Will someone tell me the difference between [modern] liberalism and communism?

Communism mandates government ownership of the means of production. Modern liberalism mandates government ownership over everything but.

Only in name

they will regulate it, direct it, until it is nothing more than an extension of the gov't.
Which is why in all heavy regulated industries, one always sees movement towards a conglomeration of
power and fewer competitors. An expected reaction to the increased economic of scales caused by large and overly
intrusive gov't.

Best part, when it fails, the reactionary left will still blame the business and cry out for even more control.

A dark comedy of errors
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State communism is the government controlling the means of productions for the entire country. Pretty much if they start nationalizing everything and forcing you to be equal = communism.

What we have here is a hybrid system that most of the world uses. Name a first world nation that doesn't?

Oh yesss we can go back to the boron's that you so want to rule us.
State communism is the government controlling the means of productions for the entire country. Pretty much if they start nationalizing everything and forcing you to be equal = communism.

What we have here is a hybrid system that most of the world uses. Name a first world nation that doesn't?

Oh yesss we can go back to the boron's that you so want to rule us.

Free markets do not mean- no regulation.
All gov'ts should promote competition, public goods, protect property rights,
regulate/tax economic externalities etc
Not pick winners and losers or promote corporatism

A gov't building a road or providing for a public park
does not make it a "mixed economy"
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Considering that the democratic nations in Europe have done quite well by themselves in the last 30 years, I would not be denigrating them. Many have passed us by in living standard for the their average citizen. They live longer and more healthy lives. They have pretty much the same freedoms that we do, and, on the average, are more educated than we are. These are facts, facts that the wingnuts either deny or ignore. But they are facts.

When faced with another persons resounding success in a field where we have just managed to hang on, one can talk about what a nerd and geek that person is, or one can study their methods, and learn to emulate them.
State communism is the government controlling the means of productions for the entire country. Pretty much if they start nationalizing everything and forcing you to be equal = communism.

What we have here is a hybrid system that most of the world uses. Name a first world nation that doesn't?

Oh yesss we can go back to the boron's that you so want to rule us.

Free markets do not mean- no regulation.
All gov'ts should promote competition, public goods, protect property rights,
regulate/tax economic externalities etc
Not pick winners and losers or promote corporatism

A gov't building a road or providing for a public park
does not make it a "mixed economy"

LOL. Sorry, you don't get to redefine what the definition of the word socialism is. Yes, we, and all other successful nations have a 'mixed economy'. That is what it takes to succede. Pragmatism over ideologic idiocy.
The original OP can be best answered by beginning with this question Will someone tell me the difference between libertarianism and communism?

that's easy, Fakey. Libertarians believe in private property and free exchange. Communists believe government should make all economic decisions. Hey, that's kind of what you believe, isn't it?
Considering that the democratic nations in Europe have done quite well by themselves in the last 30 years, I would not be denigrating them. Many have passed us by in living standard for the their average citizen. They live longer and more healthy lives. They have pretty much the same freedoms that we do, and, on the average, are more educated than we are. These are facts, facts that the wingnuts either deny or ignore. But they are facts.

When faced with another persons resounding success in a field where we have just managed to hang on, one can talk about what a nerd and geek that person is, or one can study their methods, and learn to emulate them.
living off the free ride that the US provided in defense of Europe has been good for them.

Considering that we spend more on education than most Western nations and get some of the worst results can be shown by things, like your posts.

Strange, how the greatest 'success' of any of these nations always came from movements away from socialism, not towards it.

These are facts that the reactionary left ignore or deny
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State communism is the government controlling the means of productions for the entire country. Pretty much if they start nationalizing everything and forcing you to be equal = communism.

What we have here is a hybrid system that most of the world uses. Name a first world nation that doesn't?

Oh yesss we can go back to the boron's that you so want to rule us.

Free markets do not mean- no regulation.
All gov'ts should promote competition, public goods, protect property rights,
regulate/tax economic externalities etc
Not pick winners and losers or promote corporatism

A gov't building a road or providing for a public park
does not make it a "mixed economy"

LOL. Sorry, you don't get to redefine what the definition of the word socialism is. Yes, we, and all other successful nations have a 'mixed economy'. That is what it takes to succede. Pragmatism over ideologic idiocy.

Not my definition
it is the real and correct one

Perhaps if you looked at more than your extreme left wing websites
you could get beyond your 'grade school' definition
OP: "Will someone tell me the difference between [modern] liberalism and communism? "

Well, I would, but the thing is, after I explained it to you, you still wouldn't understand it.

It's ok joe.
I already told em!!
It all comes down to the Nambla connection.
Liberals embrace Nambla as central to their party.
Libertarians have always tried to get away with redefining accepted terms and theories.

Yes, we live in a mixed market social democracy.

That won't change.
I am not a liberal though I have been forced most of my life in dealing with them and having to put up with their foolishness and ignorance. However I have studied them for many years, so I think I can answer for them, since they will not.

