Will Speaker Pelosi withhold articles of impeachment from Senate until guaranteed a fair trial?

Big deal, now let's finish the process by adding the rest of the process to the proceedings.
The Republicans held up the Garland nomination for nearly a year.

Pelosi can take all the time she needs. Let the orange turd twist in the wind for a while.

I agree!
More words of proof that it's all politics, politically motivated, and a waste of American taxpayers dime. Y'all like playing games don't ya ? Regardless of the huge money it has cost, let the games continue eh ?
Big deal, now let's finish the process by adding the rest of the process to the proceedings.
The Republicans held up the Garland nomination for nearly a year.

Pelosi can take all the time she needs. Let the orange turd twist in the wind for a while.

I agree!
More words of proof that it's all politics, politically motivated, and a waste of American taxpayers dime. Y'all like playing games don't ya ? Regardless of the huge money it has cost, let the games continue eh ?

Well, we would just like a fair trial in the Senate - even if Trump* is acquitted.
Nazi Pelousy has no say in what happens in the Senate. She is a delusional dictator wannabe.
Of course she doesn't. She only has say in House matters.
Then why is Nazi trying to dictate what the Senate does, Fuckwit?
Where does the Constitution say she can't try, dumbfuck??

Dayum, you're even more rightarded than most of the dumbfucks here.

You don't have even a lick of common sense.
The Separation Of Powers Clause you dumbfuck.

You talkin' about this, schmuck?

Separation of powers

Separation of powers is a doctrine of constitutional law under which the three branches of government (executive, legislative, and judicial) are kept separate. This is also known as the system of checks and balances, because each branch is given certain powers so as to check and balance the other branches.

Each branch has separate powers, and generally each branch is not allowed to exercise the powers of the other branches.

That applies to our three branches of government, not our bicameral legislature of the Congress.


Here, this is for your edification. It's about at your level. Maybe even a little too advanced for ya...

So Clinton wasn't impeached?? I didn't know that Thanks
He was referred for impeachment but the vote was no
With Trump no referral made, no vote taken; no impeachment. Different outcomes can have the same classification but that’s a fact thing and too much for snowflakes
Clinton was still impeached regardless of his acquittal.
That’s the ole Lib 101 that a not guilty verdict is not an innocent verdict therefore guilt still stains the party. More liberal made up bs for their feelings fantasy land

It'd not "Lib 101." It's the Constitution. It's just that Liberals understand it where sooo many conservatives cannot. The Constitution states impeachment occurs in the House, not in the Senate. The trial occurs in the Senate. And the outcome of the trial, regardless of what that is, does not mean an impeached individual is no longer impeached.
You are kidding right ? So you mean to tell me that we have a system that can say a man is guilty without him being able to defend himself in a trial ? He already said he wanted a trial, but the Democrats knowing that they railroaded Trump, want to control the outcome of the trial as so to keep the pressure on until the election. It's all political, and it's a perverse usage of our justice system in this country for political outcomes instead of justice. The Democrats stand as the violaters of this system currently, and everyone knows it.
"So you mean to tell me that we have a system that can say a man is guilty without him being able to defend himself in a trial ?"

Holy shit, you cultist zombies are fucking ignorant.

No, we don't have a system like that..... being impeached does not assign guilt.

Dumbfucking conservative...

Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.

The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.

You rightarded freaks have proved to be insanely ignorant and misguided. <smh>

Unless, and until, the House delivers their charges to the Senate to try, there is no impeachment ya fucking moron.:5_1_12024::5_1_12024::5_1_12024:

Credible proof?
Go read the Constitution for the first time, Troll.
Why? You already proved YOU don't understand the Constitution.

It states the House has sole power of Impeachment...

The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.

... and the Constitution states the House makes up it's own rules ...

Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.

... and the House rules state an individual is impeached when the articles of impeachment are adopted by the House...

That happened on 12.18.2019 yet here you are, moronically claiming none of that is true.

Having the sole power of impeachment doesn't mean that they can impeach, and then it stops there. The proceedings have to complete and come to a conclusion by way in which it is laid out completely. The impeachment is just one part of it, and then it moves to the Senate where it states that the Senate has sole power to try the impeachment, and to render the verdict.

Not sure what point you are trying to make by saying the house has sole power of impeachment ..... Big deal, now let's finish the process by adding the rest of the process to the proceedings. Otherwise there is no impeachment.
The point is -- Impeached Trump is impeached.
Some House Democrats push Pelosi to withhold impeachment articles, delaying Senate trial

When will Speaker Pelosi send Articles of Impeachment to the Senate for trial? Apparently that is her choice if/when she sends them over for trial. It sounds like she is strategically waiting for feedback from McConnell about the rules/procedures - and FAIRNESS. If she thinks it's just going to be a sham trial - she may not send them over. The Articles of Impeachment DO NOT EXPIRE - not next year; not next Congress; not ever.

What do you think?
He hasn't been impeached until the House finishes their section of the law which says, sale present the articles of impeachment to the Senate".

Dumbass, the House says Impeached Trump was impeached the moment the House adopted the Articles of Impeachment, which they did on the 18th.

