Will Republicans end social security?

Will Republicans end social security?

  • Yes, at least try

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 71.8%

  • Total voters
Why would I want to do away with something I have paying into my entire working life?
Why would I want to do away with something that is 1/3 of my income?
So you need it. If you haven't saved, you are proof why we need SS.

We need something to save you from your own laziness and stupidity ???

I would phase it out over 60 years. Nothing would change for seniors.

If you are less than 30, you'll see something different.
Well I'm 47 and I'm going to see something different. In fact current seniors are seeing cuts. SLOOOWLY but surely they are chipping away at these programs. Copays, deductables, higher premiums.

Remember Paul Ryan wanted to give seniors $7K and have them go by private insurance on the private market. What a HORRIBLE idea.

HORRIBLE implies some standard.

Please inform as to what your standard is.

If you goal is to not have a massive deficit without raising taxes...then it isn't HORRIBLE.

If your goal is to provide health care, then maybe it is.

The whole issue with this entire discussion is that we don't agree on what are the goals and who is accountable.
Democrats are the biggest threat to Social Security. With each payment of our Tax Dollars to Illegal immigrants who do not pay in to the system, we are effectively throwing Grandma off of The Cliff.

Illegal Immigrants are costing our Social Safety Net, designed for American Citizens and Taxpayers Trillions of Dollars. This more than anything will make Social Security, Medicare, Medic Aide, Foodstamps and Welfare go Bankrupt.

We are $21 Trillion in Debt due to massive Social Spending, so we can no longer allow Free Loaders access to our tax dollars.

Don't blame us. The illegal problem started on Reagans watch. He used them to lower wages and break unions.

And don't forget Bush and McCain and Romney all said they were doing jobs Americans won't do.

So don't try to blame the flaming liberals who are now crying for illegals. They are a very small minority.

In fact, this is fake ass news. The Republicans love talking about illegals and putting this on us liberals. Don't be pussies and remember what Trump said, "Leadership, no matter what happens you are responsible".

Also, is the number really 21 tillion? How do we know you aren't making that number up. Trump once said it was 113 billion. If he lied maybe so are you.

Trump says illegal immigration costs $113 billion a year
This reminds me of NAFTA. Today Bill Clinton somehow gets credit for NAFTA when Bush 1 invented it and 100% of Republicans voted in favor of it.

100% voted for it? You have the link to back up your claim?

Also, aren't you a proponent of NAFTA? Should you not be glad that it was passed? Yet, you blame Republicans?

100% of Republicans voted for it. WIKI NAFTA and see.

Don't flip NAFTA now. Not fair. Yes I am for free trade now 2 decades later. It's working, the economy is booming, I see no reason to fuck with it now. But Trump is fucking with it and it's making Harley Davidson leave. Can you tell me that's a good thing? What's the end goal here? Do you want every American manufacturing company to only sell to Americans and only European companies manufacture and sell to Europeans? Are you an isolationist now?

When did you turn on NAFTA?

Already saw the vote count, it wasn’t 100%, nice try. I was against NAFTA from day one, it was a bad deal for the United States and it is still a bad deal, the issue is now getting Mexico and Canada to give up their good deals and even the playing field. Even Hillary did like NAFTA.

Before sending it to the United States Senate Clinton added two side agreements, the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC) and the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC), to protect workers and the environment, and also allay the concerns of many LIBERAL House members. After much consideration and emotional discussion, the US House of Representatives passed the North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act on November 17, 1993, 234–200. The agreement's supporters included 132 Republicans and 102 Democrats. The bill passed the Senate on November 20, 1993, 61–38. Senate supporters were 34 Republicans and 27 Democrats.

So who liked it more Democrats or Republicans? Who invented it? Bush/Reagan. And who put in worker and environmental protections that Bush/Rove/Delay removed in the 2000's???

ILAB - Submissions under the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC)

It doesn't matter.
Yes it was primarily a Republican measure, however President Clinton absolutely supported it and pushed Democrats to support it. And many did. And yes more R's than D's voted for it.
And it was Bush II that signed it.
Having said all of this, Obama had 8 years to change it....he didn't. he campaigned on "needed changes" to it....but didn't. And in fact no one could argue that Obama completely changed his tune on the entire topic.
He voted against NAFTA as a Senator, voiced his disapproval of CAFTA as Senator.....but as President he was Pro-Trade all the way.

