Will the left turn violent now?

Will the left turn even more violent?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 44 91.7%
  • No.

    Votes: 4 8.3%

  • Total voters
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Do you believe in democracy?

In Democracy yes

In insanity no.


Let's try this.

Would you say twelve states getting to decide who is the president out of 50 states is democracy or not?

Look....all I can tell you from my heart is.....I Love President Trump and all Patriots out there ...love Q too :2up:

That's all that matters....and I am not alone in this!


Well, here's the problem. You're using your "heart" rather than your brain. Doesn't that worry you?

Should I give examples of where nationalism has failed massively?

Argentina. The military Junta invaded the Falkland Islands in order to hide the fact that the economy was shot to hell. They lost, they got kicked out.

Serbia, Milosevic started multiple wars, which they lost, and caused massive damage among neighbors.

Nazi Germany. Lost.

Franco's Spain, he kept them in poverty the whole time he was in power. It took them another 20 years to get to a decent-ish level of an economy, but one which still is so dependent on tourism they struggle when their neighbors' economies go down. So many Spanish people have to leave Spain in order to find a job.

Germany 1990. The East and West reunited. The CDU's "It'll all be amazing" or the SPD's "It'll be a tough road." They voted for the amazing path and they got the tough road they weren't prepared for because the CDU didn't bother preparing for it.

Should I go on?

Nobody does better when they make up a fantasy world rather than using your brain to actually deal with the situation.

America will not be great again, if America decides that intelligence is a bad thing.

In retrospect, Milosevic had the right idea. Too bad Bill Clinton stopped him.
Islam Must Be Destroyed, Like All the Other Pagan Death Cults Were

In the last century, the prescient Serbs were always on future's side: against Royalism, against Naziism, against Stalinism, and against Islam.

Bosnia was a gateway to Nazislami mass murder and still is. Blaming Clinton's side alone is a paid political announcement.
GOP voters live on a planet of total BS that I fight every day. Do you disagree? Of course when you attack me I think you're one of them d u h...
Yes, I believe they essentially exist in an alternate reality in many ways.

And I believe the Regressive Left has its own set of terribly counter-productive behaviors.

Both of my eyes are open. You're lost in your ideology.
I am lost in reality. No one outside the GOP Bubble of BS agrees with their alternative facts in the whole world. Spare me the mealy-mouthed BS. The GOP is a disgrace and a disaster, 4 35 years now. Very happy to to hear you vote Democrat. Now cut the crap. People like you gave us this mess.
I absolutely believe that you absolutely believe that.

Now, go back to attacking and insulting anyone who dares to disagree with you.

That really is working out just great.
I am always fact checking them. I have been on political message boards for 11 years now and have never seen anyone change sides even when proved wrong on the facts a million X. Actually one person changed sides and I did it thank you very much LOL. What I posted the demise of the middle class the last 35 years with facts. Are you a troll seriously cut the crap Mister make peace with lying or hateful duped sacks of s***....
Yeah, you're really doing great, thanks loads.
Screw off, mealy-mouthed troll.
Yes, I believe they essentially exist in an alternate reality in many ways.

And I believe the Regressive Left has its own set of terribly counter-productive behaviors.

Both of my eyes are open. You're lost in your ideology.
I am lost in reality. No one outside the GOP Bubble of BS agrees with their alternative facts in the whole world. Spare me the mealy-mouthed BS. The GOP is a disgrace and a disaster, 4 35 years now. Very happy to to hear you vote Democrat. Now cut the crap. People like you gave us this mess.
I absolutely believe that you absolutely believe that.

Now, go back to attacking and insulting anyone who dares to disagree with you.

That really is working out just great.
I insult their alternative facts and the FACT that they are dupes of the worst propaganda machine in our history. I don't call them idiots unemployed gay welfare rats or or anything else like they do. Those are personal insults, dupe is a political one and the most important political fact and disgrace of our time, 30 years now of total GOP crap.
You call people names here all the time, you attack them personally all the time.

Maybe you don't even realize it, who knows.

Enjoy this Supreme Court pick. People like you played a role in it.
You are the mealy-mouthed twit type who divided the Democratic Party...
You literally can't help yourself.

