Will Republicans ever learn? Indiana governor to sign bill allowing business not to serve gays

Looks like Gov Pence may be going to Key West

There's no license to discriminate in #RFRA. I abhor discrimination & don't think ppl should be discrim against because of who they are/love

He's simply lying or doesn't understand his own bill. The bill specifically provides an affirmative defense for someone accused of discrimination.
Seems like you stupid fucks are the ones "crying" to me.

apparently you have not noticed the tantrum melt downs of titty baby Bripat......
He's more Drama Queen than all of Castro St, combined. Common in children.

The real "queens" are all the queers acting as if they were being sent to the concentration camp because business owners have the right to serve whom they choose.
Sweetcheeks, you make the queens jealous. The dramas you create daily would take half of Hollywood a year, and still be no match.

Puhleeze. I've never seen whining and crying and petulant temper tantrums like the ones you and the queers are throwing over the Indiana law.

...he says, petulantly referring to gays as 'queers'.
Seems like you stupid fucks are the ones "crying" to me.

apparently you have not noticed the tantrum melt downs of titty baby Bripat......
He's more Drama Queen than all of Castro St, combined. Common in children.

The real "queens" are all the queers acting as if they were being sent to the concentration camp because business owners have the right to serve whom they choose.

Business owners don't have that right.

Yes, they do, although the government routinely violates it.
apparently you have not noticed the tantrum melt downs of titty baby Bripat......
He's more Drama Queen than all of Castro St, combined. Common in children.

The real "queens" are all the queers acting as if they were being sent to the concentration camp because business owners have the right to serve whom they choose.
Sweetcheeks, you make the queens jealous. The dramas you create daily would take half of Hollywood a year, and still be no match.

Puhleeze. I've never seen whining and crying and petulant temper tantrums like the ones you and the queers are throwing over the Indiana law.

...he says, petulantly referring to gays as 'queers'.

That's just using proper terminology. That's what they are. I'm not going to use the euphemisms they demand when they are assaulting my rights.
Why do you keep pushing this fucking lie? What's in it for you? Are you a paid democrat operative?

Hey dude. which part was the supposed lie? Did they write and pass this bill? Sure they did. No lie there.
Do they want business owners to be able to refuse to serve people based on some discriminatory criteria? Sure they do. No lie there.
Are there a number of CEO's and other business types who are not happy with this? Sure there are. No lie there.

Where is that lie dude? The only lie I have been hearing is from people like you who are now claiming that the true intent of the law is not what the true intent of the law was.

This law just sounded so good in the echo chamber of Repub politics in Indiana. But it sure sucks now that it's been exposed for what it is.
Liar. False. Fake. Get a life. The only people that want some gay to be discriminated against is the left so they can dance around and piss on everyone while they circle jerk in excitement.

Come on RKM...you're smarter than this. Look at who was at the signing ceremony and tell me that this bill wasn't about discriminating against gays. It was the intent of the bill from the get go.
Ok. This bill is not, was not, and does not discriminate against gays.

Honestly, how can you ignore the facts? Pence refuses to answer the question as to whether this would enable LGBT discrimination. Pence refused to disclose who was at the signing ceremony for this bill that you claim isn't about discriminating against gays. Not to mention, the crafters of the bill as much admitted that's what it was about.
Pence refused to respond to the false meme that the bill either does or does not allow someone to break the law. It's an asinine question crafted by assholes that either don't know how to read or are just pushing a political agenda. The question is the equivalent of asking someone to prove a falsehood. For example, can you prove you stopped beating your wife. The question starts off with the lie that it is happening in the first place then asks you to explain why this bill does or does not stop people from beating their wives. It's ridiculous. The same question could be asked about the first amendment.

Does the first amendment allow people to discriminate against gays, yes or no? The answer to that question is.. The first amendment does not apply to discriminating against gays. Your question is asking someone to prove a falsehood.
Things are moving along as expected

Business and sports executives are already showing their displeasure with Indiana
Final 4 is this weekend and a major sporting event is being disrupted by an unnecessary distraction
Indy 500 is next month.......plenty of time for sponsors to pull out

I'm sure that the Indy 500 will be cancelled, shitflinger.

You Communists have it all figured out.
He's more Drama Queen than all of Castro St, combined. Common in children.

The real "queens" are all the queers acting as if they were being sent to the concentration camp because business owners have the right to serve whom they choose.
Sweetcheeks, you make the queens jealous. The dramas you create daily would take half of Hollywood a year, and still be no match.

Puhleeze. I've never seen whining and crying and petulant temper tantrums like the ones you and the queers are throwing over the Indiana law.

...he says, petulantly referring to gays as 'queers'.

That's just using proper terminology. That's what they are. I'm not going to use the euphemisms they demand when they are assaulting my rights.

Does that include your 'right' to refuse to do business with blacks? Do you have a catchy term for them?
I wish someone would put the anti-gay interests who were with him at the signing on tv and let us hear from them about what they think the bill does.
Yes yes...I would like to hear from the privileged ones allowed at the private signing ceremony ....I wonder if any of them was secretly gay ....
Hey dude. which part was the supposed lie? Did they write and pass this bill? Sure they did. No lie there.
Do they want business owners to be able to refuse to serve people based on some discriminatory criteria? Sure they do. No lie there.
Are there a number of CEO's and other business types who are not happy with this? Sure there are. No lie there.

