Will someone tell me the difference between [modern] liberalism and communism?

Here's what I know, sport.

The percentage of ownership of all assets is slowly but surely going to a smaller and smaller group of people, and NOT to any government.

That reads to me like the EXACT OPPOSITE of Communism.

You see, in a communist world the government OWNS everything.

Now what we have IS BAD, it's just no communism or socialism.

If anything we're moving toward a very specific kind of socialism called FASCISM.

Its all about semantics, isn't it?

What (meaning our currently nation and government) you're calling socialistic?

I'm seeing as becoming FASCISTIC.

Here's the thing...we're both looking at exactly the same problem.

We're just calling it something different.

but the shirking percentage of people who own all the assets are
going more and more into the hands of businesses that are 'friends' with

They get together not to promote competition but keep and increase their
share of 'economic rent' while doing the gov't's bidding

The reason, no doubt, that the richest counties in the US are all
around DC.

Probably the reason, congressmen earn a salary but come out millionaires
Reid, most his adult life in public service and he is a multimillionaire
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And the 'Conservatives' solution to the problem is to give an even larger share of the nations wealth to this small group.

but the shirking percentage of people who own all the assets are
going more and more into the hands of businesses that are 'friends' with

They get together not to promote competition but keep and increase their
share of 'economic rent' while doing the gov't's bidding

My, you are an idiot. These 'friends' of the government have thousands of lobbiests and a number of Senators and Reps that are outright whores for them, such as Inhofe. It not they doing the governments bidding, it that they are forcing the government to do their bidding with no concern for the interests of the American Citizen.

but the shirking percentage of people who own all the assets are
going more and more into the hands of businesses that are 'friends' with

They get together not to promote competition but keep and increase their
share of 'economic rent' while doing the gov't's bidding

My, you are an idiot. These 'friends' of the government have thousands of lobbiests and a number of Senators and Reps that are outright whores for them, such as Inhofe. It not they doing the governments bidding, it that they are forcing the government to do their bidding with no concern for the interests of the American Citizen.
for speaking to you
that could be argued

now we are to assume politicians are victims

Harry Reid- most of his adult life in public service
and he is a multimillionaire

just good luck
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There is a big difference between socialists and communists.

there are no difference. communism as an economic stage never existed, what is now in some countries ( North Korea) and what were - is a pure socialism.

the "socialism" the media are brainwashing you about is NOT socialism - it is social-democratism.

dimocraps are mostly social democrats. only the extreme wing is clearly commie/socialist.

the main difference between social-democratism and socialism is the first can function in a democratic society, socialism - can not. And the reason is that socialism is abolishing the private property for the means of production ( plus the land etc) and imposing such a society can not be done without terror - Nazi Germany is an example of how the democratically elected socialists changed the society to totalitarian regime in order for their ideas to function. Soviet Union is an example of installation of the regime as a result of a coup and civil war.
I am not a liberal though I have been forced most of my life in dealing with them and having to put up with their foolishness and ignorance. However I have studied them for many years, so I think I can answer for them, since they will not.

First the modern liberal is generally someone who thinks emotionally. As such, they are not capable of logic and reason. The enormous failures and terrible suffering caused by the policies imposed by modern liberals means nothing to them. Consequences be damned...only good intentions matter. And anyone who disagrees with them or points out their numerous failures, must be silenced and denigrated...only further proof of their emotional thinking...much like a child.

The rank and file modern liberal does not want full blown communism, but is not intelligent enough to recognize that that is exactly what their leadership wants. So in conclusion, modern liberalism is not communism, but if unchecked, leads to communism.

Will someone tell me the difference between [modern] liberalism and communism?

The communists could no longer deny the failure of leftist thinking when their system
fully collapsed around them. They were forced to get past the 'denial stage"

The liberals are still in the denial stage

As we can see from the many apologists for Papa Obama and the
rest of the reactionary left.

It is a matter of a few degrees. Modern liberalism is not for full control by government, but it is for government control of nearly everything.

Any logical thinking person knows that you can't control a government that has obtained unlimited power...it will lead to total and complete control by government...hence Communism...or maybe another form of totalitarian government.

The modern liberal is not capable of recognizing the coming serfdom and totalitarianism...caused by their support. He or she sees government AS GOOD, when any thinking person knows government is NOT GOOD. History is replete with evil and suffering caused by totalitarian government. But then, liberals fail to learn from history, which is why they are so easily duped by corrupt power hungry politicians over and over again...
Differences between communism and liberalism?

Well, liberalism does not have one of these...

" Vice Ministry of Supreme Social Happiness"

News from The Associated Press

CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) -- Americans may insist on the right to pursue happiness, but Venezuela now has a formal government agency in charge of enforcing it.

