Will Republicans ever learn? Indiana governor to sign bill allowing business not to serve gays

Well the Nazis happened to have hated gays too ....them and your boy Vlad Putin

Homosexuals and the Third Reich | Jewish Virtual Library

The number of homosexuals who died in Nazi concentration camps is unknown and likely to remain so. Although statistics are available on the number of men brought to trial on charges of “lewd and unnatural behaviour,” many more were sent to camps without the benefit of a trial. Moreover, many homosexuals were summarily executed by firing squads; this was particularly the case with gays in the military which encompassed nearly every able-bodied man during the final years of the war. Finally, many concentration camps systematically destroyed all their records when it became apparent that German defeat was imminent.

* * *

The beginning of the Nazi terror against homosexuals was marked by the murder of Ernst Rohm on June 30, 1934: "the Night of the Long Knives. "Rohm was the man who, in 1919, first made Hitler aware of his own political potential, and the two were close friends for fifteen years. During that time, Rohm rose to SA Chief of Staff, transforming the Brownshirt militia from a handful of hardened goons and embittered ex-soldiers into an effective fighting force five hundred thousand strong the instrument of Nazi terror. Hitler needed Rohm's military skill and could rely on his personal loyalty, but he was ultimately a pragmatist. As part of a compromise with the Reichwehr (regular army) leadership, whose support he needed to become Fuhrer, Hitler allowed Goering and Himmler to murder Rohm along with dozens of Rohm's loyal officers.

So a Communist, who holds the same economics views as you, is "my boy?"


You're dumb as a dog turd, Tyrant.

^ Uncensored now feels a little bit smarter.
Come on Republicans

I know you love to pander to your gay hating base. But are you ever going to learn?

Indiana Governor Mike Pence is ready to sign into law a bill allowing businesses to refuse service to gays for "religious reasons" . All this ten days before the NCAA Final Four comes to Indianapolis. So what was once an opportunity to show the country what a great location his state is for major events, now becomes a poster child for "We hate gays".
See how many Final Fours come back to Indianapolis. Superbowl? Forget it Mike

But at least you got to score points with your gay hating base

Republicans just can't help themselves.

Pence to sign bill allowing businesses to reject gay customers - CNN.com

Why are you so dishonest?

I support a business' right to serve whom they want, I don't hate gays. And this bill doesnt support hating gays either.

Hating gays is its sole reason for being
If not, why wasn't it introduced ten years ago?

No, its reason for being is to protect the rights of businesses. And it wasnt introduced 10 years ago, for the same reason no law is introduced until it is needed, because duh it wasn't needed. Ten years ago there weren't gays who were actively looking for businesses that they could coerce into serving them. Today there are.

And , I already know you are going to deny that there are such gays out there, so let me save you the trouble and just inform you now that I will have no part of a conversation with a person who makes such claims. If you want to discuss the issue, fine. If you want to pretend gays haven't forced this to the front, find someone else to scream at.

How do you coerce a business into not serving you?

Like blacks coercing at a lunch counter?
It's the fault of those wanting to be treated like every other customer.

You have no right to be treated like every other customer you idiot. None of us do. It's up to the business owner to treat people how he wants to treat them, excepting abusing them, robbing them, killing them, that sort a thing.

It has NOTHING to do with gay and everything to do with personal liberty.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Is that the talking point from KOS today?

Here is a thought that is not original, people have the right to engage in commerce with whom they please, for whatever reason they please, as long as the transaction is free of coercion, or fraud.

You seek to use coercion, the threat of violence, to force people to engage in business against their religious views. This violates the 1st Amendment and the 13th, but as an enemy of civil rights, you persist.

Pense took a step to protect the civil rights of people - this angers you of the left, who seek to utterly crush civil liberty.
Only in what I'll call 'the mind' of a Conservative does eroding right amount to protecting rights. Only in that Conservative 'mind' does crushing civil liberties amount to expanding them.

How does discrimination equal a civil liberty?

The racists in the Jim Crow south made the exact same arguments. You're in company with your Conservative predecessors.

You have no right to be served by any business. No one does. The business owner has the right to associate with whomever he wishes, or to not associate with whomever he wishes. That's called "freedom of association." Somehow you feel that compelling him to associate with people he has no desire to associate with increases rights. It takes a special kind of stupid to swallow that idea.
So...why be a coward about putting a "I don't serve.........." in a prominent place at your business entrance?

