Will Trump attack McCain?

McCain being a secret liberal democrat is the worst kept secret in DC since deepthroat
We saw Trump attack two women Senators when they voted against him. He ranted & had a tissy fit & threatened their States.

Will the chickenshit little orange man attack John McCain? Will he threaten Arizona?

I'm betting not. Even with his cancer, John McCain can kick the dough boy Trump's ass - physically or mentally.
I hope he does. I hope he picks up something and smacks him right in the head.

I enjoy posts like the above, when they're put into the perspective of the hundreds of RW'er posts we've seen over the years insisting that the GOP and conservatives are the ones tolerant and welcoming of differing opinions in their party.
Saying what I did has nothing to do with tolerance. It has to do with wanting his face smacked. Tell us another lie.

Being "tolerant" does not mean letting someone treat you like shit and not calling them on it.

Lefties play games with words and then attack you based on their bullshit.

So McCain owes the GOP majority lockstep unquestioning obedience,

if he wants to avoid being accused of treating them like shit?
We saw Trump attack two women Senators when they voted against him. He ranted & had a tissy fit & threatened their States.

Will the chickenshit little orange man attack John McCain? Will he threaten Arizona?

I'm betting not. Even with his cancer, John McCain can kick the dough boy Trump's ass - physically or mentally.
I hope he does. I hope he picks up something and smacks him right in the head.

I enjoy posts like the above, when they're put into the perspective of the hundreds of RW'er posts we've seen over the years insisting that the GOP and conservatives are the ones tolerant and welcoming of differing opinions in their party.
Saying what I did has nothing to do with tolerance. It has to do with wanting his face smacked. Tell us another lie.

Being "tolerant" does not mean letting someone treat you like shit and not calling them on it.

Lefties play games with words and then attack you based on their bullshit.

So McCain owes the GOP majority lockstep unquestioning obedience,

if he wants to avoid being accused of treating them like shit?
No fool, he owes the people of this country he is supposed to represent loyalty.
Doing away with that filthy ass Obamacare is not because of the Republicans. The great majority of them voted to stop the disaster.

It failed because of 46 shithead Democrats joined by two Independents that always vote with the nitwits Democrats.

McCain has always been a RINO just like those two dizzy broads that voted with him last night. They deserves to be ridiculed just like the Democrats.

The remedy to this problem is to stop electing Democrats and Republicans that run on a Conservative platform but always vote Liberal.

The Americans people kicked out 1,000 Liberals that supported Liberal policies like Obamacare and they elected a Republican Congress and President that ran on a platform to do away with Obamacare. The American people ar e the real losers in this deal.

The fate of the Republicans and Democrats that opposed doing away with Obamacare should be the same as those idiots back in 1994 that voted for the Assault Weapons Ban. They should be kicked out of office. .

Go ahead....blame the Democrats
Democrats opposed repealing Obamacare from day one. Republicans could never expect support from the Dems, especially after eight years of obstructive GOP block voting

Republicans had the votes ....52 of them

Don't blame the Dems if Trumpcare was so shitty that even Republicans did not like it

Explain to hardcore Republicans why you failed to repeal Obamacare
Nobody expected them to vote yes but the fact that nobody on the left will entertain an argument is the sad and scary part.
So I guess what is bein said in the OP is that Trump should praise women and McCain for their opposition. Or is the OP saying that Trump should do what Obama did and buy off his own party? I guess the later is business as usual for Washington. Maybe that is the problem, people like McCain are used to getting their collective asses kissed with ample government money.
I think the OP has a valid question mixed in with all the Trump insults. Will he go after a dying man? That wouldn't stop our President, but we'll see if the President even cares. It's over. He didn't care one way or the other what was in a healthcare bill. He's not really a Republican. So my guess is, he's not as personally worked up over this as he is about some other things. Like Russia.
Oh gawd Russia again? Instead of reading myths why don't you comment on the shit Wasserman Schultz just pulled?
cause it's not trump related.

some are focused on trump. others are focused on all the bullshit DC does and gets away with. hard to have a valid convo between those 2 groups.
Yes...many on the Left have a laser focus on Trump, while ignoring everything else. Those kinds of people can generally be classified as "dupes for the establishment."

