Will Speaker Pelosi withhold articles of impeachment from Senate until guaranteed a fair trial?

Talking points, that's all you have is talking points that mean absolutely nothing.
Which a republican majority in the Senate and the special protections afforded a sitting president allow you to say. Any other American citizen would be indicted in short order.
Yeah just like all the Democrats that have been protected as well eh ? Any average American would be jailed for not even a smidgen of what these politicians have done over the years, but that's water under the bridge now. So attempt to start the clean up with Trump eh ? You people slay me. LOL

Oh if it were only for the right reasons, but the American people know better.
I didn't when you ah's elected GWB I won't now.... I can make it no matter which repub ah's you elect

I don't think you're holding it together as well as you believe you are.
Why is that hadit? Because I detest the obvious idiot in our WH ,because I think only stupid people accept him as a representative of the greatest country in the world?? and btw we were the greatest ,way before Trump came on the scene ,way before he ripped off his first business, his first employee
Talking points, that's all you have is talking points that mean absolutely nothing. How you can hate this president any worse than all the corruption found in a vast number of government officials that came before him is laughable. Quit being so obvious as a political hack here, because it's really laughable knowing how Washington has been operating for so long now. It's nothing but power struggles going on, and nothing more. The American voter can only hope to be represented through it all, and Trump is at least doing that much for the voters, but the agenda of the crats far outweighs the will of the American electorate, and so the crats could care less about the dinner table issues of the American voter's. They waste taxpayers money worse than any one, but somehow that's A-ok with the crat voter. LOL You can't make this stuff up.
See beagle even as a child I knew when someones hiding things from you there is a reason ,Afraid to let others know you've done something wrong Like the moron hiding tax returns or forbiddin beagle And it talks loudly Your ah in the WH is guilty so stop making bs excuses for himg others under subpoena to testify I'd call that obstruction What do you call it ?? Trump trying to save his butt??
See Beagle
Digging dirt up for political reasons not related to the current daily operations of the presidency, and doing so in order to try and affect the outcomes of elections is one of the dirtiest tricks in the books, and it's gonna be tough trying to find that perfect person who can run the country now for you. It's all out war, and the American people will be the biggest losers in the end. That however don't matter to the Democrats, because they'd just assume burn this baby to the ground in order to get there way now. Talk about a bunch of snivelling spoiled rotten petulant cry babies in adult clothing today. Good grief.
The constitution talks and talks loudly Your pos is guilty so stop making excuses for the garbage
You guys really think he's worried ?
Yes, of course. But you have to take into account his mental illness. Any slight to his image and reputation is as serious to him as if you punched his son Barron in the throat. So yes, he is worried what dirt will come out. He is worried that his money laundering will be exposed. He is worried about what Bolton will say, regardless of the outcome of the trial.
Had to attack his son Barron with a cheap shot eh ? You just can't control yourself can you ?
I don't think you're holding it together as well as you believe you are.
Why is that hadit? Because I detest the obvious idiot in our WH ,because I think only stupid people accept him as a representative of the greatest country in the world?? and btw we were the greatest ,way before Trump came on the scene ,way before he ripped off his first business, his first employee
Talking points, that's all you have is talking points that mean absolutely nothing. How you can hate this president any worse than all the corruption found in a vast number of government officials that came before him is laughable. Quit being so obvious as a political hack here, because it's really laughable knowing how Washington has been operating for so long now. It's nothing but power struggles going on, and nothing more. The American voter can only hope to be represented through it all, and Trump is at least doing that much for the voters, but the agenda of the crats far outweighs the will of the American electorate, and so the crats could care less about the dinner table issues of the American voter's. They waste taxpayers money worse than any one, but somehow that's A-ok with the crat voter. LOL You can't make this stuff up.
See beagle even as a child I knew when someones hiding things from you there is a reason ,Afraid to let others know you've done something wrong Like the moron hiding tax returns or forbiddin beagle And it talks loudly Your ah in the WH is guilty so stop making bs excuses for himg others under subpoena to testify I'd call that obstruction What do you call it ?? Trump trying to save his butt??
See Beagle
Digging dirt up for political reasons not related to the current daily operations of the presidency, and doing so in order to try and affect the outcomes of elections is one of the dirtiest tricks in the books, and it's gonna be tough trying to find that perfect person who can run the country now for you. It's all out war, and the American people will be the biggest losers in the end. That however don't matter to the Democrats, because they'd just assume burn this baby to the ground in order to get there way now. Talk about a bunch of snivelling spoiled rotten petulant cry babies in adult clothing today. Good grief.
The constitution talks and talks loudly Your pos is guilty so stop making excuses for the garbage
Whose constitution, the Democrats or Republican's ? Ain't there two or three constitutions now ? Just pick the one that suits you today, because tommorow it will change.
I don't think you're holding it together as well as you believe you are.
Why is that hadit? Because I detest the obvious idiot in our WH ,because I think only stupid people accept him as a representative of the greatest country in the world?? and btw we were the greatest ,way before Trump came on the scene ,way before he ripped off his first business, his first employee
Talking points, that's all you have is talking points that mean absolutely nothing. How you can hate this president any worse than all the corruption found in a vast number of government officials that came before him is laughable. Quit being so obvious as a political hack here, because it's really laughable knowing how Washington has been operating for so long now. It's nothing but power struggles going on, and nothing more. The American voter can only hope to be represented through it all, and Trump is at least doing that much for the voters, but the agenda of the crats far outweighs the will of the American electorate, and so the crats could care less about the dinner table issues of the American voter's. They waste taxpayers money worse than any one, but somehow that's A-ok with the crat voter. LOL You can't make this stuff up.
See beagle even as a child I knew when someones hiding things from you there is a reason ,Afraid to let others know you've done something wrong Like the moron hiding tax returns or forbiddin beagle And it talks loudly Your ah in the WH is guilty so stop making bs excuses for himg others under subpoena to testify I'd call that obstruction What do you call it ?? Trump trying to save his butt??
See Beagle
Digging dirt up for political reasons not related to the current daily operations of the presidency, and doing so in order to try and affect the outcomes of elections is one of the dirtiest tricks in the books, and it's gonna be tough trying to find that perfect person who can run the country now for you. It's all out war, and the American people will be the biggest losers in the end. That however don't matter to the Democrats, because they'd just assume burn this baby to the ground in order to get there way now. Talk about a bunch of snivelling spoiled rotten petulant cry babies in adult clothing today. Good grief.
The constitution talks and talks loudly Your pos is guilty so stop making excuses for the garbage

