Will Trump attack McCain?

We saw Trump attack two women Senators when they voted against him. He ranted & had a tissy fit & threatened their States.

Will the chickenshit little orange man attack John McCain? Will he threaten Arizona?

I'm betting not. Even with his cancer, John McCain can kick the dough boy Trump's ass - physically or mentally.
we've seen the left attack trump and throw hissy fits cause he won the election and they didn't like it... they threatened to blow up the white house, and his life daily.

but you like that, don't you? that's ok cause you don't like trump and in the end, that's the only thing that matters. the world - revolving around you.

I think the OP has a valid question mixed in with all the Trump insults. Will he go after a dying man? That wouldn't stop our President, but we'll see if the President even cares. It's over. He didn't care one way or the other what was in a healthcare bill. He's not really a Republican. So my guess is, he's not as personally worked up over this as he is about some other things. Like Russia.
Oh gawd Russia again? Instead of reading myths why don't you comment on the shit Wasserman Schultz just pulled?
I'm waiting to see what the investigations find out. If the Pres allows the investigations to proceed, that is. See if I ever joined in the bullshit chorus saying they're guilty of spying or collusion or anything else. My guess would be IF there's any ties to Russia that shouldn't be, it's got to do with financial dealings. But I don't know.
Deflection isn't going to save your guy.
and bullshit investigations are not going to take him down.

when i see you with the same anger for all who break laws - well that would be one hell of a day, wouldn't it?
we've seen the left attack trump and throw hissy fits cause he won the election and they didn't like it... they threatened to blow up the white house, and his life daily.

but you like that, don't you? that's ok cause you don't like trump and in the end, that's the only thing that matters. the world - revolving around you.

I think the OP has a valid question mixed in with all the Trump insults. Will he go after a dying man? That wouldn't stop our President, but we'll see if the President even cares. It's over. He didn't care one way or the other what was in a healthcare bill. He's not really a Republican. So my guess is, he's not as personally worked up over this as he is about some other things. Like Russia.
Oh gawd Russia again? Instead of reading myths why don't you comment on the shit Wasserman Schultz just pulled?
cause it's not trump related.

some are focused on trump. others are focused on all the bullshit DC does and gets away with. hard to have a valid convo between those 2 groups.
Yes...many on the Left have a laser focus on Trump, while ignoring everything else. Those kinds of people can generally be classified as "dupes for the establishment."
yea. i don't disagree trump is an ass. not at all. but he's far from the biggest ass in DC, just the most recognizable and he loves to push their buttons while they push his. a symbiotic thing i suppose. annoying but oh well.

but if you're mad at the "crimes" he commits but not at others for doing worse, yea i will bust that focus out every time. laws are for us all and whether you like someone or not does not change the application of said law.

we've let this go on too long and reeling it back in is gonna hurt and we'll hear a shitton of whining along the way.
You are spot on. Everyone in DC is an ass and it's so much easier to draw attention to an extremely inexperienced politician like trump than to a big name figure with a lot more experience.
We saw Trump attack two women Senators when they voted against him. He ranted & had a tissy fit & threatened their States.

Will the chickenshit little orange man attack John McCain? Will he threaten Arizona?

I'm betting not. Even with his cancer, John McCain can kick the dough boy Trump's ass - physically or mentally.

I like Senators who do not have brain cancer
I think the OP has a valid question mixed in with all the Trump insults. Will he go after a dying man? That wouldn't stop our President, but we'll see if the President even cares. It's over. He didn't care one way or the other what was in a healthcare bill. He's not really a Republican. So my guess is, he's not as personally worked up over this as he is about some other things. Like Russia.
Oh gawd Russia again? Instead of reading myths why don't you comment on the shit Wasserman Schultz just pulled?
cause it's not trump related.