This appears to be how you communicate: All over-the-top hyperbole and attacks.

Just like Trump.
In Democracy yes

In insanity no.


Let's try this.

Would you say twelve states getting to decide who is the president out of 50 states is democracy or not?

Look....all I can tell you from my heart is.....I Love President Trump and all Patriots out there ...love Q too :2up:

That's all that matters....and I am not alone in this!


Well, here's the problem. You're using your "heart" rather than your brain. Doesn't that worry you?

Should I give examples of where nationalism has failed massively?

Argentina. The military Junta invaded the Falkland Islands in order to hide the fact that the economy was shot to hell. They lost, they got kicked out.

Serbia, Milosevic started multiple wars, which they lost, and caused massive damage among neighbors.

Nazi Germany. Lost.

Franco's Spain, he kept them in poverty the whole time he was in power. It took them another 20 years to get to a decent-ish level of an economy, but one which still is so dependent on tourism they struggle when their neighbors' economies go down. So many Spanish people have to leave Spain in order to find a job.

Germany 1990. The East and West reunited. The CDU's "It'll all be amazing" or the SPD's "It'll be a tough road." They voted for the amazing path and they got the tough road they weren't prepared for because the CDU didn't bother preparing for it.

Should I go on?

Nobody does better when they make up a fantasy world rather than using your brain to actually deal with the situation.

America will not be great again, if America decides that intelligence is a bad thing.

In retrospect, Milosevic had the right idea. Too bad Bill Clinton stopped him.
Islam Must Be Destroyed, Like All the Other Pagan Death Cults Were

In the last century, the prescient Serbs were always on future's side: against Royalism, against Naziism, against Stalinism, and against Islam.

Bosnia was a gateway to Nazislami mass murder and still is. Blaming Clinton's side alone is a paid political announcement.
Many thanks to racist bigot serbs 4 World War 1... And genocide post Cold War.
I am lost in reality. No one outside the GOP Bubble of BS agrees with their alternative facts in the whole world. Spare me the mealy-mouthed BS. The GOP is a disgrace and a disaster, 4 35 years now. Very happy to to hear you vote Democrat. Now cut the crap. People like you gave us this mess.
I absolutely believe that you absolutely believe that.

Now, go back to attacking and insulting anyone who dares to disagree with you.

That really is working out just great.
I insult their alternative facts and the FACT that they are dupes of the worst propaganda machine in our history. I don't call them idiots unemployed gay welfare rats or or anything else like they do. Those are personal insults, dupe is a political one and the most important political fact and disgrace of our time, 30 years now of total GOP crap.
You call people names here all the time, you attack them personally all the time.

Maybe you don't even realize it, who knows.

Enjoy this Supreme Court pick. People like you played a role in it.
You are the mealy-mouthed twit type who divided the Democratic Party...
You literally can't help yourself.

This appears to be how you communicate: All over-the-top hyperbole and attacks.

Just like Trump.
Screw off troll.
I am lost in reality. No one outside the GOP Bubble of BS agrees with their alternative facts in the whole world. Spare me the mealy-mouthed BS. The GOP is a disgrace and a disaster, 4 35 years now. Very happy to to hear you vote Democrat. Now cut the crap. People like you gave us this mess.
I absolutely believe that you absolutely believe that.

Now, go back to attacking and insulting anyone who dares to disagree with you.

That really is working out just great.
I insult their alternative facts and the FACT that they are dupes of the worst propaganda machine in our history. I don't call them idiots unemployed gay welfare rats or or anything else like they do. Those are personal insults, dupe is a political one and the most important political fact and disgrace of our time, 30 years now of total GOP crap.
You call people names here all the time, you attack them personally all the time.

Maybe you don't even realize it, who knows.

Enjoy this Supreme Court pick. People like you played a role in it.
You are the mealy-mouthed twit type who divided the Democratic Party...
You literally can't help yourself.

This appears to be how you communicate: All over-the-top hyperbole and attacks.

Just like Trump.
Difference being I am not lying, troll.
Let's face it. Trump has predictably continued his winning for America without remorse. In the past few weeks he has won so much that a record amount of Americans have gotten tired. This all while the leftists have made themselves look like fools as the IG report has been released, for example.