Guilty? We haven't even had a trial yet. You sound like all those guys insisting Hillary is guilty, no matter what.
Why is that hadit? Because I detest the obvious idiot in our WH ,because I think only stupid people accept him as a representative of the greatest country in the world?? and btw we were the greatest ,way before Trump came on the scene ,way before he ripped off his first business, his first employee
Talking points, that's all you have is talking points that mean absolutely nothing. How you can hate this president any worse than all the corruption found in a vast number of government officials that came before him is laughable. Quit being so obvious as a political hack here, because it's really laughable knowing how Washington has been operating for so long now. It's nothing but power struggles going on, and nothing more. The American voter can only hope to be represented through it all, and Trump is at least doing that much for the voters, but the agenda of the crats far outweighs the will of the American electorate, and so the crats could care less about the dinner table issues of the American voter's. They waste taxpayers money worse than any one, but somehow that's A-ok with the crat voter. LOL You can't make this stuff up.
See beagle even as a child I knew when someones hiding things from you there is a reason ,Afraid to let others know you've done something wrong Like the moron hiding tax returns or forbiddin beagle And it talks loudly Your ah in the WH is guilty so stop making bs excuses for himg others under subpoena to testify I'd call that obstruction What do you call it ?? Trump trying to save his butt??
See Beagle
Digging dirt up for political reasons not related to the current daily operations of the presidency, and doing so in order to try and affect the outcomes of elections is one of the dirtiest tricks in the books, and it's gonna be tough trying to find that perfect person who can run the country now for you. It's all out war, and the American people will be the biggest losers in the end. That however don't matter to the Democrats, because they'd just assume burn this baby to the ground in order to get there way now. Talk about a bunch of snivelling spoiled rotten petulant cry babies in adult clothing today. Good grief.
The constitution talks and talks loudly Your pos is guilty so stop making excuses for the garbage
Whose constitution, the Democrats or Republican's ? Ain't there two or three constitutions now ? Just pick the one that suits you today, because tommorow it will change.
So your republicans just change the wordage to suit their taste ? The MF is guilty Why TF can't you get that thru your heads?
Chief Justice John Roberts says Americans may 'take democracy for granted'

Washington (CNN) As the country faces unprecedented rancor between the branches of government in the midst of impeachment proceedings, Chief Justice John Roberts urged his fellow federal judges Tuesday to promote confidence in the judiciary and maintain the public's trust.

