Will Speaker Pelosi withhold articles of impeachment from Senate until guaranteed a fair trial?

Trump's* SOTU speech could take place during his Senate impeachment trial. Speaker Pelosi may be planning it that way. Go Nancy!
You generally keep a corrupt thinking mind when it comes to politics ? Talk of setting someone up like that is corrupt thinking, and a corrupt mind. It's no wonder people don't trust Democrats.
Trump's* SOTU speech could take place during his Senate impeachment trial. Speaker Pelosi may be planning it that way. Go Nancy!
You generally keep a corrupt thinking mind when it comes to politics ? Talk of setting someone up like that is corrupt thinking, and a corrupt mind. It's no wonder people don't trust Democrats.
You support the most corrupt the biggest scumbag EVER to step into our WH Live with it traitor
Trump's* SOTU speech could take place during his Senate impeachment trial. Speaker Pelosi may be planning it that way. Go Nancy!
You generally keep a corrupt thinking mind when it comes to politics ? Talk of setting someone up like that is corrupt thinking, and a corrupt mind. It's no wonder people don't trust Democrats.
You support the most corrupt the biggest scumbag EVER to step into our WH Live with it traitor
He-he, you're killing me, Eddie! Please stop the hilarity and insanity! On second thought, keep it up. Your comedy routine is fabulous tonight!
Trump's* SOTU speech could take place during his Senate impeachment trial. Speaker Pelosi may be planning it that way. Go Nancy!
You generally keep a corrupt thinking mind when it comes to politics ? Talk of setting someone up like that is corrupt thinking, and a corrupt mind. It's no wonder people don't trust Democrats.
You support the most corrupt the biggest scumbag EVER to step into our WH Live with it traitor
He-he, you're killing me, Eddie! Please stop the hilarity and insanity! On second thought, keep it up. Your comedy routine is fabulous tonight!
Almost sack time Maybe tomorrow after I hear more of trumps tweets
Trump's* SOTU speech could take place during his Senate impeachment trial. Speaker Pelosi may be planning it that way. Go Nancy!
You generally keep a corrupt thinking mind when it comes to politics ? Talk of setting someone up like that is corrupt thinking, and a corrupt mind. It's no wonder people don't trust Democrats.
You support the most corrupt the biggest scumbag EVER to step into our WH Live with it traitor
He-he, you're killing me, Eddie! Please stop the hilarity and insanity! On second thought, keep it up. Your comedy routine is fabulous tonight!
Almost sack time Maybe tomorrow after I hear more of trumps tweets
Yeah go dream about it, and then read those tweets tommorow.. TDS is real.
Speaker Pelosi refused to answer that question a few minutes ago.

Its because she is inebriated...

She doesn't drink alcohol. Stop lying.

Speaker Pelosi doesn't drink alcohol

I heard she's high on Jesus. She prays for Trump every day and doesn't hate anyone on earth.

Well, that is apparently true. She's a devout Catholic. Do you have a problem with that?
Dumbfucking conservative...

Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.

The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.

You rightarded freaks have proved to be insanely ignorant and misguided. <smh>

Unless, and until, the House delivers their charges to the Senate to try, there is no impeachment ya fucking moron.:5_1_12024::5_1_12024::5_1_12024:

Credible proof?
Go read the Constitution for the first time, Troll.
Why? You already proved YOU don't understand the Constitution.

It states the House has sole power of Impeachment...

The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.

... and the Constitution states the House makes up it's own rules ...

Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.

... and the House rules state an individual is impeached when the articles of impeachment are adopted by the House...

That happened on 12.18.2019 yet here you are, moronically claiming none of that is true.

You know, I used to be of that thought as well, that impeachment happened as soon as the house adopted the resolution. However, lately it has me wondering, because that school of thought comes with some complications.

We've already established that the house has power to impeach, and the senate has power to try. We have also established that each body makes it's own rules, and one body cannot dictate to the other how they are to conduct their business.

Now, the complication comes in that, if pelosi holds the articles, she is basically dictating to the senate that they cannot begin the trial, which is solely in their pervue to do. She is interfering with the duties of the senate.

I've not seen anywhere where it states that the senate has to wait for the house to physically transmit the articles before the trial begins. If it IS written somewhere, then where is it written? Is that a house rule? If it is, then it doesnt matter because the house cannot dictate rules to the senate. If it's a senate rule, then its viable.