President Nicolas Maduro says the new Vice Ministry of Supreme Social Happiness will coordinate all the "mission" programs created by the late President Hugo Chavez to alleviate poverty.
to OP - can you, please, stop naming the extreme leftism to be liberalism?

Liberalism is the exact opposite of what they are preaching.

Our leftards are NOT liberals, they are leftist progressives.
There is a big difference between socialists and communists.

there are no difference. communism as an economic stage never existed, what is now in some countries ( North Korea) and what were - is a pure socialism.

the "socialism" the media are brainwashing you about is NOT socialism - it is social-democratism.

dimocraps are mostly social democrats. only the extreme wing is clearly commie/socialist.

the main difference between social-democratism and socialism is the first can function in a democratic society, socialism - can not. And the reason is that socialism is abolishing the private property for the means of production ( plus the land etc) and imposing such a society can not be done without terror - Nazi Germany is an example of how the democratically elected socialists changed the society to totalitarian regime in order for their ideas to function. Soviet Union is an example of installation of the regime as a result of a coup and civil war.

You will open can of worms with the reactionary progressives

They will throw themselves on the sword to deny that it was a CPE

The issue is one of statism

Hayek defined Fascism :
"It is simply collectivism freed from all traces of an individualist tradition which might hamper its realization"

which is one of the potential problems with CPEs and the onset of statism

Too often many call for ends with no appreciation
of the means to get there
There is a big difference between socialists and communists.

there are no difference. communism as an economic stage never existed, what is now in some countries ( North Korea) and what were - is a pure socialism.

the "socialism" the media are brainwashing you about is NOT socialism - it is social-democratism.

dimocraps are mostly social democrats. only the extreme wing is clearly commie/socialist.

the main difference between social-democratism and socialism is the first can function in a democratic society, socialism - can not. And the reason is that socialism is abolishing the private property for the means of production ( plus the land etc) and imposing such a society can not be done without terror - Nazi Germany is an example of how the democratically elected socialists changed the society to totalitarian regime in order for their ideas to function. Soviet Union is an example of installation of the regime as a result of a coup and civil war.

You will open can of worms with the reactionary progressives

They will throw themselves on the sword to deny that it was a CPE

The issue is one of statism

Hayek defined Fascism :
"It is simply collectivism freed from all traces of an individualist tradition which might hamper its realization"

which is one of the potential problems with CPEs and the onset of statism

Too often many call for ends with no appreciation
of the means to get there

One can name a pen different names - an instrument to provide ability for recording words and else, but it still is a pen :)
same is with fascist subtype of socialism - it is still socialist economic system which can not function without totalitarian regime.
I am not a liberal though I have been forced most of my life in dealing with them and having to put up with their foolishness and ignorance. However I have studied them for many years, so I think I can answer for them, since they will not.

First the modern liberal is generally someone who thinks emotionally. As such, they are not capable of logic and reason. The enormous failures and terrible suffering caused by the policies imposed by modern liberals means nothing to them. Consequences be damned...only good intentions matter. And anyone who disagrees with them or points out their numerous failures, must be silenced and denigrated...only further proof of their emotional thinking...much like a child.

The rank and file modern liberal does not want full blown communism, but is not intelligent enough to recognize that that is exactly what their leadership wants. So in conclusion, modern liberalism is not communism, but if unchecked, leads to communism.

Your side screams about women murdering babies and how you need to keep your guns to shoot the government.

And frankly, when I grew up in the 1960's and 1970's, we had life pretty good. Liberalism worked.

Along came your boy Reagan and he pretty much managed to mess that up.
Vietnam; riots

It worked so well
that only a small percentage of Americans
identify as liberal and the majority identifiy as
conservative, today.

Liberals even have to hide what they really stand for
and change their name to progressives.

the 60's and 70's were great decades
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Difference is not much as they are twin corn schooners.

Except, one is down the pipe and the other is in close pursuit circling the drain.

I have a question for modern liberals in any political party. Please tell me the differences between your beliefs and those of Karl Marx, the father of communism? Seriously now, I’m not joking. Let’s have an honest dialogue and I promise that I’ll listen with an open mind.

Every single time a conservative such as me calls some liberal idiot a communist we get pilloried and the liberal useful idiot points out that they don’t stand for the outright ownership of all private property. Okay, I get that. But, you do apparently stand for government control of all property and industry and you believe in central planning, key components of communism.

Even people like Lawrence O’Donnell of MSNBC are coming out now and proudly proclaiming their socialism (socialism is the economic philosophy of communism).

