Will someone PLEASE send Bristol Palin a box of condoms!

I'm not a Palin fan, but come on, white trash having babies out of wedlock, like where the news in all this? Like who gives a shit, she's just like 99% of white girls in this country...easy to bed and easier to spread...next?
See, that is another advantage to being rich. You can be absolutely libertine and the 'Conservatives' will defend you to the end, while condemning people of lessor wealth for doing the same thing. But that is not hypocrasy, not at all. LOL

How many times does it need to be said?
Have as many kids as you want...as long as you can pay for them.

Ann Coulter says that rather than raising children alone, women should place them for adoption, and that single parents raise the most criminals.
Liberals have entered a new phase. Stopping single women who are self supporting from having children.
See, that is another advantage to being rich. You can be absolutely libertine and the 'Conservatives' will defend you to the end, while condemning people of lessor wealth for doing the same thing. But that is not hypocrasy, not at all. LOL

How many times does it need to be said?
Have as many kids as you want...as long as you can pay for them.

Ann Coulter says that rather than raising children alone, women should place them for adoption, and that single parents raise the most criminals.

So is ann the oracle?
While what she said has some truth in it,I see no reason to take children away from single parent households unless the parent show themselves to not up to the job.
Yep! Preggers again...and probably not by the guy to whom she was engaged:

Bristol Palin pregnancy Is Dakota Meyer the father or did she cheat - Chicago Celebrity Examiner.com

Question. Should she now be paid double to be the spokes person for The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, to inform young people about the negative consequences of teenage pregnancy?

why aren't the rightwingnuts yelling about her immorality?
Because they don't really care.

can you imagine what the bigoted freaks would say if it were one of the president's daughters?

and the liberal response would be " get the hell out of their vaginas "

try to at least pretend you have standards.

I think when the people who yell the loudest about Abstinence Only sex ed have their own daughter get pregnant twice (unintentionally), you can expect some flack.

When that daughter is the spokesperson for abstinence, and a "Teen Pregnancy Prevention Ambassador", you kinda assume she wouldn't get pregnant.

No, condoms aren't 100% effective. But I have not seen anything saying a condom failed.
See, that is another advantage to being rich. You can be absolutely libertine and the 'Conservatives' will defend you to the end, while condemning people of lessor wealth for doing the same thing. But that is not hypocrasy, not at all. LOL

How many times does it need to be said?
Have as many kids as you want...as long as you can pay for them.

Ann Coulter says that rather than raising children alone, women should place them for adoption, and that single parents raise the most criminals.

So is ann the oracle?
While what she said has some truth in it,I see no reason to take children away from single parent households unless the parent show themselves to not up to the job.

Just curious, what truth do you see in it? Can you give some examples?
See, that is another advantage to being rich. You can be absolutely libertine and the 'Conservatives' will defend you to the end, while condemning people of lessor wealth for doing the same thing. But that is not hypocrasy, not at all. LOL

How many times does it need to be said?
Have as many kids as you want...as long as you can pay for them.

Ann Coulter says that rather than raising children alone, women should place them for adoption, and that single parents raise the most criminals.

So is ann the oracle?
While what she said has some truth in it,I see no reason to take children away from single parent households unless the parent show themselves to not up to the job.

Just curious, what truth do you see in it? Can you give some examples?

I didnt make that clear in the second half of my sentence?
See, that is another advantage to being rich. You can be absolutely libertine and the 'Conservatives' will defend you to the end, while condemning people of lessor wealth for doing the same thing. But that is not hypocrasy, not at all. LOL

How many times does it need to be said?
Have as many kids as you want...as long as you can pay for them.

Ann Coulter says that rather than raising children alone, women should place them for adoption, and that single parents raise the most criminals.

So is ann the oracle?
While what she said has some truth in it,I see no reason to take children away from single parent households unless the parent show themselves to not up to the job.

Just curious, what truth do you see in it? Can you give some examples?

I didnt make that clear in the second half of my sentence?

No you didn't. There's a lot of people not up for the job, including those who can afford to have children.
How many times does it need to be said?
Have as many kids as you want...as long as you can pay for them.

Ann Coulter says that rather than raising children alone, women should place them for adoption, and that single parents raise the most criminals.

So is ann the oracle?
While what she said has some truth in it,I see no reason to take children away from single parent households unless the parent show themselves to not up to the job.

Just curious, what truth do you see in it? Can you give some examples?

I didnt make that clear in the second half of my sentence?

No you didn't. There's a lot of people not up for the job, including those who can afford to have children.

And your point?
Yep! Preggers again...and probably not by the guy to whom she was engaged:

Bristol Palin pregnancy Is Dakota Meyer the father or did she cheat - Chicago Celebrity Examiner.com

Question. Should she now be paid double to be the spokes person for The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, to inform young people about the negative consequences of teenage pregnancy?

why aren't the rightwingnuts yelling about her immorality?
Because they don't really care.

can you imagine what the bigoted freaks would say if it were one of the president's daughters?

Sandra Fluke just wanted birth control and she was called a whore. Funny how that works. One wants birth control and she's a whore. The other is literally whoring and they take her side and do their "leave Bristol alone" routine

Liberals have entered a new phase. Stopping single women who are self supporting from having children.

I think when a large part of your income (that you use to support yourself) is for you being a Teen Pregnancy Prevention Ambassador, it might be a little different.
I say the girl would have been better off getting two abortions and waiting for Mr Right because no one wanted to be with a woman who has 2 kids from 2 men. The last 20 years could have been so different for her.
FYI I was in a frozen yogurt parlor the other day and a young black woman around 20 years old with her 4 toddlers came in. I wondered where any of the 4 fathers were because all 4 kids were different shades with 4 different types of hair. Then the grandmother came in and damn if she didn't have different color and different hair than the daughter. Nothing against any of the innocent kids but I think your hypocracy is showing.
Bristol has changed her mind. What, last month, was a major disappointment for her, her family and her friends is now a wonderful event that she planned all along. She just wanted her first kid to have the chance to be a big brother.

I would have waited until he was old enough, and then bought him a dog, or something, myself, but, that is just me.
Bristol has changed her mind. What, last month, was a major disappointment for her, her family and her friends is now a wonderful event that she planned all along. She just wanted her first kid to have the chance to be a big brother.

I would have waited until he was old enough, and then bought him a dog, or something, myself, but, that is just me.
She didn't want her first kid to be the only bastard in the house
Yep! Preggers again...and probably not by the guy to whom she was engaged:

Bristol Palin pregnancy Is Dakota Meyer the father or did she cheat - Chicago Celebrity Examiner.com

Question. Should she now be paid double to be the spokes person for The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, to inform young people about the negative consequences of teenage pregnancy?

why aren't the rightwingnuts yelling about her immorality?
Because they don't really care.

can you imagine what the bigoted freaks would say if it were one of the president's daughters?

and the liberal response would be " get the hell out of their vaginas "

try to at least pretend you have standards.

I think when the people who yell the loudest about Abstinence Only sex ed have their own daughter get pregnant twice (unintentionally), you can expect some flack.

When that daughter is the spokesperson for abstinence, and a "Teen Pregnancy Prevention Ambassador", you kinda assume she wouldn't get pregnant.

No, condoms aren't 100% effective. But I have not seen anything saying a condom failed.

Of course---hypocrite liberals attack anything without any thought as to if they are guilty of doing the exact same thing that they are bitching about. It's their whole MO.

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