Will Speaker Pelosi withhold articles of impeachment from Senate until guaranteed a fair trial?

Big deal, now let's finish the process by adding the rest of the process to the proceedings.
The Republicans held up the Garland nomination for nearly a year.

Pelosi can take all the time she needs. Let the orange turd twist in the wind for a while.

I agree!
More words of proof that it's all politics, politically motivated, and a waste of American taxpayers dime. Y'all like playing games don't ya ? Regardless of the huge money it has cost, let the games continue eh ?

Well, we would just like a fair trial in the Senate - even if Trump* is acquitted.
A fair trial is impossible. Even if McConnell let Pelosi have all the witnesses she wants, and even if McConnell never spoke to trump's legal team ever again, it still wouldnt be a fair trial. The reason for this is because democrats have already made up their minds. They are chomping at the bit to vote to remove trump.

A fair trial would only be possible if both sides were completely impartial, which neither side is impartial.
Big deal, now let's finish the process by adding the rest of the process to the proceedings.
The Republicans held up the Garland nomination for nearly a year.

Pelosi can take all the time she needs. Let the orange turd twist in the wind for a while.

I agree!
More words of proof that it's all politics, politically motivated, and a waste of American taxpayers dime. Y'all like playing games don't ya ? Regardless of the huge money it has cost, let the games continue eh ?

Well, we would just like a fair trial in the Senate - even if Trump* is acquitted.
A fair trial is impossible. Even if McConnell let Pelosi have all the witnesses she wants, and even if McConnell never spoke to trump's legal team ever again, it still wouldnt be a fair trial. The reason for this is because democrats have already made up their minds. They are chomping at the bit to vote to remove trump.

A fair trial would only be possible if both sides were completely impartial, which neither side is impartial.
Bing you win the truth prize. Exactly right.
Big deal, now let's finish the process by adding the rest of the process to the proceedings.
The Republicans held up the Garland nomination for nearly a year.

Pelosi can take all the time she needs. Let the orange turd twist in the wind for a while.

I agree!
More words of proof that it's all politics, politically motivated, and a waste of American taxpayers dime. Y'all like playing games don't ya ? Regardless of the huge money it has cost, let the games continue eh ?

Well, we would just like a fair trial in the Senate - even if Trump* is acquitted.
A fair trial is impossible. Even if McConnell let Pelosi have all the witnesses she wants, and even if McConnell never spoke to trump's legal team ever again, it still wouldnt be a fair trial. The reason for this is because democrats have already made up their minds. They are chomping at the bit to vote to remove trump.

A fair trial would only be possible if both sides were completely impartial, which neither side is impartial.
Then let all witnesses testify including the pos trump
Nazi Pelousy has no say in what happens in the Senate. She is a delusional dictator wannabe.
Of course she doesn't. She only has say in House matters.
Then why is Nazi trying to dictate what the Senate does, Fuckwit?
Where does the Constitution say she can't try, dumbfuck??

Dayum, you're even more rightarded than most of the dumbfucks here.

You don't have even a lick of common sense.
The Separation Of Powers Clause you dumbfuck.

You talkin' about this, schmuck?

Separation of powers

Separation of powers is a doctrine of constitutional law under which the three branches of government (executive, legislative, and judicial) are kept separate. This is also known as the system of checks and balances, because each branch is given certain powers so as to check and balance the other branches.

Each branch has separate powers, and generally each branch is not allowed to exercise the powers of the other branches.

That applies to our three branches of government, not our bicameral legislature of the Congress.


Here, this is for your edification. It's about at your level. Maybe even a little too advanced for ya...

You are correct, however, as the constitution says the house shall have SOLE power to impeach, and the house makes their own rules, the constitution also says the senate has the SOLE power to try impeachments, and the senate is also allowed to make their own rules.

So, yes, pelosi has no say in how the Senate conducts its affairs, and she has no business trying. That is, of course, unless you also believe the senate should be able to try and dictate to the house.
The Republicans held up the Garland nomination for nearly a year.

Pelosi can take all the time she needs. Let the orange turd twist in the wind for a while.

I agree!
More words of proof that it's all politics, politically motivated, and a waste of American taxpayers dime. Y'all like playing games don't ya ? Regardless of the huge money it has cost, let the games continue eh ?

Well, we would just like a fair trial in the Senate - even if Trump* is acquitted.
A fair trial is impossible. Even if McConnell let Pelosi have all the witnesses she wants, and even if McConnell never spoke to trump's legal team ever again, it still wouldnt be a fair trial. The reason for this is because democrats have already made up their minds. They are chomping at the bit to vote to remove trump.

