Will the serious issue of violent crime and filth ever be addressed in America or will we forever have to live with it?

Crime is always been an issue and the USA. But just look at the stats there were no mass school shootings in the American past. There was a lot less violent crime too. You’re just pointing out very specific examples.

We had a better middle class and a cleaner and healthier society in the American past. Thanks to our ancestors.

Perhaps we just have much better reporting and statistics.

It does seem strange that the increase in school shootings coincides with the NRA's campaign to influence politics and prevent any gun reform legislation.
Diversity fails EVERYWHERE it’s tried
With respect not in Singapore. There’s four main languages there and tons of dark skinned and light skinned people. They even had a Muslim female president. It’s the safest and perhaps most prosperous country in the world. Singapore happens to have better policies and better leadership than we have in the USA. Yes they might be a bit authoritarian, but people cannot deny how safe and prosperous the country is. At the very least, the USA needs to clean up our streets, our leaders need to do something about the high crime levels, the ugly airports, the potholes in our roads. And yes, American people need to do better we’re the most obese country in the world , look at how ugly our malls are and the way people dress in this country. It’s unacceptable.

Even going back into history, the Roman Empire was one of the most diverse empires to have existed. They had Arabs and Africans in the highest positions of power.

One thing that can be said the problem is left-wing politicians, and even neo conservatives in America doing the wrong thing. We are unique in the sense that we have a bunch of these pro Israel, pro-Ukraine and Palestinian protests. Obviously western European countries that do what the USA tells them to do is also part of this problem. That phenomenon doesn’t exist in other countries of the world, where leadership in other countries are concentrated on helping their people like in Japan or Singapore or also Saudi Arabia.

Also, left-wing politics is terrible for America, that includes the evil idea that America is unique in the annals of history when it comes to slavery and racism, it is not that is simply a fact. I’ve seen wingers and others respond to this point they laugh at it. They think it’s not real. They are simply unable to respond to it with intelligence and substance. They simply say “you’re wrong or you’re a racist.” that’s part of why we have problems in America today. A lot of black youth are told by Hollywood in the media how evil and racist America is so they are more predisposed to commit a crime because after all if they think the country hates them, then they might believe they are entitled to commit a crime. That is what BLM leaders have said “looting is a form of of reparations”.

All groups of people of history have gone through trials and tribulations whether they are white, black, Jewish, Christian, Muslim you name it no matter where they’re from all of our ancestors went through great struggles and had to overcome them. It’s not a uniquely Jewish, Indian, black, Irish or white thing to overcome struggle.
Diversity fails EVERYWHERE it’s tried
Remember Rich White politicians support BLM and radical LGBT politics. So they are just as much as part of the problem as a black supporter of BLM. But most Americans black, white, whatever color they are reject left-wing politics and they also reject neo conservatism.
Will the politicians, media and Hollywood ever address this? Or are they going to keep on bombarding us with the wars in Palestine and Ukraine. With the radical BLM and LGBT stuff that the majority of Americans want nothing to do with?

Ever since the crack epidemic, we’ve had a lot of degradation and more violence in America. Will these issues ever be addressed or will we just have to live with it. Recently in Buffalo two Bangladeshis were murdered when they went to work on a home in Buffalo. They were shot by a squatter.. There are those Americans who might argue from a position of ignorance saying “crime is at an all-time low” while not addressing these two murders or other violent crime that occurs every day in the USA… These types of violent crimes are unheard of in the civilized areas of the world. If something like this happened in Japan it will be in the news for months on end nonstop. But in America, apparently it’s acceptable which is an embarrassment indeed to the world.

The question is will these issues of violence and filth ie the vandalism and degradation of our roads and buildings ever be addressed by the politicians? Will the media and Hollywood address or approach these issues. Or will we simply be living with it for the rest of our lives and our childrens lives as well? Seems like we would need big changes in America and that would include confronting radical left-wing politics that are clearly terrible for society.

In the American past, we had just as many guns and we did not have mass school shootings or mass shootings like we do today. We certainly didn’t have vandalism and filth in our neighborhood. The roads were not crumbling like they are today.

Take Singapore, for example where there is a death penalty for marijuana dealers. Where there are serious punishments for people who vandalize the sides of buildings with graffiti. The result is one of the safest and cleanest and friendly societies in the entire world. Not to mention of course, the prosperity Singapore home to one of the greatest economies in the world.

Also In other Countries of the world where there are guns there is not a high level of violent crime like we have in America…. so the problem is not guns.

We will live it until we get a made up of patriotic, no nonsense hard noses that want America to be a great country and they are willing to put in the work. That combined with state governments willing to join in.