And the Constitution states the House defines it's own rules and that the House has sole power of impeachment.

Who the fuck are you to say the Constitution AND the House are wrong?? :cuckoo:
Who is he to say ? He will say as millions more follow and echoe him when Trump is elected president for his second term, and that is who he is to say. Any more questions ?
You realize whether Impeached Trump wins or loses the election, he's still impeached, right?
How history remembers the event will be very heavily influenced by who wins though. The democrats will look like idiots if they managed to impeach a president that wins reelection right after.
Some House Democrats push Pelosi to withhold impeachment articles, delaying Senate trial

When will Speaker Pelosi send Articles of Impeachment to the Senate for trial? Apparently that is her choice if/when she sends them over for trial. It sounds like she is strategically waiting for feedback from McConnell about the rules/procedures - and FAIRNESS. If she thinks it's just going to be a sham trial - she may not send them over. The Articles of Impeachment DO NOT EXPIRE - not next year; not next Congress; not ever.

What do you think?
He hasn't been impeached until the House finishes their section of the law which says, sale present the articles of impeachment to the Senate".

Dumbass, the House says Impeached Trump was impeached the moment the House adopted the Articles of Impeachment, which they did on the 18th.

And the Constitution states the House defines it's own rules and that the House has sole power of impeachment.

Who the fuck are you to say the Constitution AND the House are wrong?? :cuckoo:
Who is he to say ? He will say as millions more follow and echoe him when Trump is elected president for his second term, and that is who he is to say. Any more questions ?
You realize whether Impeached Trump wins or loses the election, he's still impeached, right?
How history remembers the event will be very heavily influenced by who wins though. The democrats will look like idiots if they managed to impeach a president that wins reelection right after.

Nope, only Trump* supporters and the Electoral College would look like idiots.
He hasn't been impeached until the House finishes their section of the law which says, sale present the articles of impeachment to the Senate".

Dumbass, the House says Impeached Trump was impeached the moment the House adopted the Articles of Impeachment, which they did on the 18th.

And the Constitution states the House defines it's own rules and that the House has sole power of impeachment.

Who the fuck are you to say the Constitution AND the House are wrong?? :cuckoo:
Who is he to say ? He will say as millions more follow and echoe him when Trump is elected president for his second term, and that is who he is to say. Any more questions ?
You realize whether Impeached Trump wins or loses the election, he's still impeached, right?
How history remembers the event will be very heavily influenced by who wins though. The democrats will look like idiots if they managed to impeach a president that wins reelection right after.

Nope, only Trump* supporters and the Electoral College would look like idiots.

As Iran teams up with China and Russia does Trump look like an ASSHOLE ?? ..Who else has he angered ? France England ? Get the schmuck out of there
He hasn't been impeached until the House finishes their section of the law which says, sale present the articles of impeachment to the Senate".

Dumbass, the House says Impeached Trump was impeached the moment the House adopted the Articles of Impeachment, which they did on the 18th.

And the Constitution states the House defines it's own rules and that the House has sole power of impeachment.

Who the fuck are you to say the Constitution AND the House are wrong?? :cuckoo:
Who is he to say ? He will say as millions more follow and echoe him when Trump is elected president for his second term, and that is who he is to say. Any more questions ?
You realize whether Impeached Trump wins or loses the election, he's still impeached, right?
How history remembers the event will be very heavily influenced by who wins though. The democrats will look like idiots if they managed to impeach a president that wins reelection right after.

Nope, only Trump* supporters and the Electoral College would look like idiots.
Sure, lets go with that idiocy.
How Justice John Roberts might oversee the Senate impeachment trial

I'm no expert, but I've heard that it will partly depend on how "involved" and "forceful" Justice Roberts wishes to be. In other words - he apparently has "flexibility". We are all in the dark - because there has never been such a serious/grave impeachment trial in U.S. history. I seriously doubt that Justice Roberts would allow McConnell to run a sham/rigged trial. Justice Roberts also cares about his legacy - and he knows this will be a "major" part of it - if not the most "major". No one benefits from an unfair trial. No one! The following link is very informative.

How John Roberts might oversee a Senate impeachment trial - CNNPolitics
He was referred for impeachment but the vote was no
With Trump no referral made, no vote taken; no impeachment. Different outcomes can have the same classification but that’s a fact thing and too much for snowflakes
Clinton was still impeached regardless of his acquittal.
That’s the ole Lib 101 that a not guilty verdict is not an innocent verdict therefore guilt still stains the party. More liberal made up bs for their feelings fantasy land

It'd not "Lib 101." It's the Constitution. It's just that Liberals understand it where sooo many conservatives cannot. The Constitution states impeachment occurs in the House, not in the Senate. The trial occurs in the Senate. And the outcome of the trial, regardless of what that is, does not mean an impeached individual is no longer impeached.
You are kidding right ? So you mean to tell me that we have a system that can say a man is guilty without him being able to defend himself in a trial ? He already said he wanted a trial, but the Democrats knowing that they railroaded Trump, want to control the outcome of the trial as so to keep the pressure on until the election. It's all political, and it's a perverse usage of our justice system in this country for political outcomes instead of justice. The Democrats stand as the violaters of this system currently, and everyone knows it.
"So you mean to tell me that we have a system that can say a man is guilty without him being able to defend himself in a trial ?"