I don't think Obama was a Senator when NAFTA was signed.

Oh, and I'm pro trade now too. If Trump is going to "fix" our trade imbalance please show me how and when his changes are going to help Americans not hurt them.

President Donald Trump on Wednesday continued to blast Harley-Davidson's plans to move some of its production overseas, saying the iconic motorcycle manufacturer should “stay 100 percent in America” after all he’s done for the brand.

“Harley-Davidson should stay 100% in America, with the people that got you your success. I’ve done so much for you, and then this. Other companies are coming back where they belong! We won’t forget, and neither will your customers or your now very HAPPY competitors!” the president said in a tweet.

OH, and isn't Trump being stupid? If Harley manufactures what they sell in America, they won't be punished for moving plants to Europe because the shit they make in Europe will stay in Europe.

So now if a international company is going to be hit with tariffs, they'll just start making shit in Canada, Europe and China AND the USA. So now Harley America will only make motorcycles they sell in America.
100% voted for it? You have the link to back up your claim?

Also, aren't you a proponent of NAFTA? Should you not be glad that it was passed? Yet, you blame Republicans?

100% of Republicans voted for it. WIKI NAFTA and see.

Don't flip NAFTA now. Not fair. Yes I am for free trade now 2 decades later. It's working, the economy is booming, I see no reason to fuck with it now. But Trump is fucking with it and it's making Harley Davidson leave. Can you tell me that's a good thing? What's the end goal here? Do you want every American manufacturing company to only sell to Americans and only European companies manufacture and sell to Europeans? Are you an isolationist now?

When did you turn on NAFTA?

Already saw the vote count, it wasn’t 100%, nice try. I was against NAFTA from day one, it was a bad deal for the United States and it is still a bad deal, the issue is now getting Mexico and Canada to give up their good deals and even the playing field. Even Hillary did like NAFTA.

Before sending it to the United States Senate Clinton added two side agreements, the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC) and the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC), to protect workers and the environment, and also allay the concerns of many LIBERAL House members. After much consideration and emotional discussion, the US House of Representatives passed the North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act on November 17, 1993, 234–200. The agreement's supporters included 132 Republicans and 102 Democrats. The bill passed the Senate on November 20, 1993, 61–38. Senate supporters were 34 Republicans and 27 Democrats.

So who liked it more Democrats or Republicans? Who invented it? Bush/Reagan. And who put in worker and environmental protections that Bush/Rove/Delay removed in the 2000's???

ILAB - Submissions under the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC)

It doesn't matter.
Yes it was primarily a Republican measure, however President Clinton absolutely supported it and pushed Democrats to support it. And many did. And yes more R's than D's voted for it.
And it was Bush II that signed it.
Having said all of this, Obama had 8 years to change it....he didn't. he campaigned on "needed changes" to it....but didn't. And in fact no one could argue that Obama completely changed his tune on the entire topic.
He voted against NAFTA as a Senator, voiced his disapproval of CAFTA as Senator.....but as President he was Pro-Trade all the way.

Funny isn't it, people like Sealy were against it until Trump was against it and now all of a sudden Sealy is all for it. Nothing says partisan more than that.

I was against NAFTA when Republicans got Clinton to sign it. It was the first time he let me down. Not the last. But, now that NAFTA is a done deal, I'm not for fucking with our trading partners unless it works.

So far I don't see Trumps tariffs working in a positive way. Do you? Please show me.
Democrats are the biggest threat to Social Security. With each payment of our Tax Dollars to Illegal immigrants who do not pay in to the system, we are effectively throwing Grandma off of The Cliff.

Illegal Immigrants are costing our Social Safety Net, designed for American Citizens and Taxpayers Trillions of Dollars. This more than anything will make Social Security, Medicare, Medic Aide, Foodstamps and Welfare go Bankrupt.

We are $21 Trillion in Debt due to massive Social Spending, so we can no longer allow Free Loaders access to our tax dollars.


Don't you believe that Social Security is unconstitutional and shouldn't exist? Then stop saying Democrats are the biggest threat to something you don't like and want to kill. It makes you seem disingenuous.
This reminds me of NAFTA. Today Bill Clinton somehow gets credit for NAFTA when Bush 1 invented it and 100% of Republicans voted in favor of it.

