Will Republicans end social security?

Will Republicans end social security?

  • Yes, at least try

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 71.8%

  • Total voters
Before sending it to the United States Senate Clinton added two side agreements, the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC) and the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC), to protect workers and the environment, and also allay the concerns of many LIBERAL House members. After much consideration and emotional discussion, the US House of Representatives passed the North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act on November 17, 1993, 234–200. The agreement's supporters included 132 Republicans and 102 Democrats. The bill passed the Senate on November 20, 1993, 61–38. Senate supporters were 34 Republicans and 27 Democrats.

So who liked it more Democrats or Republicans? Who invented it? Bush/Reagan. And who put in worker and environmental protections that Bush/Rove/Delay removed in the 2000's???

ILAB - Submissions under the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC)

You claimed 100%, so you are wrong, thank you.

Will Republicans end social security and make abortion illegal? Lets see once they have 7 out of 9 justices on the Supreme Court

Kennedy just announced he's retiring.

The American people really fucked themselves by not voting for Hillary. They have no clue how badly yet. Wait till their ss benefits get cut 25%.

I don't think that Roe v Wade will ever make it back to the Supreme Court, and your end to Social Security is just more fear mongering by the left. I remember years ago how the Republicans were going to starve school children to death by cutting the school lunch program and letting the states handle most of it and look, no children starved to death, just more fear mongering.

Let me know if and when it ever comes true because I am not wasting my time on it.

Ok fine don't believe them when they tell you they hate the program. And don't believe it when you see cuts being made. Insist to yourself that it's just fear mongering from the left.

Oh, and when it happens, you'll blame the Democrats because "they looted the program too". Well sure they did when none of us raise a peep when it happens. In fact you cheerlead it happening.

I'm done. I'm completely done. I think the American people are shit heads all of you. Fuck you all. Eat shit and die broke for all I care. I'll manage without these things I've paid into. In fact I don't think I'll live to a very old age anyways so I'm probably worrying about nothing.

Just wait for that date in the future when it officially runs out of funds. They will cut all our benefits 25% in the name of saving the program. And you'll defend them. And you'll blame the Democrats.

You deserve the country you have.

Except no mainstream Republican has called a complete and sudden end to Social Security. Trump has called for cuts in the disability portion of Social Security, not in the retirement benefit itself. So, you as usual are wrong. Thanks for going but so it confirms that you still are nuts.
I’m not wrong. It’s like evolution. Happens so gradually you don’t notice.

No buggy. You’ll get what you deserve
You liberals are constantly screaming the world is going to end.

Nobody believes your liberal Bull Shit anymore.

I don’t hate SS, I want mine because it has been

Forcibly taken out of my check since I was 11 years old.

I lied at 11 to get my workers permit….
Workers permit for what? I never need one and I was car hop at twelve.

Let me “splain”

You were allowed to work at 12…

But you had to have a workers permit to work

from what I remember from 12 to 16.
I grew up in OKC and I was twelve in 1973 and we needed no work permits.

We never needed a work permit in my state either.
They were more than happy to put kids to work, I started at five picking up pecans for a nickel a pound on my Papa's farm.
He broke the law. Lock him up!
I hope they make cuts to social security because I know it will hurt you republicans more than it will me.

I’m glad college is expensive for your kids. Doesn’t effect me
You claimed 100%, so you are wrong, thank you.

Will Republicans end social security and make abortion illegal? Lets see once they have 7 out of 9 justices on the Supreme Court

Kennedy just announced he's retiring.

The American people really fucked themselves by not voting for Hillary. They have no clue how badly yet. Wait till their ss benefits get cut 25%.

I don't think that Roe v Wade will ever make it back to the Supreme Court, and your end to Social Security is just more fear mongering by the left. I remember years ago how the Republicans were going to starve school children to death by cutting the school lunch program and letting the states handle most of it and look, no children starved to death, just more fear mongering.

Let me know if and when it ever comes true because I am not wasting my time on it.

Ok fine don't believe them when they tell you they hate the program. And don't believe it when you see cuts being made. Insist to yourself that it's just fear mongering from the left.

Oh, and when it happens, you'll blame the Democrats because "they looted the program too". Well sure they did when none of us raise a peep when it happens. In fact you cheerlead it happening.

I'm done. I'm completely done. I think the American people are shit heads all of you. Fuck you all. Eat shit and die broke for all I care. I'll manage without these things I've paid into. In fact I don't think I'll live to a very old age anyways so I'm probably worrying about nothing.