some are focused on trump. others are focused on all the bullshit DC does and gets away with. hard to have a valid convo between those 2 groups.
Yes...many on the Left have a laser focus on Trump, while ignoring everything else. Those kinds of people can generally be classified as "dupes for the establishment."
yea. i don't disagree trump is an ass. not at all. but he's far from the biggest ass in DC, just the most recognizable and he loves to push their buttons while they push his. a symbiotic thing i suppose. annoying but oh well.

but if you're mad at the "crimes" he commits but not at others for doing worse, yea i will bust that focus out every time. laws are for us all and whether you like someone or not does not change the application of said law.

we've let this go on too long and reeling it back in is gonna hurt and we'll hear a shitton of whining along the way.
You are spot on. Everyone in DC is an ass and it's so much easier to draw attention to an extremely inexperienced politician like trump than to a big name figure with a lot more experience.
when we let our fears of someone else make us do irrational things, we let those fears win.

the fear people have of trump is making them ignore much bigger problems as they invent ways to deal with their own fears and hatred of the man. if hillary had won i'd hate it to be sure. but i'd not make up lies about her and hope THIS ONE would take her down. i do think she's guilty as hell and the good old boy system under obama protected far too many people and *twisted* right and wrong into something i don't recognize anymore.

you take out the names of who's done what, generalize it, and just pick the actual things people have done to each other, would people still pick out trumps actions as the worst?

i would hope not but trying to get people to *think outside the trump* isn't usually successful as you're now defending him. somewhere along the line not attacking in unison became defense and telling them they're wrong, painful to us all.
Doing away with that filthy ass Obamacare is not because of the Republicans. The great majority of them voted to stop the disaster.

It failed because of 46 shithead Democrats joined by two Independents that always vote with the nitwits Democrats.

McCain has always been a RINO just like those two dizzy broads that voted with him last night. They deserves to be ridiculed just like the Democrats.

The remedy to this problem is to stop electing Democrats and Republicans that run on a Conservative platform but always vote Liberal.

The Americans people kicked out 1,000 Liberals that supported Liberal policies like Obamacare and they elected a Republican Congress and President that ran on a platform to do away with Obamacare. The American people ar e the real losers in this deal.

The fate of the Republicans and Democrats that opposed doing away with Obamacare should be the same as those idiots back in 1994 that voted for the Assault Weapons Ban. They should be kicked out of office. .
Doing away with that filthy ass Obamacare is not because of the Republicans. The great majority of them voted to stop the disaster.

It failed because of 46 shithead Democrats joined by two Independents that always vote with the nitwits Democrats.

McCain has always been a RINO just like those two dizzy broads that voted with him last night. They deservesto be ridiculed just like the Democrats.

The remedy to this problem is to stop electing Democrats and Republicans that run on a Conservative platform but always vote Liberal.

The Americans people kicked out 1,000 Liberals that supported Liberal policies like Obamacare and they elected a Republican Congress and President that ran on a platform to do away with Obamacare. The American people ar e the real losers in this deal.

The fate of the Republicans and Democrats that opposed doing away with Obamacare should be the same as those idiots back in 1994 that voted for the Assault Weapons Ban. They should be kicked out of office. .
Now that you've gone and supplied facts to the liberal morons, you are in trouble now!
Oh gawd Russia again? Instead of reading myths why don't you comment on the shit Wasserman Schultz just pulled?
cause it's not trump related.

some are focused on trump. others are focused on all the bullshit DC does and gets away with. hard to have a valid convo between those 2 groups.
Yes...many on the Left have a laser focus on Trump, while ignoring everything else. Those kinds of people can generally be classified as "dupes for the establishment."
yea. i don't disagree trump is an ass. not at all. but he's far from the biggest ass in DC, just the most recognizable and he loves to push their buttons while they push his. a symbiotic thing i suppose. annoying but oh well.

but if you're mad at the "crimes" he commits but not at others for doing worse, yea i will bust that focus out every time. laws are for us all and whether you like someone or not does not change the application of said law.

