Will The Next President Enforce Federal Laws And Bust Marijuana States?

Anti-pot zealots have lost. I'm sure some of them will continue to whine and flop around for a while, but the issue is settled, and marijuana use will quickly become the non-issue it should have been all along.

So federal laws only need to be enforced when you think they should? If you support something that federal law says is illegal it's OK with you if a State violates it? Typical Liberal asshole.
When you are all out of ideas , , resort to ad hominem . . ;/) Tell me this - What is politically conservative about having a decades long war against citizens who choose cannabis instead of alcohol ? What is the lethal dose of marijuana ? Did not Thomas Jefferson not warn us against entangling alliances, such as the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961 ?

So you think it's OK to break federal law if it's something you support? Simple yes/no question. Bet you won't answer.
Yes ! ;/)

Typical criminal lefty. I don't like the law so I should be able to break it. And you wonder why people think you're fucked up in the head.
Anti-pot zealots have lost. I'm sure some of them will continue to whine and flop around for a while, but the issue is settled, and marijuana use will quickly become the non-issue it should have been all along.

So federal laws only need to be enforced when you think they should? If you support something that federal law says is illegal it's OK with you if a State violates it? Typical Liberal asshole.
When you are all out of ideas , , resort to ad hominem . . ;/) Tell me this - What is politically conservative about having a decades long war against citizens who choose cannabis instead of alcohol ? What is the lethal dose of marijuana ? Did not Thomas Jefferson not warn us against entangling alliances, such as the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961 ?

So you think it's OK to break federal law if it's something you support? Simple yes/no question. Bet you won't answer.
Yes ! ;/)

Typical criminal lefty. I don't like the law so I should be able to break it. And you wonder why people think you're fucked up in the head.
looks like I will have to block your potty mouth self ;/)
States' rights and sanity are coming into play with recent events like one state after another ending their irrational , unjust war on we tokers ;/)
How much of your state's wealth is spent on black market marijuana ? For context , even before marijuana was re-legalized in Colorado , it (marijuana) was already the largest cash crop in the nation .

The Price of Weed, Marijuana, Cannabis - PriceOfWeed.com
Along those lines . . . . . how do black market commodities affect the overall consumer market ? ? ? I have theories , backed up with over 40 years experience in buying black market marijuana .
I doubt it. This is the advantage of the federal system...we get to find out what have been the consequences of legalized marijuana, and what have been the benefits on a smaller scale. It would seem to me that in this case, the benefits have outweighed the consequences.
Anti-pot zealots have lost. I'm sure some of them will continue to whine and flop around for a while, but the issue is settled, and marijuana use will quickly become the non-issue it should have been all along.

So federal laws only need to be enforced when you think they should? If you support something that federal law says is illegal it's OK with you if a State violates it? Typical Liberal asshole.
When you are all out of ideas , , resort to ad hominem . . ;/) Tell me this - What is politically conservative about having a decades long war against citizens who choose cannabis instead of alcohol ? What is the lethal dose of marijuana ? Did not Thomas Jefferson not warn us against entangling alliances, such as the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961 ?

So you think it's OK to break federal law if it's something you support? Simple yes/no question. Bet you won't answer.

Indeed. The left INSISTS that we are a "nation of laws" (just ask Clayton) until it's a law that they don't wish to observe. Case in point are the drug laws.
Anti-pot zealots have lost. I'm sure some of them will continue to whine and flop around for a while, but the issue is settled, and marijuana use will quickly become the non-issue it should have been all along.

So federal laws only need to be enforced when you think they should? If you support something that federal law says is illegal it's OK with you if a State violates it? Typical Liberal asshole.
When you are all out of ideas , , resort to ad hominem . . ;/) Tell me this - What is politically conservative about having a decades long war against citizens who choose cannabis instead of alcohol ? What is the lethal dose of marijuana ? Did not Thomas Jefferson not warn us against entangling alliances, such as the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961 ?

So you think it's OK to break federal law if it's something you support? Simple yes/no question. Bet you won't answer.

Indeed. The left INSISTS that we are a "nation of laws" (just ask Clayton) until it's a law that they don't wish to observe. Case in point are the drug laws.

One of the prime representatives of the Liberal ideology, sealybobo, believes all of us should be forced to pay income taxes. However, in a recent post, he admitted to cheating on his taxes from a side business and justified it by saying it wasn't real income.
Will The Next President Enforce Federal Laws And Bust Marijuana States?
Will anybody point out to the next President that the Fed govt has no authority to make those anti-marijuana laws in the first place? And that it's the states that should be busting the Fed in this case?
Will The Next President Enforce Federal Laws And Bust Marijuana States?
Will anybody point out to the next President that the Fed govt has no authority to make those anti-marijuana laws in the first place? And that it's the states that should be busting the Fed in this case?

Wait a minute.....so you're telling us that there are no Federal Drug Laws?? Damn....did something happen??
Will The Next President Enforce Federal Laws And Bust Marijuana States?
Will anybody point out to the next President that the Fed govt has no authority to make those anti-marijuana laws in the first place? And that it's the states that should be busting the Fed in this case?

There are lots of things for which the federal government takes authority it doesn't have. What I've found is many who say marijuana is a State issue don't mind the federal government doing things where the power belongs to the States when it suits them. Education, healthcare, social programs, etc. With no specific mention of any of those things in the Constitution, they belong to the States if the States so choose to deal with them. That's what reserved powers mean. The state can but if it doesn't, that doesn't it defaults to the federal. Too many who oppose federal laws over marijuana for the reasons you said don't mind federal laws over education, etc.
Day by day marijuana is being re-legalized in one state after another . It then boils down to who will have earned the political capital aka toker support and votes . If the GOP wants to forfeit all of it to the Democrats , so be it .
Will anybody point out to the next President that the Fed govt has no authority to make those anti-marijuana laws in the first place? And that it's the states that should be busting the Fed in this case?
Wait a minute.....so you're telling us that there are no Federal Drug Laws?? Damn....did something happen??
No, I'm telling you what I wrote. Read it again.

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