Will the owner of the gov. shutdown please stand up LOLOLO

I agree and lets start by kicking out every GOP politician in Washington, agree?
here let me add what you are forbidden to say....and every DNC politician too...better?....
No matter how many times you repeat it, doesn't make it True...this is all Trump....all Trump and Mitch....who resides of the poorest fuckin state in the union

No matter how many times you lie, it doesn't make it true. The dimbocrats OWN this shutdown. Bold type and all caps just show your insecurity.
No matter how many times you lie, it doesn't make it true. The dimbocrats OWN this shutdown. Bold type and all caps just show your insecurity.
Lantern, by your own standard Trump is the liar since he is the one who said he would proudly own the shutdown. Maybe you were asleep that day. And FYI, Tigerred has explained why he/she types in bold and it has nothing to do with insecurity.

White knighting? Guess you were asleep when Pelosi rejected a compromise before it was even offered. This is now ALL on her and the dimbocraps. Refusal to negotiate and running away to Europe? Obviously dimbos don't care about people not getting paid. Public opinion is swiftly turning against the Dems.
Are you sucking your thumb while you make up cute slang names and grab at straws trying to make your hero look like he gives a rat's rump about "national security"? Since TSA/air traffic control/food inspections/FBI investigations are shut down in favor of the 'national security' of keeping out a handful of refugees applying for asylum by erecting a useless wall, I'd say you are looking at the wrong side of the aisle for a scapegoat.
What brain is in Trump's empty over sprayed saggy head that thinks his beloved gov make America Great Again supporters are gonna blame democrats for this, only god knows. This lost pathetic low life loser keeps repeating over and over and over, that not eating and paying bills is in your best interest in keeping you pro Trump losers SAFE!! and I love it!!!!!

I knew in the end, Trump would end up fkkking this country, but I so love the fact, all these red white vomit Trump supporters, I love that they too, with their pompus racist ass's are suffering the most. We all know these mostly white gov workers, 99% of the morons voted for Trump, supported every single thing that monster endorsed and did so with a pro white venomous mentality until the chicken came home to roost.

Watching Trump try over and over and over to link democrats to this shut down is like watching a old white woman who's been robbed by a white guy, try her best to finger a negro...but its on tape!!
2 years they had a chance to pass this and did not....now its our fault....get the F outta here!!!

The shows the fucking federal government is at least 100 times too big... There is a need for a very large downsizing... lol
Trump & Repubtards Growing the Size of Government! Obama Shrank the Size of Government!

Trump & the Republicans Shut Down the Government as an EXPENSIVE Taxpayer Funded "Political Stunt" costing US over $400 million a day! Weeks ago Trump Signed a Law to Back Pay all Government Employees when the shutdown ends! Trump's back-pay law guarantees with taxpayer money any government employee's bank loan, interest, overtime, back-pay with interest, expenses, contractor & subcontractor & their employees pay & expenses.
Please do not forget the fact, we the tax payers are paying farmers for being unable to sell their goods overseas....HE FUCKS SHIT UP AND WE PAY FOR IT.....and not one gotdamn conservative is pissed about it, not one. I still can not phantom the fact, his mindless ignorant supporters are cool with us paying for a fucking wall this bitch promised Mexico would pay for. The mf's got no issues at all with him holding this country hostage over promises he made to idiots???
here let me add what you are forbidden to say....and every DNC politician too...better?....
No matter how many times you repeat it, doesn't make it True...this is all Trump....all Trump and Mitch....who resides of the poorest fuckin state in the union

No matter how many times you lie, it doesn't make it true. The dimbocrats OWN this shutdown. Bold type and all caps just show your insecurity.
No matter how many times you lie, it doesn't make it true. The dimbocrats OWN this shutdown. Bold type and all caps just show your insecurity.
Lantern, by your own standard Trump is the liar since he is the one who said he would proudly own the shutdown. Maybe you were asleep that day. And FYI, Tigerred has explained why he/she types in bold and it has nothing to do with insecurity.