Americans, Roberts said, have in the modern era come to "take democracy for granted," and the chief justice lamented the fact that civic education has "fallen by the wayside."

"In our age, when social media can instantly spread rumor and false information on a grand scale, the public's need to understand our government, and the protections it provides, is ever more vital," Roberts wrote in his annual report on the state of the judiciary, issued each New Year's Eve.

Chief Justice John Roberts says Americans may 'take democracy for granted' - CNNPolitics

I am encouraged by his comments. The rest of this article is worth reading. It's not very long.
When will Speaker Pelosi send Articles of Impeachment to the Senate for trial? Apparently that is her choice if/when she sends them over for trial. It sounds like she is strategically waiting for feedback from McConnell about the rules/procedures - and FAIRNESS. If she thinks it's just going to be a sham trial - she may not send them over.

What do you think?
He'd lie anyways.
Well ,despite the fact there isn't any actual (ahem) PROOF Trump actually broke any salutatory laws,sure, lets impeach him. Why not? And until her majesty Pelosi turns in those articles,this meaningless.
Talking points, that's all you have is talking points that mean absolutely nothing. How you can hate this president any worse than all the corruption found in a vast number of government officials that came before him is laughable. Quit being so obvious as a political hack here, because it's really laughable knowing how Washington has been operating for so long now. It's nothing but power struggles going on, and nothing more. The American voter can only hope to be represented through it all, and Trump is at least doing that much for the voters, but the agenda of the crats far outweighs the will of the American electorate, and so the crats could care less about the dinner table issues of the American voter's. They waste taxpayers money worse than any one, but somehow that's A-ok with the crat voter. LOL You can't make this stuff up.
See beagle even as a child I knew when someones hiding things from you there is a reason ,Afraid to let others know you've done something wrong Like the moron hiding tax returns or forbiddin beagle And it talks loudly Your ah in the WH is guilty so stop making bs excuses for himg others under subpoena to testify I'd call that obstruction What do you call it ?? Trump trying to save his butt??
See Beagle
Digging dirt up for political reasons not related to the current daily operations of the presidency, and doing so in order to try and affect the outcomes of elections is one of the dirtiest tricks in the books, and it's gonna be tough trying to find that perfect person who can run the country now for you. It's all out war, and the American people will be the biggest losers in the end. That however don't matter to the Democrats, because they'd just assume burn this baby to the ground in order to get there way now. Talk about a bunch of snivelling spoiled rotten petulant cry babies in adult clothing today. Good grief.
The constitution talks and talks loudly Your pos is guilty so stop making excuses for the garbage
Whose constitution, the Democrats or Republican's ? Ain't there two or three constitutions now ? Just pick the one that suits you today, because tommorow it will change.
So your republicans just change the wordage to suit their taste ? The MF is guilty Why TF can't you get that thru your heads?
Oh it's just Republican's with you eh ? Why don't you get it through your head that politicians have been corrupt forever and a day now. It matters not who, but to what extent. Trump ain't perfect I'm sure, but there are way bigger fish out there than him, but somehow they are ignored by the extremist who are laser focused on what they want, and not what is best for this country as a whole. It's really sick.
See beagle even as a child I knew when someones hiding things from you there is a reason ,Afraid to let others know you've done something wrong Like the moron hiding tax returns or forbiddin beagle And it talks loudly Your ah in the WH is guilty so stop making bs excuses for himg others under subpoena to testify I'd call that obstruction What do you call it ?? Trump trying to save his butt??
See Beagle
Digging dirt up for political reasons not related to the current daily operations of the presidency, and doing so in order to try and affect the outcomes of elections is one of the dirtiest tricks in the books, and it's gonna be tough trying to find that perfect person who can run the country now for you. It's all out war, and the American people will be the biggest losers in the end. That however don't matter to the Democrats, because they'd just assume burn this baby to the ground in order to get there way now. Talk about a bunch of snivelling spoiled rotten petulant cry babies in adult clothing today. Good grief.
The constitution talks and talks loudly Your pos is guilty so stop making excuses for the garbage
Whose constitution, the Democrats or Republican's ? Ain't there two or three constitutions now ? Just pick the one that suits you today, because tommorow it will change.
So your republicans just change the wordage to suit their taste ? The MF is guilty Why TF can't you get that thru your heads?
Oh it's just Republican's with you eh ? Why don't you get it through your head that politicians have been corrupt forever and a day now. It matters not who, but to what extent. Trump ain't perfect I'm sure, but there are way bigger fish out there than him, but somehow they are ignored by the extremist who are laser focused on what they want, and not what is best for this country as a whole. It's really sick.
America has become a silent plutocracy. They don't care about gun owners rights, blacks, women or gays. They only care about the lowest common denominator and going with the flow...The deep state.
See beagle even as a child I knew when someones hiding things from you there is a reason ,Afraid to let others know you've done something wrong Like the moron hiding tax returns or forbiddin beagle And it talks loudly Your ah in the WH is guilty so stop making bs excuses for himg others under subpoena to testify I'd call that obstruction What do you call it ?? Trump trying to save his butt??
See Beagle
Digging dirt up for political reasons not related to the current daily operations of the presidency, and doing so in order to try and affect the outcomes of elections is one of the dirtiest tricks in the books, and it's gonna be tough trying to find that perfect person who can run the country now for you. It's all out war, and the American people will be the biggest losers in the end. That however don't matter to the Democrats, because they'd just assume burn this baby to the ground in order to get there way now. Talk about a bunch of snivelling spoiled rotten petulant cry babies in adult clothing today. Good grief.
The constitution talks and talks loudly Your pos is guilty so stop making excuses for the garbage
Whose constitution, the Democrats or Republican's ? Ain't there two or three constitutions now ? Just pick the one that suits you today, because tommorow it will change.
So your republicans just change the wordage to suit their taste ? The MF is guilty Why TF can't you get that thru your heads?
Oh it's just Republican's with you eh ? Why don't you get it through your head that politicians have been corrupt forever and a day now. It matters not who, but to what extent. Trump ain't perfect I'm sure, but there are way bigger fish out there than him, but somehow they are ignored by the extremist who are laser focused on what they want, and not what is best for this country as a whole. It's really sick.
What do Dems want ?? Is justice something you can't agree with? Your worms McConnell Guiliani Trump and others are laughing their asses off on what they're able to get away with I want justice I want trump to pay
Well, since the house didn't exactly have a fair hearing on this, what does Polosi expect? A "fair and balanced" lynching is a oxymoron.
You guys really think he's worried ?
Yes, of course. But you have to take into account his mental illness. Any slight to his image and reputation is as serious to him as if you punched his son Barron in the throat. So yes, he is worried what dirt will come out. He is worried that his money laundering will be exposed. He is worried about what Bolton will say, regardless of the outcome of the trial.

