Will Someone PLEASE Arrest John Brennan?

If Brennan worked for the mob and had been caught this many times committing crimes he would have already been taken on a ride out to the desert and handed his own shovel.

It is completely mind-blowing that this proven treasonous, illegal spying repeat-offended - who was caught spying on US Senators - has not been re-located to Gitmo by now.
I'd pay good money to see him behind bars.

As we all know, there is no anonymity awarded Eric Ciaramella under the Whistleblower Protection Act.

John Brennan: Rand Paul 'beneath contempt' for naming 'whistleblower' - WND
Arrest him for what? Speaking ill of the king?

Some of y’all really seem to want us to turn into a corrupt banana republic.
Leaking, treason (orchestrating an attempted take down of a President), Fabricating evidence, obstruction of Justice......so much there
I'd pay good money to see him behind bars.

As we all know, there is no anonymity awarded Eric Ciaramella under the Whistleblower Protection Act.

John Brennan: Rand Paul 'beneath contempt' for naming 'whistleblower' - WND
Arrest him for what? Speaking ill of the king?

Some of y’all really seem to want us to turn into a corrupt banana republic.

We could start with treason and work our way from there into other corrupt, malicious and conspiratorial acts against the nation and it's government.
He'll probably be indicted sometime this summer, along with a few others who conspired to overthrow the POTUS. Timing is everything.

Or not.

Not sure why Coup Plotters, Planners and financiers are all still "Guilty as sin and free as birds"
I'd pay good money to see him behind bars.

As we all know, there is no anonymity awarded Eric Ciaramella under the Whistleblower Protection Act.

John Brennan: Rand Paul 'beneath contempt' for naming 'whistleblower' - WND
Arrest him for what? Speaking ill of the king?

Some of y’all really seem to want us to turn into a corrupt banana republic.
a bit late for anyone to dream that one.

The Trump supporters have been obsessed with jailing political opponents for years now. It’s getting creepy.

If UraniumOne or the Clinton Foundation or her bathroom server were illegal, or if Biden misused his authority, or if the Obama admin illegally spied on Trump, why shouldn't they be prosecuted?
The dems just impeached Trump for non-crimes and non-impeachable offenses.
Draining the swamp means BOTH parties.

If, if, if, if. There weren’t a lot of “ifs” in Trump’s rally chant of “lock her up”. Everyone should be afforded a fair and impartial investigation first.
I'd pay good money to see him behind bars.

As we all know, there is no anonymity awarded Eric Ciaramella under the Whistleblower Protection Act.

John Brennan: Rand Paul 'beneath contempt' for naming 'whistleblower' - WND
Arrest him for what? Speaking ill of the king?

Some of y’all really seem to want us to turn into a corrupt banana republic.
a bit late for anyone to dream that one.

The Trump supporters have been obsessed with jailing political opponents for years now. It’s getting creepy.
says the person from the side inventing reasons to put trump and his followers in jail.

it's asinine.

Really? Where did I do anything of the sort?
I'd pay good money to see him behind bars.

As we all know, there is no anonymity awarded Eric Ciaramella under the Whistleblower Protection Act.

John Brennan: Rand Paul 'beneath contempt' for naming 'whistleblower' - WND
Arrest him for what? Speaking ill of the king?

Some of y’all really seem to want us to turn into a corrupt banana republic.
a bit late for anyone to dream that one.

The Trump supporters have been obsessed with jailing political opponents for years now. It’s getting creepy.

As the pot calls the kettle black, lol.

Conservatives...……..notice the narrative now? This is going to be the talking point when Brennan, Clapper, Rice, and a few others are indicted. Get used to it folks! And now you know why when the Left seen this coming, they had to impeach the President and get in front of this, or the narrative would not even have come close to working.
So y’all are hypocrites then?
I'd pay good money to see him behind bars.

As we all know, there is no anonymity awarded Eric Ciaramella under the Whistleblower Protection Act.

John Brennan: Rand Paul 'beneath contempt' for naming 'whistleblower' - WND
Arrest him for what? Speaking ill of the king?

Some of y’all really seem to want us to turn into a corrupt banana republic.

We could start with treason and work our way from there into other corrupt, malicious and conspiratorial acts against the nation and it's government.

Pure fantasy.
I'd pay good money to see him behind bars.

As we all know, there is no anonymity awarded Eric Ciaramella under the Whistleblower Protection Act.

John Brennan: Rand Paul 'beneath contempt' for naming 'whistleblower' - WND
Arrest him for what? Speaking ill of the king?

