Social Sec raise that happened.... was not reversed by two Democrat Presidents and the majority of those years with Democrat majority in the house.

They are cuts to your and my ss benefits. NOT just disability. Stop saying that. That's a lie and I've shown that already.

They raised your retirement age right? And in 15 years Republicans will say they need to cut your ss by 25% or the program is going to go bankrupt. They'd love either of those things to happen. So would you. Apparently you are ok taking a huge cut so your boss can get a tax break.
Will Republicans end social security?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Another urban myth created by ignorant Democrats.
View attachment 195112

Is it a myth or are you dumb?

Trump Budget Proposes Cuts From Safety Net He Promised to Protect

Social Security or Social Security Disability Benefits?

He doesn't seem to know the difference, and as usual, doesn't respond to factual replies...only more rhetoric...it is what sealybobo does in the Political forums.

If you think you can count on Social Security to prop up your retirement than the joke may be on you. The news media’s been so busy covering President Trump 24/7 that a really big story slipped through the cracks this summer: Social Security will begin paying out more than it takes in by 2021 — just three years from now, and come 2034 or so — just 16 years away — payouts could be slashed by about 23%, unless tough steps are taken to bolster the rickety program.

Warning: Social Security faces a 23% cut

That's right retard. That means when I'm just about ready to retire, my payout may be cut by 23%. Will yours? The only difference between me and you is that you cheered for it to happen. You CHEERED when Trump gave the rich tax breaks they didn't need while cutting your retirement benefits. Why? Because for 40 years they've been telling you not to expect it. It won't be there. Sort of softening the blow. Not that you mind being mule kicked in the face by Republicans. When they do it you blame Democrats.

It's not Soc Sec cuts.... it's Soc Sec DISABILITY cuts....two completely different things.
And again, the Social Sec raise that happened.... was not reversed by two Democrat Presidents and the majority of those years with Democrat majority in the house.

This reminds me of NAFTA. Today Bill Clinton somehow gets credit for NAFTA when Bush 1 invented it and 100% of Republicans voted in favor of it.
$22 Trillion and climbing, Debt. I suspect lots of things are gonna end at some point. This Welfare/Warfare State can't be sustained. The bill's gonna come due at some point.
Will Republicans end social security?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Another urban myth created by ignorant Democrats.
View attachment 195112

Is it a myth or are you dumb?

Trump Budget Proposes Cuts From Safety Net He Promised to Protect

Social Security or Social Security Disability Benefits?

He doesn't seem to know the difference, and as usual, doesn't respond to factual replies...only more rhetoric...it is what sealybobo does in the Political forums.

If you think you can count on Social Security to prop up your retirement than the joke may be on you. The news media’s been so busy covering President Trump 24/7 that a really big story slipped through the cracks this summer: Social Security will begin paying out more than it takes in by 2021 — just three years from now, and come 2034 or so — just 16 years away — payouts could be slashed by about 23%, unless tough steps are taken to bolster the rickety program.

That's right retard. That means when I'm just about ready to retire, my payout may be cut by 23%. Will yours? The only difference between me and you is that you cheered for it to happen. You CHEERED when Trump gave the rich tax breaks they didn't need while cutting your retirement benefits. Why? Because for 40 years they've been telling you not to expect it. It won't be there. Sort of softening the blow. Not that you mind being mule kicked in the face by Republicans. When they do it you blame Democrats.

Sorry, needy billionaires need tax cuts.

they do? since when? I need tax cuts, I got a tax cut, I ain't rich. badda bing, badda boom. drop mic.
Will Republicans end social security?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Another urban myth created by ignorant Democrats.
View attachment 195112

Is it a myth or are you dumb?

Trump Budget Proposes Cuts From Safety Net He Promised to Protect

Social Security or Social Security Disability Benefits?

Well you see they've already raised it to 67 when all my life I thought it was 65. That happened in the 80's and I'm just now hearing about it. They probably did that shit while they had us arguing over jobs American's won't do. LOL

So god knows what cuts are being made today as we argue over illegal aliens no one really gives a fuck about.

Social security or social security disability?
It wasn't discussed during the elections but does any one doubt SS is going to be put on the chopping block?

No way one usmb Republican will say they like and want to keep SS.

And if they want to at least tell us in 2019 so we can vote on it.
Nobody's gonna end it.