100% voted for it? You have the link to back up your claim?

Also, aren't you a proponent of NAFTA? Should you not be glad that it was passed? Yet, you blame Republicans?

100% of Republicans voted for it. WIKI NAFTA and see.

Don't flip NAFTA now. Not fair. Yes I am for free trade now 2 decades later. It's working, the economy is booming, I see no reason to fuck with it now. But Trump is fucking with it and it's making Harley Davidson leave. Can you tell me that's a good thing? What's the end goal here? Do you want every American manufacturing company to only sell to Americans and only European companies manufacture and sell to Europeans? Are you an isolationist now?

When did you turn on NAFTA?

Already saw the vote count, it wasn’t 100%, nice try. I was against NAFTA from day one, it was a bad deal for the United States and it is still a bad deal, the issue is now getting Mexico and Canada to give up their good deals and even the playing field. Even Hillary did like NAFTA.

Before sending it to the United States Senate Clinton added two side agreements, the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC) and the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC), to protect workers and the environment, and also allay the concerns of many LIBERAL House members. After much consideration and emotional discussion, the US House of Representatives passed the North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act on November 17, 1993, 234–200. The agreement's supporters included 132 Republicans and 102 Democrats. The bill passed the Senate on November 20, 1993, 61–38. Senate supporters were 34 Republicans and 27 Democrats.

So who liked it more Democrats or Republicans? Who invented it? Bush/Reagan. And who put in worker and environmental protections that Bush/Rove/Delay removed in the 2000's???

ILAB - Submissions under the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC)

You claimed 100%, so you are wrong, thank you.

Will Republicans end social security and make abortion illegal? Lets see once they have 7 out of 9 justices on the Supreme Court

Kennedy just announced he's retiring.

The American people really fucked themselves by not voting for Hillary. They have no clue how badly yet. Wait till their ss benefits get cut 25%.
I always love it when an Illegal is at The Social Security Office or Welfare applying for SSI and Disability, and they are asked for an ID, of course through a taxpayer funded interpreter, and they produce no less than 6 drivers licenses and Social Security Cards, and discuss with the interpreter which one they should use.

False Identity, Forgery, stolen Social Security Numbers are a way of life for Illegals coming in to this country. They are taught how to scam the system before they even cross the border.

Cracks me up, EVERY SINGLE TIME!
100% voted for it? You have the link to back up your claim?

Also, aren't you a proponent of NAFTA? Should you not be glad that it was passed? Yet, you blame Republicans?

100% of Republicans voted for it. WIKI NAFTA and see.

Don't flip NAFTA now. Not fair. Yes I am for free trade now 2 decades later. It's working, the economy is booming, I see no reason to fuck with it now. But Trump is fucking with it and it's making Harley Davidson leave. Can you tell me that's a good thing? What's the end goal here? Do you want every American manufacturing company to only sell to Americans and only European companies manufacture and sell to Europeans? Are you an isolationist now?

When did you turn on NAFTA?

Already saw the vote count, it wasn’t 100%, nice try. I was against NAFTA from day one, it was a bad deal for the United States and it is still a bad deal, the issue is now getting Mexico and Canada to give up their good deals and even the playing field. Even Hillary did like NAFTA.

Before sending it to the United States Senate Clinton added two side agreements, the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC) and the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC), to protect workers and the environment, and also allay the concerns of many LIBERAL House members. After much consideration and emotional discussion, the US House of Representatives passed the North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act on November 17, 1993, 234–200. The agreement's supporters included 132 Republicans and 102 Democrats. The bill passed the Senate on November 20, 1993, 61–38. Senate supporters were 34 Republicans and 27 Democrats.

So who liked it more Democrats or Republicans? Who invented it? Bush/Reagan. And who put in worker and environmental protections that Bush/Rove/Delay removed in the 2000's???

ILAB - Submissions under the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC)

You claimed 100%, so you are wrong, thank you.

Will Republicans end social security and make abortion illegal? Lets see once they have 7 out of 9 justices on the Supreme Court

Kennedy just announced he's retiring.

The American people really fucked themselves by not voting for Hillary. They have no clue how badly yet. Wait till their ss benefits get cut 25%.