Just wait for that date in the future when it officially runs out of funds. They will cut all our benefits 25% in the name of saving the program. And you'll defend them. And you'll blame the Democrats.

You deserve the country you have.

Except no mainstream Republican has called a complete and sudden end to Social Security. Trump has called for cuts in the disability portion of Social Security, not in the retirement benefit itself. So, you as usual are wrong. Thanks for going but so it confirms that you still are nuts.
I’m not wrong. It’s like evolution. Happens so gradually you don’t notice.

No buggy. You’ll get what you deserve

You mean my pension, my 401ks, my stocks, my real estate? Got it, already.

You are a not you have no proof and you are pissed, thanks for your nutty theory.
I hope they make cuts to social security because I know it will hurt you republicans more than it will me.

I’m glad college is expensive for your kids. Doesn’t effect me

So Republicans aren’t talking about cutting Social Security, just disability and you are hoping Republicans will cut it because it will hurt others?

Hate and stupidity seem to be the left wing nuts way.
I hope they make cuts to social security because I know it will hurt you republicans more than it will me.

I’m glad college is expensive for your kids. Doesn’t effect me

So Republicans aren’t talking about cutting Social Security, just disability and you are hoping Republicans will cut it because it will hurt others?

Hate and stupidity seem to be the left wing nuts way.
You hear them here everyday. It's unconstitutional, going bankrupt, don't expect to get it. Ok fine if you don't want to believe them. You seem like me. You'll survive if they cut it 25% but unlike me you won't be pissed about it. You'll bend over and take it.

And like I said, they've been slowly chipping away at it since the 1980's. I didn't know this until recently but it was decided back then that my retirement was going to be 67 not 65. So it took me 30 years to realize that my retirement age was raised 2 years. That's a hit to my pocketbook whether you know it or not.

Oh, and when they cut your medicare benefits so that medicare sucks (too late already does) then that's going to eat up a lot of your savings unless you aren't going to get old or sick. Maybe you'll have to sell off some of your properties

I hope they make cuts to social security because I know it will hurt you republicans more than it will me.

I’m glad college is expensive for your kids. Doesn’t effect me

So Republicans aren’t talking about cutting Social Security, just disability and you are hoping Republicans will cut it because it will hurt others?

Hate and stupidity seem to be the left wing nuts way.

I want Republicans to fuck the poor because the poor don't show up to vote. They, YOU, need to realize the difference.

But I've seen enough. You won't realize anything. The American people are stupid sheep and the rich have won.

I was thinking about this the other day. Whenever we talk about Hillary Liberals Democrats you guys always say, "all politicians are corrupt and they all serve the rich" but you don't believe that the GOP are trying to do any of the nefarious things we tell you they want to do.

BUT, when they do it you'll blame "both parties".

This is why I've given up. You won't seem me arguing details or politics too much moving forward because I have given up. I don't care of Republicans pollute the planet and destroy it and our clean air. Fuck it! I don't care if corporations and the rich take over. They've been doing it successfully since the 1970's. Today is just the final nail. I thought Bush 2 was but I see the GOP had a lot of work to do. These 2 or 3 Supreme Court picks? Boy you non rich Americans really fucked yourself by letting the GOP get away with not letting Obama appoint a Supreme. Now you all deserve what's coming for you. You say nothing is coming for you. I understand your head is burried papa. Typical of a conservative. But cuts will come. When they do I hope you think of me.

I hope you think of me like my republican friend who argues all the time in favor of Republicans and then his wife got cancer and he couldn't afford the deductable so he was forced to resort to having a fundraiser to help pay his bills. How fucking embarrassing. But you know what? I bet the stupid dope is still a Republican. He, like you, will justify your stupidity. I see you do it everyday.
I hope they make cuts to social security because I know it will hurt you republicans more than it will me.

I’m glad college is expensive for your kids. Doesn’t effect me

So Republicans aren’t talking about cutting Social Security, just disability and you are hoping Republicans will cut it because it will hurt others?

Hate and stupidity seem to be the left wing nuts way.
You hear them here everyday. It's unconstitutional, going bankrupt, don't expect to get it. Ok fine if you don't want to believe them. You seem like me. You'll survive if they cut it 25% but unlike me you won't be pissed about it. You'll bend over and take it.

And like I said, they've been slowly chipping away at it since the 1980's. I didn't know this until recently but it was decided back then that my retirement was going to be 67 not 65. So it took me 30 years to realize that my retirement age was raised 2 years. That's a hit to my pocketbook whether you know it or not.

