Whoopi Goldberg suggests that Will Smith wasn't removed from Sunday's Oscars because show's bosses didn't want to explain "taking the Black man out"

What's done is done. It was good of Chris Rock to take his lumps and move on.
Bless your heart. I don't think you get the sexual drift of my last post. I suspect you don't know the pertinent background or Rock's reputation. The Smiths have an open marriage, and Rock is not known for mean-spirited comedy. In all likelihood, Rock was not aware of Jada's alopecia areata. He was making a joke about her hairstyle relative to a movie at the Oscars. It was funny and harmless.

That put's a whole new light on it, doesn't it?

Smith's behavior was an outrageous breach of civility on an international stage.
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Chivalry is more important than a boys-will-be-boys dispute. Badmouthing a good woman has its consequences, and Mr. Rock didn't know it then but he knows it now.

Mr. Rock has been pulled over 3 times in the past 2 months. He wants nothing to do with the police. Speeding is not a minor offense if it causes someone else to crash or experience road rage or worse. Ask any cop.

Who says Jada is a good woman? Posting her husband sucks in bed on social media for the world to see isn’t an act of a good woman.
Who says Jada is a good woman? Posting her husband sucks in bed on social media for the world to see isn’t an act of a good woman.
Mr. Smith is a gentleman, and he is kind to the woman he loves. These days, it's easy to divorce an idiot. That does nothing for the children, nor does it improve a person's character. Most Americans have been through the mill in relationships. Will Smith is just trying to keep his life together, and if it means punching a loud-mouthed lime in the nose for being a divisive agent, Mr. Rock is a better person for it, particularly since to his credit, he learned from it, he let it go and has moved on. I rest my case.
Mr. Smith is a gentleman, and he is kind to the woman he loves. These days, it's easy to divorce an idiot. That does nothing for the children, nor does it improve a person's character. Most Americans have been through the mill in relationships. Will Smith is just trying to keep his life together, and if it means punching a loud-mouthed lime in the nose for being a divisive agent, Mr. Rock is a better person for it, particularly since to his credit, he learned from it, he let it go and has moved on. I rest my case.

A bunch of opinions do not make a case.
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Calumny tends to be Whoopi Goldbert's thang. What Whoopi Goldberg missed was that Will Smith committed an act of chivalry in not allowing some vile-mouthed creep to smear his beloved and get off scot free in front of God and everybody.
Smith had the vile mouth. He was laughing until he got dagger eyes from Jada.
Poor Will, I watch his movies quite a lot.. I'm sad he got so angry at the awards. Hopefully he'll move on from this. (cheer up Will)

Chris Rock has a lot of talent... he can tell you what a n***er is in the US. Which does make me laugh.:)
This is priceless.

The joke was funny to Mr Smith until Mrs Smith said it was not….
I sincerely doubt the Academy wanted this sort of thing to be what people were talking about the next day. They wanted people to be talking about who won the best actor, best actress, and which movie won best picture.

Well, let's face it, the Oscars is a business and viewer ratings are all that count to them. Without viewers they make no money on advertising which is the backbone of their money. The more viewers the more advertising dollars they can charge.

Someone has to pay for everything that goes into the Oscars. It isn't all just free. And the people who put all that time and effort into it don't do it for free either.

Reality tv, talk shows, almost all of the news is all driven by viewership and any attention they get from viewers means more dollars. Good or bad, they don't care.

I bet next year the Oscars viewers goes up after this.
Thats where we are as a society now.
People are scared to treat people equally because others are so fragile.
Its fucking pathetic. In fact, these people that were scared are just as pathetic as the fragile that would have lashed out. And every damn one of us know people would have went crazy.

Whoopi Goldberg Suggests Racial Dynamics Stopped Will Smith Oscars Removal​

Like anyone listens to that has been drug addict.
IF you actually care, remotely-substantially about this?

Congratulations...you are an INCREDIBLY boring person.
I assume that they didn’t want to take out the guy who they knew or thought was about to win the Oscar. But I think it would have been great. Announce Will’s win and then have Chris announce that Smith “couldn’t be here to accept, because he just got tossed out the door!”

I assume they were as shocked as the other people there, and didn't immediately realize what was happening. Also, I'm sure they didn't want a huge scene that would make everything worse, especially since Chris Rock himself clearly didn't want one, and had signaled that he was willing to go on with the show. Apparently Will Smith and his wife were quietly asked to leave, and flatly refused, because why would they suddenly start being respectful of others? I further assume that security at events like that is instructed to keep their operations unobtrusive and discreet.
Good point and one that I made earlier. Could be that if he would have used his fist than there would be charges to face, or
it was a set-up to begin with.

Could just be that he himself wasn't all that upset about the joke, and he was only doing it because his toxic wife got pissy.
Chivalry is more important than a boys-will-be-boys dispute. Badmouthing a good woman has its consequences, and Mr. Rock didn't know it then but he knows it now.

Mr. Rock has been pulled over 3 times in the past 2 months. He wants nothing to do with the police. Speeding is not a minor offense if it causes someone else to crash or experience road rage or worse. Ask any cop.

First of all, she's not a good woman in any sense of the phrase I can think of. Second, he didn't "badmouth" her. Being compared to Demi Moore in appearance is no one's idea of an insult. (Acting ability is maybe something else, but even there, Jada isn't the one getting the short end of the stick.) Third, Chris Rock being pulled over by the police is utterly irrelevant.
Woopsie is so indoctrinated into the bitterness cult. She believes all whites should hang heads 24/7. Poor child has had it So Bad last 30 years.

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