Will Republicans ever learn? Indiana governor to sign bill allowing business not to serve gays

You have no right to be served by any business. No one does. The business owner has the right to associate with whomever he wishes, or to not associate with whomever he wishes. That's called "freedom of association." Somehow you feel that compelling him to associate with people he has no desire to associate with increases rights. It takes a special kind of stupid to swallow that idea.
So...why be a coward about putting a "I don't serve.........." in a prominent place at your business entrance?

You know why, you stupid slut. That's like putting a target on your business so sleazy operators like you can attack it.
I would have thought you would proudly display a sign that says you refuse to serve some people,l but not all people. Isn't that an affirmation of what you consider to be a right to be a bigot?

I'm not going to make myself a target for all the hostile radical perverts in the city. This has already been explained. We know why you want something like that to be required: so you can organize a lynch mob, vandalize their property and harass them night and day.

Do you really expect people to be as stupid as you are?
Repercussions. You're afraid of repercussions.

But the violent criminal acts you describe aren't really in the realm of probability. But the scorn the community would hold you and your business, the loss of sales due to your bigotry, the way you would be ostracized, that's what really frightens you.

You claim you would face physical violence, but it's the economic loss that is most frightening.

Actually, judging by past behavior, such violent criminal acts are more than likely. Left-wing agitators have showed up at the homes of people they targeted for harassment numerous times. It's your modus operandi.

It doesn't matter what the reason is. I'm not obligated to inform anyone of my business practices who isn't a party to any of my business. The fact that you and your gang of thugs want to ostracise me doesn't compel me to provide you with the means.

You're just admitting that you're nothing more than a thug who wants to persecute anyone who doesn't care to knuckle under to your agenda.

A prominent sign citing you 'religious' beliefs prevent you from conducting business with any and all American citizens should be absolutely required. Such a posting warns those who believe all men are created equal that here is a public business that fails to live up to that ideal.

The sign should proudly explain the rationalization used by the bigoted business.

It should read: "My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ preached "Judge not lest ye be judged". Therefore, we reserve the right to refuse service to deviant Homosexuals"

That seems fair for everyone.

You're wasting your time trying to make feel guilt about Christian ideals. I'm not a Christian. I'm an atheist. I don't give a damn what you believe to be fair. Government's proper function isn't about making everything fair. That's what thugs believe. Government exists to protect my rights. It has no other legitimate function. You have no right to force me to serve you. That's the end of the story.

No go fuck yourself, asshole.
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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Is that the talking point from KOS today?

Here is a thought that is not original, people have the right to engage in commerce with whom they please, for whatever reason they please, as long as the transaction is free of coercion, or fraud.

You seek to use coercion, the threat of violence, to force people to engage in business against their religious views. This violates the 1st Amendment and the 13th, but as an enemy of civil rights, you persist.

Pense took a step to protect the civil rights of people - this angers you of the left, who seek to utterly crush civil liberty.
Only in what I'll call 'the mind' of a Conservative does eroding right amount to protecting rights. Only in that Conservative 'mind' does crushing civil liberties amount to expanding them.

How does discrimination equal a civil liberty?

The racists in the Jim Crow south made the exact same arguments. You're in company with your Conservative predecessors.

You have no right to be served by any business. No one does. The business owner has the right to associate with whomever he wishes, or to not associate with whomever he wishes. That's called "freedom of association." Somehow you feel that compelling him to associate with people he has no desire to associate with increases rights. It takes a special kind of stupid to swallow that idea.

For the last 50 years .....you have the right to be served

Don't like it....try to get more Jim Crow laws passed

I don't give a damn what Congress or the Supreme court says. Rights are something you are born with, not something granted by politicians. No one has the right to be served, because that means they have the right to force me to serve them. No legitimate right can involve using force against innocent people who have committed no crime.
Just like bakers are discriminating against homosexuals?

There's that petard you always seem to hoist yourself upon!

I haven't hoisted myself on anything, moron.

Apparently you don't understand simple English sentences. The bakers aren't forcing anything on anyone. Their homo persecutors are using the law to force to provide to attend a homo wedding. The homos are the ones using force.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Is that the talking point from KOS today?