we've let this go on too long and reeling it back in is gonna hurt and we'll hear a shitton of whining along the way.
You are spot on. Everyone in DC is an ass and it's so much easier to draw attention to an extremely inexperienced politician like trump than to a big name figure with a lot more experience.
when we let our fears of someone else make us do irrational things, we let those fears win.

the fear people have of trump is making them ignore much bigger problems as they invent ways to deal with their own fears and hatred of the man. if hillary had won i'd hate it to be sure. but i'd not make up lies about her and hope THIS ONE would take her down. i do think she's guilty as hell and the good old boy system under obama protected far too many people and *twisted* right and wrong into something i don't recognize anymore.

you take out the names of who's done what, generalize it, and just pick the actual things people have done to each other, would people still pick out trumps actions as the worst?

i would hope not but trying to get people to *think outside the trump* isn't usually successful as you're now defending him. somewhere along the line not attacking in unison became defense and telling them they're wrong, painful to us all.
If our country could have more discussions and stop alienating the elected officials that WE the people elect into office then it wouldn't be so bad. The issue is people elect somebody they truly believe in and when the other side exposes something, however minor it may be, people run away scared because they are afraid they elected the wrong guy and want to undo that action. The fact of the matter is people believe in the officials they elect at one point or another and if they gave them a chance and some support or at least some ears to listen to the ideas being put in place then maybe we would be in a different spot.
We saw Trump attack two women Senators when they voted against him. He ranted & had a tissy fit & threatened their States.

Will the chickenshit little orange man attack John McCain? Will he threaten Arizona?

I'm betting not. Even with his cancer, John McCain can kick the dough boy Trump's ass - physically or mentally.
we've seen the left attack trump and throw hissy fits cause he won the election and they didn't like it... they threatened to blow up the white house, and his life daily.

but you like that, don't you? that's ok cause you don't like trump and in the end, that's the only thing that matters. the world - revolving around you.

I think the OP has a valid question mixed in with all the Trump insults. Will he go after a dying man? That wouldn't stop our President, but we'll see if the President even cares. It's over. He didn't care one way or the other what was in a healthcare bill. He's not really a Republican. So my guess is, he's not as personally worked up over this as he is about some other things. Like Russia.
Oh gawd Russia again? Instead of reading myths why don't you comment on the shit Wasserman Schultz just pulled?
cause it's not trump related.

some are focused on trump. others are focused on all the bullshit DC does and gets away with. hard to have a valid convo between those 2 groups.
Yes...many on the Left have a laser focus on Trump, while ignoring everything else. Those kinds of people can generally be classified as "dupes for the establishment."

The focus today is #failureFriday, the GOP's colossal bed shitting over healthcare.
Doing away with that filthy ass Obamacare is not because of the Republicans. The great majority of them voted to stop the disaster.

It failed because of 46 shithead Democrats joined by two Independents that always vote with the nitwits Democrats.

McCain has always been a RINO just like those two dizzy broads that voted with him last night. They deserves to be ridiculed just like the Democrats.

The remedy to this problem is to stop electing Democrats and Republicans that run on a Conservative platform but always vote Liberal.

The Americans people kicked out 1,000 Liberals that supported Liberal policies like Obamacare and they elected a Republican Congress and President that ran on a platform to do away with Obamacare. The American people ar e the real losers in this deal.

The fate of the Republicans and Democrats that opposed doing away with Obamacare should be the same as those idiots back in 1994 that voted for the Assault Weapons Ban. They should be kicked out of office. .
A majority did not vote with them, it was 7 I believe but that's besides the point. At least with Senator Paul he had been voicing his concerns along the way. There were 6 who came out and said during the original vote around a week ago that they would not repeal and replace and with no real change in the bill how can we expect them to pass it? Yes they all campaigned on wanting to change it so they should stick to that promise but do we really want to vote them all out of office because then there is no way anything in Trump's agenda could get passed it barely gets past with a majority right now so how would that be better with more democrats?
We saw Trump attack two women Senators when they voted against him. He ranted & had a tissy fit & threatened their States.