You know why, you stupid slut. That's like putting a target on your business so sleazy operators like you can attack it.

In other words, you want them to be able to keep their dirty little secrets and humiliate unknowing patrons publically. Sweet.

Where do you get the idea that you're entitled to know everything you want to know about a business? Should we put everyone on a polygraph and force them to testify about their sexual orientation?

You homosexual lovers act exactly like goose stepping Nazis.
Well the Nazis happened to have hated gays too ....them and your boy Vlad Putin

Homosexuals and the Third Reich | Jewish Virtual Library

The number of homosexuals who died in Nazi concentration camps is unknown and likely to remain so. Although statistics are available on the number of men brought to trial on charges of “lewd and unnatural behaviour,” many more were sent to camps without the benefit of a trial. Moreover, many homosexuals were summarily executed by firing squads; this was particularly the case with gays in the military which encompassed nearly every able-bodied man during the final years of the war. Finally, many concentration camps systematically destroyed all their records when it became apparent that German defeat was imminent.

* * *

The beginning of the Nazi terror against homosexuals was marked by the murder of Ernst Rohm on June 30, 1934: "the Night of the Long Knives. "Rohm was the man who, in 1919, first made Hitler aware of his own political potential, and the two were close friends for fifteen years. During that time, Rohm rose to SA Chief of Staff, transforming the Brownshirt militia from a handful of hardened goons and embittered ex-soldiers into an effective fighting force five hundred thousand strong the instrument of Nazi terror. Hitler needed Rohm's military skill and could rely on his personal loyalty, but he was ultimately a pragmatist. As part of a compromise with the Reichwehr (regular army) leadership, whose support he needed to become Fuhrer, Hitler allowed Goering and Himmler to murder Rohm along with dozens of Rohm's loyal officers.

So a Communist, who holds the same economics views as you, is "my boy?"


You're dumb as a dog turd, Tyrant.

^ Uncensored now feels a little bit smarter.

Everyone who has an exchange with you feels a little bit dumber afterwards. They also feel like they need to take a bath.
I would like to point out that PA laws and whether they cover homosexuals or not doesn't matter.

Homosexuals didn't go to court to gain the right to marry using public accommodation laws. They used the constitution.

Which the constitution says that everyone must be treated equal under the law.

Indiana created a law that discriminates and doesn't treat people equal under the law.

So they're violating the 14th amendment. The PA laws really don't matter.

I realize you are an assclown, ergo you have an IQ<40..

Still, what provision of the 14th do you allege support of the 1st Amendment violates?

This should be rich...

This is certainly your MO....trying to convince yourself how smart you are by accusing others of being unintelligent. Is it working? Do you feel smarter?

Your MO is a constant spew of personal attacks.

Do you think that makes you look smart?
I think you should talk tough to me again. It's what you do....:D

A constant spew of idiocies and personal attacks is what you do. I understand though. What else can you do when facts and logic are ruled out?
Well the Nazis happened to have hated gays too ....them and your boy Vlad Putin

Homosexuals and the Third Reich | Jewish Virtual Library

The number of homosexuals who died in Nazi concentration camps is unknown and likely to remain so. Although statistics are available on the number of men brought to trial on charges of “lewd and unnatural behaviour,” many more were sent to camps without the benefit of a trial. Moreover, many homosexuals were summarily executed by firing squads; this was particularly the case with gays in the military which encompassed nearly every able-bodied man during the final years of the war. Finally, many concentration camps systematically destroyed all their records when it became apparent that German defeat was imminent.

* * *

The beginning of the Nazi terror against homosexuals was marked by the murder of Ernst Rohm on June 30, 1934: "the Night of the Long Knives. "Rohm was the man who, in 1919, first made Hitler aware of his own political potential, and the two were close friends for fifteen years. During that time, Rohm rose to SA Chief of Staff, transforming the Brownshirt militia from a handful of hardened goons and embittered ex-soldiers into an effective fighting force five hundred thousand strong the instrument of Nazi terror. Hitler needed Rohm's military skill and could rely on his personal loyalty, but he was ultimately a pragmatist. As part of a compromise with the Reichwehr (regular army) leadership, whose support he needed to become Fuhrer, Hitler allowed Goering and Himmler to murder Rohm along with dozens of Rohm's loyal officers.

