Will Republicans end social security?

Will Republicans end social security?

  • Yes, at least try

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 71.8%

  • Total voters
Social Security or Social Security Disability Benefits?

He doesn't seem to know the difference, and as usual, doesn't respond to factual replies...only more rhetoric...it is what sealybobo does in the Political forums.
If you think you can count on Social Security to prop up your retirement than the joke may be on you. The news media’s been so busy covering President Trump 24/7 that a really big story slipped through the cracks this summer: Social Security will begin paying out more than it takes in by 2021 — just three years from now, and come 2034 or so — just 16 years away — payouts could be slashed by about 23%, unless tough steps are taken to bolster the rickety program.

That's right retard. That means when I'm just about ready to retire, my payout may be cut by 23%. Will yours? The only difference between me and you is that you cheered for it to happen. You CHEERED when Trump gave the rich tax breaks they didn't need while cutting your retirement benefits. Why? Because for 40 years they've been telling you not to expect it. It won't be there. Sort of softening the blow. Not that you mind being mule kicked in the face by Republicans. When they do it you blame Democrats.
Sorry, needy billionaires need tax cuts.

I'm not a billionaire and I got tax cuts, didn't you? Oh wait, you have to be working to get the cuts so you won't see any benefit. Let your hate continue.

We certainly did.
It's what happens when you have a decent job and actually pay taxes.
This current congress is the laziest bunch I've yet seen. Social Security won't be eliminated, mainly because if it was discontinued then congress would be forced to do some work and come up with its replacement. To start with, what'll replace the elimination of Social Security's aid to children of deceased parents?
$22 Trillion and climbing, Debt. I suspect lots of things are gonna end at some point. This Welfare/Warfare State can't be sustained. The bill's gonna come due at some point.
And remember, when Clinton ended his second term, it was zero. Oh but the GOP made him pay for that BJ.

Then Bush not only put two wars on a credit card, they took away sources of revenue with tax cuts to Billionaires. Then the handed Obama a recession.

And worked to block everything he did.

Then Trump comes along and they turn the country over to Russia and then complain SS costs too much.

No, it's Republicans in a leadership position that costs too much.
$22 Trillion and climbing, Debt. I suspect lots of things are gonna end at some point. This Welfare/Warfare State can't be sustained. The bill's gonna come due at some point.
And remember, when Clinton ended his second term, it was zero.

The national debt was $5.5 trillion when Clinton left office, dumbass.
$22 Trillion and climbing, Debt. I suspect lots of things are gonna end at some point. This Welfare/Warfare State can't be sustained. The bill's gonna come due at some point.
And remember, when Clinton ended his second term, it was zero.

The national debt was $5.5 trillion when Clinton left office, dumbass.
Only one president has paid off the debt and he was a Democrat.

Is that what he said?
Republicans threw their biggest gun against Social Security "Social Security is communism" and it still passed. I wonder if the Republicans can come up with something even stronger than the communist thing?
Come to think of it I suppose that why the Republicans have been spending time polishing up Fascism.

According to the left, Republicans all love Hitler and Nazis, so I don’t think the right has a lock on saying really stupid things.
Why would I want to do away with something I have paying into my entire working life?
Why would I want to do away with something that is 1/3 of my income?
So you need it. If you haven't saved, you are proof why we need SS.

We need something to save you from your own laziness and stupidity ???

I would phase it out over 60 years. Nothing would change for seniors.

If you are less than 30, you'll see something different.
If you think you can count on Social Security to prop up your retirement than the joke may be on you. The news media’s been so busy covering President Trump 24/7 that a really big story slipped through the cracks this summer: Social Security will begin paying out more than it takes in by 2021 — just three years from now, and come 2034 or so — just 16 years away — payouts could be slashed by about 23%, unless tough steps are taken to bolster the rickety program.