Democrats need it as a scare tactic with senior citizens, and the fund is too good a thing for them to eliminate at it. Where else are they going to pilfer their illegal refugee funds from?
Will Republicans end social security?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Another urban myth created by ignorant Democrats.
View attachment 195112

Is it a myth or are you dumb?

Trump Budget Proposes Cuts From Safety Net He Promised to Protect

Social Security or Social Security Disability Benefits?

He doesn't seem to know the difference, and as usual, doesn't respond to factual replies...only more rhetoric...it is what sealybobo does in the Political forums.

If you think you can count on Social Security to prop up your retirement than the joke may be on you. The news media’s been so busy covering President Trump 24/7 that a really big story slipped through the cracks this summer: Social Security will begin paying out more than it takes in by 2021 — just three years from now, and come 2034 or so — just 16 years away — payouts could be slashed by about 23%, unless tough steps are taken to bolster the rickety program.

That's right retard. That means when I'm just about ready to retire, my payout may be cut by 23%. Will yours? The only difference between me and you is that you cheered for it to happen. You CHEERED when Trump gave the rich tax breaks they didn't need while cutting your retirement benefits. Why? Because for 40 years they've been telling you not to expect it. It won't be there. Sort of softening the blow. Not that you mind being mule kicked in the face by Republicans. When they do it you blame Democrats.

Sorry, needy billionaires need tax cuts.

I'm not a billionaire and I got tax cuts, didn't you? Oh wait, you have to be working to get the cuts so you won't see any benefit. Let your hate continue.

Social Security or Social Security Disability Benefits?

He doesn't seem to know the difference, and as usual, doesn't respond to factual replies...only more rhetoric...it is what sealybobo does in the Political forums.

If you think you can count on Social Security to prop up your retirement than the joke may be on you. The news media’s been so busy covering President Trump 24/7 that a really big story slipped through the cracks this summer: Social Security will begin paying out more than it takes in by 2021 — just three years from now, and come 2034 or so — just 16 years away — payouts could be slashed by about 23%, unless tough steps are taken to bolster the rickety program.

Warning: Social Security faces a 23% cut

That's right retard. That means when I'm just about ready to retire, my payout may be cut by 23%. Will yours? The only difference between me and you is that you cheered for it to happen. You CHEERED when Trump gave the rich tax breaks they didn't need while cutting your retirement benefits. Why? Because for 40 years they've been telling you not to expect it. It won't be there. Sort of softening the blow. Not that you mind being mule kicked in the face by Republicans. When they do it you blame Democrats.

It's not Soc Sec cuts.... it's Soc Sec DISABILITY cuts....two completely different things.
And again, the Social Sec raise that happened.... was not reversed by two Democrat Presidents and the majority of those years with Democrat majority in the house.

This reminds me of NAFTA. Today Bill Clinton somehow gets credit for NAFTA when Bush 1 invented it and 100% of Republicans voted in favor of it.

100% voted for it? You have the link to back up your claim?

Also, aren't you a proponent of NAFTA? Should you not be glad that it was passed? Yet, you blame Republicans?
Sadly, it is entertaining watching the partisan hacks like seallybobo 100% avoid Democrat blame.
You can even blame Reagan 100% for raising the retirement age...fine...go ahead....you can say the Democrats were 100% against it - fine.
But Golly Gee....they had 4 terms of a Democrat President, and most of those years with a majority in the house that they could have changed it....but they didn't. In fact - THE ONLY TIME THEY TALK ABOUT IT - is when a Republican is in the office.
Convenient ignorance.

Social Security or Social Security Disability Benefits?

He doesn't seem to know the difference, and as usual, doesn't respond to factual replies...only more rhetoric...it is what sealybobo does in the Political forums.

If you think you can count on Social Security to prop up your retirement than the joke may be on you. The news media’s been so busy covering President Trump 24/7 that a really big story slipped through the cracks this summer: Social Security will begin paying out more than it takes in by 2021 — just three years from now, and come 2034 or so — just 16 years away — payouts could be slashed by about 23%, unless tough steps are taken to bolster the rickety program.

That's right retard. That means when I'm just about ready to retire, my payout may be cut by 23%. Will yours? The only difference between me and you is that you cheered for it to happen. You CHEERED when Trump gave the rich tax breaks they didn't need while cutting your retirement benefits. Why? Because for 40 years they've been telling you not to expect it. It won't be there. Sort of softening the blow. Not that you mind being mule kicked in the face by Republicans. When they do it you blame Democrats.

Sorry, needy billionaires need tax cuts.