White knighting? Guess you were asleep when Pelosi rejected a compromise before it was even offered. This is now ALL on her and the dimbocraps. Refusal to negotiate and running away to Europe? Obviously dimbos don't care about people not getting paid. Public opinion is swiftly turning against the Dems.
Are you sucking your thumb while you make up cute slang names and grab at straws trying to make your hero look like he gives a rat's rump about "national security"? Since TSA/air traffic control/food inspections/FBI investigations are shut down in favor of the 'national security' of keeping out a handful of refugees applying for asylum by erecting a useless wall, I'd say you are looking at the wrong side of the aisle for a scapegoat.
I have yet to see one reporters approach MAGA Trump maggot and ask them about Mexico paying for a wall their idiot man child promised...no one is asking these people this, no one
here let me add what you are forbidden to say....and every DNC politician too...better?....
No matter how many times you repeat it, doesn't make it True...this is all Trump....all Trump and Mitch....who resides of the poorest fuckin state in the union

No matter how many times you lie, it doesn't make it true. The dimbocrats OWN this shutdown. Bold type and all caps just show your insecurity.
No matter how many times you lie, it doesn't make it true. The dimbocrats OWN this shutdown. Bold type and all caps just show your insecurity.
Lantern, by your own standard Trump is the liar since he is the one who said he would proudly own the shutdown. Maybe you were asleep that day. And FYI, Tigerred has explained why he/she types in bold and it has nothing to do with insecurity.

White knighting? Guess you were asleep when Pelosi rejected a compromise before it was even offered. This is now ALL on her and the dimbocraps. Refusal to negotiate and running away to Europe? Obviously dimbos don't care about people not getting paid. Public opinion is swiftly turning against the Dems.
Are you sucking your thumb while you make up cute slang names and grab at straws trying to make your hero look like he gives a rat's rump about "national security"? Since TSA/air traffic control/food inspections/FBI investigations are shut down in favor of the 'national security' of keeping out a handful of refugees applying for asylum by erecting a useless wall, I'd say you are looking at the wrong side of the aisle for a scapegoat.

Sorry little boy, you and triggered lose yet again. I'd say you're obviously blind and illiterate and ignoring the real numbers of people illegally crossing the border. Asylum seekers? That's a pathetic excuse already debunked countless times. Who refused a bill to pay these workers. YOUR hero the drunk Pelosi. There lies the blame. Period.
What brain is in Trump's empty over sprayed saggy head that thinks his beloved gov make America Great Again supporters are gonna blame democrats for this, only god knows. This lost pathetic low life loser keeps repeating over and over and over, that not eating and paying bills is in your best interest in keeping you pro Trump losers SAFE!! and I love it!!!!!

I knew in the end, Trump would end up fkkking this country, but I so love the fact, all these red white vomit Trump supporters, I love that they too, with their pompus racist ass's are suffering the most. We all know these mostly white gov workers, 99% of the morons voted for Trump, supported every single thing that monster endorsed and did so with a pro white venomous mentality until the chicken came home to roost.

Watching Trump try over and over and over to link democrats to this shut down is like watching a old white woman who's been robbed by a white guy, try her best to finger a negro...but its on tape!!
2 years they had a chance to pass this and did not....now its our fault....get the F outta here!!!

TRUMP only gave Pelosi 3 weeks to agree to funding the wall, in 3 weeks she loses any leverage, since TRUMP will just use emergency funding. If democrats don't fund the wall they get no DACA protections. If they hold out for DACA without wall funding they will be the ones to shut the government down for illegal immigrants.
TRUMP is offering protections for DACA in exchange for wall funding. He's getting the wall, its up to democrats to get the protections for DACA.
Also keep in mind there are 2 or more caravans heading towards the US border and it took them about a month last time to get there.
What brain is in Trump's empty over sprayed saggy head that thinks his beloved gov make America Great Again supporters are gonna blame democrats for this, only god knows. This lost pathetic low life loser keeps repeating over and over and over, that not eating and paying bills is in your best interest in keeping you pro Trump losers SAFE!! and I love it!!!!!

I knew in the end, Trump would end up fkkking this country, but I so love the fact, all these red white vomit Trump supporters, I love that they too, with their pompus racist ass's are suffering the most. We all know these mostly white gov workers, 99% of the morons voted for Trump, supported every single thing that monster endorsed and did so with a pro white venomous mentality until the chicken came home to roost.

Watching Trump try over and over and over to link democrats to this shut down is like watching a old white woman who's been robbed by a white guy, try her best to finger a negro...but its on tape!!
2 years they had a chance to pass this and did not....now its our fault....get the F outta here!!!
Your eyes may be failing you, but your mind is sharp and clear! Well said!
Says two fools who trust Career politicians
LOLOL. its been a career politician who has finally put an end to the moron in chief, ie Pelosi!!:abgg2q.jpg::9:

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