Will the real racists please stand up.........


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
It's too easy to point out the ways that the left is racist. They don't believe blacks are capable of achieving things the way whites do. You know, simple things, such as getting an ID, let alone more difficult things like taking care of themselves.

NY is taking this to new heights. They are going full-blown socialist, which means the focus is on equal outcomes rather than ensuring equal opportunity. Of course, any reasonable person knows that there can be no equal outcomes in a free society. In order to make everyone "equal", government must control everything to ensure that no one is able to rise above anyone else through hard work. And the ignorant socialists actually believe that this type of control won't stop people from working as hard as they do now. They have zero understanding of human nature in general. What they do understand, and are good at, is manipulating people into believing that they are victims and knowing that they can convince them to cede freedom and rights for the false promise of freebies and getting even with those they blame for their woes. Of course, the left can only convince the ignorant that socialism is a paradise. They've managed this through our public school system and a media bent on supporting the radical left at every turn. Anyone who knows anything about history won't fall for it. There are two sides now in America. Those who love this country and want to keep it free and those who are willing to destroy it to chase after a false paradise. Both sides are diverse.

For now, the state promises to end racism by being racist and favoring some over others. Whites and Jews are being punished for having the nerve to be born as they are. Of course, racism is believing that one race is superior to others. Every leftist policy starts with how unfair it is not to be born white, as if anyone of color is lesser. All the policies focus on leveling the playing field because they just don't believe that blacks are as smart or capable. The amazing part is that they have convinced so many minorities that they shouldn't be insulted by the left's assumption that they can never be as good as whites. WTF? There are also plenty of white liberals who clearly subscribe to the notion that they are better than blacks and they not only feel sorry for anyone born with dark skin but also feel guilty because they were lucky enough not to be born with color. Yup, racism all the way with the leftists.

They plan to end discrimination by discriminating against certain groups. All the while, claiming that minorities are helpless idiots who can't function without government overseeing every part of their lives.

"Under the banner of racial justice, for example, Mayor de Blasio is pushing for a new school program, which focuses on equality of outcome, rather than equality of opportunity—meaning that people are forced into the same outcome, regardless of how much work they put in.

Under this system, and others like it, racism is practiced under the banner of fighting racism, inequality is practiced under the banner of guaranteeing equality, and discrimination becomes the tool for challenging “discrimination.”

It’s a system that teaches people to practice what they claim to oppose—and to hate anyone who questions them.

Unfortunately, the people who follow socialist ideologies usually can’t see the hypocrisy in their own talking points. The Jewish teacher who was attacked in front of her colleagues experienced a moment of hate in the name of social progress.

Hatred and discrimination are central parts of socialism. The system cannot exist without inciting hatred among the masses, since hatred is used to frame its various talking points, and these talking points drive forward the socialist policies of “class struggle.”

People who follow its system are told they are justified to hate certain groups of people—to the detriment of civilization over the last century. Through encouraging hatred, socialist regimes have repeatedly driven people to commit genocide. This includes the Holocaust under Hitler’s National Socialists, Lenin’s programs to kill the “kulak” wealthy farmers, Mao’s programs to kill landlords and “rightists,” and similar genocides.

The “justice” that socialists speak of is actually an inversion of justice. This goes back to its roots in communist thought.

In “The Communist Manifesto,” Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels list freedom and justice as “eternal truths” that are “common to all states of society.” Yet, they state immediately after that, “Communism abolishes eternal truths,” which, as they explain, would include freedom and justice.

And rather than redefine the values of freedom and justice, or attempt to create new concepts of them, Marx and Engels state that communism seeks to abolish these values altogether—in addition to destroying “all religion, and all morality.”

Socialism is merely the engine to achieve this. During the time of Marx and Engels, there were not yet any socialist or communist governments, and the socialist and communist movements were synonymous with each other. Socialism was just seen as the totalitarian system used to achieve the goals of communism—the desolation of morality, belief, and traditional culture.

Socialism was what Marx called “the dictatorship of the proletariat,” and what Lenin called the “state capitalist monopoly.” The idea of socialism was to create a totalitarian regime, which seizes from common people the ability to engage in free trade, and instead places these powers solely under the state."

On the Injustice of Social Justice
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the real racist stands out -

"my African American"
Dear Clementine
I'll be the first to say yes my views and ways of expressing them
qualify as "racist" because they favor "white" systems of culture, class and language.

I'm using ENGLISH for one, and CONSTITUTIONAL principles which I uphold as
universal process for governance that all people respond to by conscience.

Both ENGLISH and CONSTITUTIONAL LANGUAGE are going to be biased toward WHITE cultural and historic traditions.

I'm told that makes me racist toward Whites or come across as one, which is practically the same.
So yes, I guess I qualify and must admit I carry and project this BIAS.

However, my reason for putting CONSTITUTIONAL LANGUAGE first
is that it INCLUDES principles by which ALL PEOPLE of ALL beliefs, creeds and cultures
can claim, exercise, and defend EQUAL representation and participation in democratic process.

So under the CONSTITUTION all other people and groups with their biases different from mine
can STILL interact and represent THEMSELVES (including their own biases in beliefs, perceptions
and ways of communication) by Equal Protection of the laws.

That's why I don't have a problem with my biases because I can still use this system
to include others equally with their biases and beliefs, even where we disagree or conflict.


As for Socialism, like Constitutionalism, these are Political BELIEFS.
When practiced as a group, it becomes a Political Religion or IDENTITY.