Holy shit, you cultist zombies are fucking ignorant.

No, we don't have a system like that..... being impeached does not assign guilt.

It doesn't assign guilt eh ? Rotflmbo.... Did you actually get baited into saying that ? Bawahawahawahawahahahawaha. Now that's some funny stuff right there.

Dumbass, the House says Impeached Trump was impeached the moment the House adopted the Articles of Impeachment, which they did on the 18th.

And the Constitution states the House defines it's own rules and that the House has sole power of impeachment.

Who the fuck are you to say the Constitution AND the House are wrong?? :cuckoo:
Who is he to say ? He will say as millions more follow and echoe him when Trump is elected president for his second term, and that is who he is to say. Any more questions ?
You realize whether Impeached Trump wins or loses the election, he's still impeached, right?
How history remembers the event will be very heavily influenced by who wins though. The democrats will look like idiots if they managed to impeach a president that wins reelection right after.

Nope, only Trump* supporters and the Electoral College would look like idiots.

As Iran teams up with China and Russia does Trump look like an ASSHOLE ?? ..Who else has he angered ? France England ? Get the schmuck out of there
Trump hasn't done any of what you insinuate, but the leftist projecting weakness by undermining it's own President and the U.S. government is what is causing the world to go to it's respective corners, and to soon come out fighting as a tag team while America is seen as a failed nation due to the leftist treason within. What part of United we stand did you forget growing up ? Was the leftist agenda worth putting this nations security and reputation at stake ? When the bombs start falling from every direction, you just think about what role the left had played in it all, you just think about it.
Clinton was still impeached regardless of his acquittal.
That’s the ole Lib 101 that a not guilty verdict is not an innocent verdict therefore guilt still stains the party. More liberal made up bs for their feelings fantasy land

It'd not "Lib 101." It's the Constitution. It's just that Liberals understand it where sooo many conservatives cannot. The Constitution states impeachment occurs in the House, not in the Senate. The trial occurs in the Senate. And the outcome of the trial, regardless of what that is, does not mean an impeached individual is no longer impeached.
You are kidding right ? So you mean to tell me that we have a system that can say a man is guilty without him being able to defend himself in a trial ? He already said he wanted a trial, but the Democrats knowing that they railroaded Trump, want to control the outcome of the trial as so to keep the pressure on until the election. It's all political, and it's a perverse usage of our justice system in this country for political outcomes instead of justice. The Democrats stand as the violaters of this system currently, and everyone knows it.
"So you mean to tell me that we have a system that can say a man is guilty without him being able to defend himself in a trial ?"

Holy shit, you cultist zombies are fucking ignorant.

No, we don't have a system like that..... being impeached does not assign guilt.

It doesn't assign guilt eh ? Rotflmbo.... Did you actually get baited into saying that ? Bawahawahawahawahahahawaha. Now that's some funny stuff right there.

^^^ another dumbfucking conservative who doesn't understand only the Senate can assign guilt of an impeachment. All the House can do is impeach.
Nancy wants the jury to tell her the verdict and why they reached it before the case is heard. She’s a leftist loon and the No Impeachment carries into a New Year. Libs like protracted events with poor results for them-gotta feed that feelings/sympathy thing
That’s the ole Lib 101 that a not guilty verdict is not an innocent verdict therefore guilt still stains the party. More liberal made up bs for their feelings fantasy land

It'd not "Lib 101." It's the Constitution. It's just that Liberals understand it where sooo many conservatives cannot. The Constitution states impeachment occurs in the House, not in the Senate. The trial occurs in the Senate. And the outcome of the trial, regardless of what that is, does not mean an impeached individual is no longer impeached.
You are kidding right ? So you mean to tell me that we have a system that can say a man is guilty without him being able to defend himself in a trial ? He already said he wanted a trial, but the Democrats knowing that they railroaded Trump, want to control the outcome of the trial as so to keep the pressure on until the election. It's all political, and it's a perverse usage of our justice system in this country for political outcomes instead of justice. The Democrats stand as the violaters of this system currently, and everyone knows it.
"So you mean to tell me that we have a system that can say a man is guilty without him being able to defend himself in a trial ?"

Holy shit, you cultist zombies are fucking ignorant.

No, we don't have a system like that..... being impeached does not assign guilt.

It doesn't assign guilt eh ? Rotflmbo.... Did you actually get baited into saying that ? Bawahawahawahawahahahawaha. Now that's some funny stuff right there.

^^^ another dumbfucking conservative who doesn't understand only the Senate can assign guilt of an impeachment. All the House can do is impeach.
Good grief, then what is an impeachment, a method to take the skin tone out of a white man, and turn him orange ? An impeachment must have a reason, otherwise a suspicion of guilt before the house can hold impeachment hearings dummy. The word guilt is in there even if it's only a suspicion of guilt. The problem is that it was only a suspicion, and therefore there wasn't any facts to back it up after the hearings completed. Yet because of a political bias, and the intent to thwart a re-election bid by Trump, they pursued it any way.

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