Will Speaker Pelosi withhold articles of impeachment from Senate until guaranteed a fair trial?

"Sen. Ron Johnson says charges against Pres. Trump are "pretty thin gruel" and Speaker Nancy Pelosi's decision to withhold the articles of impeachment is "bizarre." "They had to rush to this impeachment vote and then all of a sudden she's sitting on it.""
johnson is the horses ass
Pelosi is a goddamn horse's ass!
Maybe but she sure has the prick Trump dancing to her tune
Yep, you definitely ARE related to Senator Ron Johnson. Congratulations!
"Sen. Ron Johnson says charges against Pres. Trump are "pretty thin gruel" and Speaker Nancy Pelosi's decision to withhold the articles of impeachment is "bizarre." "They had to rush to this impeachment vote and then all of a sudden she's sitting on it.""
johnson is the horses ass
Pelosi is a goddamn horse's ass!
Maybe but she sure has the prick Trump dancing to her tune
Yep, you definitely ARE related to Senator Ron Johnson. Congratulations!
Sorry I'm Jewish Republicans hate Jews
The Republicans held up the Garland nomination for nearly a year.

Pelosi can take all the time she needs. Let the orange turd twist in the wind for a while.

I agree!
More words of proof that it's all politics, politically motivated, and a waste of American taxpayers dime. Y'all like playing games don't ya ? Regardless of the huge money it has cost, let the games continue eh ?

Well, we would just like a fair trial in the Senate - even if Trump* is acquitted.
A fair trial is impossible. Even if McConnell let Pelosi have all the witnesses she wants, and even if McConnell never spoke to trump's legal team ever again, it still wouldnt be a fair trial. The reason for this is because democrats have already made up their minds. They are chomping at the bit to vote to remove trump.

A fair trial would only be possible if both sides were completely impartial, which neither side is impartial.
Then let all witnesses testify including the pos trump
That has nothing to do with impartiality.

I think I see the writing on the wall with this one. Pelosi knew she wasnt going to get the witnesses she wanted in the house hearings. I think her play here might be to make articles of impeachment that are extremely vague, with no actual citation of a crime, then try to hold the articles up hoping for the senate to cave in and give her those witnesses that she couldn't get in the house hearings, to appear in the senate hearings.
A 2 million dollar fine for ripping off his charity that he didn't put a nickle of his own money into , a 25 million fine for his Trump U bullshit ,married 3 times cheating on all ,, Isn't that enough for people to avoid the garbage?,
The Republicans held up the Garland nomination for nearly a year.

Pelosi can take all the time she needs. Let the orange turd twist in the wind for a while.

I agree!
More words of proof that it's all politics, politically motivated, and a waste of American taxpayers dime. Y'all like playing games don't ya ? Regardless of the huge money it has cost, let the games continue eh ?

Well, we would just like a fair trial in the Senate - even if Trump* is acquitted.
A fair trial is impossible. Even if McConnell let Pelosi have all the witnesses she wants, and even if McConnell never spoke to trump's legal team ever again, it still wouldnt be a fair trial. The reason for this is because democrats have already made up their minds. They are chomping at the bit to vote to remove trump.

A fair trial would only be possible if both sides were completely impartial, which neither side is impartial.
Then let all witnesses testify including the pos trump
Also, if you say all witnesses, then you include the witnesses the repubs want as well, right?
More words of proof that it's all politics, politically motivated, and a waste of American taxpayers dime. Y'all like playing games don't ya ? Regardless of the huge money it has cost, let the games continue eh ?

Well, we would just like a fair trial in the Senate - even if Trump* is acquitted.
A fair trial is impossible. Even if McConnell let Pelosi have all the witnesses she wants, and even if McConnell never spoke to trump's legal team ever again, it still wouldnt be a fair trial. The reason for this is because democrats have already made up their minds. They are chomping at the bit to vote to remove trump.

A fair trial would only be possible if both sides were completely impartial, which neither side is impartial.
Then let all witnesses testify including the pos trump
Also, if you say all witnesses, then you include the witnesses the repubs want as well, right?
I say bring them all on Guiliani first and let him know a lie gets him time...then Trump
More words of proof that it's all politics, politically motivated, and a waste of American taxpayers dime. Y'all like playing games don't ya ? Regardless of the huge money it has cost, let the games continue eh ?

Well, we would just like a fair trial in the Senate - even if Trump* is acquitted.
A fair trial is impossible. Even if McConnell let Pelosi have all the witnesses she wants, and even if McConnell never spoke to trump's legal team ever again, it still wouldnt be a fair trial. The reason for this is because democrats have already made up their minds. They are chomping at the bit to vote to remove trump.