Since the senate cant, or wont, start the trial without the articles, this leads to two conclusions:

1: the transmission of the articles to the senate is irrelevant, and the senate can just start the trial any time they want, and basically just tell the house "X is the start date, have your people ready"


2: the impeachment process isnt complete until the house actually transmits the articles, whereby the senate can start on their constitutional duty.
The reality here is that weather or not the process to declare the president impeached is legally complete is essentially a moot point. The house vote will be in the history books either way.

Pelosi is not really putting herself and her party in a good place IMHO with this move though considering that the narrative of a 'crime in progress' and therefore they could not go through the courts goes over as bullshit when she is just holding up the process without a real point. McConnell has already made it clear he wants a fast trial - there is nothing faster than simply not having it. The longer this drags on the less the public is going to care as well.
A 2 million dollar fine for ripping off his charity that he didn't put a nickle of his own money into , a 25 million fine for his Trump U bullshit ,married 3 times cheating on all ,, Isn't that enough for people to avoid the garbage?,

You'll really lose it if he gets re-elected.
I didn't when you ah's elected GWB I won't now.... I can make it no matter which repub ah's you elect

I don't think you're holding it together as well as you believe you are.
A 2 million dollar fine for ripping off his charity that he didn't put a nickle of his own money into , a 25 million fine for his Trump U bullshit ,married 3 times cheating on all ,, Isn't that enough for people to avoid the garbage?,

You'll really lose it if he gets re-elected.
I didn't when you ah's elected GWB I won't now.... I can make it no matter which repub ah's you elect

I don't think you're holding it together as well as you believe you are.
Why is that hadit? Because I detest the obvious idiot in our WH ,because I think only stupid people accept him as a representative of the greatest country in the world?? and btw we were the greatest ,way before Trump came on the scene ,way before he ripped off his first business, his first employee
A 2 million dollar fine for ripping off his charity that he didn't put a nickle of his own money into , a 25 million fine for his Trump U bullshit ,married 3 times cheating on all ,, Isn't that enough for people to avoid the garbage?,

You'll really lose it if he gets re-elected.
I didn't when you ah's elected GWB I won't now.... I can make it no matter which repub ah's you elect

I don't think you're holding it together as well as you believe you are.
Why is that hadit? Because I detest the obvious idiot in our WH ,because I think only stupid people accept him as a representative of the greatest country in the world?? and btw we were the greatest ,way before Trump came on the scene ,way before he ripped off his first business, his first employee
Talking points, that's all you have is talking points that mean absolutely nothing. How you can hate this president any worse than all the corruption found in a vast number of government officials that came before him is laughable. Quit being so obvious as a political hack here, because it's really laughable knowing how Washington has been operating for so long now. It's nothing but power struggles going on, and nothing more. The American voter can only hope to be represented through it all, and Trump is at least doing that much for the voters, but the agenda of the crats far outweighs the will of the American electorate, and so the crats could care less about the dinner table issues of the American voter's. They waste taxpayers money worse than any one, but somehow that's A-ok with the crat voter. LOL You can't make this stuff up.
A 2 million dollar fine for ripping off his charity that he didn't put a nickle of his own money into , a 25 million fine for his Trump U bullshit ,married 3 times cheating on all ,, Isn't that enough for people to avoid the garbage?,

You'll really lose it if he gets re-elected.
I didn't when you ah's elected GWB I won't now.... I can make it no matter which repub ah's you elect

I don't think you're holding it together as well as you believe you are.
Why is that hadit? Because I detest the obvious idiot in our WH ,because I think only stupid people accept him as a representative of the greatest country in the world?? and btw we were the greatest ,way before Trump came on the scene ,way before he ripped off his first business, his first employee
Talking points, that's all you have is talking points that mean absolutely nothing. How you can hate this president any worse than all the corruption found in a vast number of government officials that came before him is laughable. Quit being so obvious as a political hack here, because it's really laughable knowing how Washington has been operating for so long now. It's nothing but power struggles going on, and nothing more. The American voter can only hope to be represented through it all, and Trump is at least doing that much for the voters, but the agenda of the crats far outweighs the will of the American electorate, and so the crats could care less about the dinner table issues of the American voter's. They waste taxpayers money worse than any one, but somehow that's A-ok with the crat voter. LOL You can't make this stuff up.
See beagle even as a child I knew when someones hiding things from you there is a reason ,Afraid to let others know you've done something wrong Like the moron hiding tax returns or forbidding others under subpoena to testify I'd call that obstruction What do you call it ?? Trump trying to save his butt??
See Beagle
A 2 million dollar fine for ripping off his charity that he didn't put a nickle of his own money into , a 25 million fine for his Trump U bullshit ,married 3 times cheating on all ,, Isn't that enough for people to avoid the garbage?,

