Will Republicans ever learn? Indiana governor to sign bill allowing business not to serve gays

Puhleeze. I've never seen whining and crying and petulant temper tantrums like the ones you and the queers are throwing over the Indiana law.

...he says, petulantly referring to gays as 'queers'.

That's just using proper terminology. That's what they are. I'm not going to use the euphemisms they demand when they are assaulting my rights.

Does that include your 'right' to refuse to do business with blacks? Do you have a catchy term for them?

You have a right to choose who you do business with. There is no right to be served, period. That's a made-up right. It requires using compulsion against innocent people, and no valid right requires that.
No one can be as ignorant as you pretend to be. See civil rights public access laws.

I know what the law says, moron. I also know what the Constitution says, and it doesn't authorize Congress to pass such laws. But when was the Constitution ever an obstacle for Congress?
Puhleeze. I've never seen whining and crying and petulant temper tantrums like the ones you and the queers are throwing over the Indiana law.

...he says, petulantly referring to gays as 'queers'.

That's just using proper terminology. That's what they are. I'm not going to use the euphemisms they demand when they are assaulting my rights.

Does that include your 'right' to refuse to do business with blacks? Do you have a catchy term for them?

You have a right to choose who you do business with. There is no right to be served, period. That's a made-up right. It requires using compulsion against innocent people, and no valid right requires that.
Ah, which rights aren't "made up" my child? Oh right, all of them...

You are so stupid, it's amazing you have enough brain power to work your lungs.
There is no right to be served, period. That's a made-up right. It requires using compulsion against innocent people, and no valid right requires that.

You and the gaggle of insane racists whose views you profess are in the trash bin of history....

The heroes you see at a lunch counter sit in below earned that for all of us ...fk racism.....
...he says, petulantly referring to gays as 'queers'.

That's just using proper terminology. That's what they are. I'm not going to use the euphemisms they demand when they are assaulting my rights.

Does that include your 'right' to refuse to do business with blacks? Do you have a catchy term for them?

You have a right to choose who you do business with. There is no right to be served, period. That's a made-up right. It requires using compulsion against innocent people, and no valid right requires that.
Ah, which rights aren't "made up" my child? Oh right, all of them...

You are so stupid, it's amazing you have enough brain power to work your lungs.
So tell us my child, which rights aren't made up?
Seems like you stupid fucks are the ones "crying" to me.

apparently you have not noticed the tantrum melt downs of titty baby Bripat......
He's more Drama Queen than all of Castro St, combined. Common in children.

The real "queens" are all the queers acting as if they were being sent to the concentration camp because business owners have the right to serve whom they choose.
Sweetcheeks, you make the queens jealous. The dramas you create daily would take half of Hollywood a year, and still be no match.

Puhleeze. I've never seen whining and crying and petulant temper tantrums like the ones you and the queers are throwing over the Indiana law.

Actually, you've participated in several. Whenever gun control is brought up for discussion the whining and crying and hysterical temper explosions by the gun lovers far exceeds anything posted on this thread.
I wish someone would put the anti-gay interests who were with him at the signing on tv and let us hear from them about what they think the bill does.
Yes yes...I would like to hear from the privileged ones allowed at the private signing ceremony ....I wonder if any of them was secretly gay ....

Well actually I found a statement from one of them:

"According to reports, Pence and others may push for the legislature to clarify that the law does not sanction discriminatory practices.

However, Micah Clark of the American Family Association’s Indiana chapter, who stood right behind Pence, along with several other Religious Right leaders, when he signed the bill into law and has quite a record of anti-gay activism, said today that he opposes any such clarification.

He told AFA President Tim Wildmon today that conservatives should call Pence and other state officials and demand that they oppose any effort to clarify that the law does not legalize discrimination:

That could totally destroy this bill. " (italics mine)

See more at: Indiana Activist Don t Clarify That Religious Freedom Law Won t Allow Discrimination Right Wing Watch

Finally someone on the right who's told the truth!!!
apparently you have not noticed the tantrum melt downs of titty baby Bripat......
He's more Drama Queen than all of Castro St, combined. Common in children.

The real "queens" are all the queers acting as if they were being sent to the concentration camp because business owners have the right to serve whom they choose.
Sweetcheeks, you make the queens jealous. The dramas you create daily would take half of Hollywood a year, and still be no match.

Puhleeze. I've never seen whining and crying and petulant temper tantrums like the ones you and the queers are throwing over the Indiana law.

Actually, you've participated in several. Whenever gun control is brought up for discussion the whining and crying and hysterical temper explosions by the gun lovers far exceeds anything posted on this thread.

The tantrums are all on the side of the gun control fanatics. If I respond to the whining, morons like you claim I'm having a tantrum when I'll I'm doing is fielding all the moron accusations and lies you post.
Perfect examples of the commonly used ad hominem when the poster is unable to respond with a thoughtful response, or rebutal.

