Will the Democrats simply pass a law banning and confiscating all guns? No. BUT....


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
Will the Democrats simply pass a law banning and confiscating all guns? No.

But what WILL they do?

The same thing they've been doing for years already.

When some mass shooting or terrorist attack happens, they will announce that clearly we need "just a little more" regulation. They might even call it "common sense" restrictions. And they'll put in place a minor law or two, that restricts a few more law-abiding people.

And then when that has no effect, and some other horrific murder happens, they will announce, "Well, looks like we need to have just a few more common-sense restrictions." And the restrictions they put in place, again only go a little farther that what they did before. Doesn't seem like much.

They are doing this right now, of course. They have restricted just a few more gun sales to law-abiding people. And in the past they have restricted "just a few" types of guns from those law-abiding people. Doesn't seem like much.

And so they keep advancing just a few bits at a time. No one step ever seems like much, and indeed it isn't. But the gradual creep never stops.

And since none of the things the Democrats do ever work, never having the slightest effect on the spectacular murders they claim to oppose, there is always another horrific crime to let them put a few more restrictions in place.

Where does it stop?

Well, where the spectacular murders stop.

But the murders never stop, since the Democrats' schemes always fail. Without exception. Their constant efforts to put restrictions on law-abiding people, never have the slightest effect on people who don't obey laws - the spectacular murderers, mass shooters, and jihadis.

It's a pretty good racket for the Democrats. They can go on putting more and more restrictions on law-abiding people, always just a few at a time, secure in the knowledge that people will accept them after the shock of the latest mass shooting. And also knowing that in a few months or years they will be able to put more restrictions on them, after the next shooting their restrictions didn't prevent.

What DOES actually reduce or prevent mass shootings? I've already pointed them out:

1.) A complete ban on all civilian-owned guns, byt criminals and law-abiding alike, plus the massive police state needed to go house to house confiscating them, and a standing army of police to keep raiding houses month after month without end, checking for illegally imported or homemade guns. Yes, this WOULD effectively reduce mass shootings, if no law-abiding people had guns at all and even criminals had a very difficult time finding one due to the universal scarcity and constant police surveillance and searches.

2.) Repealing all so-called "gun control" laws, and letting all law-abiding adults own and carry guns if they want to. Most still won't bother carrying. But criminals planning anything from a mugging to a murder, would then know there was probably a few armed people in the crowd. There wouldn't be much chance for them to rack up the huge body counts they presently can before the police finally show up, or even getting away with that old lady's purse.

No other schemes have ever been shown to actually work, in reducing mass shootings and other horrific crimes.

Which scheme do you think is the goal of the Democrat who keep making just a few more regulations at a time? Not the second one, clearly.

Will the Democrats simply pass a law banning and confiscating all guns?


Not until that's just a very small advance over the regulations they put in place after the previous mass murder.
Their plan is not to ban guns but to institute a "violence tax" of like $1000 per gun per year. Then only the rich will be able to afford guns .
Hey lakhota. Re your sig - are injuns also offended by the billions in welfare white people give them each year.?
our government is going about gun control all wrong. All Congress needs to do is scare the entire country into believing Muslims can buy any gun they want to and shoot Republicans in the middle of the night.
Looks like the liberals don't want to touch this one with a ten-foot pole.

No responses except the usual frantic subject changes, smears against Republicans etc.

With the number of subjects they don't want to discuss, this might turn out to be the quietest Presidential campaign on record!

Looks like the liberals don't want to touch this one with a ten-foot pole.

No responses except the usual frantic subject changes, smears against Republicans etc.

With the number of subjects they don't want to discuss, this might turn out to be the quietest Presidential campaign on record!


why discuss your opinion based on speculation? Its been proven time and time again you're going to believe exactly what you want to believe, and all you want to do is argue. As a gun owner I'm not worried in the least, so the thread makes no difference to me.

argue with yourself ... continue
Just stay paranoid and hug your guns even tighter.

We will stay paranoid and hug our guns even tighter.

We will network with the Sinaloa Drug Cartel - I understand that they don't do background checks , do not oppose "assault" rifles nor high capacity magazines.

With the number of subjects they don't want to discuss, this might turn out to be the quietest Presidential campaign on record! :biggrin:
why discuss your opinion based on speculation? Its been proven time and time again you're going to believe exactly what you want to believe, and all you want to do is argue. As a gun owner I'm not worried in the least, so the thread makes no difference to me.
argue with yourself ... continue
TRANSLATION: It's YOUR fault I don't want to argue the issues.

our government is going about gun control all wrong. All Congress needs to do is scare the entire country into believing Muslims can buy any gun they want to and shoot Republicans in the middle of the night.



Just stay paranoid and hug your guns even tighter.

We will stay paranoid and hug our guns even tighter.

We will network with the Sinaloa Drug Cartel - I understand that they don't do background checks , do not oppose "assault" rifles nor high capacity magazines.


I have no problem with semi-auto assault rifles - except for the mindset of those who are attracted to them. As for high capacity magazines - I absolutely oppose them. I would prefer 5 - maybe 10 maximum.
Just stay paranoid and hug your guns even tighter.

We will stay paranoid and hug our guns even tighter.

We will network with the Sinaloa Drug Cartel - I understand that they don't do background checks , do not oppose "assault" rifles nor high capacity magazines.


I have no problem with semi-auto assault rifles - except for the mindset of those who are attracted to them. As for high capacity magazines - I absolutely oppose them. I would prefer 5 - maybe 10 maximum.


Just stay paranoid and hug your guns even tighter.

We will stay paranoid and hug our guns even tighter.

We will network with the Sinaloa Drug Cartel - I understand that they don't do background checks , do not oppose "assault" rifles nor high capacity magazines.


I have no problem with semi-auto assault rifles - except for the mindset of those who are attracted to them. As for high capacity magazines - I absolutely oppose them. I would prefer 5 - maybe 10 maximum.



What if that was illegal? Try that with two fives. You're simply proving that you aren't a responsible gun owner.
Democrats, up to and including Obama, are STILL talking about "just a few more reasonable regulations".

Just as I (and many others) have predicted.

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