Will the chickenshit little orange man attack John McCain? Will he threaten Arizona?

I'm betting not. Even with his cancer, John McCain can kick the dough boy Trump's ass - physically or mentally.
we've seen the left attack trump and throw hissy fits cause he won the election and they didn't like it... they threatened to blow up the white house, and his life daily.

but you like that, don't you? that's ok cause you don't like trump and in the end, that's the only thing that matters. the world - revolving around you.

I think the OP has a valid question mixed in with all the Trump insults. Will he go after a dying man? That wouldn't stop our President, but we'll see if the President even cares. It's over. He didn't care one way or the other what was in a healthcare bill. He's not really a Republican. So my guess is, he's not as personally worked up over this as he is about some other things. Like Russia.
Oh gawd Russia again? Instead of reading myths why don't you comment on the shit Wasserman Schultz just pulled?
I'm waiting to see what the investigations find out. If the Pres allows the investigations to proceed, that is. See if I ever joined in the bullshit chorus saying they're guilty of spying or collusion or anything else. My guess would be IF there's any ties to Russia that shouldn't be, it's got to do with financial dealings. But I don't know.
Deflection isn't going to save your guy.

From here on out, it matters little who is in power. There will be a continual poo throwing of talk of impeachment.

Since Clinton this has been going on. It's now in our DNA.
We saw Trump attack two women Senators when they voted against him. He ranted & had a tissy fit & threatened their States.

Will the chickenshit little orange man attack John McCain? Will he threaten Arizona?

I'm betting not. Even with his cancer, John McCain can kick the dough boy Trump's ass - physically or mentally.
I hope he does. I hope he picks up something and smacks him right in the head.

I enjoy posts like the above, when they're put into the perspective of the hundreds of RW'er posts we've seen over the years insisting that the GOP and conservatives are the ones tolerant and welcoming of differing opinions in their party.
we've seen the left attack trump and throw hissy fits cause he won the election and they didn't like it... they threatened to blow up the white house, and his life daily.

but you like that, don't you? that's ok cause you don't like trump and in the end, that's the only thing that matters. the world - revolving around you.

I think the OP has a valid question mixed in with all the Trump insults. Will he go after a dying man? That wouldn't stop our President, but we'll see if the President even cares. It's over. He didn't care one way or the other what was in a healthcare bill. He's not really a Republican. So my guess is, he's not as personally worked up over this as he is about some other things. Like Russia.
Oh gawd Russia again? Instead of reading myths why don't you comment on the shit Wasserman Schultz just pulled?
cause it's not trump related.

some are focused on trump. others are focused on all the bullshit DC does and gets away with. hard to have a valid convo between those 2 groups.
Yes...many on the Left have a laser focus on Trump, while ignoring everything else. Those kinds of people can generally be classified as "dupes for the establishment."

The focus today is #failureFriday, the GOP's colossal bed shitting over healthcare.
Fact is no matter what happens, your kind will cry and bitch about it saying how bad it is. No matter what happens, that is what you do.
Doing away with that filthy ass Obamacare is not because of the Republicans. The great majority of them voted to stop the disaster.

It failed because of 46 shithead Democrats joined by two Independents that always vote with the nitwits Democrats.

McCain has always been a RINO just like those two dizzy broads that voted with him last night. They deserves to be ridiculed just like the Democrats.

The remedy to this problem is to stop electing Democrats and Republicans that run on a Conservative platform but always vote Liberal.

The Americans people kicked out 1,000 Liberals that supported Liberal policies like Obamacare and they elected a Republican Congress and President that ran on a platform to do away with Obamacare. The American people ar e the real losers in this deal.

The fate of the Republicans and Democrats that opposed doing away with Obamacare should be the same as those idiots back in 1994 that voted for the Assault Weapons Ban. They should be kicked out of office. .