Some of y’all really seem to want us to turn into a corrupt banana republic.
a bit late for anyone to dream that one.

The Trump supporters have been obsessed with jailing political opponents for years now. It’s getting creepy.

If UraniumOne or the Clinton Foundation or her bathroom server were illegal, or if Biden misused his authority, or if the Obama admin illegally spied on Trump, why shouldn't they be prosecuted?
The dems just impeached Trump for non-crimes and non-impeachable offenses.
Draining the swamp means BOTH parties.
yea, i don't give a shit who's side is doing it. if you're breaking the laws as written/intended, you pay up. this not US vs THEM it's BOTH SIDES CUT IT THE FUCK OUT.

just funny as hell to see colly-boy whine about mistreatment of people when obama tore up the press and made it wide open to spy on someone even up to presidential candidates.

I love how you pretend to be fair to both sides but then you spout off nonsense about Obama.
I'd pay good money to see him behind bars.

As we all know, there is no anonymity awarded Eric Ciaramella under the Whistleblower Protection Act.

John Brennan: Rand Paul 'beneath contempt' for naming 'whistleblower' - WND
Arrest him for what? Speaking ill of the king?

Some of y’all really seem to want us to turn into a corrupt banana republic.
a bit late for anyone to dream that one.

The Trump supporters have been obsessed with jailing political opponents for years now. It’s getting creepy.

If UraniumOne or the Clinton Foundation or her bathroom server were illegal, or if Biden misused his authority, or if the Obama admin illegally spied on Trump, why shouldn't they be prosecuted?
The dems just impeached Trump for non-crimes and non-impeachable offenses.
Draining the swamp means BOTH parties.

If, if, if, if. There weren’t a lot of “ifs” in Trump’s rally chant of “lock her up”. Everyone should be afforded a fair and impartial investigation first.

1. Comey said that HRC had no "intent" to break the law and so he gave her a pass as ordered by Lynch. That wasn't his call, that was Lynch's and the DOJ's call, but she got a pass on her crimes. Her crimes were "covered up". A sailor who took a photo of his sub got 30-years. Its the double-standard that pisses us off.
2. The Clinton Foundation closed the day after she lost the election, was that the sign of a legitimate foundation? Hell no.
3. HRC's illegal server and her destruction of subpoenaed evidence (server, phones, emails, etc.) was also a crime.
So the chant of "lock her up" was based on genuine outrage of "some people being more equal than others".
He about we also change the name of the country to "New Russia", and maybe rearrange the stripes in the flag a little? To fit the political direction, of course.

I mean, we have Alaska, so the historical precedent is also there.
I'd pay good money to see him behind bars.

As we all know, there is no anonymity awarded Eric Ciaramella under the Whistleblower Protection Act.

John Brennan: Rand Paul 'beneath contempt' for naming 'whistleblower' - WND
Arrest him for what? Speaking ill of the king?

Some of y’all really seem to want us to turn into a corrupt banana republic.
a bit late for anyone to dream that one.

The Trump supporters have been obsessed with jailing political opponents for years now. It’s getting creepy.
says the person from the side inventing reasons to put trump and his followers in jail.

it's asinine.

Really? Where did I do anything of the sort?
See any of your posts as reference.
Arrest him for what? Speaking ill of the king?

Some of y’all really seem to want us to turn into a corrupt banana republic.
a bit late for anyone to dream that one.

The Trump supporters have been obsessed with jailing political opponents for years now. It’s getting creepy.

If UraniumOne or the Clinton Foundation or her bathroom server were illegal, or if Biden misused his authority, or if the Obama admin illegally spied on Trump, why shouldn't they be prosecuted?
The dems just impeached Trump for non-crimes and non-impeachable offenses.
Draining the swamp means BOTH parties.
yea, i don't give a shit who's side is doing it. if you're breaking the laws as written/intended, you pay up. this not US vs THEM it's BOTH SIDES CUT IT THE FUCK OUT.

just funny as hell to see colly-boy whine about mistreatment of people when obama tore up the press and made it wide open to spy on someone even up to presidential candidates.

I love how you pretend to be fair to both sides but then you spout off nonsense about Obama.
You trying to say he didn't spy on the media?

Sharyl attkisson has the DOJ in court now. They've been spying on her since she broke fast and furious.

Google how poorly he treated the press.

Then fuck off.
I demand he be brought before the King, and given a final chance to Kiss the Ring ....