Here is a thought that is not original, people have the right to engage in commerce with whom they please, for whatever reason they please, as long as the transaction is free of coercion, or fraud.

You seek to use coercion, the threat of violence, to force people to engage in business against their religious views. This violates the 1st Amendment and the 13th, but as an enemy of civil rights, you persist.

Pense took a step to protect the civil rights of people - this angers you of the left, who seek to utterly crush civil liberty.
Only in what I'll call 'the mind' of a Conservative does eroding right amount to protecting rights. Only in that Conservative 'mind' does crushing civil liberties amount to expanding them.

How does discrimination equal a civil liberty?

The racists in the Jim Crow south made the exact same arguments. You're in company with your Conservative predecessors.

You have no right to be served by any business. No one does. The business owner has the right to associate with whomever he wishes, or to not associate with whomever he wishes. That's called "freedom of association." Somehow you feel that compelling him to associate with people he has no desire to associate with increases rights. It takes a special kind of stupid to swallow that idea.

For the last 50 years .....you have the right to be served

Don't like it....try to get more Jim Crow laws passed

I don't give a damn what Congress or the Supreme court says. Rights are something you are born with, not something granted by politicians. No one has the right to be served, because that means they have the right to force me to serve them. No legitimate right can involve using force against innocent people who have committed no crime.
Yes we know.



:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Is that the talking point from KOS today?

Here is a thought that is not original, people have the right to engage in commerce with whom they please, for whatever reason they please, as long as the transaction is free of coercion, or fraud.

You seek to use coercion, the threat of violence, to force people to engage in business against their religious views. This violates the 1st Amendment and the 13th, but as an enemy of civil rights, you persist.

Pense took a step to protect the civil rights of people - this angers you of the left, who seek to utterly crush civil liberty.
Only in what I'll call 'the mind' of a Conservative does eroding right amount to protecting rights. Only in that Conservative 'mind' does crushing civil liberties amount to expanding them.

How does discrimination equal a civil liberty?

The racists in the Jim Crow south made the exact same arguments. You're in company with your Conservative predecessors.

You have no right to be served by any business. No one does. The business owner has the right to associate with whomever he wishes, or to not associate with whomever he wishes. That's called "freedom of association." Somehow you feel that compelling him to associate with people he has no desire to associate with increases rights. It takes a special kind of stupid to swallow that idea.

For the last 50 years .....you have the right to be served

Don't like it....try to get more Jim Crow laws passed

I don't give a damn what Congress or the Supreme court says. Rights are something you are born with, not something granted by politicians. No one has the right to be served, because that means they have the right to force me to serve them. No legitimate right can involve using force against innocent people who have committed no crime.

Born with?

Then why did you deny those rights to blacks for 150 years?

I marvel at how many times I have to explain what rights are to libs.

So you're admitting that blacks didn't have any rights before the 13th Amendment was passed, correct?
So...why be a coward about putting a "I don't serve.........." in a prominent place at your business entrance?

You know why, you stupid slut. That's like putting a target on your business so sleazy operators like you can attack it.
I would have thought you would proudly display a sign that says you refuse to serve some people,l but not all people. Isn't that an affirmation of what you consider to be a right to be a bigot?

I'm not going to make myself a target for all the hostile radical perverts in the city. This has already been explained. We know why you want something like that to be required: so you can organize a lynch mob, vandalize their property and harass them night and day.

Do you really expect people to be as stupid as you are?
Repercussions. You're afraid of repercussions.

But the violent criminal acts you describe aren't really in the realm of probability. But the scorn the community would hold you and your business, the loss of sales due to your bigotry, the way you would be ostracized, that's what really frightens you.

You claim you would face physical violence, but it's the economic loss that is most frightening.

Actually, judging by past behavior, such violent criminal acts are more than likely. Left-wing agitators have showed up at the homes of people they targeted for harassment numerous times. It's your modus operandi.

It doesn't matter what the reason is. I'm not obligated to inform anyone of my business practices who isn't a party to any of my business. The fact that you and your gang of thugs want to ostracise me doesn't compel me to provide you with the means.

You're just admitting that you're nothing more than a thug who wants to persecute anyone who doesn't care to knuckle under to your agenda.