And you know this.....how ?

And you can spare us the left-wing "I know because I see all this stuff that fits some stupid narrative and the only conclusion (when ignoring about 200 others) that can be drawn is the one I presented.
Digging dirt up for political reasons not related to the current daily operations of the presidency, and doing so in order to try and affect the outcomes of elections is one of the dirtiest tricks in the books, and it's gonna be tough trying to find that perfect person who can run the country now for you. It's all out war, and the American people will be the biggest losers in the end. That however don't matter to the Democrats, because they'd just assume burn this baby to the ground in order to get there way now. Talk about a bunch of snivelling spoiled rotten petulant cry babies in adult clothing today. Good grief.
The constitution talks and talks loudly Your pos is guilty so stop making excuses for the garbage
Whose constitution, the Democrats or Republican's ? Ain't there two or three constitutions now ? Just pick the one that suits you today, because tommorow it will change.
So your republicans just change the wordage to suit their taste ? The MF is guilty Why TF can't you get that thru your heads?
Oh it's just Republican's with you eh ? Why don't you get it through your head that politicians have been corrupt forever and a day now. It matters not who, but to what extent. Trump ain't perfect I'm sure, but there are way bigger fish out there than him, but somehow they are ignored by the extremist who are laser focused on what they want, and not what is best for this country as a whole. It's really sick.
What do Dems want ?? Is justice something you can't agree with? Your worms McConnell Guiliani Trump and others are laughing their asses off on what they're able to get away with I want justice I want trump to pay

Justice ?

The left flushed that one several months ago when they started railroading the process.

You can forget that.

And YOUR justice isn't justice at all.
You guys really think he's worried ?
Yes, of course. But you have to take into account his mental illness. Any slight to his image and reputation is as serious to him as if you punched his son Barron in the throat. So yes, he is worried what dirt will come out. He is worried that his money laundering will be exposed. He is worried about what Bolton will say, regardless of the outcome of the trial.
And Pelosi is playing inside the schmucks head


She's become a real comedic focal point.

I laugh everytime I see her flapping her botox filled lips.
Talking points, that's all you have is talking points that mean absolutely nothing.
Which a republican majority in the Senate and the special protections afforded a sitting president allow you to say. Any other American citizen would be indicted in short order.