I'm not a billionaire and I got tax cuts, didn't you? Oh wait, you have to be working to get the cuts so you won't see any benefit. Let your hate continue.

We certainly did.
It's what happens when you have a decent job and actually pay taxes.

Social Security or Social Security Disability Benefits?

He doesn't seem to know the difference, and as usual, doesn't respond to factual replies...only more rhetoric...it is what sealybobo does in the Political forums.

If you think you can count on Social Security to prop up your retirement than the joke may be on you. The news media’s been so busy covering President Trump 24/7 that a really big story slipped through the cracks this summer: Social Security will begin paying out more than it takes in by 2021 — just three years from now, and come 2034 or so — just 16 years away — payouts could be slashed by about 23%, unless tough steps are taken to bolster the rickety program.

That's right retard. That means when I'm just about ready to retire, my payout may be cut by 23%. Will yours? The only difference between me and you is that you cheered for it to happen. You CHEERED when Trump gave the rich tax breaks they didn't need while cutting your retirement benefits. Why? Because for 40 years they've been telling you not to expect it. It won't be there. Sort of softening the blow. Not that you mind being mule kicked in the face by Republicans. When they do it you blame Democrats.

Sorry, needy billionaires need tax cuts.

I'm not a billionaire and I got tax cuts, didn't you? Oh wait, you have to be working to get the cuts so you won't see any benefit. Let your hate continue.

I got about $2000 last year and because of my raise last year, I'll get over $3000 this year because of Trump's tax break. Eventually your tax break will end. But not the tax break for the rich. Even with compound interest I don't think those crumbs will make up for a 25% cut to my social security and raising my retirement age. But you can feel free to keep voting GOP and keep telling yourself they aren't hurting you, because you make about $30 more every paycheck now. God you are easily bought. Oh, and then blame the Democrats when it happens because Republicans tell you, "both parties are to blame".

That's code for Republicans never admit to doing anything wrong. The best you can get out of them is that "both parties" are to blame.

Same tactic they use when they tell you there is no difference between the parties. And voting doesn't matter. And then they vote Republican every 2 years because CLEARLY it matters and CLEARLY there is a difference.

Just ask the rich if there is a difference. Of course there is a difference!!! They love Republicans. But you don't believe the GOP is the party for the rich right?
Social Security or Social Security Disability Benefits?

He doesn't seem to know the difference, and as usual, doesn't respond to factual replies...only more rhetoric...it is what sealybobo does in the Political forums.
If you think you can count on Social Security to prop up your retirement than the joke may be on you. The news media’s been so busy covering President Trump 24/7 that a really big story slipped through the cracks this summer: Social Security will begin paying out more than it takes in by 2021 — just three years from now, and come 2034 or so — just 16 years away — payouts could be slashed by about 23%, unless tough steps are taken to bolster the rickety program.

Warning: Social Security faces a 23% cut

That's right retard. That means when I'm just about ready to retire, my payout may be cut by 23%. Will yours? The only difference between me and you is that you cheered for it to happen. You CHEERED when Trump gave the rich tax breaks they didn't need while cutting your retirement benefits. Why? Because for 40 years they've been telling you not to expect it. It won't be there. Sort of softening the blow. Not that you mind being mule kicked in the face by Republicans. When they do it you blame Democrats.

It's not Soc Sec cuts.... it's Soc Sec DISABILITY cuts....two completely different things.
And again, the Social Sec raise that happened.... was not reversed by two Democrat Presidents and the majority of those years with Democrat majority in the house.

This reminds me of NAFTA. Today Bill Clinton somehow gets credit for NAFTA when Bush 1 invented it and 100% of Republicans voted in favor of it.

100% voted for it? You have the link to back up your claim?

Also, aren't you a proponent of NAFTA? Should you not be glad that it was passed? Yet, you blame Republicans?

100% of Republicans voted for it. WIKI NAFTA and see.

Don't flip NAFTA now. Not fair. Yes I am for free trade now 2 decades later. It's working, the economy is booming, I see no reason to fuck with it now. But Trump is fucking with it and it's making Harley Davidson leave. Can you tell me that's a good thing? What's the end goal here? Do you want every American manufacturing company to only sell to Americans and only European companies manufacture and sell to Europeans? Are you an isolationist now?

When did you turn on NAFTA?
Social Security or Social Security Disability Benefits?