A prominent sign citing you 'religious' beliefs prevent you from conducting business with any and all American citizens should be absolutely required. Such a posting warns those who believe all men are created equal that here is a public business that fails to live up to that ideal.

The sign should proudly explain the rationalization used by the bigoted business.

It should read: "My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ preached "Judge not lest ye be judged". Therefore, we reserve the right to refuse service to deviant Homosexuals"

That seems fair for everyone.

You're wasting your time trying to make feel guilt about Christian ideals. I'm not a Christian. I'm an atheist. I don't give a damn what you believe to be fair. Government's proper function isn't about making everything fair. That's what thugs believe. Government exists to protect my rights. It has no other legitimate function. You have no right to force me to serve you. That's the end of the story.

No go fuck yourself, asshole.
Government provides Justice, a concept you are foreign to.
Only in what I'll call 'the mind' of a Conservative does eroding right amount to protecting rights. Only in that Conservative 'mind' does crushing civil liberties amount to expanding them.

How does discrimination equal a civil liberty?

The racists in the Jim Crow south made the exact same arguments. You're in company with your Conservative predecessors.

You have no right to be served by any business. No one does. The business owner has the right to associate with whomever he wishes, or to not associate with whomever he wishes. That's called "freedom of association." Somehow you feel that compelling him to associate with people he has no desire to associate with increases rights. It takes a special kind of stupid to swallow that idea.

For the last 50 years .....you have the right to be served

Don't like it....try to get more Jim Crow laws passed

I don't give a damn what Congress or the Supreme court says. Rights are something you are born with, not something granted by politicians. No one has the right to be served, because that means they have the right to force me to serve them. No legitimate right can involve using force against innocent people who have committed no crime.

Born with?

Then why did you deny those rights to blacks for 150 years?

I marvel at how many times I have to explain what rights are to libs.

So you're admitting that blacks didn't have any rights before the 13th Amendment was passed, correct?
What "rights' did property have?
You have no right to be served by any business. No one does. The business owner has the right to associate with whomever he wishes, or to not associate with whomever he wishes. That's called "freedom of association." Somehow you feel that compelling him to associate with people he has no desire to associate with increases rights. It takes a special kind of stupid to swallow that idea.

For the last 50 years .....you have the right to be served

Don't like it....try to get more Jim Crow laws passed

I don't give a damn what Congress or the Supreme court says. Rights are something you are born with, not something granted by politicians. No one has the right to be served, because that means they have the right to force me to serve them. No legitimate right can involve using force against innocent people who have committed no crime.

Born with?

Then why did you deny those rights to blacks for 150 years?

I marvel at how many times I have to explain what rights are to libs.

So you're admitting that blacks didn't have any rights before the 13th Amendment was passed, correct?
What "rights' did property have?

Your sidekick right-winger just said blacks had no rights before the 13th Amendment. Are you agreeing with him?
For the last 50 years .....you have the right to be served

Don't like it....try to get more Jim Crow laws passed

I don't give a damn what Congress or the Supreme court says. Rights are something you are born with, not something granted by politicians. No one has the right to be served, because that means they have the right to force me to serve them. No legitimate right can involve using force against innocent people who have committed no crime.

Born with?

Then why did you deny those rights to blacks for 150 years?

I marvel at how many times I have to explain what rights are to libs.

So you're admitting that blacks didn't have any rights before the 13th Amendment was passed, correct?
What "rights' did property have?

Your sidekick right-winger just said blacks had no rights before the 13th Amendment. Are you agreeing with him?
In this country ******* were property, in much of the nation. Now you know. So were women and children BTW.
I don't give a damn what Congress or the Supreme court says. Rights are something you are born with, not something granted by politicians. No one has the right to be served, because that means they have the right to force me to serve them. No legitimate right can involve using force against innocent people who have committed no crime.

Born with?

Then why did you deny those rights to blacks for 150 years?

I marvel at how many times I have to explain what rights are to libs.

So you're admitting that blacks didn't have any rights before the 13th Amendment was passed, correct?
What "rights' did property have?

Your sidekick right-winger just said blacks had no rights before the 13th Amendment. Are you agreeing with him?
In this country ******* were property, in much of the nation. Now you know. So were women and children BTW.

Yes, I know. So why should anyone have been concerned about them? Are you concerned about a chicken or a table?