By Constitutional and Civil Rights laws, govt is not supposed to Discriminate by CREED.
Neither establishing NOR prohibiting the free choice, expression or exercise of such CREEDS or BELIEFS,
whether religious or political or both. In this case it is BOTH a political belief by religious organizations (parties)
so it becomes a Political RELIGION.

So in order to respect my own beliefs and commitment to uphold Constitutional laws and ethics
and to defend and include the interests of "people of all religions protected thereunder" equally,
then I can only support the FREE CHOICE of either Socialist beliefs, or Constitutional beliefs,
by consent of the people affected by policies. Each case involving matters of beliefs may need to
be managed independently because they affect different people by groups or by districts, where
terms of policies and solutions by one group or region cannot be forced on other people outside.

It's too easy to point out the ways that the left is racist. They don't believe blacks are capable of achieving things the way whites do. You know, simple things, such as getting an ID, let alone more difficult things like taking care of themselves.

NY is taking this to new heights. They are going full-blown socialist, which means the focus is on equal outcomes rather than ensuring equal opportunity. Of course, any reasonable person knows that there can be no equal outcomes in a free society. In order to make everyone "equal", government must control everything to ensure that no one is able to rise above anyone else through hard work. And the ignorant socialists actually believe that this type of control won't stop people from working as hard as they do now. They have zero understanding of human nature in general. What they do understand, and are good at, is manipulating people into believing that they are victims and knowing that they can convince them to cede freedom and rights for the false promise of freebies and getting even with those they blame for their woes. Of course, the left can only convince the ignorant that socialism is a paradise. They've managed this through our public school system and a media bent on supporting the radical left at every turn. Anyone who knows anything about history won't fall for it. There are two sides now in America. Those who love this country and want to keep it free and those who are willing to destroy it to chase after a false paradise. Both sides are diverse.

For now, the state promises to end racism by being racist and favoring some over others. Whites and Jews are being punished for having the nerve to be born as they are. Of course, racism is believing that one race is superior to others. Every leftist policy starts with how unfair it is not to be born white, as if anyone of color is lesser. All the policies focus on leveling the playing field because they just don't believe that blacks are as smart or capable. The amazing part is that they have convinced so many minorities that they shouldn't be insulted by the left's assumption that they can never be as good as whites. WTF? There are also plenty of white liberals who clearly subscribe to the notion that they are better than blacks and they not only feel sorry for anyone born with dark skin but also feel guilty because they were lucky enough not to be born with color. Yup, racism all the way with the leftists.

They plan to end discrimination by discriminating against certain groups. All the while, claiming that minorities are helpless idiots who can't function without government overseeing every part of their lives.

"Under the banner of racial justice, for example, Mayor de Blasio is pushing for a new school program, which focuses on equality of outcome, rather than equality of opportunity—meaning that people are forced into the same outcome, regardless of how much work they put in.

Under this system, and others like it, racism is practiced under the banner of fighting racism, inequality is practiced under the banner of guaranteeing equality, and discrimination becomes the tool for challenging “discrimination.”

It’s a system that teaches people to practice what they claim to oppose—and to hate anyone who questions them.

Unfortunately, the people who follow socialist ideologies usually can’t see the hypocrisy in their own talking points. The Jewish teacher who was attacked in front of her colleagues experienced a moment of hate in the name of social progress.

Hatred and discrimination are central parts of socialism. The system cannot exist without inciting hatred among the masses, since hatred is used to frame its various talking points, and these talking points drive forward the socialist policies of “class struggle.”

People who follow its system are told they are justified to hate certain groups of people—to the detriment of civilization over the last century. Through encouraging hatred, socialist regimes have repeatedly driven people to commit genocide. This includes the Holocaust under Hitler’s National Socialists, Lenin’s programs to kill the “kulak” wealthy farmers, Mao’s programs to kill landlords and “rightists,” and similar genocides.

The “justice” that socialists speak of is actually an inversion of justice. This goes back to its roots in communist thought.

In “The Communist Manifesto,” Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels list freedom and justice as “eternal truths” that are “common to all states of society.” Yet, they state immediately after that, “Communism abolishes eternal truths,” which, as they explain, would include freedom and justice.

And rather than redefine the values of freedom and justice, or attempt to create new concepts of them, Marx and Engels state that communism seeks to abolish these values altogether—in addition to destroying “all religion, and all morality.”

Socialism is merely the engine to achieve this. During the time of Marx and Engels, there were not yet any socialist or communist governments, and the socialist and communist movements were synonymous with each other. Socialism was just seen as the totalitarian system used to achieve the goals of communism—the desolation of morality, belief, and traditional culture.

Socialism was what Marx called “the dictatorship of the proletariat,” and what Lenin called the “state capitalist monopoly.” The idea of socialism was to create a totalitarian regime, which seizes from common people the ability to engage in free trade, and instead places these powers solely under the state."

On the Injustice of Social Justice
250 years of trying to kill black babies, and trying to poison the Black Race with drugs, and replace them with Latino Slave Labor, and making them docile and dependent on their former slave masters.

Here is the image of Black Oppression and Enslavement!

The term "racist" implies a condescending view, something those at "the bottom" cannot have, since they are at the bottom, or so the argument goes.

Use the term BIGOTED.

The left is BIGOTED.

They cannot spin their way out of that truth....

Make Jussie Smollett the face of the Democrat Party. After all, it is hard to count all of the "top Dems" who have "gayed off" with him....

Barack and Michael Robinson are two...

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