Will someone tell me the difference between [modern] liberalism and communism?

Might get a small booklet on political ideologies, they are usually found in college bookstores, but if you create your own ideological definitions the booklets will not help. Ideologies can also be found on some TV and radio stations. Those stations tend to give listeners the ideologies the station wants their listeners to have, so thinking or buying booklets is not required, sort of a prepackaged ideology.
For some posters the beginning starts with a simple question: do liberals and conservatives think or believe differently on issues?

In other words, you can't name any core values liberals have.

BTW, your position on any given issue isn't evidence of a core value. Mostly it is the result of political expediency.

How about this for a liberal core value: man is basically good.

Liberals don't believe that. furthermore, It's not a core value. Define "good." Then we'll have your conception of your "core values."
but to some

The more modern "liberal'
(a word co-opted from the classical use of the word)
approach that man is neither good or evil.
It is more a case of nurture

Classical liberal would probably argue that man is both good and evil
individual choice is the biggest factor

Many good people have been raised in terrible environments
just as many evil people have been raised in good environments

How can liberals possibly believe that man is basically good when they also believe government has to force men to help the poor and the elderly?
What's the difference between Hitler and Republicans? They both hate blacks. That's a "given". If blacks had lived in Germany, there never would have been a holocaust. At least not against Jews.
Will someone tell me the difference between [modern] liberalism and communism?

neither work
one has not collapsed yet

Can you name the nations more conservative than the US is that are doing better than we are?

According to the Heritage Index of Economic Freedom:

  1. Hong Kong
  2. Singapore
  3. Australia
  4. New Zealand
  5. Switzerland
  6. Canada
  7. Chile
  8. Mauritius
  9. Denmark

What sort of healthcare do they have in those countries?
Can you name the nations more conservative than the US is that are doing better than we are?

According to the Heritage Index of Economic Freedom:

  1. Hong Kong
  2. Singapore
  3. Australia
  4. New Zealand
  5. Switzerland
  6. Canada
  7. Chile
  8. Mauritius
  9. Denmark

What sort of healthcare do they have in those countries?

The list is of countries that are more economically free than the US
Their success is in spite of having socialized medicine.
Which explains why so many come to the US for treatment.
If that was the cure the Soviet Union would have been an economic success.

Tell you what
give up the money we waste on the Great society
in exchange for socialized healthcare
We don't even want the 15 trillion that has been
wasted on it since 1965. Seems like a fair deal.

Most of the economic successes of these countries come from moving away from
socialism, not towards it
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What's the difference between Hitler and Republicans? They both hate blacks. That's a "given". If blacks had lived in Germany, there never would have been a holocaust. At least not against Jews.

Liberals hate blacks.
Republicans equalize all groups.
Liberals believe blacks to be mentally deficient.
The Democrats are the party of the three S's

Slavery, Segregation and Socialism
Conservatives will always oppose progress, and they will always lose. Liberal ideas of the past routinely become mainstream to where even conservatives take them for granted as the norm,

even though their conservative ancestors fought bitterly against them.

there is no progress in leftard ideas - it is a regress
Will someone tell me the difference between [modern] liberalism and communism?

neither work
one has not collapsed yet

Can you name the nations more conservative than the US is that are doing better than we are?


Just image how much better they would do
if they had a true free market for health care

Everyone has a gun there, as well
and crime is low.

Funny how that works
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What's the difference between Hitler and Republicans? They both hate blacks. That's a "given". If blacks had lived in Germany, there never would have been a holocaust. At least not against Jews.

You are a lying piece of shit race monger.
I have a question for modern liberals in any political party. Please tell me the differences between your beliefs and those of Karl Marx, the father of communism? Seriously now, I’m not joking. Let’s have an honest dialogue and I promise that I’ll listen with an open mind.

Every single time a conservative such as me calls some liberal idiot a communist we get pilloried and the liberal useful idiot points out that they don’t stand for the outright ownership of all private property. Okay, I get that. But, you do apparently stand for government control of all property and industry and you believe in central planning, key components of communism.

Even people like Lawrence O’Donnell of MSNBC are coming out now and proudly proclaiming their socialism (socialism is the economic philosophy of communism).

Here’s the video of old Larry proclaiming his socialism:

MSNBC Anchor O'Donnell: "I Am A Socialist. I Live To The Extreme Left Of You Mere Liberals!" - YouTube

I know it is off the topic of my question, but just for fun, let’s listen to Milton Friedman compare Socialism and Capitalism while he takes Phil Donahue to task – a video that President Obama and Michael Moore need to watch:

Milton Friedman - Socialism vs. Capitalism - YouTube

Okay, below are the ten planks of communism and you can compare them yourselves to what we currently have in America and what liberals traditionally argue in favor of. If the answer is simply a matter of degrees then tell me that. I really – honestly want to know the differences.
Let’s take a look at the ten planks of communism.

1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.
2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
3. Abolition of all right of inheritance.
4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
5. Centralisation of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.
6. Centralisation of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.
7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
8. Equal liability of all to labour. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equitable distribution of the population over the country.
10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children’s factory labour in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production.

Right now, the federal government owns approximately 30% of all American land. Private property owners pay local property taxes (the application of rents to public purposes) to fund various local, state and federal programs. We have a heavy progressive income tax, credit has been centralized under the federal government as have communications and transportation, agriculture and industry are being combined through corporate farms, and of course we’ve had “free public education” for decades in America.

We also used to have a heavy inheritance tax and liberals are arguing for that again, claiming that you have no right to bequeath your property or money to your children or other relatives.

Okay, some brave liberal out there please explain the differences between that in which you believe, support and urge with communism. I’ll listen with an open mind.

I know what the similarity is...the utter stupidity of the supporters/implementers.
What's the difference between Hitler and Republicans? They both hate blacks. That's a "given". If blacks had lived in Germany, there never would have been a holocaust. At least not against Jews.

You are a lying piece of shit race monger.

I hear you

Sure, the Republicans hate blacks


communists smell better

no, they don't.

there is an immediate shortage of water, soap and deodorants when communists get their power ;)

there is also shortage of EVERYTHING, but I listed only something pertinent to smell :D
Can you name the nations more conservative than the US is that are doing better than we are?


Just image how much better they would do
if they had a true free market for health care

Everyone has a gun there, as well
and crime is low.

Funny how that works

they also have much less open society and much more even society racially, ethnically and culturally - that makes things easier.
Plus the country is SMALL
Will someone tell me the difference between [modern] liberalism and communism?

A picture is worth a thousand words:


Communist women:
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None! No difference. None at all. The Commies found, to their convenience, they could easily hide under the Liberal label and continue carrying on as before.

Even the Libs at the NYT can't tell the difference, endorsing a man who worked for the Sandinistas in Nicaragua while the then President of the United States was leaving no stone unturned to drive them out. Well, as I mentioned in a previous post, anyone who doesn't know what hole his 'thingy' is supposed to go into isn't capable of making rational decisions either.

The Least Shocking Endorsement of All-Time: NY Times Endorses Socialist Bill de Blasio For NYC Mayor? | Weasel Zippers

One of the tactics the Terry McAuliffe (D) campaign for Governor of Virginia was using last week was to tell any McAuliffe supporters that if Ken Cuccinelli (R) was elected Governor, Cuccinelli would outlaw oral sex, ergo no more blow jobs for you if you voted in the wrong guy.
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