“I don't give a damn what Congress or the Supreme court says.”

Of course you don't.

As a conservative your contempt for the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law comes as no surprise.

Neither does your ignorance, fear, and hate.

“I don't give a damn what Congress or the Supreme court says.”

Of course you don't.

As a conservative your contempt for the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law comes as no surprise.

Neither does your ignorance, fear, and hate.

Anyone who believes in freedom should feel contempt for SC case law. It just a pile of rationalizations for crapping on the Constitution.

The Constitution itself was a valiant attempt to keep government from taking over total control of our lives and turning us all into subjects, but it failed. Government cannot be kept in the bottle. Once you pop the cork, you're at its mercy.
Exactly how would a business know your gay? When you go into a restaurant, nightclub, shopping mall ect they don't ask if your gay or not. I suspect this applies to very specific things such as bakers and florist not wanting to do gay marriages because of their religious beliefs. The left may now continue with their over the top hysteria.
Have you never seen a person who you just knew was gay?
I have seen some I thought were gay but the majority as far as I can tell don't go out of their way to for lack of a better discretion act gay.
I used to tend bar in a gay bar ion New York City, and I guess that I have good 'gaydar'.
Who are you to judge what "true religion" is? Is Islam a true religion? You know, the guys who throw people off of buildings because they are homosexuals?

That can't be right!
Our President said, and I quote - "Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance"
He also said, direct quote.. - "Islam has always been part of America
Also - "We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over the centuries to shape the world — including in my own country.

So there is no way the Islamic faith is intolerant like that...our President said so.

What is your point?
Everything Bush said here is correct, he did not say anything whatsoever like Obama has...not even close.
So I guess you linked this videos to help my point - so THANKS!
Only in what I'll call 'the mind' of a Conservative does eroding right amount to protecting rights. Only in that Conservative 'mind' does crushing civil liberties amount to expanding them.

How does discrimination equal a civil liberty?

The racists in the Jim Crow south made the exact same arguments. You're in company with your Conservative predecessors.

You have no right to be served by any business. No one does. The business owner has the right to associate with whomever he wishes, or to not associate with whomever he wishes. That's called "freedom of association." Somehow you feel that compelling him to associate with people he has no desire to associate with increases rights. It takes a special kind of stupid to swallow that idea.

For the last 50 years .....you have the right to be served

Don't like it....try to get more Jim Crow laws passed

I don't give a damn what Congress or the Supreme court says. Rights are something you are born with, not something granted by politicians. No one has the right to be served, because that means they have the right to force me to serve them. No legitimate right can involve using force against innocent people who have committed no crime.

Born with?

Then why did you deny those rights to blacks for 150 years?

I marvel at how many times I have to explain what rights are to libs.

So you're admitting that blacks didn't have any rights before the 13th Amendment was passed, correct?

No rights which the white man was bound to respect.
You have no right to be served by any business. No one does. The business owner has the right to associate with whomever he wishes, or to not associate with whomever he wishes. That's called "freedom of association." Somehow you feel that compelling him to associate with people he has no desire to associate with increases rights. It takes a special kind of stupid to swallow that idea.

For the last 50 years .....you have the right to be served

Don't like it....try to get more Jim Crow laws passed

I don't give a damn what Congress or the Supreme court says. Rights are something you are born with, not something granted by politicians. No one has the right to be served, because that means they have the right to force me to serve them. No legitimate right can involve using force against innocent people who have committed no crime.

Born with?

Then why did you deny those rights to blacks for 150 years?

I marvel at how many times I have to explain what rights are to libs.

So you're admitting that blacks didn't have any rights before the 13th Amendment was passed, correct?

No rights which the white man was bound to respect.

So why would anyone be upset about slavery? Do you get upset if someone butchers a chicken or chops up a table and uses it for firewood?
You know why, you stupid slut. That's like putting a target on your business so sleazy operators like you can attack it.
I would have thought you would proudly display a sign that says you refuse to serve some people,l but not all people. Isn't that an affirmation of what you consider to be a right to be a bigot?

I'm not going to make myself a target for all the hostile radical perverts in the city. This has already been explained. We know why you want something like that to be required: so you can organize a lynch mob, vandalize their property and harass them night and day.