Not even close.

If there were a judge looking at this, he'd throw it out because there is no case.

Turley says there isn't enough evidence to impeach

Turley is no friend of the right.....but he's been around and is highly credible.

The other hacks are just that.

And, of course, the left went after him....in typical fashion.

Jonathan Turley says he had threats Trump impeachment hearing
Chief Justice John Roberts says Americans may 'take democracy for granted'

Washington (CNN) As the country faces unprecedented rancor between the branches of government in the midst of impeachment proceedings, Chief Justice John Roberts urged his fellow federal judges Tuesday to promote confidence in the judiciary and maintain the public's trust.

Americans, Roberts said, have in the modern era come to "take democracy for granted," and the chief justice lamented the fact that civic education has "fallen by the wayside."

"In our age, when social media can instantly spread rumor and false information on a grand scale, the public's need to understand our government, and the protections it provides, is ever more vital," Roberts wrote in his annual report on the state of the judiciary, issued each New Year's Eve.

Chief Justice John Roberts says Americans may 'take democracy for granted' - CNNPolitics

I am encouraged by his comments. The rest of this article is worth reading. It's not very long.

How ironic.

You are one of the biggest propagators of total bullshit and yet your are encouraged by Robert's statements.

How freaking funny.
I don't think you're holding it together as well as you believe you are.
Why is that hadit? Because I detest the obvious idiot in our WH ,because I think only stupid people accept him as a representative of the greatest country in the world?? and btw we were the greatest ,way before Trump came on the scene ,way before he ripped off his first business, his first employee
Talking points, that's all you have is talking points that mean absolutely nothing. How you can hate this president any worse than all the corruption found in a vast number of government officials that came before him is laughable. Quit being so obvious as a political hack here, because it's really laughable knowing how Washington has been operating for so long now. It's nothing but power struggles going on, and nothing more. The American voter can only hope to be represented through it all, and Trump is at least doing that much for the voters, but the agenda of the crats far outweighs the will of the American electorate, and so the crats could care less about the dinner table issues of the American voter's. They waste taxpayers money worse than any one, but somehow that's A-ok with the crat voter. LOL You can't make this stuff up.
See beagle even as a child I knew when someones hiding things from you there is a reason ,Afraid to let others know you've done something wrong Like the moron hiding tax returns or forbiddin beagle And it talks loudly Your ah in the WH is guilty so stop making bs excuses for himg others under subpoena to testify I'd call that obstruction What do you call it ?? Trump trying to save his butt??
See Beagle
Digging dirt up for political reasons not related to the current daily operations of the presidency, and doing so in order to try and affect the outcomes of elections is one of the dirtiest tricks in the books, and it's gonna be tough trying to find that perfect person who can run the country now for you. It's all out war, and the American people will be the biggest losers in the end. That however don't matter to the Democrats, because they'd just assume burn this baby to the ground in order to get there way now. Talk about a bunch of snivelling spoiled rotten petulant cry babies in adult clothing today. Good grief.
The constitution talks and talks loudly Your pos is guilty so stop making excuses for the garbage

Guilty of what ?

Count 1: Having he balls to beat the left and Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Count 2: Being obnoxious with this tweets.

Count 3: Doing his job.

Yes, he's guilty of that alright.
Chief Justice John Roberts says Americans may 'take democracy for granted'

Washington (CNN) As the country faces unprecedented rancor between the branches of government in the midst of impeachment proceedings, Chief Justice John Roberts urged his fellow federal judges Tuesday to promote confidence in the judiciary and maintain the public's trust.

Americans, Roberts said, have in the modern era come to "take democracy for granted," and the chief justice lamented the fact that civic education has "fallen by the wayside."

"In our age, when social media can instantly spread rumor and false information on a grand scale, the public's need to understand our government, and the protections it provides, is ever more vital," Roberts wrote in his annual report on the state of the judiciary, issued each New Year's Eve.

Chief Justice John Roberts says Americans may 'take democracy for granted' - CNNPolitics

I am encouraged by his comments. The rest of this article is worth reading. It's not very long.

I noticed you posted this over in the cartoons section:

Funny how women who don't vote the way you want are being asked about dignity and self respect. Not a question like....it's hard to understand how you voted for this guy....why don't you tell me why. Then you can present all your bullshit reasons why women should not vote for him and see what they say.

But noooooooooooooo...............

You already know they don't have dignity and self respect. And you like Roberts article.



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