The left already tried assassinating their opponents once. With no other options left, will they attempt to ramp up the violence again?
The right will obviously continue to lie – this thread being one of many examples.
I absolutely believe that you absolutely believe that.

Now, go back to attacking and insulting anyone who dares to disagree with you.

That really is working out just great.
I insult their alternative facts and the FACT that they are dupes of the worst propaganda machine in our history. I don't call them idiots unemployed gay welfare rats or or anything else like they do. Those are personal insults, dupe is a political one and the most important political fact and disgrace of our time, 30 years now of total GOP crap.
You call people names here all the time, you attack them personally all the time.

Maybe you don't even realize it, who knows.

Enjoy this Supreme Court pick. People like you played a role in it.
You are the mealy-mouthed twit type who divided the Democratic Party...
You literally can't help yourself.

This appears to be how you communicate: All over-the-top hyperbole and attacks.

Just like Trump.
Difference being I am not lying, troll.
Tell me where I lied, troll.
Let's face it. Trump has predictably continued his winning for America without remorse. In the past few weeks he has won so much that a record amount of Americans have gotten tired. This all while the leftists have made themselves look like fools as the IG report has been released, for example.

The left already tried assassinating their opponents once. With no other options left, will they attempt to ramp up the violence again?

They've never stopped being violent, or inciting violence. They increase the vitriol each day. This is getting scary. They want chaos in the street and destruction. They do not care about the safety of any Americans. They only pretend to when it suits their agenda.

Only Republicans resort to talk of violence...
I guess that's true, they talk about it.

The Regressives don't just talk about it, they act.


Sure...it's not like anyone was recently mowed down with an automobile at a protest in Charlottesville...were they? Oh wait they were.

Can you remind us of the politics of who was behind the wheel and the politics of the woman who was impaled on the front bumper?

Don't hang out in the middle of the street

You may get run over by some “very fine people”…
Let's face it. Trump has predictably continued his winning for America without remorse. In the past few weeks he has won so much that a record amount of Americans have gotten tired. This all while the leftists have made themselves look like fools as the IG report has been released, for example.

The left already tried assassinating their opponents once. With no other options left, will they attempt to ramp up the violence again?
Uh, Las Vegas....59 dead and 527 wounded. A vehemently anti-Trump leftist named, Stephen Paddock.
Your point is BS, just like your media. CNN and MSNBC are also ridiculous gab Fests but but they do not lie. See lock her up open borders Rich pay too much in taxes etc etc
I often wonder if people like you (side irrelevant, of course) have literally lost the capacity for serious self-reflection and sincere self criticism. It's as if that part of your very conscious is literally turned off, unavailable, incapacitated. You just can't get there from here.

All you people know to do is deflect and attack. You automatically and instantly, it seems, simply dismiss all contrary thought and impulsively start in with the standard partisan attacks and insults. And I wonder if, since you've been doing this for so long, the skills mentioned above have literally withered due to lack of use and died.

I'm not asking, because I know I wouldn't get an honest, sincere response.

But I do wonder.
Everything you know is garbage propaganda. Any actual argument? Start with lock her up open borders violent Democrats Rich pay too much Waters encouraged violence cetera et cetera etcetera

Videos don't lie super dupe

That is not violence. And I do not agree with harassing people like that. But now you dupes believe there is violence when there is none.

Of course it is because you have to leave people alone when all their doing is eating..

People in the crowd will start a fight..

Those harassing Trump’s people while they are dining seem to be students of history….

Screen Shot 2018-06-28 at 6.17.03 PM.png
Let's face it. Trump has predictably continued his winning for America without remorse. In the past few weeks he has won so much that a record amount of Americans have gotten tired. This all while the leftists have made themselves look like fools as the IG report has been released, for example.

The left already tried assassinating their opponents once. With no other options left, will they attempt to ramp up the violence again?
Uh, Las Vegas....59 dead and 527 wounded. A vehemently anti-Trump leftist named, Stephen Paddock.