Warning: Social Security faces a 23% cut

That's right retard. That means when I'm just about ready to retire, my payout may be cut by 23%. Will yours? The only difference between me and you is that you cheered for it to happen. You CHEERED when Trump gave the rich tax breaks they didn't need while cutting your retirement benefits. Why? Because for 40 years they've been telling you not to expect it. It won't be there. Sort of softening the blow. Not that you mind being mule kicked in the face by Republicans. When they do it you blame Democrats.

It's not Soc Sec cuts.... it's Soc Sec DISABILITY cuts....two completely different things.
And again, the Social Sec raise that happened.... was not reversed by two Democrat Presidents and the majority of those years with Democrat majority in the house.

This reminds me of NAFTA. Today Bill Clinton somehow gets credit for NAFTA when Bush 1 invented it and 100% of Republicans voted in favor of it.

100% voted for it? You have the link to back up your claim?

Also, aren't you a proponent of NAFTA? Should you not be glad that it was passed? Yet, you blame Republicans?

100% of Republicans voted for it. WIKI NAFTA and see.

Don't flip NAFTA now. Not fair. Yes I am for free trade now 2 decades later. It's working, the economy is booming, I see no reason to fuck with it now. But Trump is fucking with it and it's making Harley Davidson leave. Can you tell me that's a good thing? What's the end goal here? Do you want every American manufacturing company to only sell to Americans and only European companies manufacture and sell to Europeans? Are you an isolationist now?

When did you turn on NAFTA?

Already saw the vote count, it wasn’t 100%, nice try. I was against NAFTA from day one, it was a bad deal for the United States and it is still a bad deal, the issue is now getting Mexico and Canada to give up their good deals and even the playing field. Even Hillary did like NAFTA.

Before sending it to the United States Senate Clinton added two side agreements, the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC) and the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC), to protect workers and the environment, and also allay the concerns of many LIBERAL House members. After much consideration and emotional discussion, the US House of Representatives passed the North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act on November 17, 1993, 234–200. The agreement's supporters included 132 Republicans and 102 Democrats. The bill passed the Senate on November 20, 1993, 61–38. Senate supporters were 34 Republicans and 27 Democrats.

So who liked it more Democrats or Republicans? Who invented it? Bush/Reagan. And who put in worker and environmental protections that Bush/Rove/Delay removed in the 2000's???

ILAB - Submissions under the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC)
It wasn't discussed during the elections but does any one doubt SS is going to be put on the chopping block?

No way one usmb Republican will say they like and want to keep SS.

And if they want to at least tell us in 2019 so we can vote on it.

You Chicken littles have been crying wolf since the day I was born.

We all know you are full of SHIT....

You lefties have no credibility in the real world…

Now I will wait for one of you Dumb Asses

to tell me I mixed up the two nursery rhymes.
You don't believe it all while they are slowly chipping away at it. They can't just do away with it because even a stupid con like you would object. Or would you? Maybe you would bend over and take anything Trump handed you. I think so. SS and Medicare are ripe for the undoing. We have half of Americans (you) who will need it endorsing it's demise or denying that Republicans want to end the program.

Of course you hate SS. It's unconstitutional right? Just like forcing you to buy healthcare. You can't suggest you are in favor of the program. So stop lying.
Why would I want to do away with something I have paying into my entire working life?
Why would I want to do away with something that is 1/3 of my income?
So you need it. If you haven't saved, you are proof why we need SS.

We need something to save you from your own laziness and stupidity ???

I would phase it out over 60 years. Nothing would change for seniors.

If you are less than 30, you'll see something different.
Well I'm 47 and I'm going to see something different. In fact current seniors are seeing cuts. SLOOOWLY but surely they are chipping away at these programs. Copays, deductables, higher premiums.

Remember Paul Ryan wanted to give seniors $7K and have them go by private insurance on the private market. What a HORRIBLE idea.
Democrats are the biggest threat to Social Security. With each payment of our Tax Dollars to Illegal immigrants who do not pay in to the system, we are effectively throwing Grandma off of The Cliff.

