Will someone PLEASE send Bristol Palin a box of condoms!

why aren't the rightwingnuts yelling about her immorality?

What office does she hold? What leadership position does she hold?

They are probably not yelling about her immorality because she and her mother are just average citizens. There is nothing to discuss.

Roll tide!
why aren't the rightwingnuts yelling about her immorality?
Because they don't really care.

can you imagine what the bigoted freaks would say if it were one of the president's daughters?

and the liberal response would be " get the hell out of their vaginas "

try to at least pretend you have standards.

I think when the people who yell the loudest about Abstinence Only sex ed have their own daughter get pregnant twice (unintentionally), you can expect some flack.

When that daughter is the spokesperson for abstinence, and a "Teen Pregnancy Prevention Ambassador", you kinda assume she wouldn't get pregnant.

No, condoms aren't 100% effective. But I have not seen anything saying a condom failed.

Of course---hypocrite liberals attack anything without any thought as to if they are guilty of doing the exact same thing that they are bitching about. It's their whole MO.

If there is a hypocrite in this story it would be Bristol Palin.
Ann Coulter says that rather than raising children alone, women should place them for adoption, and that single parents raise the most criminals.

So is ann the oracle?
While what she said has some truth in it,I see no reason to take children away from single parent households unless the parent show themselves to not up to the job.

Just curious, what truth do you see in it? Can you give some examples?

I didnt make that clear in the second half of my sentence?

No you didn't. There's a lot of people not up for the job, including those who can afford to have children.

And your point?

Do I need to type slower?
So is ann the oracle?
While what she said has some truth in it,I see no reason to take children away from single parent households unless the parent show themselves to not up to the job.

Just curious, what truth do you see in it? Can you give some examples?

I didnt make that clear in the second half of my sentence?

No you didn't. There's a lot of people not up for the job, including those who can afford to have children.

And your point?

Do I need to type slower?

I dont see how that will help your condition but okay.....
Just curious, what truth do you see in it? Can you give some examples?

I didnt make that clear in the second half of my sentence?

No you didn't. There's a lot of people not up for the job, including those who can afford to have children.

And your point?

Do I need to type slower?

I dont see how that will help your condition but okay.....

You're the one who can't keep up.
Yep! Preggers again...and probably not by the guy to whom she was engaged:

Bristol Palin pregnancy Is Dakota Meyer the father or did she cheat - Chicago Celebrity Examiner.com

Question. Should she now be paid double to be the spokes person for The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, to inform young people about the negative consequences of teenage pregnancy?

Don't know why it is your fucking business whether she is pregnant or not unless you knocked her up. Otherwise you are just a bitch minding others business and should ask someone to slap the shit out of you for being such a mosey fuck.
I didnt make that clear in the second half of my sentence?

No you didn't. There's a lot of people not up for the job, including those who can afford to have children.

And your point?

Do I need to type slower?

I dont see how that will help your condition but okay.....

You're the one who can't keep up.

Since you're kind of slow,why dont you give me your definition of an unfit parent?
I'd like to know if I'm dealing with a child abuse enabler before I waste my time.
Because they don't really care.

can you imagine what the bigoted freaks would say if it were one of the president's daughters?

and the liberal response would be " get the hell out of their vaginas "

try to at least pretend you have standards.

I think when the people who yell the loudest about Abstinence Only sex ed have their own daughter get pregnant twice (unintentionally), you can expect some flack.

When that daughter is the spokesperson for abstinence, and a "Teen Pregnancy Prevention Ambassador", you kinda assume she wouldn't get pregnant.

No, condoms aren't 100% effective. But I have not seen anything saying a condom failed.

Of course---hypocrite liberals attack anything without any thought as to if they are guilty of doing the exact same thing that they are bitching about. It's their whole MO.

If there is a hypocrite in this story it would be Bristol Palin.

Why? Because she has opted to have children that she can afford?
The left can't wrap their head around what it means to endorse individual liberty.

We don't maintain that people are perfect. When we talk about disgusting, depraved pieces of shit, we're talking about people who embrace and flaunt immorality as if it's something positive and wonderful that everybody should be doing. It isn't that we care if you're queer...but stop telling us that being queer makes you BETTER than everybody else. We don't care if you screw your dog..but don't go into our schools and teach our children to do it.

We don't care that Bristol Palin has had a couple of kids..she isn't Mother Teresa and she isn't racing around telling little girls they should get hooked up with birth control and herpes vaccinations because they're just little sluts who won't make it out of puberty without getting pregnant. If she was, we would object. Instead, she tells girls it's stupid to get pregnant before you're ready (and it is). She bases this on her past experience of her own teen pregnancy. She is now an adult who is capable of supporting her own children. Nobody cares how many children she has out of wedlock at this point. It's none of our business and we don't care unless she tries to pass legislation to make it EASIER for our children to do the same...