First the modern liberal is generally someone who thinks emotionally. As such, they are not capable of logic and reason. The enormous failures and terrible suffering caused by the policies imposed by modern liberals means nothing to them. Consequences be damned...only good intentions matter. And anyone who disagrees with them or points out their numerous failures, must be silenced and denigrated...only further proof of their emotional thinking...much like a child.

The rank and file modern liberal does not want full blown communism, but is not intelligent enough to recognize that that is exactly what their leadership wants. So in conclusion, modern liberalism is not communism, but if unchecked, leads to communism.
I have a question for modern liberals in any political party. Please tell me the differences between your beliefs and those of Karl Marx, the father of communism? Seriously now, I’m not joking. Let’s have an honest dialogue and I promise that I’ll listen with an open mind.

Every single time a conservative such as me calls some liberal idiot a communist we get pilloried and the liberal useful idiot points out that they don’t stand for the outright ownership of all private property. Okay, I get that. But, you do apparently stand for government control of all property and industry and you believe in central planning, key components of communism.

Even people like Lawrence O’Donnell of MSNBC are coming out now and proudly proclaiming their socialism (socialism is the economic philosophy of communism).

Here’s the video of old Larry proclaiming his socialism:

MSNBC Anchor O'Donnell: "I Am A Socialist. I Live To The Extreme Left Of You Mere Liberals!" - YouTube

I know it is off the topic of my question, but just for fun, let’s listen to Milton Friedman compare Socialism and Capitalism while he takes Phil Donahue to task – a video that President Obama and Michael Moore need to watch:

Milton Friedman - Socialism vs. Capitalism - YouTube

Okay, below are the ten planks of communism and you can compare them yourselves to what we currently have in America and what liberals traditionally argue in favor of. If the answer is simply a matter of degrees then tell me that. I really – honestly want to know the differences.
Let’s take a look at the ten planks of communism.

Right now, the federal government owns approximately 30% of all American land. Private property owners pay local property taxes (the application of rents to public purposes) to fund various local, state and federal programs. We have a heavy progressive income tax, credit has been centralized under the federal government as have communications and transportation, agriculture and industry are being combined through corporate farms, and of course we’ve had “free public education” for decades in America.

We also used to have a heavy inheritance tax and liberals are arguing for that again, claiming that you have no right to bequeath your property or money to your children or other relatives.

Okay, some brave liberal out there please explain the differences between that in which you believe, support and urge with communism. I’ll listen with an open mind.

This is the key difference between communism and liberalism:

Communists want to ELMININATE the extremes of poverty and wealth. Liberals want to LIMIT the extremes of poverty and wealth. Liberals are not against the idea of a wealthy class. What liberals are against is growing wealth at the expense of growing the poor.

The numbers don't lie: the middle class is shrinking. The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. Want proof? Check out the link in my signature. A very small percentage of our population controls 40% of the wealth. That. Is. Wrong.

Now do you get it? This isn't hard.

There's no difference that's why you bought into the "I'm the 99%" bullshit

Same reason the reactionary left has to keep lowering the standards
or move the 'goal posts' of their failed programs

As we see with PapaObama Care
it was going to be the best thing since 'sliced bread"

Now it is
"just wait until the website is working"

Now we know why the reactionary left made us wait until after the election
to see the beauty of Papa Obamacare being implemented.
State communism is the government controlling the means of productions for the entire country. Pretty much if they start nationalizing everything and forcing you to be equal = communism.

What we have here is a hybrid system that most of the world uses. Name a first world nation that doesn't?

Oh yesss we can go back to the boron's that you so want to rule us.

Free markets do not mean- no regulation.
All gov'ts should promote competition, public goods, protect property rights,
regulate/tax economic externalities etc
Not pick winners and losers or promote corporatism

A gov't building a road or providing for a public park
does not make it a "mixed economy"

Good post. I would add that all governments should act vigourishly to keep markets fair and honest. In the middle ages they cut off an ear from anyone caught using false weights and measures or otherwise cheating. This useful practise should be revived.
I am not a liberal though I have been forced most of my life in dealing with them and having to put up with their foolishness and ignorance. However I have studied them for many years, so I think I can answer for them, since they will not.

First the modern liberal is generally someone who thinks emotionally. As such, they are not capable of logic and reason. The enormous failures and terrible suffering caused by the policies imposed by modern liberals means nothing to them. Consequences be damned...only good intentions matter. And anyone who disagrees with them or points out their numerous failures, must be silenced and denigrated...only further proof of their emotional thinking...much like a child.

The rank and file modern liberal does not want full blown communism, but is not intelligent enough to recognize that that is exactly what their leadership wants. So in conclusion, modern liberalism is not communism, but if unchecked, leads to communism.

Will someone tell me the difference between [modern] liberalism and communism?

The communists could no longer deny the failure of leftist thinking when their system
fully collapsed around them. They were forced to get past the 'denial stage"

The liberals are still in the denial stage

As we can see from the many apologists for Papa Obama and the
rest of the reactionary left.

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