Illegal Immigrants are costing our Social Safety Net, designed for American Citizens and Taxpayers Trillions of Dollars. This more than anything will make Social Security, Medicare, Medic Aide, Foodstamps and Welfare go Bankrupt.

We are $21 Trillion in Debt due to massive Social Spending, so we can no longer allow Free Loaders access to our tax dollars.

It's not Soc Sec cuts.... it's Soc Sec DISABILITY cuts....two completely different things.
And again, the Social Sec raise that happened.... was not reversed by two Democrat Presidents and the majority of those years with Democrat majority in the house.

This reminds me of NAFTA. Today Bill Clinton somehow gets credit for NAFTA when Bush 1 invented it and 100% of Republicans voted in favor of it.

100% voted for it? You have the link to back up your claim?

Also, aren't you a proponent of NAFTA? Should you not be glad that it was passed? Yet, you blame Republicans?

100% of Republicans voted for it. WIKI NAFTA and see.

Don't flip NAFTA now. Not fair. Yes I am for free trade now 2 decades later. It's working, the economy is booming, I see no reason to fuck with it now. But Trump is fucking with it and it's making Harley Davidson leave. Can you tell me that's a good thing? What's the end goal here? Do you want every American manufacturing company to only sell to Americans and only European companies manufacture and sell to Europeans? Are you an isolationist now?

When did you turn on NAFTA?

Already saw the vote count, it wasn’t 100%, nice try. I was against NAFTA from day one, it was a bad deal for the United States and it is still a bad deal, the issue is now getting Mexico and Canada to give up their good deals and even the playing field. Even Hillary did like NAFTA.

Before sending it to the United States Senate Clinton added two side agreements, the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC) and the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC), to protect workers and the environment, and also allay the concerns of many LIBERAL House members. After much consideration and emotional discussion, the US House of Representatives passed the North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act on November 17, 1993, 234–200. The agreement's supporters included 132 Republicans and 102 Democrats. The bill passed the Senate on November 20, 1993, 61–38. Senate supporters were 34 Republicans and 27 Democrats.

So who liked it more Democrats or Republicans? Who invented it? Bush/Reagan. And who put in worker and environmental protections that Bush/Rove/Delay removed in the 2000's???

ILAB - Submissions under the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC)

It doesn't matter.
Yes it was primarily a Republican measure, however President Clinton absolutely supported it and pushed Democrats to support it. And many did. And yes more R's than D's voted for it.
And it was Bush II that signed it.
Having said all of this, Obama had 8 years to change it....he didn't. he campaigned on "needed changes" to it....but didn't. And in fact no one could argue that Obama completely changed his tune on the entire topic.
He voted against NAFTA as a Senator, voiced his disapproval of CAFTA as Senator.....but as President he was Pro-Trade all the way.
Democrats are the biggest threat to Social Security. With each payment of our Tax Dollars to Illegal immigrants who do not pay in to the system, we are effectively throwing Grandma off of The Cliff.

Illegal Immigrants are costing our Social Safety Net, designed for American Citizens and Taxpayers Trillions of Dollars. This more than anything will make Social Security, Medicare, Medic Aide, Foodstamps and Welfare go Bankrupt.

We are $21 Trillion in Debt due to massive Social Spending, so we can no longer allow Free Loaders access to our tax dollars.


How do Undocumented Workers File Tax Returns Without a Valid Social Security Number?

Though certain non-citizens are eligible for to receive Social Security numbers to pay taxes, unauthorized immigrants are ineligible to receive one. However, it is still law that individuals who reside in the United States, whether legally or not, and earn income here must pay taxes on that income, and file a tax return, regardless of whether the income was earned as an undocumented worker—a complicated legal conundrum.