FWIW, the Guardian reports a different story:

Screen Shot 2018-06-28 at 6.19.51 PM.png

I’m sure there are conflicting stories and what have you….just pointing out there is conjecture about the deranged lunatic’s political leanings.

You get into the weeds when you try to decode someone’s political leanings…. At one point, nearly every Trump ass kisser on this board voted for Romney and even John McCain. See how many would admit that today…would you please?
Do you believe in democracy?

In Democracy yes

In insanity no.


Let's try this.

Would you say twelve states getting to decide who is the president out of 50 states is democracy or not?

Look....all I can tell you from my heart is.....I Love President Trump and all Patriots out there ...love Q too :2up:

That's all that matters....and I am not alone in this!


Well, here's the problem. You're using your "heart" rather than your brain. Doesn't that worry you?

Should I give examples of where nationalism has failed massively?

Argentina. The military Junta invaded the Falkland Islands in order to hide the fact that the economy was shot to hell. They lost, they got kicked out.

Serbia, Milosevic started multiple wars, which they lost, and caused massive damage among neighbors.

Nazi Germany. Lost.

Franco's Spain, he kept them in poverty the whole time he was in power. It took them another 20 years to get to a decent-ish level of an economy, but one which still is so dependent on tourism they struggle when their neighbors' economies go down. So many Spanish people have to leave Spain in order to find a job.

Germany 1990. The East and West reunited. The CDU's "It'll all be amazing" or the SPD's "It'll be a tough road." They voted for the amazing path and they got the tough road they weren't prepared for because the CDU didn't bother preparing for it.

Should I go on?

Nobody does better when they make up a fantasy world rather than using your brain to actually deal with the situation.

America will not be great again, if America decides that intelligence is a bad thing.

In retrospect, Milosevic had the right idea. Too bad Bill Clinton stopped him.

The right idea? Killing? Genocide? Ethnic cleaning.

I guess when the US's history is the Trail of Tears, genocide, ethnic cleansing, slavery, segregation, you'd be into Milosevic's ideas.

And then you wonder why people are fighting back against the US.
In Democracy yes

In insanity no.


Let's try this.

Would you say twelve states getting to decide who is the president out of 50 states is democracy or not?

Look....all I can tell you from my heart is.....I Love President Trump and all Patriots out there ...love Q too :2up:

That's all that matters....and I am not alone in this!


Well, here's the problem. You're using your "heart" rather than your brain. Doesn't that worry you?

Should I give examples of where nationalism has failed massively?

Argentina. The military Junta invaded the Falkland Islands in order to hide the fact that the economy was shot to hell. They lost, they got kicked out.

Serbia, Milosevic started multiple wars, which they lost, and caused massive damage among neighbors.

Nazi Germany. Lost.

Franco's Spain, he kept them in poverty the whole time he was in power. It took them another 20 years to get to a decent-ish level of an economy, but one which still is so dependent on tourism they struggle when their neighbors' economies go down. So many Spanish people have to leave Spain in order to find a job.

Germany 1990. The East and West reunited. The CDU's "It'll all be amazing" or the SPD's "It'll be a tough road." They voted for the amazing path and they got the tough road they weren't prepared for because the CDU didn't bother preparing for it.

Should I go on?

Nobody does better when they make up a fantasy world rather than using your brain to actually deal with the situation.

America will not be great again, if America decides that intelligence is a bad thing.

In retrospect, Milosevic had the right idea. Too bad Bill Clinton stopped him.

The right idea? Killing? Genocide? Ethnic cleaning.

I guess when the US's history is the Trail of Tears, genocide, ethnic cleansing, slavery, segregation, you'd be into Milosevic's ideas.

And then you wonder why people are fighting back against the US.

Sorry dude, he was getting rid of the Muslims. War against Ethnic Muslims, yes.

He had the right idea. Do they not train/force 8-year olds to be suicide bombers?

Why yes, yes they do. They can't do that when they're all dead.

Nuke Mecca!

My balls itch.
I suggest

to the Lunatic Left ....and here Antifa included....Deep State too.....doesn't turn too violent..... you know....