Go ahead....blame the Democrats
Democrats opposed repealing Obamacare from day one. Republicans could never expect support from the Dems, especially after eight years of obstructive GOP block voting

Republicans had the votes ....52 of them

Don't blame the Dems if Trumpcare was so shitty that even Republicans did not like it

Explain to hardcore Republicans why you failed to repeal Obamacare
We saw Trump attack two women Senators when they voted against him. He ranted & had a tissy fit & threatened their States.

Will the chickenshit little orange man attack John McCain? Will he threaten Arizona?

I'm betting not. Even with his cancer, John McCain can kick the dough boy Trump's ass - physically or mentally.
I hope he does. I hope he picks up something and smacks him right in the head.

I enjoy posts like the above, when they're put into the perspective of the hundreds of RW'er posts we've seen over the years insisting that the GOP and conservatives are the ones tolerant and welcoming of differing opinions in their party.
Saying what I did has nothing to do with tolerance. It has to do with wanting his face smacked. Tell us another lie.
Doing away with that filthy ass Obamacare is not because of the Republicans. The great majority of them voted to stop the disaster.

It failed because of 46 shithead Democrats joined by two Independents that always vote with the nitwits Democrats.

McCain has always been a RINO just like those two dizzy broads that voted with him last night. They deserves to be ridiculed just like the Democrats.

The remedy to this problem is to stop electing Democrats and Republicans that run on a Conservative platform but always vote Liberal.

The Americans people kicked out 1,000 Liberals that supported Liberal policies like Obamacare and they elected a Republican Congress and President that ran on a platform to do away with Obamacare. The American people ar e the real losers in this deal.

The fate of the Republicans and Democrats that opposed doing away with Obamacare should be the same as those idiots back in 1994 that voted for the Assault Weapons Ban. They should be kicked out of office. .

Go ahead....blame the Democrats
Democrats opposed repealing Obamacare from day one. Republicans could never expect support from the Dems, especially after eight years of obstructive GOP block voting

Republicans had the votes ....52 of them

Don't blame the Dems if Trumpcare was so shitty that even Republicans did not like it

Explain to hardcore Republicans why you failed to repeal Obamacare
What Trumpcare? Where is this at? I've seen no Trumpcare. What are you babbling about?
We saw Trump attack two women Senators when they voted against him. He ranted & had a tissy fit & threatened their States.

Will the chickenshit little orange man attack John McCain? Will he threaten Arizona?

I'm betting not. Even with his cancer, John McCain can kick the dough boy Trump's ass - physically or mentally.

McCain has made a career of sabotaging Republican agendas from within. Fuck him.
we've seen the left attack trump and throw hissy fits cause he won the election and they didn't like it... they threatened to blow up the white house, and his life daily.

but you like that, don't you? that's ok cause you don't like trump and in the end, that's the only thing that matters. the world - revolving around you.

I think the OP has a valid question mixed in with all the Trump insults. Will he go after a dying man? That wouldn't stop our President, but we'll see if the President even cares. It's over. He didn't care one way or the other what was in a healthcare bill. He's not really a Republican. So my guess is, he's not as personally worked up over this as he is about some other things. Like Russia.
Oh gawd Russia again? Instead of reading myths why don't you comment on the shit Wasserman Schultz just pulled?
cause it's not trump related.

some are focused on trump. others are focused on all the bullshit DC does and gets away with. hard to have a valid convo between those 2 groups.
Yes...many on the Left have a laser focus on Trump, while ignoring everything else. Those kinds of people can generally be classified as "dupes for the establishment."

The focus today is #failureFriday, the GOP's colossal bed shitting over healthcare.
I agree it was a huge failure but why do they keep trying to pass the exact same bill with no changes? Nobody is going to change their mind without amendments added to the bill, that's how politics works, so they should make the changes needed to get the votes and move on to the rest of Trump's agenda.
We saw Trump attack two women Senators when they voted against him. He ranted & had a tissy fit & threatened their States.

