Will they come for the flag? Will a Democrat be the first to denounce its symbolism?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
You just got to know it’s in the works.
Some Lefty some where is lobbying for its abolishment and redesign...right?
I mean, our flag is symbolic with old America...the America that ‘new unAmericans’ hate...right?
Suppose this happens....What percentage of Democrats would come to our flags defense?

They are anti-American scum.
These are questions we need to ask the squad every day expose their hate for America
Golfing Gator as a war hero, how do you feel about those who shit in your face and disrespect our flag?
FULL DISCLOSURE: this is a test.

A typical leftist wannabe military man responds with....
“I served to protect their right to disrespect that flag.”
A legit military man responds with...
“I hope that motherfucker rots in hell...I served for their right to live protected under that flag.”
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Questioning one's allegiance while redefining it to fit one's political stance is the ...penchant....of ....loosers...~S~
You're damn right they are coming after old glory and it's a line in the sand I wont allow!

The protesting of the national anthem is leading there the same way gay marriage is leading to the normalization of pedophilia.

Hollywood already did it in Season 4 of the Man in the High Castle, where the Black Communist Rebellion--who were made to be the protagonists of the season--rejected an American Flag that someone found and proposed using as a symbol of the rebellion against tyranny, telling them to get rid of it.
Golfing Gator as a war hero, how do you feel about those who shit in your face and disrespect our flag?
DISCLAIMER: this is a test.

A typical leftist wannabe military man responds with....
“I served to protect their right to disrespect that flag.”
A legit military man responds with...
“I hope that motherfucker rots in hell...I served for their right to live protected under that flag.”

I never claimed to be a war hero, that you would discount service to this country in such a way is not a surprise. Since you have never given anything back to this country you would never be able to understand those of us who did.

That said, I think both disrespecting our flag and kneeling for the national anthem are the lowest of things that a person can do, I am good with them rotting in hell for doing so.

But at the same time, I will fight for their right to do so till my dying breath, just like I will fight for your right to be hate-filled racist.

When I vowed to defend the Constitution that did not include only things I agree with, that included even things I find to be fucking disgusting...but that are still allowed under our Constitution.

I did I serve for their right to live protected under that flag, which according to our Constitution, includes disrespecting that flag.

Not that you will understand my position, you are nothing but a statist that wants the government to control our lives.
When I see some racist shit head waving the flag and preaching hate I want to kick that flag up his ass. Perhaps you think that is desecrating the flag? Make the flag mean more than just some colorful rag shitty people wave around while they rage against freedom and democracy for all.
I hope our new flag has red in it. And two red triangles on either side of the flag. And a red maple leaf in the middle with a white background. That would be an awesome flag.
Golfing Gator as a war hero, how do you feel about those who shit in your face and disrespect our flag?
DISCLAIMER: this is a test.

A typical leftist wannabe military man responds with....
“I served to protect their right to disrespect that flag.”
A legit military man responds with...
“I hope that motherfucker rots in hell...I served for their right to live protected under that flag.”

I never claimed to be a war hero, that you would discount service to this country in such a way is not a surprise. Since you have never given anything back to this country you would never be able to understand those of us who did.

That said, I think both disrespecting our flag and kneeling for the national anthem are the lowest of things that a person can do, I am good with them rotting in hell for doing so.

But at the same time, I will fight for their right to do so till my dying breath, just like I will fight for your right to be hate-filled racist.

When I vowed to defend the Constitution that did not include only things I agree with, that included even things I find to be fucking disgusting...but that are still allowed under our Constitution.

I did I serve for their right to live protected under that flag, which according to our Constitution, includes disrespecting that flag.

Not that you will understand my position, you are nothing but a statist that wants the government to control our lives.

Well scripted..,I see you’ve practiced that...or committed plagiarism...huh?
That’s a hell of a tap dance…Where did you learn to toe the line like that?
Again, a real military man leaves it at...”I hope that motherfucker rots in hell”....you failed with your word games.

There you go putting words in my mouth again… Where did I make a request for government intervention?
When I see some racist shit head waving the flag and preaching hate I want to kick that flag up his ass. Perhaps you think that is desecrating the flag? Make the flag mean more than just some colorful rag shitty people wave around while they rage against freedom and democracy for all.

“Preaching hate”?
Do you really mean supporting law and order, American sovereignty and a closed border?
Yeah, that shit is super annoying...huh?
Oh they'll get around to it but they haven't brought in enough third world immigrants to guarantee their perpetuation of power yet.
Well scripted..,I see you’ve practiced that...or committed plagiarism...huh?
That’s a hell of a tap dance…Where did you learn to toe the line like that?
Again, a real military man leaves it at...”I hope that motherfucker rots in hell”....you failed with your word games.

There you go putting words in my mouth again… Where did I make a request for government intervention?

you would not know a " real military man" if one kicked you ass across the street.

a real military man knows what the Constitution says and knows that it is the Constitution that we swear to defend.

Look up the 1st amendment and read it...and do not worry, us real military men and women will keep on defending your rights no matter how offensive you are.
You just got to know it’s in the works.
Some Lefty some where is lobbying for its abolishment and redesign...right?
I mean, our flag is symbolic with old America...the America that ‘new unAmericans’ hate...right?
Suppose this happens....What percentage of Democrats would come to our flags defense?

What do you care . You fly the confederate flag. And we all know what that stands for .

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