Oh, and when they cut your medicare benefits so that medicare sucks (too late already does) then that's going to eat up a lot of your savings unless you aren't going to get old or sick. Maybe you'll have to sell off some of your properties

You hear them everyday? And what action have they taken? They had the majority during part of the Bush years and they never brought it to the floor, you’re nuts on this one. “Chipping away slowly? Other than raising the retirement age in the 80’s what chipping have they done?
I hope they make cuts to social security because I know it will hurt you republicans more than it will me.

I’m glad college is expensive for your kids. Doesn’t effect me

So Republicans aren’t talking about cutting Social Security, just disability and you are hoping Republicans will cut it because it will hurt others?

Hate and stupidity seem to be the left wing nuts way.

I want Republicans to fuck the poor because the poor don't show up to vote. They, YOU, need to realize the difference.

But I've seen enough. You won't realize anything. The American people are stupid sheep and the rich have won.

I was thinking about this the other day. Whenever we talk about Hillary Liberals Democrats you guys always say, "all politicians are corrupt and they all serve the rich" but you don't believe that the GOP are trying to do any of the nefarious things we tell you they want to do.

BUT, when they do it you'll blame "both parties".

This is why I've given up. You won't seem me arguing details or politics too much moving forward because I have given up. I don't care of Republicans pollute the planet and destroy it and our clean air. Fuck it! I don't care if corporations and the rich take over. They've been doing it successfully since the 1970's. Today is just the final nail. I thought Bush 2 was but I see the GOP had a lot of work to do. These 2 or 3 Supreme Court picks? Boy you non rich Americans really fucked yourself by letting the GOP get away with not letting Obama appoint a Supreme. Now you all deserve what's coming for you. You say nothing is coming for you. I understand your head is burried papa. Typical of a conservative. But cuts will come. When they do I hope you think of me.

I hope you think of me like my republican friend who argues all the time in favor of Republicans and then his wife got cancer and he couldn't afford the deductable so he was forced to resort to having a fundraiser to help pay his bills. How fucking embarrassing. But you know what? I bet the stupid dope is still a Republican. He, like you, will justify your stupidity. I see you do it everyday.

I don’t trust either party, been that way for a long long time, the only thing they like is power and then more power, so neither party is going to screw with entitlements, just the way it is.

Now go finish crying. Your poor me BS is boring.
Would have made the recession even more tragic if Bush privatization had been in place as the suggestion was for people to buy stock!
You Chicken littles have been crying wolf since the day I was born.

We all know you are full of SHIT....

You lefties have no credibility in the real world…

Now I will wait for one of you Dumb Asses

to tell me I mixed up the two nursery rhymes.
You don't believe it all while they are slowly chipping away at it. They can't just do away with it because even a stupid con like you would object. Or would you? Maybe you would bend over and take anything Trump handed you. I think so. SS and Medicare are ripe for the undoing. We have half of Americans (you) who will need it endorsing it's demise or denying that Republicans want to end the program.

Of course you hate SS. It's unconstitutional right? Just like forcing you to buy healthcare. You can't suggest you are in favor of the program. So stop lying.

You liberals are constantly screaming the world is going to end.

Nobody believes your liberal Bull Shit anymore.

I don’t hate SS, I want mine because it has been

Forcibly taken out of my check since I was 11 years old.

I lied at 11 to get my workers permit….
Workers permit for what? I never need one and I was car hop at twelve.

Let me “splain”

You were allowed to work at 12…

But you had to have a workers permit to work

from what I remember from 12 to 16.
I grew up in OKC and I was twelve in 1973 and we needed no work permits.

Well good for you....

Would you care to make a wager on whether I needed one or not?
I hope they make cuts to social security because I know it will hurt you republicans more than it will me.

I’m glad college is expensive for your kids. Doesn’t effect me

You are one ignorant Dip Shit.
I would love it, if so. Anything to do damage to the old folks in this country. The sooner they hunker down in their graves, the better.

If the republicans destroy social security, I will vote for Trump in 2020.
I would love it, if so. Anything to do damage to the old folks in this country. The sooner they hunker down in their graves, the better.

If the republicans destroy social security, I will vote for Trump in 2020.
I no longer want my social security either

I no longer want clean air and I reject science on the environment

I’m glad us workers have lost all our power

I’m glad the gap between the rich and poor is widening

I no longer care about the debt

I now believe the unemployment numbers are real

I want to take away a woman’s right to choose

I love mass shootings

I don’t like Muslims and gays.