Will the chickenshit little orange man attack John McCain? Will he threaten Arizona?

I'm betting not. Even with his cancer, John McCain can kick the dough boy Trump's ass - physically or mentally.
I hope he does. I hope he picks up something and smacks him right in the head.

I enjoy posts like the above, when they're put into the perspective of the hundreds of RW'er posts we've seen over the years insisting that the GOP and conservatives are the ones tolerant and welcoming of differing opinions in their party.
Saying what I did has nothing to do with tolerance. It has to do with wanting his face smacked. Tell us another lie.

Being "tolerant" does not mean letting someone treat you like shit and not calling them on it.

Lefties play games with words and then attack you based on their bullshit.
We saw Trump attack two women Senators when they voted against him. He ranted & had a tissy fit & threatened their States.

Will the chickenshit little orange man attack John McCain? Will he threaten Arizona?

I'm betting not. Even with his cancer, John McCain can kick the dough boy Trump's ass - physically or mentally.
we've seen the left attack trump and throw hissy fits cause he won the election and they didn't like it... they threatened to blow up the white house, and his life daily.

but you like that, don't you? that's ok cause you don't like trump and in the end, that's the only thing that matters. the world - revolving around you.

I think the OP has a valid question mixed in with all the Trump insults. Will he go after a dying man? That wouldn't stop our President, but we'll see if the President even cares. It's over. He didn't care one way or the other what was in a healthcare bill. He's not really a Republican. So my guess is, he's not as personally worked up over this as he is about some other things. Like Russia.
Oh gawd Russia again? Instead of reading myths why don't you comment on the shit Wasserman Schultz just pulled?
I'm waiting to see what the investigations find out. If the Pres allows the investigations to proceed, that is. See if I ever joined in the bullshit chorus saying they're guilty of spying or collusion or anything else. My guess would be IF there's any ties to Russia that shouldn't be, it's got to do with financial dealings. But I don't know.
Deflection isn't going to save your guy.

From here on out, it matters little who is in power. There will be a continual poo throwing of talk of impeachment.

Since Clinton this has been going on. It's now in our DNA.
At this rate nothing will get done, I can't wait until Millenials and my Generation start running for public office and getting to watch them do nothing and screw this country even more.
We saw Trump attack two women Senators when they voted against him. He ranted & had a tissy fit & threatened their States.

Will the chickenshit little orange man attack John McCain? Will he threaten Arizona?

I'm betting not. Even with his cancer, John McCain can kick the dough boy Trump's ass - physically or mentally.
we've seen the left attack trump and throw hissy fits cause he won the election and they didn't like it... they threatened to blow up the white house, and his life daily.

but you like that, don't you? that's ok cause you don't like trump and in the end, that's the only thing that matters. the world - revolving around you.

I think the OP has a valid question mixed in with all the Trump insults. Will he go after a dying man? That wouldn't stop our President, but we'll see if the President even cares. It's over. He didn't care one way or the other what was in a healthcare bill. He's not really a Republican. So my guess is, he's not as personally worked up over this as he is about some other things. Like Russia.
Oh gawd Russia again? Instead of reading myths why don't you comment on the shit Wasserman Schultz just pulled?
I'm waiting to see what the investigations find out. If the Pres allows the investigations to proceed, that is. See if I ever joined in the bullshit chorus saying they're guilty of spying or collusion or anything else. My guess would be IF there's any ties to Russia that shouldn't be, it's got to do with financial dealings. But I don't know.
Deflection isn't going to save your guy.
and bullshit investigations are not going to take him down.

when i see you with the same anger for all who break laws - well that would be one hell of a day, wouldn't it?
It's almost as though our country wants another Watergate scandal or Monica Lewinsky scandal. Why would we want to tear this country down? I mean hell yeah it's flawed B but that doesn't Mean that we aren't still a world power and are tasked with helping the world out. If we are in self distruct mode then how can we prevent the world from doing the same by going into nuclear war?

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