Will Republicans ever admit the mess they left President Obama?

This is what really kills 'em...

How so? Your imagination is relevant. The chart has Reagan higher than anyone and Bush did get the blame for everything in the press. Even Katrina.
Stop bringing up old bs by living in the past.

Don't ever bring up Clinton again. Unless you WANT to be a hypocrite.

And when Obama is gone. Not a word about his presidency. Unless you want to be a hypocrite.
Interesting thing about that.
A war, although expensive is something that can be paid off over time. But the failures of obamas crappy health care scheme are never going to be paid off, the costs will only continue to rise until the system is completely broke.
Because competition is a bad thing? Remember, under Bush, medical bills became the number one cause of bankruptcy. In your mind, did that mean it was working?
My understanding was Congress is as responsible for CFR regulations as the Executive branch. So blaming Bush solely for the regulations that led to this is disingenuous to say the least.

But then again we aren't dealing with honest people on the left. Communists tend to be dishonest.
Would the word Traitor be easier for you to digest?
Stop bringing up old bs by living in the past.

Don't ever bring up Clinton again. Unless you WANT to be a hypocrite.

And when Obama is gone. Not a word about his presidency. Unless you want to be a hypocrite.
Interesting thing about that.
A war, although expensive is something that can be paid off over time. But the failures of obamas crappy health care scheme are never going to be paid off, the costs will only continue to rise until the system is completely broke.

Nonsense. Most Americans weren't even affected in any significant way by the ACA.
Tell that to the people like myself who are paying 3 times higher premiums, people who lost their coverage, or people who won't be getting a refund this year because they didn't buy unaffordable insurance thanks to the mandate.
Republicans would rather people who need insurance just die.
Like our veterans?
Don't ever bring up Clinton again. Unless you WANT to be a hypocrite.

And when Obama is gone. Not a word about his presidency. Unless you want to be a hypocrite.
Interesting thing about that.
A war, although expensive is something that can be paid off over time. But the failures of obamas crappy health care scheme are never going to be paid off, the costs will only continue to rise until the system is completely broke.

Nonsense. Most Americans weren't even affected in any significant way by the ACA.
Tell that to the people like myself who are paying 3 times higher premiums, people who lost their coverage, or people who won't be getting a refund this year because they didn't buy unaffordable insurance thanks to the mandate.
Republicans would rather people who need insurance just die.
If those people serve no purpose in society, then I don't see the value in paying to keep them alive. If they do serve a purpose in society, chances are they already have their own insurance.

Eugenics, eh?
Interesting thing about that.
A war, although expensive is something that can be paid off over time. But the failures of obamas crappy health care scheme are never going to be paid off, the costs will only continue to rise until the system is completely broke.

Nonsense. Most Americans weren't even affected in any significant way by the ACA.
Tell that to the people like myself who are paying 3 times higher premiums, people who lost their coverage, or people who won't be getting a refund this year because they didn't buy unaffordable insurance thanks to the mandate.
Republicans would rather people who need insurance just die.
If those people serve no purpose in society, then I don't see the value in paying to keep them alive. If they do serve a purpose in society, chances are they already have their own insurance.

Eugenics, eh?
not really, Im not suggesting we create a better human, only that we have no need to keep the defective ones around. If they don't contribute, they are a drain on society and therefore only restrict the ability of the country to advance.
Thread has been semi-cleaned and posts that violate the rules (the food fight part of the thread) have been moved to Badlands.
Obama thinks capitalism and Communism are the same thing.
So does Wall Street when they royally fuck up.

Yeah, and that's OUR point. We should never have given banks, GM, or anyone, money from the tax payers, when they screw up. It's you people on the left, that think "we saved the US from a great depression!" that supported the bailouts. Obama supported the bailouts. Hillary supported the bailouts.

You know who didn't?
The TARP Trap

In my role as chairman of the Republican Study Committee, the House’s 100-plus member conservative caucus, I helped lead the opposition to TARP while co-authoring an alternative that did not carry the day​

The conservative caucus was the only group to offer an alternative to the bailout that would not have socialized the cost.

And who on the left wing offered an alternative? Like a tea cup puddle, the left barks a lot about being against socializing of loss, but in the end, no bite. They are the first to line up endless excuses why we should give money to companies for all sorts of reasons.
The failed economy.
The Iraq debacle.
The deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts.
The millions of jobs moved oversea.
The over 40,000 factories closed.
Medical bills becoming the number one cause of bankruptcy.
Not getting Bin Laden.

Republicans were able to use reconciliation three times which shows they controlled the entire government.
Will they ever take any responsibility for what happened on their watch?

Let's see...

Barry oversaw the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history and hasn't put forth a coherent plan to create jobs in well over six years!

Barry has turned the entire Middle East and now Europe into a "playground" for terrorists with his "Leading From Behind" strategy!

Barry has almost doubled the national debt in his time in office!