You'll really lose it if he gets re-elected.
I didn't when you ah's elected GWB I won't now.... I can make it no matter which repub ah's you elect

I don't think you're holding it together as well as you believe you are.
Why is that hadit? Because I detest the obvious idiot in our WH ,because I think only stupid people accept him as a representative of the greatest country in the world?? and btw we were the greatest ,way before Trump came on the scene ,way before he ripped off his first business, his first employee

You're obviously very angry and outraged. And we still are the greatest.
A 2 million dollar fine for ripping off his charity that he didn't put a nickle of his own money into , a 25 million fine for his Trump U bullshit ,married 3 times cheating on all ,, Isn't that enough for people to avoid the garbage?,

You'll really lose it if he gets re-elected.
I didn't when you ah's elected GWB I won't now.... I can make it no matter which repub ah's you elect

I don't think you're holding it together as well as you believe you are.
Why is that hadit? Because I detest the obvious idiot in our WH ,because I think only stupid people accept him as a representative of the greatest country in the world?? and btw we were the greatest ,way before Trump came on the scene ,way before he ripped off his first business, his first employee

You're obviously very angry and outraged. And we still are the greatest.
Still the greatest is right on ,,,Angry ,outraged Yes, must admit I am but I have my moments when I can put it aside
You guys really think he's worried ?
Yes, of course. But you have to take into account his mental illness. Any slight to his image and reputation is as serious to him as if you punched his son Barron in the throat. So yes, he is worried what dirt will come out. He is worried that his money laundering will be exposed. He is worried about what Bolton will say, regardless of the outcome of the trial.
Talking points, that's all you have is talking points that mean absolutely nothing.
Which a republican majority in the Senate and the special protections afforded a sitting president allow you to say. Any other American citizen would be indicted in short order.
You guys really think he's worried ?
Yes, of course. But you have to take into account his mental illness. Any slight to his image and reputation is as serious to him as if you punched his son Barron in the throat. So yes, he is worried what dirt will come out. He is worried that his money laundering will be exposed. He is worried about what Bolton will say, regardless of the outcome of the trial.
And Pelosi is playing inside the schmucks head
You'll really lose it if he gets re-elected.
I didn't when you ah's elected GWB I won't now.... I can make it no matter which repub ah's you elect

I don't think you're holding it together as well as you believe you are.
Why is that hadit? Because I detest the obvious idiot in our WH ,because I think only stupid people accept him as a representative of the greatest country in the world?? and btw we were the greatest ,way before Trump came on the scene ,way before he ripped off his first business, his first employee
Talking points, that's all you have is talking points that mean absolutely nothing. How you can hate this president any worse than all the corruption found in a vast number of government officials that came before him is laughable. Quit being so obvious as a political hack here, because it's really laughable knowing how Washington has been operating for so long now. It's nothing but power struggles going on, and nothing more. The American voter can only hope to be represented through it all, and Trump is at least doing that much for the voters, but the agenda of the crats far outweighs the will of the American electorate, and so the crats could care less about the dinner table issues of the American voter's. They waste taxpayers money worse than any one, but somehow that's A-ok with the crat voter. LOL You can't make this stuff up.
See beagle even as a child I knew when someones hiding things from you there is a reason ,Afraid to let others know you've done something wrong Like the moron hiding tax returns or forbidding others under subpoena to testify I'd call that obstruction What do you call it ?? Trump trying to save his butt??
See Beagle
Digging dirt up for political reasons not related to the current daily operations of the presidency, and doing so in order to try and affect the outcomes of elections is one of the dirtiest tricks in the books, and it's gonna be tough trying to find that perfect person who can run the country now for you. It's all out war, and the American people will be the biggest losers in the end. That however don't matter to the Democrats, because they'd just assume burn this baby to the ground in order to get there way now. Talk about a bunch of snivelling spoiled rotten petulant cry babies in adult clothing today. Good grief.

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