Will Smith Resigns

Smith gave him a live tap, nothing more. I live in the REAL World, where people have to protect themselves and their family because nobody else is going to.
Yeah, that swollen cheek of Chris was from a love tap. :cuckoo:
I don’t believe that ANY humor which is undertaken at the expense of someone else’s misfortune, especially medical conditions, is appropriate. Will Smith’s response was extremely mild compared to what I would have done to Chris in Will’s place.
Which only means that like the hapless hump, Smith, you lack maturity and self control.

By the way, recent medical studies have confirmed that the hospitalization rate and the death rate from the dire medical tragedy known as “alopecia” is still hovering at around 0.00%
If you’re gonna make that comment on an awards show being broadcast around the world, you damn well better find out if it’s a fashion choice or a medical condition.

If I were to wait to respond it would only to ensure I had the time and opportunity to use all my “toys” on the offender; and trust me, none of those toys are vocal in nature.
He's a comedian, it's what they do. Not sure where you have been over the last 40 years.
Perhaps these self proclaimed elitists should have thicker skin than what Will showed.
Not sure your elevator goes past the 6th floor with your "toys" remark, sheesh.
Yeah, that swollen cheek of Chris was from a love tap.
He’s not walking around with his jaw wired shut for the next six weeks, so I would suggest “love tap” is a perfectly apt description.
Which only means that like the hapless hump, Smith, you lack maturity and self control
I find that “maturity” and “self-control” are cornerstones of cowards and spineless little shits who get walked over by the world around them.
What does it mean when one resigns from the academy?n What are the ramifications?

Does he still get to pretend that he's somebody else and get paid for it?
He should be occupying a cell in the LA county jail. He committed battery in a very public place and it was witnessed by millions. He is GUILTY and should be held accountable.
Nobody really cares what you “find.” You’re a moron
Yet more than a few of you appear to be unable or unwilling to simply ignore my comments or put me on “Ignore”.

Be careful arguing with morons… we drag you down to our level and best you with experience.
Yet more than a few of you appear to be unable or unwilling to simply ignore my comments or put me on “Ignore”.

Be careful arguing with morons… we drag you down to our level and best you with experience.
I fully accept that you’re a moron. I make up my own mind as to whether any given dumbass troll needs to be ignored. Using the ignore button is sometimes useful. But in most cases of you brain dead trolls, I either ignore you of my own volition or highlight your stupidity by making you confirm it with more of your worthless posts.

In your case, so far, you’re a weak-ass pathetic troll wannabe.
What should scare you the most is that unlike most of the trolls, I actually believe the things I say,
So? Confirming that you’re a stupid troll doesn’t make you any less of a troll.
Like when you tell people how you like to spank your wife in public for misbehaving?
Nope. Your story is not accurate. Many years ago I gave a former gf of mine a public spanking for gross misconduct during dinner. I didn’t even know my wife at the time. The discipline my wife receives is a different thing completely
So? Confirming that you’re a stupid troll doesn’t make you any less of a troll.
I disagree. Most of these trolls are just saying things to get a ride out of people. They don’t believe most of what they say. I do. I believe and live everything I say.
Nope. Your story is not accurate. Many years ago I gave a former gf of mine a public spanking for gross misconduct during dinner. I didn’t even know my wife at the time. The discipline my wife receives is a different thing completely
Ah, so it was just a girlfriend you humiliated in public, while you only beat up your wife in private.

Got it

For somebody who gets off on abusing women, you sure are sensitive about a joke directed at a woman who obviously still has a full head of hair.
I disagree. Most of these trolls are just saying things to get a ride out of people. They don’t believe most of what they say. I do. I believe and live everything I say.
So what? Being a stupid troll doesn’t change your status as a troll. You can’t defend your more absurd “beliefs.” (It’s a “rise” by the way.)
No holds Bared. DUMBASS reporter. NO HOLDS BARRED.

Just shows the quality of these folk. Can't get even the simplest thing right.

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