Will the GOP bifurcate formally? Should it?

~~~~~~~~Republican Party~~~~~~~~

Let this be a warning in spades, Trump is dragging your party through the pig farm slug pit. Please hold your nose, don’t breathe or open your eyes cause you be in the disgusted land of ooze.

If you don’t save your party from this blogger-but you will not only lose what integrity you have but every seat in Congress.

No pleas, do open your eyes so you know where to jump off of that hay ride. What you don't get is that it was republicans who put trump where he is to do exactly what he is doing.
~~~~~~~~Republican Party~~~~~~~~

Let this be a warning in spades, Trump is dragging your party through the pig farm slug pit. Please hold your nose, don’t breathe or open your eyes cause you be in the disgusted land of ooze.

If you don’t save your party from this blogger-but you will not only lose what integrity you have but every seat in Congress.

No pleas, do open your eyes so you know where to jump off of that hay ride. What you don't get is that it was republicans who put trump where he is to do exactly what he is doing.
dude, they still don't get it. trump is not the savior, his agenda is. His pursuit in taking down DC is the entire point.
The item that worries me is that so many Americans are ready to let America go to another form of government, A form that requires no thought, just do as told.
At one time I would have thought maybe a few thousand Americans are ready for another type of government, but maybe people tire of the same government over time? Has our Republic gotten tired of having to think and act?
The item that worries me is that so many Americans are ready to let America go to another form of government, A form that requires no thought, just do as told.
At one time I would have thought maybe a few thousand Americans are ready for another type of government, but maybe people tire of the same government over time? Has our Republic gotten tired of having to think and act?
I don't believe this. I believe the trump presidency is the step to correction of an abandon people by its own government. more and more is coming out now due to trump. what a bunch of traitorist politicians, being bought by lobbyists. I mean, I knew there were lobbyists, I just didn't know they were working toward elimination of my constitution. whoa, bubba.
My hope is that enough Republican senators walk away to make a difference, and that the crazy Bannon wing of the party puts up insane candidates like Judge Roy Moore and the people actually say NAW GUESS NOT and elect the democrat, turning the senate democrats again into the majority.
I don't expect that to happen, but it's still my wild and crazy dream.
there are plenty on both sides that need to go for a walk and find another line of work.
My hope is that enough Republican senators walk away to make a difference, and that the crazy Bannon wing of the party puts up insane candidates like Judge Roy Moore and the people actually say NAW GUESS NOT and elect the democrat, turning the senate democrats again into the majority.
I don't expect that to happen, but it's still my wild and crazy dream.
there are plenty on both sides that need to go for a walk and find another line of work.
a dangled dollar in front of these evil peoples faces and this is what we have.
It's great that GOP now has a wing that's tired of losing for a change.

Losing with dignity? Nah...
Gradually, we see GOP leaders attesting to their inability to forbear further the turpitude manifest in the current GOP president and other key figures in the party. That some -- Flake, McCain, Corker, and others -- have said "enough with the BS and depravity" is heartening to those of us for whom a public servant's character matters above all else.

Another member wrote:
I've never known politicians to be principled enough to fall on the sword "for the good of the country"...

Nobody alive today has seen such a thing actually happen, it has happened. Look back at the emergence of third parties in the country's past. They didn't endure, but they effected what needed to happen before they disappeared. That's about the situation in which we find ourselves now.

How viable do you think be the prospect of formal splitting of the GOP into two parties -- one comprised of Trump and his supporters and another comprised of moderate/centrist Republicans, perhaps supplemented with some Independents and conservative/progressive Democrats?

I know I could see myself (currently I'm an independent) potentially joining such a party if it espouses a mix of conservative and progressive ideas. What I know right now is that neither the GOP with Trump and his Trumpkins in it is unacceptable and I'm not liberal enough overall to be a Democrat. For me, however, it really comes down to character and integrity. I can put up with a pretty wide variety of policies, but I just cannot and will not willfully align myself with outright liars...of people like that, I don't care policies they want to advance...for me, such folk have no place in public life, least of all in high public office, elected or appointed.

How much do you love your political elite that cheated the stronger candidate out of winning the Primaries?

They chose to risk losing rather than let an outsider win.

They lost rather than let the dem voters have their choice.

Maybe YOU guys should split.

If you split first, we will right after you, I PROMISE.
After Clinton and her cronies are all locked up and all 435 seats of the
House belong to the GOP along with 60 Senate seats...

The sun will shine once more on America.

In other words a banner republican dictatorship . Tell us how much you love and respect America and theConstitution

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You were perfectly fine with the Soros dictatorship before....
After Clinton and her cronies are all locked up and all 435 seats of the
House belong to the GOP along with 60 Senate seats...

The sun will shine once more on America.

In other words a banner republican dictatorship . Tell us how much you love and respect America and theConstitution

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Ya Buddy.

It's about time the Majority leads this country again...instead of

You mean the majority that voted for Clinton?

I'm assuming you are referencing the majority as being California.
She won California by 4.5 million votes, and the election by 2.8
million votes. She was down 1.7 million to the Donald in the other
49 states.

States, for your future knowledge, is how we decide elections in this
country...since it's founding. The state scoreboard read 30-20 DJT.
Electoral College read 304-227.

You couldn't even relocate enough of them to get a win.

A number of those states were won by razor thin margins, with the majority voting for left wing candidates.

Your assumption is that the majority of voters are conservative and that would be false.

You need to do your homework better.

It is true that the Donald won 3 states by a total of 100,000 votes.
What you do not know or maybe the DNC will not allow you to
say is...HRC won 3 states by only 78,000 votes.

Thus...The Donald was a lot closer to winning 33 states than HRC
was to winning 23.

Sorry to ruin your day. Perhaps you could go burn something or
maybe loot a store.
The item that worries me is that so many Americans are ready to let America go to another form of government, A form that requires no thought, just do as told.
At one time I would have thought maybe a few thousand Americans are ready for another type of government, but maybe people tire of the same government over time? Has our Republic gotten tired of having to think and act?

Ready? I submit that most folks have already acquiesced to that happening. For example, I bid you ask the people who you've heard discuss the recent indictments handed down in the "Russia" matter whether they've bothered to read the indictment documents. If most folks with whom you chat about it are like most folks I've heard chatting about it and in turn asked them whether they have read the documents, they will not have read them.

Seriously. How can one have much of merit to say about a matter, any matter, when one isn't well informed about it? By what sophistry do people maintain that their remarks about a matter of which they know little deserve to be treated as though they merit being heard, given credence and responded to? By all means, think whatever one wants, but if one doesn't know the subject well, one really needs to keep mum and leave the discussion to folks who do know well what they're talking about.

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