Will someone tell me the difference between [modern] liberalism and communism?

10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children’s factory labour in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production.

So I'm a Communist because I want a basic education to be available to all children regardless of their parents' ability to pay? I'm a Communist because I want to keep child labor illegal?

What the heck does that make you, the not-a-Communist, for denying children an education because they're too poor, and for bringing back child labor?
The old Soviet style communism believed in sucking their victims dry and moving on to the next one. Liberalism believes in sucking them ALMOST dry, but keeping them alive so they can use them over and over.
OP- ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, OF COURSE- OBVIOUS TO EVERYONE IN THE WORLD BUT BRAINWASHED IGNORANT BECKBOTS...sorry about reality- change the channel fer chrissake, pathetic hater dupes LOL.
Will someone tell me the difference between [modern] liberalism and communism?

neither work
one has not collapsed yet
The only thing collapsing is discredited Reaganism and off the wall ignorant Tea Partyism...buh bye now...LOL Change the channel, chumps of the greedy idiot rich...
because it was blessed not to have the radicals willing to turn the society upside down to implement it.

it does not DEVELOP by itself - because it is a failed conception.

it takes a coup to be imposed

So is there a difference between liberals and communists?

liberals have nothing to do with communists, they are the opposite political platform ( classic liberals)
Leftists - do.
and yes, a lot of nowadays leftards are simply commies.

Sad how the reactionary left has taken over the Democrats
"For the framers of the Constitution were the most liberal thinkers of all the ages and the charter they produced out of the liberal revolution of their time has never been and is not now surpassed in liberal thought."
General Douglas MacArthur.

Is the above what they are teaching at West Point and Annapolis that liberal thought is good and our framers used liberal thoughts to frame the Constitution.
We have before us on these very boards proof produced by posters, that liberalism is communism. Those schools should be closed as un-American.

When MacArthur, no lefty, said this 'liberal' meant something rather different. As it still does in places other than America.

I think liberalism as conservatism has core values, and from these core values or beliefs there are different ideas and methods for achieving those core beliefs. Just as there are Tea party conservatives that have some of the same core values as conservatism but believe in different ways to achieve those values, so it is with liberalism.
What are the core values of conservatism?

What "core values" do liberals have? I've never noticed any.
They have a core of...

Blame Bush
Race card
Victim card
Hate Religion
more gov't is always the answer
10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children’s factory labour in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production.

So I'm a Communist because I want a basic education to be available to all children regardless of their parents' ability to pay? I'm a Communist because I want to keep child labor illegal?

What the heck does that make you, the not-a-Communist, for denying children an education because they're too poor, and for bringing back child labor?

You're a communist because you want to loot the incomes of anyone who makes more than you do, and because you want the government to takeover or make all the decisions for private corporations.

Don't deny it. We know the truth.
When MacArthur, no lefty, said this 'liberal' meant something rather different. As it still does in places other than America.

I think liberalism as conservatism has core values, and from these core values or beliefs there are different ideas and methods for achieving those core beliefs. Just as there are Tea party conservatives that have some of the same core values as conservatism but believe in different ways to achieve those values, so it is with liberalism.
What are the core values of conservatism?

What "core values" do liberals have? I've never noticed any.

Might get a small booklet on political ideologies, they are usually found in college bookstores, but if you create your own ideological definitions the booklets will not help. Ideologies can also be found on some TV and radio stations. Those stations tend to give listeners the ideologies the station wants their listeners to have, so thinking or buying booklets is not required, sort of a prepackaged ideology.
For some posters the beginning starts with a simple question: do liberals and conservatives think or believe differently on issues?
I think liberalism as conservatism has core values, and from these core values or beliefs there are different ideas and methods for achieving those core beliefs. Just as there are Tea party conservatives that have some of the same core values as conservatism but believe in different ways to achieve those values, so it is with liberalism.
What are the core values of conservatism?

What "core values" do liberals have? I've never noticed any.

Might get a small booklet on political ideologies, they are usually found in college bookstores, but if you create your own ideological definitions the booklets will not help. Ideologies can also be found on some TV and radio stations. Those stations tend to give listeners the ideologies the station wants their listeners to have, so thinking or buying booklets is not required, sort of a prepackaged ideology.
For some posters the beginning starts with a simple question: do liberals and conservatives think or believe differently on issues?

In other words, you can't name any core values liberals have.

BTW, your position on any given issue isn't evidence of a core value. Mostly it is the result of political expediency.
Will someone tell me the difference between [modern] liberalism and communism?

Communists smell better
Conservatives will always oppose progress, and they will always lose. Liberal ideas of the past routinely become mainstream to where even conservatives take them for granted as the norm,

even though their conservative ancestors fought bitterly against them.
Conservatives will always oppose progress, and they will always lose. Liberal ideas of the past routinely become mainstream to where even conservatives take them for granted as the norm,

even though their conservative ancestors fought bitterly against them.

Like the Great Society

Over 15 trillion has been spent since 1965 and
the poverty rates are about the same.
What "core values" do liberals have? I've never noticed any.

Might get a small booklet on political ideologies, they are usually found in college bookstores, but if you create your own ideological definitions the booklets will not help. Ideologies can also be found on some TV and radio stations. Those stations tend to give listeners the ideologies the station wants their listeners to have, so thinking or buying booklets is not required, sort of a prepackaged ideology.
For some posters the beginning starts with a simple question: do liberals and conservatives think or believe differently on issues?

In other words, you can't name any core values liberals have.

BTW, your position on any given issue isn't evidence of a core value. Mostly it is the result of political expediency.

How about this for a liberal core value: man is basically good.
but to some

The more modern "liberal'
(a word co-opted from the classical use of the word)
approach that man is neither good or evil.
It is more a case of nurture

Classical liberal would probably argue that man is both good and evil
individual choice is the biggest factor

Many good people have been raised in terrible environments
just as many evil people have been raised in good environments

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