Will Republicans ever learn? Indiana governor to sign bill allowing business not to serve gays

How bout they just do what they're paid to do and keep their politics to themselves? I don't attend concerts to hear a political stump speech.

Nobody is doing a speech

They are just applying their rights to freedom of association in the Constitution. They choose not to associate with states that discriminate

Same thing happened in the Civil Rights era where entertainers refused Jim Crow states

The queers are trying to end freedom of association. How does forcing people to associate with queers protect freedom of association?

Nobody is forcing you to own a business if you are not willing to follow the applicable laws

ROFL! That's the liberal conception of freedom: You can do what you want SO LONG AS YOU FOLLOW GOVERNMENT ORDERS.

What a fucking Nazi asshole.
Not "orders" my little infant, "rules". Seeing as you are still a child we understand why you hate rules, like bedtime and eating your vegetables. When you start a business there are lots of rules to follow, and someone other than you creates them and enforces them so you won't like that at all.

"Rules," "orders," what's the difference? In either case it's government compulsion. Most people hate rules that are totally arbitrary and imposed by third parties who have nothing at stake. The Nuremberg Laws were exactly the kind of "rules" you're referring to. Calling them "rules" makes them sound so benign, but only idiots are fooled. Government has no authority to impose any of its "rules" on any business.
Government has no authority to impose any of its "rules" on any business.

That is correct lets do away with the Food and Drug administration....we need more rodent feces in our cereal and medications that harm us ....down with Government....we need exploding Pintos and Roll over SUV s ...down with Government....
The onion weighs in. (-:

Indiana Governor Insists New Law Has Nothing To Do With Thing It Explicitly Intended To Do The Onion - America s Finest News Source
To be fair, it's probably hard to parody some pol who is desperately spinning to say a law doesn't do what it expressly was designed to do, and what even he admitted it was to do.

Sadly, the Gov and Indiana Legislature panders to the far far right, rejecting Judea-Christian Values as they carry the cross of Christianity, while supporting evil bigots such as Flash.

Don't they know that until they carry the swastika, they risk losing the vote of Flash? There is always someone in the wings, far far far right who will take his vote and convince Flash:

  • Knowledge is Ignorance
  • War is Peace
  • Hate is Love

"The far right?" That must be a euphemism meaning "ordinary Americans." Do you imagine any normal American wants to be forced to attend a gay wedding?

There is nothing ordinary about you bripat, you're one of he far far far Rightest in what was once characterized the Idiot Fringe. Since not all far far far Rightests are Stephanie/CrusaderFrank Dumb, I've come to call you and others like you (Rabbi, for example) the Crazy New Right. You are reality challenged, meaning somewhere between your ears the wiring has shorted out.
Government has no authority to impose any of its "rules" on any business.

That is correct lets do away with the Food and Drug administration....we need more rodent feces in our cereal and medications that harm us ....down with Government....we need exploding Pintos and Roll over SUV s ...down with Government....

Yes, let's do away with the FDA. Your theories about the consequences are all alarmist propaganda, of course.
The onion weighs in. (-:

Indiana Governor Insists New Law Has Nothing To Do With Thing It Explicitly Intended To Do The Onion - America s Finest News Source
To be fair, it's probably hard to parody some pol who is desperately spinning to say a law doesn't do what it expressly was designed to do, and what even he admitted it was to do.

Sadly, the Gov and Indiana Legislature panders to the far far right, rejecting Judea-Christian Values as they carry the cross of Christianity, while supporting evil bigots such as Flash.

Don't they know that until they carry the swastika, they risk losing the vote of Flash? There is always someone in the wings, far far far right who will take his vote and convince Flash:

  • Knowledge is Ignorance
  • War is Peace
  • Hate is Love

"The far right?" That must be a euphemism meaning "ordinary Americans." Do you imagine any normal American wants to be forced to attend a gay wedding?

There is nothing ordinary about you bripat, you're one of he far far far Rightest in what was once characterized the Idiot Fringe. Since not all far far far Rightests are Stephanie/CrusaderFrank Dumb, I've come to call you and others like you (Rabbi, for example) the Crazy New Right. You are reality challenged, meaning somewhere between your ears the wiring has shorted out.

Thank you. I take that as a complement.
Seems like you stupid fucks are the ones "crying" to me.

apparently you have not noticed the tantrum melt downs of titty baby Bripat......
He's more Drama Queen than all of Castro St, combined. Common in children.

The real "queens" are all the queers acting as if they were being sent to the concentration camp because business owners have the right to serve whom they choose.
Sweetcheeks, you make the queens jealous. The dramas you create daily would take half of Hollywood a year, and still be no match.
Seems like you stupid fucks are the ones "crying" to me.

apparently you have not noticed the tantrum melt downs of titty baby Bripat......
He's more Drama Queen than all of Castro St, combined. Common in children.

The real "queens" are all the queers acting as if they were being sent to the concentration camp because business owners have the right to serve whom they choose.

Business owners don't have that right.
Why do you keep pushing this fucking lie? What's in it for you? Are you a paid democrat operative?

Hey dude. which part was the supposed lie? Did they write and pass this bill? Sure they did. No lie there.
Do they want business owners to be able to refuse to serve people based on some discriminatory criteria? Sure they do. No lie there.
Are there a number of CEO's and other business types who are not happy with this? Sure there are. No lie there.

Where is that lie dude? The only lie I have been hearing is from people like you who are now claiming that the true intent of the law is not what the true intent of the law was.

This law just sounded so good in the echo chamber of Repub politics in Indiana. But it sure sucks now that it's been exposed for what it is.
Liar. False. Fake. Get a life. The only people that want some gay to be discriminated against is the left so they can dance around and piss on everyone while they circle jerk in excitement.

Come on RKM...you're smarter than this. Look at who was at the signing ceremony and tell me that this bill wasn't about discriminating against gays. It was the intent of the bill from the get go.
Ok. This bill is not, was not, and does not discriminate against gays.

Then why don't they say so in the bill?

Save them alot of grief
Why don't they say what the bill "doesn't" do? ROFL
Government has no authority to impose any of its "rules" on any business.
An insanely stupid statement, and nothing like reality, but it's from you so par for the course.

It's actually a fact. I'm posted the proof many times. The commerce clause does not give the federal government the authority to regulate private business. It only regulates exchanges across state lines. Here, I'll post it for you numskulls again:

As originally understood, interstate "commerce" did not include primary production, such as farming, hunting, fishing, or mining. It did not include services, securities, or communication. Nor did it include manufacturing, transport, retail sales, possession, use, or disposal of anything. It did not include anything that might have a "substantial effect" on commerce, or the operations of parties not directly related to the actual transfers of ownership and possession.
If Gov Pence backs down to queer pressure then I am going to boycott Indiana.

My wife can find another date for her 50th High School Reunion this summer.
Seems like you stupid fucks are the ones "crying" to me.

apparently you have not noticed the tantrum melt downs of titty baby Bripat......
He's more Drama Queen than all of Castro St, combined. Common in children.

The real "queens" are all the queers acting as if they were being sent to the concentration camp because business owners have the right to serve whom they choose.
Sweetcheeks, you make the queens jealous. The dramas you create daily would take half of Hollywood a year, and still be no match.

Puhleeze. I've never seen whining and crying and petulant temper tantrums like the ones you and the queers are throwing over the Indiana law.

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