Dude, you post with no rationality.

Let's compare two events:

  1. A 19 your old women learns she is pregnant an goes to a clinic for an abortion. She is told she must wait 24 hours and must see a film showing an abortion, and both see an unltrasound of the fetus and listen to its heartbeat;
  2. A 19 year old women working the counter of a bakery is asked to prepare a wedding cake for two women who are happy to announce they will soon be. married.

Now either you were drunk off your ass when you posted that, or you are mentally retarded.
He's more Drama Queen than all of Castro St, combined. Common in children.

The real "queens" are all the queers acting as if they were being sent to the concentration camp because business owners have the right to serve whom they choose.
Sweetcheeks, you make the queens jealous. The dramas you create daily would take half of Hollywood a year, and still be no match.

Puhleeze. I've never seen whining and crying and petulant temper tantrums like the ones you and the queers are throwing over the Indiana law.

Actually, you've participated in several. Whenever gun control is brought up for discussion the whining and crying and hysterical temper explosions by the gun lovers far exceeds anything posted on this thread.

The tantrums are all on the side of the gun control fanatics. If I respond to the whining, morons like you claim I'm having a tantrum when I'll I'm doing is fielding all the moron accusations and lies you post.

See, he lies ^^^ again. Anyone with a doubt, please review any recent gun control thread, read the posts by those who oppose any effort to enact any new gun control laws.
Onward Indiana!

Emmert was asked about the fate of the 2016 women's Final Four, and at one point he said — not about the 2016 event specifically, but about future NCAA events set to be held in Indiana — the following:

"We're going to have to sit down and make judgments about whether or not (the RFRA) changes the environment for us doing our work, and us holding events. We're deeply committed to the whole notion of inclusion. We have a very diverse membership. We value that very, very highly. We've got to work in and we've got to host our events in an environment that makes that possible. …

"We don't want to, because of political activity, disrupt an event that's been in the making for so long, (and now) you've changed the experience for the student-athletes. But if we have to move events, we'll do it."

There's a line Emmert very clearly wasn't ready to cross on Monday, any line that had the words "RFRA" and "goodbye, Indiana," but he wants you, me and — most of all — the Indiana legislature to believe the NCAA is serious about approaching that line and taking a hard look at what's on the other side.

"We have to look and see what the legislature does or doesn't do in the next few days," he said. "It's premature to talk about what we would do in that regard, but it's important to know we're very serious about this."

Emmert to Doyel on RFRA If we have to move events we ll do it
Looks like Gov Pence may be going to Key West

There's no license to discriminate in #RFRA. I abhor discrimination & don't think ppl should be discrim against because of who they are/love

He's simply lying or doesn't understand his own bill. The bill specifically provides an affirmative defense for someone accused of discrimination.
Stop lying, you are making a fool of yourself.

You've never read the bill then, I take it.
That Britpat is an entitled right wing titty baby holding his breath until he turns blue ....
Is that the insult that was supposed to make me "instantly go weeping to the mods?"

No no that is not it and you know it lol I have learned how you wing nuts work it out ...There is nothing as cowardly as despicable as right wing blow hards but none of that is how I would describe you...It would be a lot worst because I have zero respect for the likes of you
That Britpat is an entitled right wing titty baby holding his breath until he turns blue ....
Is that the insult that was supposed to make me "instantly go weeping to the mods?"

No no that is not it and you know it lol I have learned how you wing nuts work it out ...There is nothing as cowardly as despicable as right wing blow hards but none of that is how I would describe you...It would be a lot worst because I have zero respect for the likes of you

Oh wow, you don't respect me? Boo fucking hoo! I'm so upset I don't know what I'll do. Perhaps I'll kill myself.

What a fucking loser.

I have more respect for the stuff I scrape off my shoe than I have for you. The only thing you do in here is post ad hominems and propaganda from leftwing hate sites.

If you ever had an original thought it would probably kill you when your brain short circuited.
Perfect examples of the commonly used ad hominem when the poster is unable to respond with a thoughtful response, or rebutal.

Dude, you post with no rationality.

Let's compare two events:

  1. A 19 your old women learns she is pregnant an goes to a clinic for an abortion. She is told she must wait 24 hours and must see a film showing an abortion, and both see an unltrasound of the fetus and listen to its heartbeat;
  2. A 19 year old women working the counter of a bakery is asked to prepare a wedding cake for two women who are happy to announce they will soon be. married.

Now either you were drunk off your ass when you posted that, or you are mentally retarded.

Do you have evidence of either allegation? I posted something relatively easy to understand in the context of this thread. That you pretend not to get it, is probative of your dishonesty.

Why don't you take your personal attacks and put them up you ass - first remove your head.

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