A fair trial would only be possible if both sides were completely impartial, which neither side is impartial.
Then let all witnesses testify including the pos trump
The other thing is that the charges are bogus, so Trump would be a fool to get trapped into that trap.
"Sen. Ron Johnson says charges against Pres. Trump are "pretty thin gruel" and Speaker Nancy Pelosi's decision to withhold the articles of impeachment is "bizarre." "They had to rush to this impeachment vote and then all of a sudden she's sitting on it.""
The Constitution no where states that the house votes to impeach. They vote to send it to Senate for Senate to make that decision. You guys are up at halftime but think that by stoping now you won. You are woefully lacking in competitive spirt and ability.
Dumbfucking conservative...

Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.

The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.

You rightarded freaks have proved to be insanely ignorant and misguided. <smh>

Unless, and until, the House delivers their charges to the Senate to try, there is no impeachment ya fucking moron.:5_1_12024::5_1_12024::5_1_12024:

Credible proof?
Go read the Constitution for the first time, Troll.
Why? You already proved YOU don't understand the Constitution.

It states the House has sole power of Impeachment...

The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.

... and the Constitution states the House makes up it's own rules ...

Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.

... and the House rules state an individual is impeached when the articles of impeachment are adopted by the House...

That happened on 12.18.2019 yet here you are, moronically claiming none of that is true.

You know, I used to be of that thought as well, that impeachment happened as soon as the house adopted the resolution. However, lately it has me wondering, because that school of thought comes with some complications.

We've already established that the house has power to impeach, and the senate has power to try. We have also established that each body makes it's own rules, and one body cannot dictate to the other how they are to conduct their business.

Now, the complication comes in that, if pelosi holds the articles, she is basically dictating to the senate that they cannot begin the trial, which is solely in their pervue to do. She is interfering with the duties of the senate.

I've not seen anywhere where it states that the senate has to wait for the house to physically transmit the articles before the trial begins. If it IS written somewhere, then where is it written? Is that a house rule? If it is, then it doesnt matter because the house cannot dictate rules to the senate. If it's a senate rule, then its viable.

Since the senate cant, or wont, start the trial without the articles, this leads to two conclusions:

1: the transmission of the articles to the senate is irrelevant, and the senate can just start the trial any time they want, and basically just tell the house "X is the start date, have your people ready"


2: the impeachment process isnt complete until the house actually transmits the articles, whereby the senate can start on their constitutional duty.
Pelosi wants to know what the verdict will be, and why so, before she will start the trial. She has none of those privledges so is refusing to allow the impeachment to proceed.
"Sen. Ron Johnson says charges against Pres. Trump are "pretty thin gruel" and Speaker Nancy Pelosi's decision to withhold the articles of impeachment is "bizarre." "They had to rush to this impeachment vote and then all of a sudden she's sitting on it.""
johnson is the horses ass
  • Members of the House serve as “managers” in the Senate trial. Managers serve a similar role as prosecutors do in a criminal trial, they present evidence during the procedure.
How does impeachment work? Here is the step-by-step process
From your article:

Impeachment was established by the framers of the Constitution as a way to accuse a president of a crime and to hold a trial to determine if he is guilty of that crime.

It is saying that the impeachment process is just an accusation, the Senate decides he is guilty.

The Constitution lays out two specific actions, treason and bribery, that could lead to impeachment and removal of a president from office.

Treason and bribery are the two reasons for removal. Neither of those were stated in the articles of impeachment.

The system also allows for a broader category to accuse a president of crime, although that category is more vague.
A president can also be charged with and found guilty of “high crimes and misdemeanors.” What exactly constitutes high crimes and misdemeanors is not defined in the Constitution, making impeachment on that basis more difficult.

High crimes and misdemeanors are not defined, and are vague, making it difficult to impeach a president using this as a basis.

The procedure then moves to the Senate where a “trial” is held to determine if the president committed a crime. There is no set procedure for the trial. How it is conducted would be set by the Senate leadership.

The senate determines if the president has committed a crime, they also determine how the trial is conducted.

So, let's say the president is actually impeached. An impeachment is simply an accusation levied against him. It is up to the senate to determine if he actually committed a crime.
"Sen. Ron Johnson says charges against Pres. Trump are "pretty thin gruel" and Speaker Nancy Pelosi's decision to withhold the articles of impeachment is "bizarre." "They had to rush to this impeachment vote and then all of a sudden she's sitting on it.""
johnson is the horses ass
He MUST be a relative of yours...........
Absolutely correct that Trump has merely been accused. The senate decides if he’s impeached

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