Do you really expect people to be as stupid as you are?
Repercussions. You're afraid of repercussions.

But the violent criminal acts you describe aren't really in the realm of probability. But the scorn the community would hold you and your business, the loss of sales due to your bigotry, the way you would be ostracized, that's what really frightens you.

You claim you would face physical violence, but it's the economic loss that is most frightening.

Actually, judging by past behavior, such violent criminal acts are more than likely. Left-wing agitators have showed up at the homes of people they targeted for harassment numerous times. It's your modus operandi.

It doesn't matter what the reason is. I'm not obligated to inform anyone of my business practices who isn't a party to any of my business. The fact that you and your gang of thugs want to ostracise me doesn't compel me to provide you with the means.

You're just admitting that you're nothing more than a thug who wants to persecute anyone who doesn't care to knuckle under to your agenda.

A prominent sign citing you 'religious' beliefs prevent you from conducting business with any and all American citizens should be absolutely required. Such a posting warns those who believe all men are created equal that here is a public business that fails to live up to that ideal.

The sign should proudly explain the rationalization used by the bigoted business.

It should read: "My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ preached "Judge not lest ye be judged". Therefore, we reserve the right to refuse service to deviant Homosexuals"

That seems fair for everyone.

You're wasting your time trying to make feel guilt about Christian ideals. I'm not a Christian. I'm an atheist. I don't give a damn what you believe to be fair. Government's proper function isn't about making everything fair. That's what thugs believe. Government exists to protect my rights. It has no other legitimate function. You have no right to force me to serve you. That's the end of the story.

No go fuck yourself, asshole.
Government provides Justice, a concept you are foreign to.

"Fairness" and justice are two separate things. So which is it? Does government provide justice or fairness?
For the last 50 years .....you have the right to be served

Don't like it....try to get more Jim Crow laws passed

I don't give a damn what Congress or the Supreme court says. Rights are something you are born with, not something granted by politicians. No one has the right to be served, because that means they have the right to force me to serve them. No legitimate right can involve using force against innocent people who have committed no crime.

Born with?

Then why did you deny those rights to blacks for 150 years?

I marvel at how many times I have to explain what rights are to libs.

So you're admitting that blacks didn't have any rights before the 13th Amendment was passed, correct?

No rights which the white man was bound to respect.

So why would anyone be upset about slavery? Do you get upset if someone butchers a chicken or chops up a table and uses it for firewood?

They teach you that at your klan meetings?
I don't give a damn what Congress or the Supreme court says. Rights are something you are born with, not something granted by politicians. No one has the right to be served, because that means they have the right to force me to serve them. No legitimate right can involve using force against innocent people who have committed no crime.

Born with?

Then why did you deny those rights to blacks for 150 years?

I marvel at how many times I have to explain what rights are to libs.

So you're admitting that blacks didn't have any rights before the 13th Amendment was passed, correct?

No rights which the white man was bound to respect.

So why would anyone be upset about slavery? Do you get upset if someone butchers a chicken or chops up a table and uses it for firewood?

They teach you that at your klan meetings?

Answer the question: Why should anyone of worried about the rights of black people if they didn't have any?
Born with?

Then why did you deny those rights to blacks for 150 years?

I marvel at how many times I have to explain what rights are to libs.

So you're admitting that blacks didn't have any rights before the 13th Amendment was passed, correct?

No rights which the white man was bound to respect.

So why would anyone be upset about slavery? Do you get upset if someone butchers a chicken or chops up a table and uses it for firewood?

They teach you that at your klan meetings?

Answer the question: Why should anyone of worried about the rights of black people if they didn't have any?

Why are you being so obtuse?

Just make your fucking point
I marvel at how many times I have to explain what rights are to libs.

So you're admitting that blacks didn't have any rights before the 13th Amendment was passed, correct?

No rights which the white man was bound to respect.

So why would anyone be upset about slavery? Do you get upset if someone butchers a chicken or chops up a table and uses it for firewood?

They teach you that at your klan meetings?

Answer the question: Why should anyone of worried about the rights of black people if they didn't have any?

Why are you being so obtuse?

Just make your fucking point

Obviously, you're running away. Answer the question. Why should anyone be concerned about black people if they were just pieces of property with no rights?

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