The focus today is #failureFriday, the GOP's colossal bed shitting over healthcare.
I agree it was a huge failure but why do they keep trying to pass the exact same bill with no changes? Nobody is going to change their mind without amendments added to the bill, that's how politics works, so they should make the changes needed to get the votes and move on to the rest of Trump's agenda.

They tried changing it, but when they moved the bill to the left they lost votes on the right, when they moved the bill to the right they lost votes on the left, all within their own party.
We saw Trump attack two women Senators when they voted against him. He ranted & had a tissy fit & threatened their States.

Will the chickenshit little orange man attack John McCain? Will he threaten Arizona?

I'm betting not. Even with his cancer, John McCain can kick the dough boy Trump's ass - physically or mentally.
I hope he does. I hope he picks up something and smacks him right in the head.

I enjoy posts like the above, when they're put into the perspective of the hundreds of RW'er posts we've seen over the years insisting that the GOP and conservatives are the ones tolerant and welcoming of differing opinions in their party.
Saying what I did has nothing to do with tolerance. It has to do with wanting his face smacked. Tell us another lie.

Being "tolerant" does not mean letting someone treat you like shit and not calling them on it.

Lefties play games with words and then attack you based on their bullshit.
Pretty sure government agencies monitor stuff like this so threatening to slap the president may not be your best move but.
This country is not tolerant in any stretch of the imagination it pretends that having opposing opinions is fine but behind closed doors a lot of people especially from the left loath it and are hurt that the country does not share the same opinions as them.
I hope he does. I hope he picks up something and smacks him right in the head.

I enjoy posts like the above, when they're put into the perspective of the hundreds of RW'er posts we've seen over the years insisting that the GOP and conservatives are the ones tolerant and welcoming of differing opinions in their party.
Saying what I did has nothing to do with tolerance. It has to do with wanting his face smacked. Tell us another lie.

Being "tolerant" does not mean letting someone treat you like shit and not calling them on it.

Lefties play games with words and then attack you based on their bullshit.

So McCain owes the GOP majority lockstep unquestioning obedience,

if he wants to avoid being accused of treating them like shit?
No fool, he owes the people of this country he is supposed to represent loyalty.

Loyalty to the 17% support for this bill?
McCain being a secret liberal democrat is the worst kept secret in DC since deepthroat
Maybe he is just more moderate? It looks bad for him to come back from a cancer diagnosis to vote to begin discussing the repeal of a bill to only two days later vote against the repeal yeah. It doesn't look great for him but he is not the only problem, 6 other senators voted against so obviously something is wrong or everybody is trying to screw the President over.
Oh gawd Russia again? Instead of reading myths why don't you comment on the shit Wasserman Schultz just pulled?
cause it's not trump related.

some are focused on trump. others are focused on all the bullshit DC does and gets away with. hard to have a valid convo between those 2 groups.
Yes...many on the Left have a laser focus on Trump, while ignoring everything else. Those kinds of people can generally be classified as "dupes for the establishment."

The focus today is #failureFriday, the GOP's colossal bed shitting over healthcare.
I agree it was a huge failure but why do they keep trying to pass the exact same bill with no changes? Nobody is going to change their mind without amendments added to the bill, that's how politics works, so they should make the changes needed to get the votes and move on to the rest of Trump's agenda.

They tried changing it, but when they moved the bill to the left they lost votes on the right, when they moved the bill to the right they lost votes on the left, all within their own party.
They just need to choose what side they truly believe the bill should go towards and just keep trying. Obamacare is far from perfect just like the Trumpcare bill is but if they give up now not only does Obamacare keep failing but the Republicans will fail as a party leaving room for the majority in both the house and the senate to be won by democrats.
cause it's not trump related.

some are focused on trump. others are focused on all the bullshit DC does and gets away with. hard to have a valid convo between those 2 groups.
Yes...many on the Left have a laser focus on Trump, while ignoring everything else. Those kinds of people can generally be classified as "dupes for the establishment."