Barry passed the "Affordable Care Act" which has raised the healthcare costs for Middle Class Americans at the same time that their disposable income has decreased!

Barry "got" Bin Laden using water boarding intel that he subsequently banned!

Bottom line...Barack Obama is not a very good President...something George W. Bush has NOTHING to do with!
In reply to the question posed, as a Republican I'll answer that in my view we already have admitted our sins and will continue to do so. The admission however is non-verbal but still is loud-and-clear with the persona non-grata status of the ex-president at the GOP convention. Eventually he'll be forgiven just as Jimmy Carter has been by the Democrats.
What was Jimmy Carter guilty of? The 10 million jobs created during his administration? No wars? What?
Just because Republicans have demonized him, doesn't mean he was a demon.

I stand corrected. Jimmy Carter wasn't tossed under the bus and did indeed attend the 1984 convention and gave a speech. Sincere thanks for challenging me and making me check my facts.
Ah boo-fuckin-hoo. He wanted the job, claimed to have the answers, got the job, promptly focused on healthcare reform, and then whines that he just didn't realize how bad things were.

Yeah, boo-fuckin-hoo....
Wow.... so it's 7 years later, and the Democrats are still blaming absolutely everything that has happened, on someone long gone over 7 years ago.

Ok what events you want blamed on democrats?

But how is it that many republicans blame Bill Clinton for whatever and he has been out of office for how long? And I haven't read jack shit from you about how wrong that is.

Unfortunately for republicans who have want to distance themselves from Bush it don't work like that.

Decisions by presidents have far reaching, long term consequences. And each president has to deal with the decisions made by his predecessor.

The fact most republicans want to ignore that fact is part of their denial about how bad George Bush fucked up the country.

See here's the issue.....

Because you are a partisan narrow minded bigot, you want to claim all republicans are the same.

All Republicans are not the same. Anymore than all democrats are the same, or all blacks are the same, or all Mexicans are the same.

The irony of the left is while claiming to be against bigotry and prejudice, they in fact practice both, more than any other group of people.

Moreover, here's the difference between the right-wing and left-wing on blaming Bush and blaming Clinton. Can you back up your claims with facts? A 5-year-old level debate is "X happened, and Bob was in the office". And adult debate is... Yeah X happened..... did Bob cause it? Did Bob pass a policy that created it? Was Bob more than "he existed" when it happened?

See, most of us on the right, are intelligent enough to know something, that's been taught, even in the crappy public schools.... Correlation..... DOES NOT..... equal Causation. Even the dumbest high school drop out, knows this. Why don't you?

Lastly, there have been things that we on the right wing, *HAVE* blamed Bush for. I was against the bank bailouts. Always have been. You can't find in the last 10 years, a single post where I supported bailouts of the banks, or any time where I was in favor of Bush on that point.

Can you say the same thing for Obama who voted in favor of bailouts for banks?

Now which of us is a hypocrite, and which of us is consistent? You tell buddy. You can sure dish it out, but can you take criticism?
The failed economy.
The Iraq debacle.
The deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts.
The millions of jobs moved oversea.
The over 40,000 factories closed.
Medical bills becoming the number one cause of bankruptcy.
Not getting Bin Laden.

Republicans were able to use reconciliation three times which shows they controlled the entire government.
Will they ever take any responsibility for what happened on their watch?

At 55 years old, no President in my life has ever cost me as much money than DumBama. In fact, DumBama cost me more money than all the Presidents before him in my life, and Republicans fought against that.
There certainly wasn't much reason to vote Republican with an economy in collapse and dead American soldiers all over the Middle East.

And look what we got, a freaking big eared disaster of the highest order
no disaster like the pos who killed so many of ours ...gd pukes have heads up their butts

More American service members died in Afghanistan during Obama's two terms than died during Bush's two terms. And for what? So who's the "real" disaster?
There certainly wasn't much reason to vote Republican with an economy in collapse and dead American soldiers all over the Middle East.

And look what we got, a freaking big eared disaster of the highest order
no disaster like the pos who killed so many of ours ...gd pukes have heads up their butts

More American service members died in Afghanistan during Obama's two terms than died during Bush's two terms. And for what? So who's the "real" disaster?

Yeah, and under Bush they died while we gained control of the country. Under Obama they died losing control of the country.
There certainly wasn't much reason to vote Republican with an economy in collapse and dead American soldiers all over the Middle East.

And look what we got, a freaking big eared disaster of the highest order
no disaster like the pos who killed so many of ours ...gd pukes have heads up their butts

More American service members died in Afghanistan during Obama's two terms than died during Bush's two terms. And for what? So who's the "real" disaster?

Yeah, and under Bush they died while we gained control of the country. Under Obama they died losing control of the country.

"Leading From Behind"! "Containment"! John "Winter Soldier" Kerry as your Secretary of State! This truly is "The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight"!

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