Will Republicans ever learn? Indiana governor to sign bill allowing business not to serve gays

Looks like Gov Pence may be going to Key West

There's no license to discriminate in #RFRA. I abhor discrimination & don't think ppl should be discrim against because of who they are/love

He's simply lying or doesn't understand his own bill. The bill specifically provides an affirmative defense for someone accused of discrimination.
Stop lying, you are making a fool of yourself.

The supporters of the bill agree with me about what's in it.

Indiana Activist Don t Clarify That Religious Freedom Law Won t Allow Discrimination Right Wing Watch
Here is a little something to make Flash and Britpat and the Wingnuttia feel nostalgia a longing for days gone by ...


All you're doing is proving what a colossal race baiting asshole you are.
They boycotts end when they become inconvenient or when it interferes with their partying, as in Key West. I guarantee you that a year from now this whole thing won't even be a memory.

Or backfire on them like it did with Chick Fil A and Hobby Lobby. Both those businesses are doing great. Indiana will do fine.
It's not a boycott, Flash. It's a question whether the NCAA will have to move the basketball tourneys (and it's HQ) and whether Eli Lily can remain.

And the solution is not difficult to see.

Editorial Gov. Pence fix religious freedom law now
Indiana needs to pass a law extending anti-discrimination protections to GLBT. It, like other states, can also have a law providing that if a small business is sued, or has a complaint filed against it for discrimination, it can raise as a defense that to do what the complainant wants would force them to compromise their faith.

The fact that this bunch of old white men, who apparently have never met a gay person, failed to get that in the first place is the funny thing

You're fantasizing.
So if one of your loved ones turned out to be gay would they still be part of your family ? or would you turn on them like a rabid dog....


If one of the children of you're partner's sister accepted Jesus, would you kill the child or just never talk to them or anyone associated with them again?
Liberty, the conservative watchword, always seems to get applied as a liberty to deny others rights.


You have no right to force others to serve you. All liberal "rights" involve using force against innocent people to provide their minions with privileges and free stuff.

I realize this approach won't be popular, but let's take a moment to "think things through".

What are these people going to do, hang a "NO GAYS ALLOWED" sign on their window? Classy. That would make it easy for people to take a photo of it, and before you know it, everyone on the planet knows about it. Then it won't be just the gay population that doesn't go in there, it would be a large segment of the population, those of us who don't like such simple-minded bigotry. Any restaurant that tried that would see a significant drop in business, and no restaurant can afford that for long. Bye bye!

So you're an anti-gay bigot? Cool. Thanks for letting me know. Put up a big sign so that I'll know, and then I'll also know never to go in there and to tell a few friends about it.

Yeah, pass that law.


This is what you're advocating:

It's always fun to watch a republican have to abandon something they never heard of 96 hours ago, fully supported 72 hours ago, and disavowed knowing anything about 48 hours from now.

It's always fun to watch you demagogues lie and shriek about that which you cannot grasp.

Your war against civil liberty took a huge hit in Indiana - your rulers are angry.

Hey, I get it. You leftists view freedom as far too precious to let just anyone have it. You must strictly control freedom and ensure only party rulers have it. :thup:
Republican 5 G s agenda ....Guns, Gynecology, God, Greed and gays ....
Every GOP pretender ... contender (cough) will now be asked if he believes businesses should be able to hire or fire people based on orientation. And if they say no (please God make that the universal answer) they'll be asked what's the difference between that and refusing to provide a service to gays.
Republican 5 G s agenda ....Guns, Gynecology, God, Greed and gays ....
Every GOP pretender ... contender (cough) will now be asked if he believes businesses should be able to hire or fire people based on orientation. And if they say no (please God make that the universal answer) they'll be asked what's the difference between that and refusing to provide a service to gays.

Yes, I'm sure that is the point of this entire giant temper tantrum. It's a variation of the "war on women" campaign the libturd weasels launched right before the 2014 campaign. That didn't work, and neither will this.

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