He doesn't seem to know the difference, and as usual, doesn't respond to factual replies...only more rhetoric...it is what sealybobo does in the Political forums.
If you think you can count on Social Security to prop up your retirement than the joke may be on you. The news media’s been so busy covering President Trump 24/7 that a really big story slipped through the cracks this summer: Social Security will begin paying out more than it takes in by 2021 — just three years from now, and come 2034 or so — just 16 years away — payouts could be slashed by about 23%, unless tough steps are taken to bolster the rickety program.

That's right retard. That means when I'm just about ready to retire, my payout may be cut by 23%. Will yours? The only difference between me and you is that you cheered for it to happen. You CHEERED when Trump gave the rich tax breaks they didn't need while cutting your retirement benefits. Why? Because for 40 years they've been telling you not to expect it. It won't be there. Sort of softening the blow. Not that you mind being mule kicked in the face by Republicans. When they do it you blame Democrats.
Sorry, needy billionaires need tax cuts.

I'm not a billionaire and I got tax cuts, didn't you? Oh wait, you have to be working to get the cuts so you won't see any benefit. Let your hate continue.

We certainly did.
It's what happens when you have a decent job and actually pay taxes.
How much did you get?
It's time to get creative about taxes on things that remain so obviously untaxed in this country: Tax money sent by wire company out to other countries, tax visitors to the Grand Canyon and the NY Ground Zero, tax Amazon, etc...Keep the economy growing strong as well. The soon to be seniors and the future generations seniors deserve social security retirement just like the ones before. Less social security disability handouts would be better. Less sales tax.
He doesn't seem to know the difference, and as usual, doesn't respond to factual replies...only more rhetoric...it is what sealybobo does in the Political forums.
If you think you can count on Social Security to prop up your retirement than the joke may be on you. The news media’s been so busy covering President Trump 24/7 that a really big story slipped through the cracks this summer: Social Security will begin paying out more than it takes in by 2021 — just three years from now, and come 2034 or so — just 16 years away — payouts could be slashed by about 23%, unless tough steps are taken to bolster the rickety program.

Warning: Social Security faces a 23% cut

That's right retard. That means when I'm just about ready to retire, my payout may be cut by 23%. Will yours? The only difference between me and you is that you cheered for it to happen. You CHEERED when Trump gave the rich tax breaks they didn't need while cutting your retirement benefits. Why? Because for 40 years they've been telling you not to expect it. It won't be there. Sort of softening the blow. Not that you mind being mule kicked in the face by Republicans. When they do it you blame Democrats.

It's not Soc Sec cuts.... it's Soc Sec DISABILITY cuts....two completely different things.
And again, the Social Sec raise that happened.... was not reversed by two Democrat Presidents and the majority of those years with Democrat majority in the house.

This reminds me of NAFTA. Today Bill Clinton somehow gets credit for NAFTA when Bush 1 invented it and 100% of Republicans voted in favor of it.

100% voted for it? You have the link to back up your claim?

Also, aren't you a proponent of NAFTA? Should you not be glad that it was passed? Yet, you blame Republicans?

100% of Republicans voted for it. WIKI NAFTA and see.

Don't flip NAFTA now. Not fair. Yes I am for free trade now 2 decades later. It's working, the economy is booming, I see no reason to fuck with it now. But Trump is fucking with it and it's making Harley Davidson leave. Can you tell me that's a good thing? What's the end goal here? Do you want every American manufacturing company to only sell to Americans and only European companies manufacture and sell to Europeans? Are you an isolationist now?

When did you turn on NAFTA?

Already saw the vote count, it wasn’t 100%, nice try. I was against NAFTA from day one, it was a bad deal for the United States and it is still a bad deal, the issue is now getting Mexico and Canada to give up their good deals and even the playing field. Even Hillary did like NAFTA.
It wasn't discussed during the elections but does any one doubt SS is going to be put on the chopping block?

No way one usmb Republican will say they like and want to keep SS.

And if they want to at least tell us in 2019 so we can vote on it.

You Chicken littles have been crying wolf since the day I was born.

We all know you are full of SHIT....

You lefties have no credibility in the real world…

Now I will wait for one of you Dumb Asses

to tell me I mixed up the two nursery rhymes.
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Republicans threw their biggest gun against Social Security "Social Security is communism" and it still passed. I wonder if the Republicans can come up with something even stronger than the communist thing?
Republicans threw their biggest gun against Social Security "Social Security is communism" and it still passed. I wonder if the Republicans can come up with something even stronger than the communist thing?
Come to think of it I suppose that why the Republicans have been spending time polishing up Fascism.

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