Will the NFL make a deal this next week?


Retired USAF Chief
Apr 8, 2011
From PFT:

" Even though the players don’t get game checks until September, the money earned during the preseason goes into the pot that determines the salary cap. Thus, if the preseason is lost, everyone will lose their cut of $800 million, and that money is never coming back.

The money won’t be lost if a deal gets done in the next week. We’re not going to make any predictions, but it seems like a real possibility. If whatever happened last night can survive into next week. "

Now we're getting to the point where money is going to be lost, on both sides if the preseason games are affected. I think an agreement must be reached by the 10th or thereabouts, or else all the things that preceed the regular season start to get squeezed. Get 'er done, guys, time's up. I'm expecting they will, cooler heads will prevail.
hopefully, I'm sick of all this lock-out stuff! Preseason starts in a matter of weeks, for Heaven's sake!
I am sorry but explain again why I should feel sorry for people that play a game and get paid millions and are complaining they want more? Or how someone that gets paid millions is somehow a "slave" As several NFL players have claimed?

Hell even the bit players get hundreds of thousands.
Honestly, I don't know how the average family of four can afford to attend an NFL game with the prices of tickets, parking and concessions. It's ridiculous. That being said, I am hopeful that an agreement can be made and that I will be able to enjoy the 2011 - 2012 NFL series from the comfort of my living room. Big screen TV, private bathroom and ample amounts of delicious food at a much lower cost.
I hope not. More than likely whenever this lockout ends and they get a deal done it will be the end of my ability to ever watch the NFL again; so I'm kind of hoping it goes on for a while.
From PFT:

" Even though the players don’t get game checks until September, the money earned during the preseason goes into the pot that determines the salary cap. Thus, if the preseason is lost, everyone will lose their cut of $800 million, and that money is never coming back.

The money won’t be lost if a deal gets done in the next week. We’re not going to make any predictions, but it seems like a real possibility. If whatever happened last night can survive into next week. "

Now we're getting to the point where money is going to be lost, on both sides if the preseason games are affected. I think an agreement must be reached by the 10th or thereabouts, or else all the things that preceed the regular season start to get squeezed. Get 'er done, guys, time's up. I'm expecting they will, cooler heads will prevail.

I've heard reports that a deal can be reached as early as next week.
The press is making noises like things are getting close, we're getting close to the time when people start losing money. I think we'll get a deal within the next week, maybe even today or tomorrow.
The press is making noises like things are getting close, we're getting close to the time when people start losing money. I think we'll get a deal within the next week, maybe even today or tomorrow.
I always take what ESPN says with a grain of salt, them being Major League Sports lap dogs and all. I'll bet there are more planted stories on sports networks than in any other media.
The press is making noises like things are getting close, we're getting close to the time when people start losing money. I think we'll get a deal within the next week, maybe even today or tomorrow.

So what you're saying is that my time as an NFL fan is rapidly coming to a close?
The sport is gone, it is all about the money. I frankly don't care if they play or not. Why watch a lot of people who you would not invite into your home. If they can't play they can do something else they are qualified for like maybe the drive through car wash.
Maybe the players can wear advertising on their uniforms ala' NASCAR and Indy Car, and that way the NFL can make more money, since I'm sure they are hurting..............

But I do love football.....but this is freaking ridiculous!
The press is making noises like things are getting close, we're getting close to the time when people start losing money. I think we'll get a deal within the next week, maybe even today or tomorrow.

So what you're saying is that my time as an NFL fan is rapidly coming to a close?

Maybe. We'll have to see what the details are for the new agreement. Jerry Jones is saying that revenue sharing is gone, so I don't know how the small market teams will be able to compete.
Maybe the players can wear advertising on their uniforms ala' NASCAR and Indy Car, and that way the NFL can make more money, since I'm sure they are hurting..............

But I do love football.....but this is freaking ridiculous!

True. I'm gonna be one unhappy camper if a month from now there aren't any preseason games to watch, let alone the regular season. I gave up on baseball in the mid 90s after their strike, I hope the NFL doesn't similarly alienate their fans.
Maybe. We'll have to see what the details are for the new agreement. Jerry Jones is saying that revenue sharing is gone, so I don't know how the small market teams will be able to compete.

That would be a step in the right direction. The NFL is currently over-inflated by about 8 teams. Figure that LA needs to get a team back and that's 9 teams that could fold and bring an improvement to the league. If you don't have the $$$$ you shouldn't have a team to begin with.

I'm still not holding my breath on being able to watch the sport after this agreement is completed.
Jerry Jones is a billionaire who conned the city of Arlington into building him a stadium. To do so they had to displace 1000's of people who lived or worked there all so 80 or 90-K people could watch football. This is the same Jerry Jones who did not have the guts to call Tom Landry and tell him he was hiring a new coach. If this is football and the people who are in charge I don't need it.

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