Will someone PLEASE send Bristol Palin a box of condoms!

Next, I am expecting Bristol to become a flaming alcoholic, so that she can be paid to be a spokesperson for AA.

Care to post a timetable as to when her conversion to a 100% Democrat will complete? You are going to have to give up the war on women sooner or later and you'll need "the perfect candidate".

Oh wait, unless she has an abortion she's not eligible.
Next, I am expecting Bristol to become a flaming alcoholic, so that she can be paid to be a spokesperson for AA.

Care to post a timetable as to when her conversion to a 100% Democrat will complete? You are going to have to give up the war on women sooner or later and you'll need "the perfect candidate".

Oh wait, unless she has an abortion she's not eligible.

Becoming a democrat has never been "by invitation only", but in any of the Palin's cases, I am sure that an exception to that would be made. They would have to know the password to get in. Since it has more than 2 syllables, I doubt if any of them would know it. Hint: It is NOT "refudiate".
Since Bristol planned to have another child and did, condoms won't work. Liberals should arrest her for inappropriate exercise of choice and sterilize her.

Condoms do not work 100% of the time.

Ms. Palin said it was her intenion to get pregnant.

And it also seems that her fiance' IS NOT THE FATHER OF THE CHILD.

Which means that Ms. Palin was NOT just failing to practicing Abstinence Only, she was spreading her legs for another guy while she was engaged.

She is very moral person.......
Since Bristol planned to have another child and did, condoms won't work. Liberals should arrest her for inappropriate exercise of choice and sterilize her.

Condoms do not work 100% of the time.

Ms. Palin said it was her intenion to get pregnant.

And it also seems that her fiance' IS NOT THE FATHER OF THE CHILD.

Which means that Ms. Palin was NOT just failing to practicing Abstinence Only, she was spreading her legs for another guy while she was engaged.

She is very moral person.......

I'm still betting on immaculate conception.
And she was spreading her legs for someone who wasn't her intended?

Doesn't the Bible call that adultery?

And.................aren't there pretty severe punishments for participating in that (like Bristol did)?
Interesting.......................someone who is on the right wing side of the political spectrum shouts that a woman who has children out of wedlock should be able to keep them and have them lead healthy lives.

Yet.......................let a woman who is black and doing the same thing, the right wingers will hold them up as people of the welfare state.

Sorry............but living off of momma's political donations still counts as welfare.
Family supporting family is not welfare. If a woman has children out of wedlock and supports them without public assistance, who cares?
Yet, I will observe some liberal media hypocrisy...Waiting to pay for my groceries, I observe two of the rags marketed at "news". One is castigating Bristol Palin as a harlot and horrible for being an unwed mother while the POS rag next to it bemoans that Klhoe ( or some other member of the Kardashian clan) who awaits her FOURTH spawn is being dumped by her alleged baby-daddy. With so many other pressing issues, who cares who's breeding with whom, or why...as long as taxpayers dollars are not used to feed the results of their profligate breeding?
Since Bristol planned to have another child and did, condoms won't work. Liberals should arrest her for inappropriate exercise of choice and sterilize her.

Condoms do not work 100% of the time.

Ms. Palin said it was her intenion to get pregnant.

And it also seems that her fiance' IS NOT THE FATHER OF THE CHILD.

Which means that Ms. Palin was NOT just failing to practicing Abstinence Only, she was spreading her legs for another guy while she was engaged.

She is very moral person.......
This is whose business?

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