A fair trial would only be possible if both sides were completely impartial, which neither side is impartial.
Then let all witnesses testify including the pos trump
Also, if you say all witnesses, then you include the witnesses the repubs want as well, right?
I say bring them all on Guiliani first and let him know a lie gets him time...then Trump
Good luck with that, Sluggo!
Well, we would just like a fair trial in the Senate - even if Trump* is acquitted.
A fair trial is impossible. Even if McConnell let Pelosi have all the witnesses she wants, and even if McConnell never spoke to trump's legal team ever again, it still wouldnt be a fair trial. The reason for this is because democrats have already made up their minds. They are chomping at the bit to vote to remove trump.

A fair trial would only be possible if both sides were completely impartial, which neither side is impartial.
Then let all witnesses testify including the pos trump
Also, if you say all witnesses, then you include the witnesses the repubs want as well, right?
I say bring them all on Guiliani first and let him know a lie gets him time...then Trump
Good luck with that, Sluggo!
We know bluz that ain't happening It would bury those lying crooks
Trump's* SOTU speech could take place during his Senate impeachment trial. Speaker Pelosi may be planning it that way. Go Nancy!
How Justice John Roberts might oversee the Senate impeachment trial

I'm no expert, but I've heard that it will partly depend on how "involved" and "forceful" Justice Roberts wishes to be. In other words - he apparently has "flexibility". We are all in the dark - because there has never been such a serious/grave impeachment trial in U.S. history. I seriously doubt that Justice Roberts would allow McConnell to run a sham/rigged trial. Justice Roberts also cares about his legacy - and he knows this will be a "major" part of it - if not the most "major". No one benefits from an unfair trial. No one! The following link is very informative.

How John Roberts might oversee a Senate impeachment trial - CNNPolitics

Yeah, it really sucks that those democrats are all guaranteed to vote for conviction. No impartiality there.
The Republicans held up the Garland nomination for nearly a year.

Pelosi can take all the time she needs. Let the orange turd twist in the wind for a while.

I agree!
More words of proof that it's all politics, politically motivated, and a waste of American taxpayers dime. Y'all like playing games don't ya ? Regardless of the huge money it has cost, let the games continue eh ?

Well, we would just like a fair trial in the Senate - even if Trump* is acquitted.
A fair trial is impossible. Even if McConnell let Pelosi have all the witnesses she wants, and even if McConnell never spoke to trump's legal team ever again, it still wouldnt be a fair trial. The reason for this is because democrats have already made up their minds. They are chomping at the bit to vote to remove trump.

A fair trial would only be possible if both sides were completely impartial, which neither side is impartial.
Then let all witnesses testify including the pos trump

And the WB. We need to know who talked about a private call between the president and a foreign leader.
Pelosi wants to know what the verdict will be, and why so, before she will start the trial. She has none of those privledges so is refusing to allow the impeachment to proceed.
She didn't want it to proceed. She just threw the rabid mob a bone. Now her back is against the wall.
"Sen. Ron Johnson says charges against Pres. Trump are "pretty thin gruel" and Speaker Nancy Pelosi's decision to withhold the articles of impeachment is "bizarre." "They had to rush to this impeachment vote and then all of a sudden she's sitting on it.""
johnson is the horses ass
Pelosi is a goddamn horse's ass!
Maybe but she sure has the prick Trump dancing to her tune
Yep, you definitely ARE related to Senator Ron Johnson. Congratulations!
Sorry I'm Jewish Republicans hate Jews

You need to meet real people, not cartoons.
A 2 million dollar fine for ripping off his charity that he didn't put a nickle of his own money into , a 25 million fine for his Trump U bullshit ,married 3 times cheating on all ,, Isn't that enough for people to avoid the garbage?,

You'll really lose it if he gets re-elected.
Absolutely correct that Trump has merely been accused. The senate decides if he’s impeached
25 million for fraud in Trump U and 2 million for fraud with his bs charity and you assholes still kiss the crooks ass???
The past crooks opened the door, and taught everybody well didn't they ? The Dems haven't a leg to stand on when it comes to calling someone else a crook or crooks.

You ain't use to it yet ? Trust the government or it's officials totally ? Rotflmbo.

How's about just making sure that at the least they do the jobs they were hired to do, is that to much to ask ? Trump so far is doing what he said he would do, yet the ones hindering him are the demoncrats for power and political purposes. Everyone sees it and knows it.
A 2 million dollar fine for ripping off his charity that he didn't put a nickle of his own money into , a 25 million fine for his Trump U bullshit ,married 3 times cheating on all ,, Isn't that enough for people to avoid the garbage?,

You'll really lose it if he gets re-elected.
I didn't when you ah's elected GWB I won't now.... I can make it no matter which repub ah's you elect

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