"One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them."

So, if that is beneath contempt, what is designing, deploying and then lying about a system to aggregately surveil US citizens.

Brennan has no credibility. None. He is the poster child for Big Government run amok. These pukes think they're kings, act like they're untouchable and issue edicts, all the while calling themselves "public servants" It's a fucking joke.
Arrest him for what? Speaking ill of the king?

Some of y’all really seem to want us to turn into a corrupt banana republic.
a bit late for anyone to dream that one.

The Trump supporters have been obsessed with jailing political opponents for years now. It’s getting creepy.

If UraniumOne or the Clinton Foundation or her bathroom server were illegal, or if Biden misused his authority, or if the Obama admin illegally spied on Trump, why shouldn't they be prosecuted?
The dems just impeached Trump for non-crimes and non-impeachable offenses.
Draining the swamp means BOTH parties.

If, if, if, if. There weren’t a lot of “ifs” in Trump’s rally chant of “lock her up”. Everyone should be afforded a fair and impartial investigation first.

1. Comey said that HRC had no "intent" to break the law and so he gave her a pass as ordered by Lynch. That wasn't his call, that was Lynch's and the DOJ's call, but she got a pass on her crimes. Her crimes were "covered up". A sailor who took a photo of his sub got 30-years. Its the double-standard that pisses us off.
2. The Clinton Foundation closed the day after she lost the election, was that the sign of a legitimate foundation? Hell no.
3. HRC's illegal server and her destruction of subpoenaed evidence (server, phones, emails, etc.) was also a crime.
So the chant of "lock her up" was based on genuine outrage of "some people being more equal than others".

The outrage would have been genuine if the information it was based on were genuine. However, it was based on misinformation.

Comey was free to make a recommendation for prosecution. There is no rule against it. He did not do so independently, the decision was unanimous among the investigators and prosecutors from the DoJ that worked with them throughout the investigation. This criticism is based on misinformation.

The sailor in question destroyed evidence and lied to investigators. He was caught red handed and admitted to it. Had he not done so, he wouldn’t have been prosecuted. He would have been given an administrative punishment but when someone breaks the law in an attempt to evade responsibility, the prosecution gets more stiff. These factors were not present with Clinton. This comparison is based on misinformation.

The Clinton Foundation did not close the day after the election. The CGI was announced to wind down months prior to the election as a part of reducing potential conflicts of interest should Clinton take office. This claim is based on misinformation.

Clinton did not order any information destroyed that was under subpoena. The data was erased by a technician who testified they did so under their own volition. There is no evidence Clinton did so. This claim is based on pure speculation in contradiction of testimony.

I know. The truth is boring.
a bit late for anyone to dream that one.

The Trump supporters have been obsessed with jailing political opponents for years now. It’s getting creepy.

If UraniumOne or the Clinton Foundation or her bathroom server were illegal, or if Biden misused his authority, or if the Obama admin illegally spied on Trump, why shouldn't they be prosecuted?
The dems just impeached Trump for non-crimes and non-impeachable offenses.
Draining the swamp means BOTH parties.
yea, i don't give a shit who's side is doing it. if you're breaking the laws as written/intended, you pay up. this not US vs THEM it's BOTH SIDES CUT IT THE FUCK OUT.

just funny as hell to see colly-boy whine about mistreatment of people when obama tore up the press and made it wide open to spy on someone even up to presidential candidates.

I love how you pretend to be fair to both sides but then you spout off nonsense about Obama.
You trying to say he didn't spy on the media?

Sharyl attkisson has the DOJ in court now. They've been spying on her since she broke fast and furious.

Google how poorly he treated the press.

Then fuck off.

Still spouting off nonsense about Obama?

Atkinson is a goof. Her lawsuits have been dismissed repeatedly. You’re wasting everyone’s time with this bullshit.

Look, because you disagree with the opposition does not mean they should be arrested.

Until you provide hardcore evidence of something illegal done by the individual let stop calling for the arrest of everyone we disagree with because soon you will call for my arrest...
Arrest him for what? Speaking ill of the king?

Some of y’all really seem to want us to turn into a corrupt banana republic.
a bit late for anyone to dream that one.

The Trump supporters have been obsessed with jailing political opponents for years now. It’s getting creepy.
says the person from the side inventing reasons to put trump and his followers in jail.

it's asinine.

Really? Where did I do anything of the sort?
See any of your posts as reference.

I only want people jailed for actual violations of law. Not your made up bullshit.

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