I don't think that Roe v Wade will ever make it back to the Supreme Court, and your end to Social Security is just more fear mongering by the left. I remember years ago how the Republicans were going to starve school children to death by cutting the school lunch program and letting the states handle most of it and look, no children starved to death, just more fear mongering.

Let me know if and when it ever comes true because I am not wasting my time on it.
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Why would I want to do away with something I have paying into my entire working life?
Why would I want to do away with something that is 1/3 of my income?
So you need it. If you haven't saved, you are proof why we need SS.

We need something to save you from your own laziness and stupidity ???

I would phase it out over 60 years. Nothing would change for seniors.

If you are less than 30, you'll see something different.
Well I'm 47 and ...

And still a ‘confirmed bachelor.’
100% of Republicans voted for it. WIKI NAFTA and see.

Don't flip NAFTA now. Not fair. Yes I am for free trade now 2 decades later. It's working, the economy is booming, I see no reason to fuck with it now. But Trump is fucking with it and it's making Harley Davidson leave. Can you tell me that's a good thing? What's the end goal here? Do you want every American manufacturing company to only sell to Americans and only European companies manufacture and sell to Europeans? Are you an isolationist now?

When did you turn on NAFTA?

Already saw the vote count, it wasn’t 100%, nice try. I was against NAFTA from day one, it was a bad deal for the United States and it is still a bad deal, the issue is now getting Mexico and Canada to give up their good deals and even the playing field. Even Hillary did like NAFTA.

Before sending it to the United States Senate Clinton added two side agreements, the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC) and the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC), to protect workers and the environment, and also allay the concerns of many LIBERAL House members. After much consideration and emotional discussion, the US House of Representatives passed the North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act on November 17, 1993, 234–200. The agreement's supporters included 132 Republicans and 102 Democrats. The bill passed the Senate on November 20, 1993, 61–38. Senate supporters were 34 Republicans and 27 Democrats.

So who liked it more Democrats or Republicans? Who invented it? Bush/Reagan. And who put in worker and environmental protections that Bush/Rove/Delay removed in the 2000's???

ILAB - Submissions under the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC)

You claimed 100%, so you are wrong, thank you.

Will Republicans end social security and make abortion illegal? Lets see once they have 7 out of 9 justices on the Supreme Court

Kennedy just announced he's retiring.

The American people really fucked themselves by not voting for Hillary. They have no clue how badly yet. Wait till their ss benefits get cut 25%.

I don't think that Roe v Wade will ever make it back to the Supreme Court, and your end to Social Security is just more fear mongering by the left. I remember years ago how the Republicans were going to starve school children to death by cutting the school lunch program and letting the states handle most of it and look, no children starved to death, just more fear mongering.

Let me know if and when it ever comes true because I am not wasting my time on it.

Ok fine don't believe them when they tell you they hate the program. And don't believe it when you see cuts being made. Insist to yourself that it's just fear mongering from the left.

Oh, and when it happens, you'll blame the Democrats because "they looted the program too". Well sure they did when none of us raise a peep when it happens. In fact you cheerlead it happening.

I'm done. I'm completely done. I think the American people are shit heads all of you. Fuck you all. Eat shit and die broke for all I care. I'll manage without these things I've paid into. In fact I don't think I'll live to a very old age anyways so I'm probably worrying about nothing.

Just wait for that date in the future when it officially runs out of funds. They will cut all our benefits 25% in the name of saving the program. And you'll defend them. And you'll blame the Democrats.

You deserve the country you have.
What's funny is I've been on USMB for a long time. A decade ago the stupid shit Republicans said, I thought would never happen. Today, that stupid shit is happening. We all thought the teabaggers were idiots but how many of their ideas have been implemented? We all think Libertarians are idiots but the GOP have taken a lot of their policies and adopted them. In fact Trump is a hybred of the tea party, birthers, libertarians and a Republican.

So feel free to ignore Republicans when they tell you ss is unconstitutional and going bankrupt. Don't believe they are setting you up for something in the future. Just because they don't flat out admit that's their ultimate goal.
Why would I want to do away with something I have paying into my entire working life?
Why would I want to do away with something that is 1/3 of my income?
So you need it. If you haven't saved, you are proof why we need SS.

We need something to save you from your own laziness and stupidity ???

I would phase it out over 60 years. Nothing would change for seniors.