I’m a republican
I would love it, if so. Anything to do damage to the old folks in this country. The sooner they hunker down in their graves, the better.

If the republicans destroy social security, I will vote for Trump in 2020.
I no longer want my social security either

I no longer want clean air and I reject science on the environment

I’m glad us worked have lost all our power

I’m glad the gap between the rich and poor is widening

I no longer care about the debt

I now believe the unemployment numbers are real

I want to take away a woman’s right to choose

I love mass shootings

I don’t like Muslims and gays.

I’m a republican

Quit your bitching. This is what America wants.
Already saw the vote count, it wasn’t 100%, nice try. I was against NAFTA from day one, it was a bad deal for the United States and it is still a bad deal, the issue is now getting Mexico and Canada to give up their good deals and even the playing field. Even Hillary did like NAFTA.

Before sending it to the United States Senate Clinton added two side agreements, the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC) and the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC), to protect workers and the environment, and also allay the concerns of many LIBERAL House members. After much consideration and emotional discussion, the US House of Representatives passed the North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act on November 17, 1993, 234–200. The agreement's supporters included 132 Republicans and 102 Democrats. The bill passed the Senate on November 20, 1993, 61–38. Senate supporters were 34 Republicans and 27 Democrats.

So who liked it more Democrats or Republicans? Who invented it? Bush/Reagan. And who put in worker and environmental protections that Bush/Rove/Delay removed in the 2000's???

ILAB - Submissions under the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC)

You claimed 100%, so you are wrong, thank you.

Will Republicans end social security and make abortion illegal? Lets see once they have 7 out of 9 justices on the Supreme Court

Kennedy just announced he's retiring.

The American people really fucked themselves by not voting for Hillary. They have no clue how badly yet. Wait till their ss benefits get cut 25%.

I don't think that Roe v Wade will ever make it back to the Supreme Court, and your end to Social Security is just more fear mongering by the left. I remember years ago how the Republicans were going to starve school children to death by cutting the school lunch program and letting the states handle most of it and look, no children starved to death, just more fear mongering.

Let me know if and when it ever comes true because I am not wasting my time on it.

Ok fine don't believe them when they tell you they hate the program. And don't believe it when you see cuts being made. Insist to yourself that it's just fear mongering from the left.

Oh, and when it happens, you'll blame the Democrats because "they looted the program too". Well sure they did when none of us raise a peep when it happens. In fact you cheerlead it happening.

I'm done. I'm completely done. I think the American people are shit heads all of you. Fuck you all. Eat shit and die broke for all I care. I'll manage without these things I've paid into. In fact I don't think I'll live to a very old age anyways so I'm probably worrying about nothing.

Just wait for that date in the future when it officially runs out of funds. They will cut all our benefits 25% in the name of saving the program. And you'll defend them. And you'll blame the Democrats.

You deserve the country you have.

How soon are you leaving?
Social Security was meant to be a safety net for retired
folks. Over the years the fucking dems have changed all
of that.

#1...When it was first enacted, its money was never to be touched
for anything else. That went by the wayside.

#2...There is a bigger drain on that money now by the people under
30 than over 60.

Every welfare program is being funneled thru SS. Food Stamps,
Disability, you name it, SS is funding it.

Go to a Social Security Office, if you don't believe me. 3/4's of the
people in it are black and under 40 years of age.

Pull the non-retirees off of social security and create something
else for them. Then the country will have zero problem turning
the bums back over to the churches to support, instead of the Fed
I hope they make cuts to social security because I know it will hurt you republicans more than it will me.

I’m glad college is expensive for your kids. Doesn’t effect me

So Republicans aren’t talking about cutting Social Security, just disability and you are hoping Republicans will cut it because it will hurt others?

Hate and stupidity seem to be the left wing nuts way.
Democrats need to keep saying it long and loud. It's the way to the blue wave.
It wasn't discussed during the elections but does any one doubt SS is going to be put on the chopping block?

No way one usmb Republican will say they like and want to keep SS.

And if they want to at least tell us in 2019 so we can vote on it.

Again... people like you don't seem to comprehend that there are some values to forced savings!
The difference that people like me from you though is YOU think the Government should run EVERYTHING including where I want to put money.
Case in point.

No such thing would ever happen, period.

They should raise the retirement age to 70, though. And index the eligibility age to 9 percent of the population going forward.

I agree with you! More and more people are working past 65 primarily because THEY aren't BORED as they are in retirement. I can assure you that more people are
also finding their minds are sharper by continuing to work! I agree with you 100%

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