Further, the IRS will not allow a tax return to be filed with a fake or stolen Social Security number. Therefore, unauthorized workers who wish to file their taxes–and potentially get future credit for it— must find another way. Thus, many use the Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, or ITIN, which allows immigrants without Social Security numbers to legally file tax returns and claim the income reported on their W-2’s to the IRS

What Happens if an Undocumented Immigrant Uses a Fake or Someone Else’s Social Security Number?
The employer will withhold federal and payroll taxes as with any other employee and report that to the Social Security Administration (SSA) and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). SSA notes when a name and number on a submitted W-2 do not match the Social Security records and may notify an employer, but it has no authority to enforce penalties. The IRS does have enforcement power, but it rarely investigates employers—even those with a high number of suspect W-2s—both as a matter of limited resources and because of the relative ease with which the employer can show it did its due diligence as required by the law to ask the employee for a corrected number. Further, since the penalty is only a $50 fine for each mismatch, it generally is not worth the government’s time to pursue it. Even if an employer is notified of a mismatch, under immigration law it is not considered proof that a worker is undocumented, so all the employer can do is ask the employee to correct their information. Taking any sort of action to terminate the worker could violate anti-discrimination law.

Can Non-Citizens Get Social Security Numbers?
Only certain non-citizens are eligible to receive a Social Security number. If an immigrant is authorized to work temporarily—whether through a work visa like an H1-B or a temporary work-authorized status such as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) or Temporary Protected Status—a Social Security number is issued and remains valid for the length of the work authorization period. Green card holders, refugees, asylees, and certain other non-citizens who are allowed the live and work in the United States indefinitely are also eligible for a Social Security number with no restrictions. Undocumented immigrants are not eligible to obtain a Social Security number.

Why Would an Undocumented Immigrant Pay Taxes?
Though there are many undocumented immigrants who are paid “under the table” for their work and do not pay taxes on their income, many others do pay in the hope that it will someday help them become citizens. Much of the evidence for this motivation is anecdotal, but various attempts at comprehensive immigration reform legislation over the last decade, including the “Gang of Eight” bill S.744, have included provisions like “good moral character” and “paying back taxes” as requirements for obtaining legalization. A provable history of paying taxes is seen as one way to show good faith, should such a bill ever pass.

How do Undocumented Immigrants Pay Federal Taxes? An Explainer

Throw them all out of the country and see social security and Medicare dry up faster than expected.
It's not Soc Sec cuts.... it's Soc Sec DISABILITY cuts....two completely different things.
And again, the Social Sec raise that happened.... was not reversed by two Democrat Presidents and the majority of those years with Democrat majority in the house.

This reminds me of NAFTA. Today Bill Clinton somehow gets credit for NAFTA when Bush 1 invented it and 100% of Republicans voted in favor of it.

100% voted for it? You have the link to back up your claim?

Also, aren't you a proponent of NAFTA? Should you not be glad that it was passed? Yet, you blame Republicans?

100% of Republicans voted for it. WIKI NAFTA and see.

Don't flip NAFTA now. Not fair. Yes I am for free trade now 2 decades later. It's working, the economy is booming, I see no reason to fuck with it now. But Trump is fucking with it and it's making Harley Davidson leave. Can you tell me that's a good thing? What's the end goal here? Do you want every American manufacturing company to only sell to Americans and only European companies manufacture and sell to Europeans? Are you an isolationist now?

When did you turn on NAFTA?

Already saw the vote count, it wasn’t 100%, nice try. I was against NAFTA from day one, it was a bad deal for the United States and it is still a bad deal, the issue is now getting Mexico and Canada to give up their good deals and even the playing field. Even Hillary did like NAFTA.

Before sending it to the United States Senate Clinton added two side agreements, the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC) and the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC), to protect workers and the environment, and also allay the concerns of many LIBERAL House members. After much consideration and emotional discussion, the US House of Representatives passed the North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act on November 17, 1993, 234–200. The agreement's supporters included 132 Republicans and 102 Democrats. The bill passed the Senate on November 20, 1993, 61–38. Senate supporters were 34 Republicans and 27 Democrats.