The real issue is this, it will take time, money, effort, co operation, upsetting a lot of people, sacrifice, and hard work. No politician or government agency wants any of that now. They want to throw money at problems, make up excuses and to find ways to live with crime instead of getting rid of it.

Getting rid of drugs, crime, murders and so on means getting rid of the people who cause those things. Means putting crazy people away to be treated by professionals, it means hard line stance on arresting criminals and jailing them, it means executing murderers, it means fostering Christianity and family, it means pushing American values and standards and values and pride, it means making young people be responsible and intelligent and strong willed and determined, and so on.

No one wants any part of that. Now leaders say things like "ok we know this area has crime, shootings and drugs. So we're going to install more surveillance" well that doesn't do anything to get rid of people who comitt those crimes at all.

I'm all for giving America an enema, because we need one.
There is no reason for us to have filth in our country today like we do.
with all due respect Frank, we are letting 'filth' invade us , S. American countries are literally letting convicts skip boarders

Said countries are ruled by drug lords that are more powerful than standing governance

For ex., Columbia is looking at legalizing cocaine

Except in the most diverse country in the history of the world which also happens to be the richest strongest and greatest country in the history of the world.
True…white Europeans built one hell of a safe united likeminded nation…one with an amazing military, with no debt and cash surpluses.
Dark people invaded by the tens of millions…now we have a lawless nation with no identity, a divided citizenry with nothing in common, a $34 trillion dollar debt owned by adversaries, major deficits and military recruitment down 20% because we can’t get dark people to join our military.

Good job shortsighted globalists!!
That is an interesting way to address it. Looking at that black guy from the original post pictured who is suspected to have murdered the two Bangladeshi immigrants…. He was previously arrested over 50 times. Yet he was on the streets roaming around.
I got arrested in california, dana point. long story, funny, sad, angry story

OJ Simpon's in-law's town, things got very political, revengeful, somehow

I spent 32 hours in jail until I got myself bailed out. I swear to god, the black men were counting their crimes on their fingers, going past 5. Then saying how this crime, this arrest was wrong cause it was his girlfriends apartment and the heroin was hers!

After that, Rooster from the watergate area of los angeles started telling how they robbed Denny's restaurants.

Three felonies, go to jail was a good law

Yet the flip side is, I was innocent, charged with 4 misdemeanors. The assistant district attorney told me I get 6 months per charge and would take a plea and give me 3 months in jail. I had extremely shitty lawyers, took it to court with extremely bad lawyers, beat two out of four charges

I got zero jail time!!!!

The boss, the District Attorney was not going to take it to court, he did not want a loss on his record. The assistant begged and bitched and demanded the case.

My lawyers were so bad, against an assistant district attorney, who had no witness, that made stuff up, they were so bad I lost two out of four.

As the Judge was reading my sentence, the bitch district attorney was talking, almost shouting over him, repeating over and over, "90 days, 90 days, 90 days"

So, yes a great law, but our courts are screwed up and a lot of men, black and white are getting screwed by vindictive district attorneys that have no business being in court.

hell, I got arrested by a rookie cop, his first arrest! long story, I should tell it under crime or something
America was mad ediverse when whites first floated over here. I think that only the Native Americans can say that diversity is our demise because it literally was their demise due to the genocide whites tried to do to them. White supremacy has created every problem this nation has today, starting with the debt/deficit, then poverty and crime.
True…white Europeans built one hell of a safe united likeminded nation…one with an amazing military, with no debt and cash surpluses.
Dark people invaded by the tens of millions…now we have a lawless nation with no identity, a divided citizenry with nothing in common, a $34 trillion dollar debt owned by adversaries, major deficits and military recruitment down 20% because we can’t get dark people to join our military.

Good job shortsighted globalists!!
Whites didn't build anything of the sort. It built a nation that has been continually divided. And due to their racism it created debt by excluding people from equal pay and jobs. This country has never been untied, but here we see an example of the great white fairy tale.
Negative, look it up, bud. The timelines coincide….We have been in a steady decline, running up debt and becoming more divided since dark people started invading this nation.

All sorts of people have always been in and part of this great nation. Always since before the founding of the nation itself. There is really no excuse for you being such a pussy. Just get the fuck out of my great country and go bother some others.
All sorts of people have always been in and part of this great nation. Always since before the founding of the nation itself. There is really no excuse for you being such a pussy. Just get the fuck out of my great country and go bother some others.
That’s ‘misinformation’.
In the era that America was made great it was 90+ percent white European… in the era that America has declined it has darkened significantly. There’s nothing coincidental about it

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