But that's way beyond the paygrade of a depraved class of people who hate children and women and can think of nothing more exciting that saying nasty things about a young woman who dares buck a system that tells women they're good for nothing but sex. Who the hell are you to call that girl a hypocrite, when in every other instance you'd be screaming that she has a RIGHT to screw non discriminately from the age of 13 on?
Yep! Preggers again...and probably not by the guy to whom she was engaged:

Bristol Palin pregnancy Is Dakota Meyer the father or did she cheat - Chicago Celebrity Examiner.com

Question. Should she now be paid double to be the spokes person for The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, to inform young people about the negative consequences of teenage pregnancy?

why aren't the rightwingnuts yelling about her immorality?
Why aren't the left wing nuts yelling her body her choice and stay out of peoples private lives?
Good point!
Bristol Palin Announces She s Pregnant

Bristol Palin is knocked-up.....again.

The daughter of the half-term wonder for Wasilla Sarah Palin has one child already, Trig. Both children were conceived without benefit of marriage.

Palin, before failing to keep her legs Bristol closed made bucks by being a very well paid advocate for Abstinence Only.

She does not to lectured on her failure to not have sex until she got married, which had made a very public announcement about.

Her Mother was recently fired for a second time from Fox News.

Rank Hypocracy reeks from her and dolt of a Mother.
No, really...what is your native language?
Yep! Preggers again...and probably not by the guy to whom she was engaged:

Bristol Palin pregnancy Is Dakota Meyer the father or did she cheat - Chicago Celebrity Examiner.com

Question. Should she now be paid double to be the spokes person for The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, to inform young people about the negative consequences of teenage pregnancy?

why aren't the rightwingnuts yelling about her immorality?
Because they don't really care.

can you imagine what the bigoted freaks would say if it were one of the president's daughters?

Sandra Fluke just wanted birth control and she was called a whore. Funny how that works. One wants birth control and she's a whore. The other is literally whoring and they take her side and do their "leave Bristol alone" routine
Clowntroll, you're simply lying again.
Interesting.......................someone who is on the right wing side of the political spectrum shouts that a woman who has children out of wedlock should be able to keep them and have them lead healthy lives.

Yet.......................let a woman who is black and doing the same thing, the right wingers will hold them up as people of the welfare state.

Sorry............but living off of momma's political donations still counts as welfare.
Interesting.......................someone who is on the right wing side of the political spectrum shouts that a woman who has children out of wedlock should be able to keep them and have them lead healthy lives.

Yet.......................let a woman who is black and doing the same thing, the right wingers will hold them up as people of the welfare state.

Sorry............but living off of momma's political donations still counts as welfare.
Prove it!

Prove that you are not a lying POS.
The only reason that Bristol is even thought of is because of her batshit crazy mother who ran as McStupid's running mate back in 2008.

Well..............that, and her family's ability to keep themselves in the media (even though they decry them), and her mother's ability to somehow seem relevant, even when she's not.

What do you want me to prove Muhammed? How can I prove something different about myself when you already have your mind made up?

Sorry............but Palin is/was a media whore, and so is the rest of her family.

If Bristol didn't want to get input about how she lives her life, why did she announce the pregnancy?

What's more.................why did she announce that it is another child born out of wedlock?

Some spokesperson for abstinence, eh?
Yep! Preggers again...and probably not by the guy to whom she was engaged:

Bristol Palin pregnancy Is Dakota Meyer the father or did she cheat - Chicago Celebrity Examiner.com

Question. Should she now be paid double to be the spokes person for The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, to inform young people about the negative consequences of teenage pregnancy?

why aren't the rightwingnuts yelling about her immorality?
Because they don't really care.

can you imagine what the bigoted freaks would say if it were one of the president's daughters?

Sandra Fluke just wanted birth control and she was called a whore. Funny how that works. One wants birth control and she's a whore. The other is literally whoring and they take her side and do their "leave Bristol alone" routine
Clowntroll, you're simply lying again.

Good come back bro
why aren't the rightwingnuts yelling about her immorality?
Because they don't really care.

can you imagine what the bigoted freaks would say if it were one of the president's daughters?

Sandra Fluke just wanted birth control and she was called a whore. Funny how that works. One wants birth control and she's a whore. The other is literally whoring and they take her side and do their "leave Bristol alone" routine
Clowntroll, you're simply lying again.

Good come back bro
I agree.

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