So a Communist, who holds the same economics views as you, is "my boy?"


You're dumb as a dog turd, Tyrant.

^ Uncensored now feels a little bit smarter.

Everyone who has an exchange with you feels a little bit dumber afterwards. They also feel like they need to take a bath.

stop projecting, wackadoodle.
I would like to point out that PA laws and whether they cover homosexuals or not doesn't matter.

Homosexuals didn't go to court to gain the right to marry using public accommodation laws. They used the constitution.

Which the constitution says that everyone must be treated equal under the law.

Indiana created a law that discriminates and doesn't treat people equal under the law.

So they're violating the 14th amendment. The PA laws really don't matter.

I realize you are an assclown, ergo you have an IQ<40..

Still, what provision of the 14th do you allege support of the 1st Amendment violates?

This should be rich...

This is certainly your MO....trying to convince yourself how smart you are by accusing others of being unintelligent. Is it working? Do you feel smarter?

Your MO is a constant spew of personal attacks.

Do you think that makes you look smart?
I think you should talk tough to me again. It's what you do....:D

A constant spew of idiocies and personal attacks is what you do. I understand though. What else can you do when facts and logic are ruled out?

Has she called you a faggot yet? You havent lived until a gay person uses faggot as a pejorative LOL
I realize you are an assclown, ergo you have an IQ<40..

Still, what provision of the 14th do you allege support of the 1st Amendment violates?

This should be rich...

This is certainly your MO....trying to convince yourself how smart you are by accusing others of being unintelligent. Is it working? Do you feel smarter?

Your MO is a constant spew of personal attacks.

Do you think that makes you look smart?
I think you should talk tough to me again. It's what you do....:D

A constant spew of idiocies and personal attacks is what you do. I understand though. What else can you do when facts and logic are ruled out?

Has she called you a faggot yet? You havent lived until a gay person uses faggot as a pejorative LOL
Sort of like when a Troll uses the word Troll as a pejorative LOL
Relax WrongWinger. When you go to Indiana just leave your "I Love Cock" shirt at home.

nice response.

hint: state law can't infringe on federal law.


hint. There is no federal law that prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation.

Aw a lawyer should have known that.

if you think this statute won't be found to be violative of the constitution, you don't know anything.

a lawyer knows that. :thup:
How can a Christian claim that Jesus would not want them to do business with a gay person, when one of Christ's most clear admonitions was that one should love one's enemies?

This is really about making shit up and calling it 'religion' as a workaround to get to legal bigotry, discrimination, and the denial of others' rights.
This is certainly your MO....trying to convince yourself how smart you are by accusing others of being unintelligent. Is it working? Do you feel smarter?

Your MO is a constant spew of personal attacks.

Do you think that makes you look smart?
I think you should talk tough to me again. It's what you do....:D

A constant spew of idiocies and personal attacks is what you do. I understand though. What else can you do when facts and logic are ruled out?

Has she called you a faggot yet? You havent lived until a gay person uses faggot as a pejorative LOL
Sort of like when a Troll uses the word Troll as a pejorative LOL

Son, you are the troll. I mean seriously. Have you ever once even tried to honestly answer a question someone has asked you in a thread?
Your MO is a constant spew of personal attacks.

Do you think that makes you look smart?
I think you should talk tough to me again. It's what you do....:D

A constant spew of idiocies and personal attacks is what you do. I understand though. What else can you do when facts and logic are ruled out?

Has she called you a faggot yet? You havent lived until a gay person uses faggot as a pejorative LOL
Sort of like when a Troll uses the word Troll as a pejorative LOL

Son, you are the troll. I mean seriously. Have you ever once even tried to honestly answer a question someone has asked you in a thread?

you mean like your trolling comment to me?
Why are you so dishonest?

I support a business' right to serve whom they want, I don't hate gays. And this bill doesnt support hating gays either.

Hating gays is its sole reason for being
If not, why wasn't it introduced ten years ago?