Martial Law is always here....to protect America!

to stop these scum...to stop these traitors

and it ain't be nice for them.
No one Advocates violence, super dupe. Except brainwashed right-wingers like you
. Martial law? You are out of your tiny little mind. Because of phony scandals about violence? Unbelievable. No 1 has advocated violence, dumbass Nazi Dupe. Like martial law after the reichstag fire? So you are an Austrian Nazi? Just wonderful. Happens every time the GOP starts a world depression.

Fuck off you Xenophobic piece piece of filth.
I suggest

to the Lunatic Left ....and here Antifa included....Deep State too.....doesn't turn too violent..... you know....

Martial Law is always here....to protect America!

to stop these scum...to stop these traitors

and it ain't be nice for them.
No one Advocates violence, super dupe. Except brainwashed right-wingers like you
. Martial law? You are out of your tiny little mind. Because of phony scandals about violence? Unbelievable. No 1 has advocated violence, dumbass Nazi Dupe. Like martial law after the reichstag fire? So you are an Austrian Nazi? Just wonderful. Happens every time the GOP starts a world depression.

Skye is not Austrian but I am and Martial Law would be exciting darling and we look so gorgeous wearing black, am I an Austrian Nazi, we do not refer to ourselves as that we are Patriots.
Martial law is exciting for Nazis. No one is advocating violence here and we don't need your Nazi BS. Go back to school lol. This is too much like the 30s chaos and Nazi takeovers. Thank the GOP for the world depression again.
I suggest

to the Lunatic Left ....and here Antifa included....Deep State too.....doesn't turn too violent..... you know....

Martial Law is always here....to protect America!

to stop these scum...to stop these traitors

and it ain't be nice for them.
No one Advocates violence, super dupe. Except brainwashed right-wingers like you
. Martial law? You are out of your tiny little mind. Because of phony scandals about violence? Unbelievable. No 1 has advocated violence, dumbass Nazi Dupe. Like martial law after the reichstag fire? So you are an Austrian Nazi? Just wonderful. Happens every time the GOP starts a world depression.

Fuck off you Xenophobic piece piece of filth.
You are the Nazi, stupid.
I suggest

to the Lunatic Left ....and here Antifa included....Deep State too.....doesn't turn too violent..... you know....

Martial Law is always here....to protect America!

to stop these scum...to stop these traitors

and it ain't be nice for them.
No one Advocates violence, super dupe. Except brainwashed right-wingers like you
. Martial law? You are out of your tiny little mind. Because of phony scandals about violence? Unbelievable. No 1 has advocated violence, dumbass Nazi Dupe. Like martial law after the reichstag fire? So you are an Austrian Nazi? Just wonderful. Happens every time the GOP starts a world depression.

Fuck off you Xenophobic piece piece of filth.
You are the Nazi, stupid.

EVERYONE is NOW a Nazi, get with the programme already. Don't agree with the unhinged Leftists? Then you are a Nazi, thanks for helping to make this Mainstream again, what happens is that some deranged Leftist SCREAMS, YOU ARE A NAZI and NORMAL peoples now react with oh okay whatever ie. they DO NOT get offended by being called a Nazi and that is because your type have Mainstreamed it again.

You are a Xenophobic piece of filth trashing my nation, go away you pathetic unhinged little rodent.
My problem
I suggest

to the Lunatic Left ....and here Antifa included....Deep State too.....doesn't turn too violent..... you know....

Martial Law is always here....to protect America!

to stop these scum...to stop these traitors

and it ain't be nice for them.
No one Advocates violence, super dupe. Except brainwashed right-wingers like you
. Martial law? You are out of your tiny little mind. Because of phony scandals about violence? Unbelievable. No 1 has advocated violence, dumbass Nazi Dupe. Like martial law after the reichstag fire? So you are an Austrian Nazi? Just wonderful. Happens every time the GOP starts a world depression.

Fuck off you Xenophobic piece piece of filth.
You are the Nazi, stupid.

You are a Xenophobic piece of filth trashing my nation, go away you pathetic unhinged little rodent.
You are the one talking about martial law and all you have is Misquotes of Waters. I love Austria but I have taken a sudden dislike of you and your brainwashed stupidity. Martial law, idiot?
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