Here’s the video of old Larry proclaiming his socialism:

MSNBC Anchor O'Donnell: "I Am A Socialist. I Live To The Extreme Left Of You Mere Liberals!" - YouTube

I know it is off the topic of my question, but just for fun, let’s listen to Milton Friedman compare Socialism and Capitalism while he takes Phil Donahue to task – a video that President Obama and Michael Moore need to watch:

Milton Friedman - Socialism vs. Capitalism - YouTube

Okay, below are the ten planks of communism and you can compare them yourselves to what we currently have in America and what liberals traditionally argue in favor of. If the answer is simply a matter of degrees then tell me that. I really – honestly want to know the differences.
Let’s take a look at the ten planks of communism.

1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.
2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
3. Abolition of all right of inheritance.
4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
5. Centralisation of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.
6. Centralisation of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.
7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
8. Equal liability of all to labour. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equitable distribution of the population over the country.
10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children’s factory labour in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production.

Right now, the federal government owns approximately 30% of all American land. Private property owners pay local property taxes (the application of rents to public purposes) to fund various local, state and federal programs. We have a heavy progressive income tax, credit has been centralized under the federal government as have communications and transportation, agriculture and industry are being combined through corporate farms, and of course we’ve had “free public education” for decades in America.

We also used to have a heavy inheritance tax and liberals are arguing for that again, claiming that you have no right to bequeath your property or money to your children or other relatives.

Okay, some brave liberal out there please explain the differences between that in which you believe, support and urge with communism. I’ll listen with an open mind.

Just plain ignorance. I'm a home owner. And I want my family to inherit. But I'm a liberal. I believe in civil rights. I believe in American helping American. I believe that an educated population helps the country. I believe in the draft and I think everyone should "serve".
Republicans believe "science is a faith" and in "let him die" and "education is for snobs" and that "supply and demand is a wild liberal theory" and in "voter suppression". How do I know? THEY FUCKING TELL US, DUH! See? I don't have to make shit up. THEY FUCKING TELL US!
I have a question for modern liberals in any political party. Please tell me the differences between your beliefs and those of Karl Marx, the father of communism? Seriously now, I’m not joking. Let’s have an honest dialogue and I promise that I’ll listen with an open mind.

Every single time a conservative such as me calls some liberal idiot a communist we get pilloried and the liberal useful idiot points out that they don’t stand for the outright ownership of all private property. Okay, I get that. But, you do apparently stand for government control of all property and industry and you believe in central planning, key components of communism.

Even people like Lawrence O’Donnell of MSNBC are coming out now and proudly proclaiming their socialism (socialism is the economic philosophy of communism).

Here’s the video of old Larry proclaiming his socialism:

MSNBC Anchor O'Donnell: "I Am A Socialist. I Live To The Extreme Left Of You Mere Liberals!" - YouTube

I know it is off the topic of my question, but just for fun, let’s listen to Milton Friedman compare Socialism and Capitalism while he takes Phil Donahue to task – a video that President Obama and Michael Moore need to watch:

Milton Friedman - Socialism vs. Capitalism - YouTube

Okay, below are the ten planks of communism and you can compare them yourselves to what we currently have in America and what liberals traditionally argue in favor of. If the answer is simply a matter of degrees then tell me that. I really – honestly want to know the differences.
Let’s take a look at the ten planks of communism.

1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.
2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
3. Abolition of all right of inheritance.
4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
5. Centralisation of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.
6. Centralisation of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.
7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
8. Equal liability of all to labour. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equitable distribution of the population over the country.
10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children’s factory labour in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production.

Right now, the federal government owns approximately 30% of all American land. Private property owners pay local property taxes (the application of rents to public purposes) to fund various local, state and federal programs. We have a heavy progressive income tax, credit has been centralized under the federal government as have communications and transportation, agriculture and industry are being combined through corporate farms, and of course we’ve had “free public education” for decades in America.

We also used to have a heavy inheritance tax and liberals are arguing for that again, claiming that you have no right to bequeath your property or money to your children or other relatives.

Okay, some brave liberal out there please explain the differences between that in which you believe, support and urge with communism. I’ll listen with an open mind.

Just plain ignorance. I'm a home owner. And I want my family to inherit. But I'm a liberal. I believe in civil rights. I believe in American helping American. I believe that an educated population helps the country. I believe in the draft and I think everyone should "serve".
Republicans believe "science is a faith" and in "let him die" and "education is for snobs" and that "supply and demand is a wild liberal theory" and in "voter suppression". How do I know? THEY FUCKING TELL US, DUH! See? I don't have to make shit up. THEY FUCKING TELL US!

I believe in civil rights too


The reactionary left
thinks rights come from the gov't and
are not innate to man

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