Will The Next President Enforce Federal Laws And Bust Marijuana States?


VIP Member
Feb 26, 2014
Will The Next President Enforce Federal Laws And Bust Marijuana States?
Will Pot become illegal again? If America can bust a Mexican drug king pin can it legally overlook dope sales in America? Is Marijuana a narcotic or not? Does it depend who is using it to classify it?
Anti-pot zealots have lost. I'm sure some of them will continue to whine and flop around for a while, but the issue is settled, and marijuana use will quickly become the non-issue it should have been all along.
They will reclassify it regulate it and add a federal tax to it like gasoline.
Anti-pot zealots have lost. I'm sure some of them will continue to whine and flop around for a while, but the issue is settled, and marijuana use will quickly become the non-issue it should have been all along.
I'm sure some of them will continue to whine and flop around for a while
aint that the truth......
Anti-pot zealots have lost. I'm sure some of them will continue to whine and flop around for a while, but the issue is settled, and marijuana use will quickly become the non-issue it should have been all along.
Wait a minute. I thought you libs were in full support of the Supremacy Clause.
That was the argument in support of Obamacare when the Obama regime was challenged by those states which refused to join the exchanges and also declined to add additional funding for their medicare programs.
Now when it comes to an issue you libs support, suddenly the Supremacy Clause doesn't count?
Sorry, you cannot and will not have it both ways
I sure hope they do, and then sue the States for all the tax money they collected off their ongoing criminal enterprises under RICO laws. along with seizing all the assets of pot growing facilities and the land they sit on. Oh and lets not forget the retailers, take all their assets and the buildings they are in, and put all the officials and owners in jail and seize their personal assets, all are ongoing criminal enterprises under federal law. You regressives want a strong central government, how about we actually show you what that means.
The issue of legalization shows the hypocrisy of the left. They only believe in State rights when it meets their political agenda.
Everyone freaks over pot when the big problem is opiates . But that's ok cause the drug companies are making $$.

God forbid you open a pot dispensary !
One thing's fer' sure, the Fedcoats will continue to underhandedly try to acquire more private rancher land in the name of the Publick good!
Anti-pot zealots have lost. I'm sure some of them will continue to whine and flop around for a while, but the issue is settled, and marijuana use will quickly become the non-issue it should have been all along.
Anti-pot, pro-pot or pro-tobacco, anti-tobacco what's the difference??
Anti-pot zealots have lost. I'm sure some of them will continue to whine and flop around for a while, but the issue is settled, and marijuana use will quickly become the non-issue it should have been all along.
Wait a minute. I thought you libs were in full support of the Supremacy Clause.
That was the argument in support of Obamacare when the Obama regime was challenged by those states which refused to join the exchanges and also declined to add additional funding for their medicare programs.
Now when it comes to an issue you libs support, suddenly the Supremacy Clause doesn't count?
Sorry, you cannot and will not have it both ways

Nothing to do with the supremacy clause. The country has lost interest in punishing people for smoking a little pot, and there is no driving force to fight normalization. If the NRA or some other group that owned a bunch of politicians thought pot would hurt their bottom line, there would be lots of fighting over it, but that just doesn't seen to be the case.
One thing's fer' sure, the Fedcoats will continue to underhandedly try to acquire more private rancher land in the name of the Publick good!

No need to acquire rancher's land. They might throw some ranchers who stole federal land off of it though.
Will The Next President Enforce Federal Laws And Bust Marijuana States?
Will Pot become illegal again? If America can bust a Mexican drug king pin can it legally overlook dope sales in America? Is Marijuana a narcotic or not? Does it depend who is using it to classify it?

No, it doesn't: pot is definitely NOT a narcotic.
Anti-pot zealots have lost. I'm sure some of them will continue to whine and flop around for a while, but the issue is settled, and marijuana use will quickly become the non-issue it should have been all along.

It may become a LEGAL non-issue but for many of us it will never be considered acceptable. It will not be kegal in MY home, property, car, etc.... and possession in thise places will be HARSHLY punished.
Anti-pot zealots have lost. I'm sure some of them will continue to whine and flop around for a while, but the issue is settled, and marijuana use will quickly become the non-issue it should have been all along.
Anti-pot, pro-pot or pro-tobacco, anti-tobacco what's the difference??

Well, pot and tobacco aren't the same thing.
Anti-pot zealots have lost. I'm sure some of them will continue to whine and flop around for a while, but the issue is settled, and marijuana use will quickly become the non-issue it should have been all along.

It may become a LEGAL non-issue but for many of us it will never be considered acceptable. It will not be kegal in MY home, property, car, etc.... and possession in thise places will be HARSHLY punished.

If somebody tries to force you to smoke pot, you let me know.

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