Where is that lie dude? The only lie I have been hearing is from people like you who are now claiming that the true intent of the law is not what the true intent of the law was.

This law just sounded so good in the echo chamber of Repub politics in Indiana. But it sure sucks now that it's been exposed for what it is.
Liar. False. Fake. Get a life. The only people that want some gay to be discriminated against is the left so they can dance around and piss on everyone while they circle jerk in excitement.

Come on RKM...you're smarter than this. Look at who was at the signing ceremony and tell me that this bill wasn't about discriminating against gays. It was the intent of the bill from the get go.
Ok. This bill is not, was not, and does not discriminate against gays.

Honestly, how can you ignore the facts? Pence refuses to answer the question as to whether this would enable LGBT discrimination. Pence refused to disclose who was at the signing ceremony for this bill that you claim isn't about discriminating against gays. Not to mention, the crafters of the bill as much admitted that's what it was about.
Pence refused to respond to the false meme that the bill either does or does not allow someone to break the law. It's an asinine question crafted by assholes that either don't know how to read or are just pushing a political agenda. The question is the equivalent of asking someone to prove a falsehood. For example, can you prove you stopped beating your wife. The question starts off with the lie that it is happening in the first place then asks you to explain why this bill does or does not stop people from beating their wives. It's ridiculous. The same question could be asked about the first amendment.

Does the first amendment allow people to discriminate against gays, yes or no? The answer to that question is.. The first amendment does not apply to discriminating against gays. Your question is asking someone to prove a falsehood.

The bill allows a defendant to use the affirmative defense of religion to claim they have the right to discriminate.
Looks like Gov Pence may be going to Key West

There's no license to discriminate in #RFRA. I abhor discrimination & don't think ppl should be discrim against because of who they are/love

He's simply lying or doesn't understand his own bill. The bill specifically provides an affirmative defense for someone accused of discrimination.
Stop lying, you are making a fool of yourself.
The real "queens" are all the queers acting as if they were being sent to the concentration camp because business owners have the right to serve whom they choose.
Sweetcheeks, you make the queens jealous. The dramas you create daily would take half of Hollywood a year, and still be no match.

Puhleeze. I've never seen whining and crying and petulant temper tantrums like the ones you and the queers are throwing over the Indiana law.

...he says, petulantly referring to gays as 'queers'.

That's just using proper terminology. That's what they are. I'm not going to use the euphemisms they demand when they are assaulting my rights.

Does that include your 'right' to refuse to do business with blacks? Do you have a catchy term for them?

You have a right to choose who you do business with. There is no right to be served, period. That's a made-up right. It requires using compulsion against innocent people, and no valid right requires that.
Sweetcheeks, you make the queens jealous. The dramas you create daily would take half of Hollywood a year, and still be no match.

Puhleeze. I've never seen whining and crying and petulant temper tantrums like the ones you and the queers are throwing over the Indiana law.

...he says, petulantly referring to gays as 'queers'.

That's just using proper terminology. That's what they are. I'm not going to use the euphemisms they demand when they are assaulting my rights.

Does that include your 'right' to refuse to do business with blacks? Do you have a catchy term for them?

You have a right to choose who you do business with. There is no right to be served, period. That's a made-up right. It requires using compulsion against innocent people, and no valid right requires that.
No one can be as ignorant as you pretend to be. See civil rights public access laws.
The onion weighs in. (-:

Indiana Governor Insists New Law Has Nothing To Do With Thing It Explicitly Intended To Do The Onion - America s Finest News Source
To be fair, it's probably hard to parody some pol who is desperately spinning to say a law doesn't do what it expressly was designed to do, and what even he admitted it was to do.

Sadly, the Gov and Indiana Legislature panders to the far far right, rejecting Judea-Christian Values as they carry the cross of Christianity, while supporting evil bigots such as Flash.

Don't they know that until they carry the swastika, they risk losing the vote of Flash? There is always someone in the wings, far far far right who will take his vote and convince Flash:

  • Knowledge is Ignorance
  • War is Peace
  • Hate is Love

"The far right?" That must be a euphemism meaning "ordinary Americans." Do you imagine any normal American wants to be forced to attend a gay wedding?

There is nothing ordinary about you bripat, you're one of he far far far Rightest in what was once characterized the Idiot Fringe. Since not all far far far Rightests are Stephanie/CrusaderFrank Dumb, I've come to call you and others like you (Rabbi, for example) the Crazy New Right. You are reality challenged, meaning somewhere between your ears the wiring has shorted out.

Thank you. I take that as a complement.

You would. I didn't suggest and don't believe you're bright normal, just that your not an idiot. Low average I'd guess, since you exhibit no curiosity, don't challenge your beliefs and seem pathologically angry.
Sweetcheeks, you make the queens jealous. The dramas you create daily would take half of Hollywood a year, and still be no match.

Puhleeze. I've never seen whining and crying and petulant temper tantrums like the ones you and the queers are throwing over the Indiana law.

...he says, petulantly referring to gays as 'queers'.

That's just using proper terminology. That's what they are. I'm not going to use the euphemisms they demand when they are assaulting my rights.

Does that include your 'right' to refuse to do business with blacks? Do you have a catchy term for them?

You have a right to choose who you do business with. There is no right to be served, period. That's a made-up right. It requires using compulsion against innocent people, and no valid right requires that.
Ah, which rights aren't "made up" my child? Oh right, all of them...

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