The focus today is #failureFriday, the GOP's colossal bed shitting over healthcare.
I agree it was a huge failure but why do they keep trying to pass the exact same bill with no changes? Nobody is going to change their mind without amendments added to the bill, that's how politics works, so they should make the changes needed to get the votes and move on to the rest of Trump's agenda.

They tried changing it, but when they moved the bill to the left they lost votes on the right, when they moved the bill to the right they lost votes on the left, all within their own party.
They just need to choose what side they truly believe the bill should go towards and just keep trying. Obamacare is far from perfect just like the Trumpcare bill is but if they give up now not only does Obamacare keep failing but the Republicans will fail as a party leaving room for the majority in both the house and the senate to be won by democrats.

if nothing else, healthcare needs to be a joint effort, not one side shoving their ideas on the other. 8 years of that crap is what got us here and this "payback" mentality needs to go.
We saw Trump attack two women Senators when they voted against him. He ranted & had a tissy fit & threatened their States.

Will the chickenshit little orange man attack John McCain? Will he threaten Arizona?

I'm betting not. Even with his cancer, John McCain can kick the dough boy Trump's ass - physically or mentally.
I hope he does. I hope he picks up something and smacks him right in the head.

I enjoy posts like the above, when they're put into the perspective of the hundreds of RW'er posts we've seen over the years insisting that the GOP and conservatives are the ones tolerant and welcoming of differing opinions in their party.
Saying what I did has nothing to do with tolerance. It has to do with wanting his face smacked. Tell us another lie.

Being "tolerant" does not mean letting someone treat you like shit and not calling them on it.

Lefties play games with words and then attack you based on their bullshit.

So McCain owes the GOP majority lockstep unquestioning obedience,

if he wants to avoid being accused of treating them like shit?

And the only way you could find to disagree with my statement was to dishonestly twist it into an absurd absolute strawman.

By doing that, you demonstrated that you know that there is no reasonable or valid counter point to my statement.

In effect you just showed that, deep down, you know that I am right.

McCain has been an asshole for a long time. Calling him on his asshole ness is completely valid.
I enjoy posts like the above, when they're put into the perspective of the hundreds of RW'er posts we've seen over the years insisting that the GOP and conservatives are the ones tolerant and welcoming of differing opinions in their party.
Saying what I did has nothing to do with tolerance. It has to do with wanting his face smacked. Tell us another lie.

Being "tolerant" does not mean letting someone treat you like shit and not calling them on it.

Lefties play games with words and then attack you based on their bullshit.

So McCain owes the GOP majority lockstep unquestioning obedience,

if he wants to avoid being accused of treating them like shit?
No fool, he owes the people of this country he is supposed to represent loyalty.

Loyalty to the 17% support for this bill?
It's clearly far from perfect but if Trump hasn't had an approval rating over 45% this whole time then why do people expect the bill approval to be higher?
McCain being a secret liberal democrat is the worst kept secret in DC since deepthroat
Maybe he is just more moderate? It looks bad for him to come back from a cancer diagnosis to vote to begin discussing the repeal of a bill to only two days later vote against the repeal yeah. It doesn't look great for him but he is not the only problem, 6 other senators voted against so obviously something is wrong or everybody is trying to screw the President over.
No there's no way he's just moderate. He's done some of the most liberal shit a republican can do over his career.
This was the best proposal put forward so far and that piece of shit killed it. I can't wait til he's dead I don't even care how awful that is
The two female Senators were a given, I believe it is agreed upon before a vote between a few of them who will vote no to tip the scales and since McCain really has nothing to lose at this point he chose to be the deciding vote or Lindsay talked him into it.

We saw Trump attack two women Senators when they voted against him. He ranted & had a tissy fit & threatened their States.

Will the chickenshit little orange man attack John McCain? Will he threaten Arizona?

I'm betting not. Even with his cancer, John McCain can kick the dough boy Trump's ass - physically or mentally.

I lost complete respect for John McCain after he threw that whistle blower doctor in Arizona under the bus. Here we have a doctor at the VA who blows the whistle on a secret death list for really sick patients who are expensive to treat, only to be fired once they write a letter to McCain about it.

If it were not for some obscure Congressman in Florida, we would all probably have never known about the scandal. That is how close we all are to state controlled euthanasia for nonproductive and expensive to treat citizens. It's all about rationing health care and control from here on out.

