Will The Next President Enforce Federal Laws And Bust Marijuana States?

Will The Next President Enforce Federal Laws And Bust Marijuana States?
Will Pot become illegal again? If America can bust a Mexican drug king pin can it legally overlook dope sales in America? Is Marijuana a narcotic or not? Does it depend who is using it to classify it?

Which of congress' enumerated powers in Article I, section 8 would allow the passage of a law to criminalize the possession of marijuana by the people of the several states?
No. To expensive.


The DEA has the power to reschedule marijuana on its own, but it has so far refused to do so. This, despite the fact that in 1988 the DEA administrative law judge Francis Young ruled that, “Marijuana, in its natural form, is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man. By any measure of rational analysis marijuana can be safely used within a supervised routine of medical care." He recommended that it be “transferred from Schedule I to Schedule II.”

But DEA administrator John Lawn overruled Young’s decision, and two Court of Appeals decisions have upheld the DEA’s authority to maintain the current classification. Thus congressional action is likely necessary to force the DEA’s hand.

Rescheduling marijuana from Schedule I to Schedule II would mean that medical provision in current or future medical marijuana states would not be inconsistent with federal law. And if federal authorities allow physicians reasonable leeway in prescribing marijuana, consistent with current practice in medical marijuana states like California and Colorado, the black market for marijuana would shrink substantially.
is it just me or does anyone think there are more important issues right now than some kid smoking a joint in his parents bathroom?
how about we let the non violent marijuana smokers out of the prisons and make room for Juan and Pedro when the get caught here illegally, or maybe Achmelle and obama when their muslim asses get caught violating our citizens.
maybe its just me. Carry on. Lets waste a few billion more on those nasty pot smokers.
is it just me or does anyone think there are more important issues right now than some kid smoking a joint in his parents bathroom?
how about we let the non violent marijuana smokers out of the prisons and make room for Juan and Pedro when the get caught here illegally, or maybe Achmelle and obama when their muslim asses get caught violating our citizens.
maybe its just me. Carry on. Lets waste a few billion more on those nasty pot smokers.

Not to mention the fact that none of congress' powers, as enumerated in article I, section 8, would permit them to enact a law criminalizing the possession of marijuana. The federal government have very limited police powers, limited to punishing counterfeiting, piracy on the high seas, and offenses against the law of nations. That is the limit of congress' police powers. Putting the people of the several states in jail for possession of pot is not on that list.
Is Marijuana a narcotic or not?
Not ! Marijuana is a mild stimulant , in the near term (2 to 10 hours) after which said toker's regular sleep pattern takes over ;/) Anyway , "narcotic" refers to substances which make user sleepy , yet the word is generally misused in referring to the whole spectrum of mind altering substances , including the stimulants , which are by definition , not "narcotic" in effect .
Anti-pot zealots have lost. I'm sure some of them will continue to whine and flop around for a while, but the issue is settled, and marijuana use will quickly become the non-issue it should have been all along.

"anti-pot zealots"!?!?! Who the hell would that be? America's leftists LOVE to spout law and order until it's about a law that THEY don't agree with. Frankly, I would LOVE to see the next republican president issue an order to states like Colorado - either get rid of pot or lose every dime of state aid.

It's a federal law. Don't like the law? Change it. But as long as it's a law - it SHOULD be enforced with the full effect of the federal government.
No. Liberals are for legalization and conservatives won't argue against states' rights.
Anti-pot zealots have lost. I'm sure some of them will continue to whine and flop around for a while, but the issue is settled, and marijuana use will quickly become the non-issue it should have been all along.

"anti-pot zealots"!?!?! Who the hell would that be? America's leftists LOVE to spout law and order until it's about a law that THEY don't agree with. Frankly, I would LOVE to see the next republican president issue an order to states like Colorado - either get rid of pot or lose every dime of state aid.

It's a federal law. Don't like the law? Change it. But as long as it's a law - it SHOULD be enforced with the full effect of the federal government.

Conservatives are all about states rights- unless the states happen to do something Conservatives don't agree with- then they want the big hammer of Uncle Sam.

Of course both sides do it- just amusing to observe it happening in this context.
Obama will be known as the "DOPE" president.
Marijuana is so far down the list of priorities it doesn't even make the top 1,000 list.
The last omnibus budget billed that passed did two things:

1. Took the federal ban off of medical marijuana...

2. Stripped funding for the unconstitutional act of denying due process in drug seizures of property and cash without a conviction, and the sharing of these funds with local police departments....
It isn't so much that the federal government is allowing Colorado to do dope but more to the fact that they can't enforce federal law their. How many agents do they have in Colorado? I'm sure they can arrest a few people but since local and state law enforcement also makes drug arrest the total enforcement of the law is greatly reduced since state officials are not making any kind of arrest at all. Most centralized governments have to rely on support from local government in order to be completely effective in its enforcement.
It was a mandate from the masses, and it proved states rights do still exist,, and that the UN mandate for the drug war is dying out in our nation along with other nations..
Oblama did exactly what I thought he would, dismantle the tyrannical failure of the War on Drugs..
Will The Next President Enforce Federal Laws And Bust Marijuana States?
Will Pot become illegal again? If America can bust a Mexican drug king pin can it legally overlook dope sales in America? Is Marijuana a narcotic or not? Does it depend who is using it to classify it?




If somebody tries to force you to smoke pot, you let me know.

Actually, almost 20 years ago I had an associate fervently try to get me to smoke it. He resolted to threats rather thsn violence when I refused, and the incident ended up costing me cab fare from Lincoln, RI back to my dorm in Warwick, RI.

Rhode Island is so small, what's a $2.00 cab fare among friends? :D

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