If you are less than 30, you'll see something different.
Well I'm 47 and ...

And still a ‘confirmed bachelor.’
Well you pretend to have a happy family so what? No one believes anyone living with you is happy.

They seemed happy too

He's married. Should I be impressed?
100% voted for it? You have the link to back up your claim?

Also, aren't you a proponent of NAFTA? Should you not be glad that it was passed? Yet, you blame Republicans?

100% of Republicans voted for it. WIKI NAFTA and see.

Don't flip NAFTA now. Not fair. Yes I am for free trade now 2 decades later. It's working, the economy is booming, I see no reason to fuck with it now. But Trump is fucking with it and it's making Harley Davidson leave. Can you tell me that's a good thing? What's the end goal here? Do you want every American manufacturing company to only sell to Americans and only European companies manufacture and sell to Europeans? Are you an isolationist now?

When did you turn on NAFTA?

Already saw the vote count, it wasn’t 100%, nice try. I was against NAFTA from day one, it was a bad deal for the United States and it is still a bad deal, the issue is now getting Mexico and Canada to give up their good deals and even the playing field. Even Hillary did like NAFTA.

Before sending it to the United States Senate Clinton added two side agreements, the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC) and the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC), to protect workers and the environment, and also allay the concerns of many LIBERAL House members. After much consideration and emotional discussion, the US House of Representatives passed the North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act on November 17, 1993, 234–200. The agreement's supporters included 132 Republicans and 102 Democrats. The bill passed the Senate on November 20, 1993, 61–38. Senate supporters were 34 Republicans and 27 Democrats.

So who liked it more Democrats or Republicans? Who invented it? Bush/Reagan. And who put in worker and environmental protections that Bush/Rove/Delay removed in the 2000's???

ILAB - Submissions under the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC)

You claimed 100%, so you are wrong, thank you.

Will Republicans end social security and make abortion illegal? Lets see once they have 7 out of 9 justices on the Supreme Court

Kennedy just announced he's retiring.

The American people really fucked themselves by not voting for Hillary. They have no clue how badly yet. Wait till their ss benefits get cut 25%.

Those benefits were going to get cut anyway.

Nobody is raising the S.S. tax and it will happen in 2034.
It wasn't discussed during the elections but does any one doubt SS is going to be put on the chopping block?

No way one usmb Republican will say they like and want to keep SS.

And if they want to at least tell us in 2019 so we can vote on it.

SS is set up like the typical Ponzi scheme, doomed to fail eventually. People are under the false assumption that the money taken from their paychecks is for their own future. All they are doing is paying for the retirees now. Each year, there are more collecting and fewer paying in. Dems have borrowed trillions and only get angry when they suspect someone else might dip into "their" money. Government is allowed to borrow from the surplus but is supposed to pay it back with interest. I don't think that has happened yet. Politicians are incapable of keeping their grubby paws off any money.

People on SS never get decent cost of living increases, even while congress takes care of itself. And SS is not enough to live on even though many are under that impression. Those who invested using private sector companies tend to do way better. Government is trying to condition everyone to believe that government is all they need and they constantly portray the private sector as evil and untrustworthy. It's not the private sector stealing our money and wasting it. If you rely solely on government and don't have other retirement plans, you are screwed.
No such thing would ever happen, period.

They should raise the retirement age to 70, though. And index the eligibility age to 9 percent of the population going forward.
They'll try to kill Medicare. That's the issue on the block. And dems should get gopers in the House on record in the elections.

And when the sky doesn't fall again, y'all bullshitters will just invent a new 'Sky is Falling' scam. You'll never fess up to your lies. I don't get why so many are still voting Democrat. They're only voting against their own interests. The US Democrat Party threw American Citizens overboard years ago.
How's Trump's "great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost" working for ya?
The last time Republicans in office they tried, many younger people have been convinced that they wont get any, so they want it gone. guess if it happens there prepared to fully support parents or other family members who rely in whole or part on SS.
What a nutty OP. No mainstream or leading Republican in the last 30 years has proposed ending Social Security. This is a good example of the liberal refusal to take the time to LISTEN to Republican proposals. Changing the form or investment method of Social Security is not "ending" it. Even full privatization plans have always included a safety net provision. And Donald Trump has spoken against privatizing Social Security for at least the last eight years.

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