So who liked it more Democrats or Republicans? Who invented it? Bush/Reagan. And who put in worker and environmental protections that Bush/Rove/Delay removed in the 2000's???

ILAB - Submissions under the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC)

You claimed 100%, so you are wrong, thank you.
This reminds me of NAFTA. Today Bill Clinton somehow gets credit for NAFTA when Bush 1 invented it and 100% of Republicans voted in favor of it.

100% voted for it? You have the link to back up your claim?

Also, aren't you a proponent of NAFTA? Should you not be glad that it was passed? Yet, you blame Republicans?

100% of Republicans voted for it. WIKI NAFTA and see.

Don't flip NAFTA now. Not fair. Yes I am for free trade now 2 decades later. It's working, the economy is booming, I see no reason to fuck with it now. But Trump is fucking with it and it's making Harley Davidson leave. Can you tell me that's a good thing? What's the end goal here? Do you want every American manufacturing company to only sell to Americans and only European companies manufacture and sell to Europeans? Are you an isolationist now?

When did you turn on NAFTA?

Already saw the vote count, it wasn’t 100%, nice try. I was against NAFTA from day one, it was a bad deal for the United States and it is still a bad deal, the issue is now getting Mexico and Canada to give up their good deals and even the playing field. Even Hillary did like NAFTA.

Before sending it to the United States Senate Clinton added two side agreements, the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC) and the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC), to protect workers and the environment, and also allay the concerns of many LIBERAL House members. After much consideration and emotional discussion, the US House of Representatives passed the North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act on November 17, 1993, 234–200. The agreement's supporters included 132 Republicans and 102 Democrats. The bill passed the Senate on November 20, 1993, 61–38. Senate supporters were 34 Republicans and 27 Democrats.

So who liked it more Democrats or Republicans? Who invented it? Bush/Reagan. And who put in worker and environmental protections that Bush/Rove/Delay removed in the 2000's???

ILAB - Submissions under the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC)

It doesn't matter.
Yes it was primarily a Republican measure, however President Clinton absolutely supported it and pushed Democrats to support it. And many did. And yes more R's than D's voted for it.
And it was Bush II that signed it.
Having said all of this, Obama had 8 years to change it....he didn't. he campaigned on "needed changes" to it....but didn't. And in fact no one could argue that Obama completely changed his tune on the entire topic.
He voted against NAFTA as a Senator, voiced his disapproval of CAFTA as Senator.....but as President he was Pro-Trade all the way.

Funny isn't it, people like Sealy were against it until Trump was against it and now all of a sudden Sealy is all for it. Nothing says partisan more than that.
$22 Trillion and climbing, Debt. I suspect lots of things are gonna end at some point. This Welfare/Warfare State can't be sustained. The bill's gonna come due at some point.
And remember, when Clinton ended his second term, it was zero.

The national debt was $5.5 trillion when Clinton left office, dumbass.

Ha, I also like how he or she conveniently omitted Hussein's 8ys of shocking massive Debt. In their delusional fantasy world, it never happened. I'm always amazed at how much some folks can delude themselves. :cuckoo:
No such thing would ever happen, period.

They should raise the retirement age to 70, though. And index the eligibility age to 9 percent of the population going forward.
They'll try to kill Medicare. That's the issue on the block. And dems should get gopers in the House on record in the elections.
No such thing would ever happen, period.

They should raise the retirement age to 70, though. And index the eligibility age to 9 percent of the population going forward.
They'll try to kill Medicare. That's the issue on the block. And dems should get gopers in the House on record in the elections.

And when the sky doesn't fall again, y'all bullshitters will just invent a new 'Sky is Falling' scam. You'll never fess up to your lies. I don't get why so many are still voting Democrat. They're only voting against their own interests. The US Democrat Party threw American Citizens overboard years ago.

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