Enjoy your single payer system American, cuz I'm sure John McCain will have all the care he needs no matter how sick he actually gets.

You would think a war vet like McCain would be a Veterans biggest advocate.

Oh well, maybe that brain tumor has been their longer than what we know about.

The VA is not as bad as the GOP puts on, but we do not need VA hospitals, only acute care and rehabs for vets , then let them go to civilian healthcare providers and hospitals.
Yes...many on the Left have a laser focus on Trump, while ignoring everything else. Those kinds of people can generally be classified as "dupes for the establishment."

The focus today is #failureFriday, the GOP's colossal bed shitting over healthcare.
I agree it was a huge failure but why do they keep trying to pass the exact same bill with no changes? Nobody is going to change their mind without amendments added to the bill, that's how politics works, so they should make the changes needed to get the votes and move on to the rest of Trump's agenda.

They tried changing it, but when they moved the bill to the left they lost votes on the right, when they moved the bill to the right they lost votes on the left, all within their own party.
They just need to choose what side they truly believe the bill should go towards and just keep trying. Obamacare is far from perfect just like the Trumpcare bill is but if they give up now not only does Obamacare keep failing but the Republicans will fail as a party leaving room for the majority in both the house and the senate to be won by democrats.

if nothing else, healthcare needs to be a joint effort, not one side shoving their ideas on the other. 8 years of that crap is what got us here and this "payback" mentality needs to go.
The problem is neither side is willing to budge because the left is throwing a hissy fit that they lost and the right is power hungry and afraid that consulting with the other side will lose them their elected post. Being elected is to represent the greater good of this country, not to get more stories for your book or to get your names in the history books.
Doing away with that filthy ass Obamacare is not because of the Republicans. The great majority of them voted to stop the disaster.

It failed because of 46 shithead Democrats joined by two Independents that always vote with the nitwits Democrats.

McCain has always been a RINO just like those two dizzy broads that voted with him last night. They deserves to be ridiculed just like the Democrats.

The remedy to this problem is to stop electing Democrats and Republicans that run on a Conservative platform but always vote Liberal.

The Americans people kicked out 1,000 Liberals that supported Liberal policies like Obamacare and they elected a Republican Congress and President that ran on a platform to do away with Obamacare. The American people ar e the real losers in this deal.

The fate of the Republicans and Democrats that opposed doing away with Obamacare should be the same as those idiots back in 1994 that voted for the Assault Weapons Ban. They should be kicked out of office. .

Go ahead....blame the Democrats
Democrats opposed repealing Obamacare from day one. Republicans could never expect support from the Dems, especially after eight years of obstructive GOP block voting

Republicans had the votes ....52 of them

Don't blame the Dems if Trumpcare was so shitty that even Republicans did not like it

Explain to hardcore Republicans why you failed to repeal Obamacare
Nobody expected them to vote yes but the fact that nobody on the left will entertain an argument is the sad and scary part.

Obamacare was structured on a Republican healthcare plan, it was to be implemented by the states, healthcare exchanges were first introduced by Republicans
Yet, not a single Republican voted for it

What was in Trumpcare that Democrats were supposed to like?
McCain being a secret liberal democrat is the worst kept secret in DC since deepthroat
Maybe he is just more moderate? It looks bad for him to come back from a cancer diagnosis to vote to begin discussing the repeal of a bill to only two days later vote against the repeal yeah. It doesn't look great for him but he is not the only problem, 6 other senators voted against so obviously something is wrong or everybody is trying to screw the President over.
No there's no way he's just moderate. He's done some of the most liberal shit a republican can do over his career.
Clearly he's conservative enough though? He ran for presidential office in 2008 so he's no liberal.
The two female Senators were a given, I believe it is agreed upon before a vote between a few of them who will vote no to tip the scales and since McCain really has nothing to lose at this point he chose to be the deciding vote or Lindsay talked him into it.

I think you are right, if McCain was not ill , he would of voted with the party, but Trump and McConnell didn't know what to do with health insurance.

We must remember that for years how they wasted time and fought the ACA, time for the insurers to get back in the marketplaces.

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