No, its reason for being is to protect the rights of businesses. And it wasnt introduced 10 years ago, for the same reason no law is introduced until it is needed, because duh it wasn't needed. Ten years ago there weren't gays who were actively looking for businesses that they could coerce into serving them. Today there are.

And , I already know you are going to deny that there are such gays out there, so let me save you the trouble and just inform you now that I will have no part of a conversation with a person who makes such claims. If you want to discuss the issue, fine. If you want to pretend gays haven't forced this to the front, find someone else to scream at.

How do you coerce a business into not serving you?

Like blacks coercing at a lunch counter?
It's the fault of those wanting to be treated like every other customer.

You have no right to be treated like every other customer you idiot. None of us do. It's up to the business owner to treat people how he wants to treat them, excepting abusing them, robbing them, killing them, that sort a thing.

It has NOTHING to do with gay and everything to do with personal liberty.

Well the Nazis happened to have hated gays too ....them and your boy Vlad Putin

Homosexuals and the Third Reich | Jewish Virtual Library

The number of homosexuals who died in Nazi concentration camps is unknown and likely to remain so. Although statistics are available on the number of men brought to trial on charges of “lewd and unnatural behaviour,” many more were sent to camps without the benefit of a trial. Moreover, many homosexuals were summarily executed by firing squads; this was particularly the case with gays in the military which encompassed nearly every able-bodied man during the final years of the war. Finally, many concentration camps systematically destroyed all their records when it became apparent that German defeat was imminent.

* * *

The beginning of the Nazi terror against homosexuals was marked by the murder of Ernst Rohm on June 30, 1934: "the Night of the Long Knives. "Rohm was the man who, in 1919, first made Hitler aware of his own political potential, and the two were close friends for fifteen years. During that time, Rohm rose to SA Chief of Staff, transforming the Brownshirt militia from a handful of hardened goons and embittered ex-soldiers into an effective fighting force five hundred thousand strong the instrument of Nazi terror. Hitler needed Rohm's military skill and could rely on his personal loyalty, but he was ultimately a pragmatist. As part of a compromise with the Reichwehr (regular army) leadership, whose support he needed to become Fuhrer, Hitler allowed Goering and Himmler to murder Rohm along with dozens of Rohm's loyal officers.

So a Communist, who holds the same economics views as you, is "my boy?"


You're dumb as a dog turd, Tyrant.

^ Uncensored now feels a little bit smarter.

Everyone who has an exchange with you feels a little bit dumber afterwards. They also feel like they need to take a bath.

stop projecting, wackadoodle.

I feel sad for anyone who enjoys interacting with the mentally disturbed.
Relax WrongWinger. When you go to Indiana just leave your "I Love Cock" shirt at home.

nice response.

hint: state law can't infringe on federal law.


hint. There is no federal law that prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation.

Aw a lawyer should have known that.

if you think this statute won't be found to be violative of the constitution, you don't know anything.

a lawyer knows that. :thup:

I think it COULD be, But I think it WON'T be.

I think ultimately it is going to see SCOTUS and they will rule that gays don't have he right to infringe on religious person's rights.

Be that as it may, you didn't say that, you said that state law can't counter federal law, which is true, but this state law would counter no federal law.
Hating gays is its sole reason for being
If not, why wasn't it introduced ten years ago?

No, its reason for being is to protect the rights of businesses. And it wasnt introduced 10 years ago, for the same reason no law is introduced until it is needed, because duh it wasn't needed. Ten years ago there weren't gays who were actively looking for businesses that they could coerce into serving them. Today there are.

And , I already know you are going to deny that there are such gays out there, so let me save you the trouble and just inform you now that I will have no part of a conversation with a person who makes such claims. If you want to discuss the issue, fine. If you want to pretend gays haven't forced this to the front, find someone else to scream at.

How do you coerce a business into not serving you?

Like blacks coercing at a lunch counter?
It's the fault of those wanting to be treated like every other customer.

You have no right to be treated like every other customer you idiot. None of us do. It's up to the business owner to treat people how he wants to treat them, excepting abusing them, robbing them, killing them, that sort a thing.

It has NOTHING to do with gay and everything to do with personal liberty.


Bullshit if its false.

Can I hang a sign outside my business that says "no jakes no jillians?"

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