Will Republicans ever learn? Indiana governor to sign bill allowing business not to serve gays

Turds like you are the ones want to make everything mandatory. There's a reason the the above is a cartoon. Virtually the entire libturd conception of reality is a cartoon.
Your little tricks aren't working. Try posting some actual thought you've had. Oh, I forgot, that's impossible.

Tyrant has an IQ of less than 40. He posts what ThinkProgress and the other hate sites tell him to post. He has no ability to formulate an actual thought.
Pence and the Indiana Legislature were warned by 30 expert law professors
Pence and the Indiana Legislature were warned by 30 expert law professors

Tue Mar 31, 2015 at 08:18 AM PDT
Pence and the Indiana Legislature were warned by 30 expert law professors

by feduphoosier

I'll get straight to the point. Pence and the Indiana Legislature were warned - in advance - that this RFRA was very different than the ones passed in other states.

An 11 page letter dated Feb. 27, 2015 was sent to Rep. Ed DeLaney from 30 expert law professors in religious freedom and civil rights (12 from IU law schools) giving their opinion on Indiana's then proposed RFRA.

Letter can be found here:

The Indiana Legislature pushed on with this bill anyway, very quickly, and before Hoosiers had time to realize what was happening. I'm sure that was intended. Pence then closed himself off from the people of this state, shut off his phones, and signed the bill in a closed room with a staged photo and no media present. The media was not even allowed to interview the people in the photo.

Read the letter above. Pass it around. Pence knew exactly what this bill meant, who it was targeting, and how it would be interpreted. He threw the whole state under the bus. Many of us here, including the Indianapolis Star, believe he has done this because he has ambitions to be president. Never let that happen.
Your little tricks aren't working. Try posting some actual thought you've had. Oh, I forgot, that's impossible.

Tyrant has an IQ of less than 40. He posts what ThinkProgress and the other hate sites tell him to post. He has no ability to formulate an actual thought.

I've noticed. Cartoons and pics seem to be the extent of his repertoire.
Your little tricks aren't working. Try posting some actual thought you've had. Oh, I forgot, that's impossible.

Tyrant has an IQ of less than 40. He posts what ThinkProgress and the other hate sites tell him to post. He has no ability to formulate an actual thought.

I've noticed. Cartoons and pics seem to be the extent of his repertoire.
"queer, faggots, libruls" does that about sum it up for you....
Pence and the Indiana Legislature were warned by 30 expert law professors
Pence and the Indiana Legislature were warned by 30 expert law professors

Tue Mar 31, 2015 at 08:18 AM PDT
Pence and the Indiana Legislature were warned by 30 expert law professors

by feduphoosier

I'll get straight to the point. Pence and the Indiana Legislature were warned - in advance - that this RFRA was very different than the ones passed in other states.

An 11 page letter dated Feb. 27, 2015 was sent to Rep. Ed DeLaney from 30 expert law professors in religious freedom and civil rights (12 from IU law schools) giving their opinion on Indiana's then proposed RFRA.

Letter can be found here:

The Indiana Legislature pushed on with this bill anyway, very quickly, and before Hoosiers had time to realize what was happening. I'm sure that was intended. Pence then closed himself off from the people of this state, shut off his phones, and signed the bill in a closed room with a staged photo and no media present. The media was not even allowed to interview the people in the photo.

Read the letter above. Pass it around. Pence knew exactly what this bill meant, who it was targeting, and how it would be interpreted. He threw the whole state under the bus. Many of us here, including the Indianapolis Star, believe he has done this because he has ambitions to be president. Never let that happen.

More copy and paste? Come on, surprise us all. Post something original.
Subaru announces disgust with Indiana law:

Subaru Comes Out Against Indiana’s Discriminatory Religious Refusal

Moments ago, Subaru threw its weight behind the growing movement of corporations, celebrities, politicians, civil rights leaders and allies standing against Indiana’s recently passed Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).

The director of corporate communications for Subaru of America, Inc., Michael McHale, issued the following statement to John Voelcker, editor of Green Car Reports:

"While we recognize that the voters in each State elect their own legislature to decide that State's laws, we at Subaru do not agree with any legislation that allows for discrimination, or any behavior or act that promotes any form of discrimination. Furthermore, we do not allow discrimination in our own operations, including our operations in the state of Indiana. We will certainly continue to take the issue of non-discrimination into consideration as part of our decision-making processes."

More at link:

Human Rights Campaign
You seem to suffer from an allergy to information that refutes your Einstein like pronouncements of "Queer, faggot, libruls"

Clearly you were conditioned with several "Commie Snacks *" to sit up and repeat that phrase.

But others do take note Tyrant, that Brian never uttered those words; only you're skanky, lying ass has.

* Commie Snack, a mixture of bullshit and soybeans used in eliciting conditioned responses from the mindless drones of the left.

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